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Ext. Amity main street – dayСодержание книги
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In the busy center of a town preparing for the big Fourth of July weekend, Brody wends his way around sidewalk activity, purpose and haste in each stride. As he turns a corner a little man in a white smock emerges from the Funeral Parlor.
This is Carl Santos, Amity's part-time coroner. Santos looks both ways before crossing Colonial Drive.
Brody passes Keisel's Bicycle Rental, navigating an awkward course through an odd assortment of Schwinns that line the sidewalk in front of a demolished white picket fence. Keisel intercepts Brody on the run.
KEISEL (he stares at Brody's face) Wait-a-minute. (stares some more) Glasses, right?
Brody nods yes, and starts to move away, but Keisel holds on to him.
KEISEL Look at those fences! Little guys about eight to ten years old. And look at this!
He holds up bicycle. The bicycle's spokes are bent and broken from some sort of blows.
KEISEL They did that with their bare hands.
BRODY Call me later in the day, okay, Harry?
Santos emerges with Ben Meadows, the stylish, late-thirties editor of the Amity Gazette. Together they cut a beeline for the other side of the street.
Past taverns and chowder shacks, past bleacher construction and July Fourth posters, Brody enters Hardware and Sporting Goods... so overstocked that beach umbrellas, aluminum deck chairs, and rainbow beach towels splash a surplus of color from the display window to the sidewalk.
The store proprietor is busy at work on an inventory list with a mainland delivery man.
LYNWOOD Stuff's no good to me in August when the Pilgrims come in June... (to Brody) Go on and help yourself to whatever you need, Chief. Can you work the register?
Brody emerges with enough poster-board, wooden stakes, nails, paint, and brushes to close every beach on the island. He starts back the way he came when Hendricks shoots up the street in the patrol jeep. He stops fast enough to call attention, leans out the window.
HENDRICKS Polly told me to tell you there's a scout troop in Avril Bay doing the mile swim for their Merit Badges. I couldn't call them in, there's no phone out there.
BRODY (hands him the sign material) Get out of there – take these back to the office and make up some 'Beach Closed' signs, and let Polly do the printing.
HENDRICKS What's the matter with my printing?
Revealing Larry Vaughn, the Mayor of Amity, exchanging anxieties with Ben Meadows and Coroner Santos and two other city Selectmen. They come out in a group, reach the sunlight, and squint down the street as Brody careens around the corner and out of sight. Deputy Hendricks, laden with his arts and crafts, passes them on the street front.
VAUGHN What have you got there, Lenny?
HENDRICKS We had a shark attack at South Chop this morning, Mayor. Fatal. Gotta batten down the beach.
Vaughn and group exchange horrified looks, but we get the impression it is not in response to the shark-attack news.
VAUGHN Who've you told this to, Lenny?
HENDRICKS I just found out about it -- but there's a bunch of Boy Scouts in the water a coupla miles down the coast from where we found the girl. Avril Bay, thereabouts. Chief went to dry them off.
VAUGHN (to Meadows) Take my car, okay? (to Hendricks) You come with us, Lenny.
HENDRICKS I've got all these signs here...
VAUGHN C'mon, it'll give us time to think about what they're going to say.
They all crowd into a Cadillac El Dorado with Vaughn Realty signs on the doors.
A flotilla of twenty exhausted Boy Scouts round a buoy that marks the official course. A rowboat with Scoutmaster using a bullhorn keeps pace, and urges the boys on.
SCOUTMASTER (bullhorn effect) Let's go, Robbie. You too, Hofner. Boyle, keep your head up. Alberts, keep kicking... (etc., ad lib)
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