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A crowd of angry men and women throng the central hallway, their voices a babble of confusion. Many of them are gathered around a roughly lettered notice that has been posted on the town's official bulletin board. It reads.
Vaughn and Brody are on the outskirts of the crowd, which includes Meadows, some selectmen, and others.
BRODY Look, I've got to talk to her. This isn't a contest we want the whole country entering.
MEADOWS I agree. If she's going to advertise, I wouldn't recommend out-of-town papers. Amity people could take care of this.
BRODY I'm responsible for public safety around here...
VAUGHN Then go out tomorrow and make sure no one gets hurt. (addressing the crowd) Everybody, could I have your attention? Since this affects all of us, I suggest we move into council chambers, where there's more room...
There is a flurry and a bustle as everyone rearranges themselves and makes their way into the Amity Selectmen's Council Chambers.
The crowd is thronging into the large room. Already in the room is a solitary figure, standing all the way in the rear, watching everyone as they enter. Against the back wall is a large blackboard used for town business during meetings.
VAUGHN Well, here we all are; anyone have any special questions?
DENHERDER Is that $3000 bounty on the shark in cash or check? (laughter from all)
VAUGHN That's private business between you brave fishermen and Mrs. Kintner. (to Brody) -- Chief --
BRODY (stepping in) I'd like to tell you what we're doing so far. These are some of the steps I've taken as Chief of Police...
MEADOWS (leading the direction of the discussion) What's going on with the beaches, Chief?
All react.
BRODY I'll get to that in a minute. First, I plan to start our seasonal summer help early, and to use shark spotters on beaches open to the sea. I'd like cooperation from local fishermen, and I've also contacted the Oceanographic Institute over on the mainland.
VAUGHN (Interrupting -- sotto voice to Brody) No need to involve outsiders in our business, Martin.
WOMAN Are you going to close the beaches?
BRODY Larry and I have also decided to close the beaches for a short time.
Pandemonium. A collective nerve has been touched.
VAUGHN Only 24 hours!
BRODY I didn't agree to that!
MRS. TAFT That official business could take all summer!
MR. KEISEL Maybe it's better to close.
Two opinions have been expressed, and the crowd takes sides vociferously, ad libbing assent or dissent depending on the point of view held forth.
MR. WISEMAN We should make sure there is no danger.
MR. HASSETT I didn't raise my kids to be some fish's lunch!
MRS. TAFT The motel is all I own -- you pull the plug on this town and I go down the drain with it.
MR. POSNER Nobody's seen a shark.
MR. POLK We'll lose business, we lose taxes, we lose our shirts!
He has just run his large, coarse fingernails over the blackboard. He is a large, rough man, a professional fisherman marked by daily physical toil, About 45 or 50, it's hard to
tell where the scars leave off and the wrinkles begin. There is a bit of the showman in him, as well as a bit of killer- whale.
QUINT (after taking a deep breath) You all know me. You know what I do for a living. I'll go out and get this bird for you. He's a bad one and it's not like goin' down the pond chasing blue-gills and tommy- cods. This is a fish that can swallow a man whole. A little shakin', a little tenderizing and down ya' go. (a look to Vaughn) You gotta get this fellow and get him quick. If you do, it'll bring a lot of tourist business just to see him and you've got your business back on a paying basis. (beat) A shark of that size is no pleasure and I value my neck at a hell of a lot more'n 3,000 bucks. (a deadly look) I'll find him for three. But I'll kill him for ten.
Crowd reaction.
QUINT (he rises up) The bastard is costing you more'n that every day. Do you wanna stay alive and annee up the ten or play it cheap and be on welfare next winter. (a final moment) I'm gonna kill this thing... just a matter of whether I do it now -- or at the end of summer.
VAUGHN Thank you very much, Mr. Quint, the Selectmen will take your offer under advisement
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