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Int. Brody's study at home - sunsetСодержание книги
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A riffly blur, color alternating with black and white. The dizziness stops on a book page showing a black and white rendering of eight species of shark. The banner at the top of the page reads: THE KNOWN AND REPUTED MANEATERS.
The riffling begins again, stops on a grizzly photograph of scar tissue on six former shark victims. Riffling -- stop.
Photograph of five Ichthyologists posing on wooden stools, framed by the enormous jaws of a prehistoric shark from the family Carcharodon charcharias.
his reading glasses reflecting a stack of twelve library books, all on the subject of sharks and shark attacks. The door opens and Ellen enters, quietly, in respect for Brody's mood.
ELLEN Can you stand something to eat?
BRODY Love a cup of tea. With lemon.
Ellen walks past Brody to the window and looks out the window which overlooks the south bay. It is the hour of dusk.
ELLEN Mikey loves his birthday present.
BRODY Where is he?
ELLEN (with a slight laugh) He's sitting in it.
Brody gets up, concerned, and joins her at the window.
ELLEN Honey. He has it tied up to the jetty with a double-knot.
Michael is sitting in the boat, but two of his young school chums are in the water, swimming around it. Brody opens the window and calls down:
BRODY Son! -- Out of the water now!
MICHAEL My boat's neat, dad!
BRODY (turning to Ellen) I want him out of the ocean.
ELLEN It's three feet deep, Martin
BRODY (angry now) Michael! Come inside!
ELLEN It's his birthday present, and you closed the beach, Honey. I told him not to go in the water after what happened yesterday. I don't believe he'll ever do it again.
BRODY I told him not to go out until he memorized the handbook and the safety safety regulations, until he was sure of himself...
Ellen's eyes drift down to the open book, which is displaying a reproduction of the famous painting "The Gulf Stream," showing a black fisherman in a small dinghy similar to Michael's being assaulted by the jaws of three man-eating sharks, circling his boat.
ELLEN You heard your father! Out right now!
Hendricks and another deputy are assisting Brody. Silhouettes of townspeople look on like mourners at a funeral.
In the background some workmen are taking down the shutters from a quaint summer cottage. They pause to watch the declining moments of the day.
Three Selectmen also stand watching. One of them seems to be whispering bounty news to three youngish men on a nearby dune.
Sounds: Surf and hammering.
Selectman Denherder and his buddy, Charlie, a professional angler, row towards a tumble-down jetty that leads fifty feet out into the black water.
DENHERDER You wanna call it a night after here?
CHARLIE It's only two-thirty. What, are you tired?
DENHERDER Yeah, Charlie, I got my second wind three nibbles back.
Denherder hefts a bloodstained laundry bag from the wheelbarrow, revealing about a hundred feet of coiled dog chain and a large patched inner tube. Charlie takes out a monster hook and together they push the wheelbarrow onto the rickety pier that is only about five feet across.
DENHERDER (reaching into the bag) Leg of lamb this time?
CHARLIE Screw lamb -- let's shoot the sirloin!
DENHERDER (a hyena laugh) We're blowin' half the bounty on bait --
The splintered pier sways to and fro as the men reach the end and start to work. Charlie baits the hook with a massive chunk of sirloin while Denherder secures the loose end of chain to a skinny piling. Charlie then fastens the inner tube to the chain five feet from the end of the hook.
DENHERDER One more after this, then I'm going home.
Denherder tugs the chain against the piling to prove that it is. Charlie heaves the bait. Splash! The inner tube follows and both men eagerly watch as it floats seaward, the chain playing out from the wheelbarrow.
CHARLIE Tide's taking it right out.
Charlie lights his pipe and sits back against a piling. He turns on his transistor radio and loops one end around a fractured board. Denherder paces, bored to death.
DENHERDER You do this all the time, right, Charlie?
CHARLIE Twenty years.
DENHERDER I can't believe that people pay money to go fishing. This is really dumb. This isn't even relaxing... it's just boring.
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