Ex. 1. Which words can you derive from the following? 

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Ex. 1. Which words can you derive from the following?

1) judge 2) weigh 3) betray 4) choose 5) action 6) define 7) exist 8) dismiss 9) desperate 10) pollute 11) solve 12) reduce 13) anticipate 14) predict 15) assume 16) negotiate 17) emphasize 18) decide 19) emerge 20) control, v


Ex.2. Complete each sentence using a word derivationally related to the word given in brackets:

1) Sometimes we make snap … that in retrospect seem wise. (judge)

2) We may be … by fate even if we carefully … the pros and cons. (betrayal, weight)

3) The homeless have no decent homes and are in … situations. (despair)

4) Sometimes choices are not clear and their results are …. (predict)

5) Before … makers reach conclusions, they try to … outcomes. (decide, anticipation)

6) If we want to save the lives of hostages, should be … with terrorists. (negotiations)

7) Choices … after information about problems and outcomes has been examined. (emergence)

8) Reducing acid rains requires costly … in … created from dying trees. (reduce, pollute)


Ex.3. Match the words to their definitions:

1) action 2) exist 3) dismiss 4) pollute 5) emerge 6) assume 7) define 8) solve 9) reduce 10) emphasis   a) to take upon yourself, to suppose; b) to come out from inside something; c) to live, to be; d) doing, a thing done; e) stress (usually in speech); f) to explain clearly, to state the boundary of something; g) to make dirty; h) to make smaller or lower; i) to find an answer to (a problem); j) to send away, to remove from job;


Ex.4. What is the English for:

1) бездеятельность

2) обвинение, иск, судебный процесс

3) дать определение

4) существовать, иметь место

5) увольнять (кого-либо за что-либо), распускать (организацию)

6) загрязнение окружающей среды

7) решение (вопроса)

8) уменьшать, понижать (налоги)

9) ударение, акцентирование внимания на чем-либо

10) стоять лицом к (чему-либо)

11) надзор, контроль

12) влияние, воздействие


Ex.5. Translate into English:

1) Часто определить проблему так же трудно, как и найти ее решение.

2) Руководитель не имеет права действовать безответственно.

3) В процессе поиска информации об интересующей нас проблеме мы можем столкнуться с другими проблемами, требующими решения.

4) Терроризм стал самой насущной проблемой современности. Как решить ее? Как обеспечить безопасность людям?

5) Тщательно исследуя проблему загрязнения окружающей среды и его влияния на здоровье людей, ученые привлекают к ней внимание общественности.


Ex.6. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations:

A 1) to make decisions 2) to have ramification 3) to weigh pros and cons 4) to be betrayed by fate 5) to put things off 6) to ignore problems 7) action/ inaction 8) decision/ nondecision В 1) decision-making process 2) to define (a problem) 3) to recognize 4) to exist 5) to search 6) to emerge (about choices) 7) to evaluate the effects 8) to anticipate the outcomes


Pre-reading Exercises


Ex. 1. Look at the heading of the text and predict the contents of it.


Ex. 2. Name some words and phrases you know related to the problem under discussion.


Ex. 3. Guess the meaning of the following words and word combinations:

impulsive decision, to make a snap judgment, ongoing choices, problem in the background, to take a closer look, to be vaguely aware, to establish the criteria, multiple goals.


Ex. 4. Give your own definitions of 'decision-making process', and its four major elements: 'problem definition', 'information search', 'choice' and 'evaluation'.


Ex. 5. Answer the following questions:

1) What decisions have strong impacts on our lives? Give examples of small decisions and the most significant ones.

2) What is the difference between good decision-making and good luck? Can we always rely on good luck? Can we be betrayed by fate?

3) What is the best way to make decisions: thinking hard or taking risks? Why?

4) What is the first step in decision-making process: problem-definition or information search? Why?

5) Does decision-making involve evaluating the effects? What is evaluation?


C. Reading


Ex. 1. Read the text for general information to complete the following statement:

1) The text deals with the problem of … and its four major elements: …

2) It is emphasized in the text that the first and the most important element in policy making is …

3) The next step is to learn more about the problem, and this learning is called …

4) As problems are defined and information about them is examined choices …

5) Decisions do not end with choices among alternatives; decision-making involves …



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