The tense distinctions of the gerund, like those of the participles and the infinitive, are not absolute but relative. 

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The tense distinctions of the gerund, like those of the participles and the infinitive, are not absolute but relative.


1. The Indefinite Gerund Active and Passive denotes an action simultaneous with the action expressed by the finite verb; depending on the tense form of the finite verb it may refer to the present, past or future, e.g.: He can swim for any number of hours without tiring. She walked on without turning her head. No one will pass in or out without being seen.

The Indefinite Gerund may also refer to the future when it depends on such verbs as to insist, to intend, to rely, etc. I intend going there tomorrow. I rely on his doing it properly.

2. The Perfect Gerund denotes an action prior to that of the finite verb. She denies having spoken with him. He was ashamed of having shown even the slightest irritation.

However, a prior action is not always expressed by a Perfect Gerund; in some cases we find an Indefinite Gerund. It depends on the lexical meaning of the main verb or a preposition suggesting priority.

Thus the Common (or Indefinite) Gerund is generally used after verbs of recollection, gratitude, blame, reproach, punishment and reward. I shall never forget taking this exam. I remember talking to him once. Thank you for helping me.

The Non-Perfect Gerund is to be found in gerundial phrases introduced by the prepositions on, after and without. On reaching the end of the street we turned towards the river. Mary, after reflecting a little, gave a long sigh.

The Perfect Gerund is used, however, to emphasise the priority. And all of sudden David remembered having heard the name before. He came back after having been away for about 10 years.


The Voice Distinctions of the Gerund

The gerund of transitive verbs has special forms for the active and the passive voice, e.g.: He liked neither reading aloud nor being read aloud to.

It should be observed that after the verbs to want, to need, to deserve, to require and the adjective worth the gerund is used in the Active Voice, though it is passive in meaning, e.g.: Your hair needs cutting. This room needs whitewashing. Your suggestion is worth talking over.

Verbs Followed Only by the Gerund

to admit to imagine to resent
to appreciate to mention to resist
to avoid to mind to risk
to deny to miss to suggest
to detest to postpone to understand
to enjoy to practise can’t help
to excuse to put off can’t stand
to fancy    

Verbs Followed either by the Gerund or the Infinitive

to be afraid to hate to propose
to begin to intend to recollect
to cease to like/dislike to remember
to continue to love to regret
can’t afford to need to start
can’t bear to neglect to stop
to dread to plan to try
to fear to prefer to want
to forget    

Gerund as a Prepositional Object after Monotransitive

Prepositional Verbs

to agree to to count on
to consist in to depend on
to hear of to rely on
to learn of to succeed in
to think of to look forward to
to persist in to object to
to boast of    

Gerund as a Prepositional Object after Ditransitive Verbs

to accuse smb. of to blame smb. for
to suspect smb. of to praise smb. for
to prevent smb. from to punish smb for
to stop smb from to sentence smb for
to assist smb. in to have no difficulty   in
to help smb. in to congratulate smb. on
to thank smb. for to remind smb. of


Gerund as a Prepositional Object after Adjectives and Statives

to be afraid of to be proud of
to be aware of to be sure of
to be conscious of to be responsible of
to be capable of to be sorry about
to be fond of to be keen on
to be ignorant of to be ashamed of


Gerund as a Prepositional Object after Participle II,


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