Training and Licensing of Attorneys in the USA 

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Training and Licensing of Attorneys in the USA



1. In the United States attorneys must generally have a four-year college degree and a degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) or approved by a state supreme court. Law schools do not require that applicants take an undergraduate law degree or to have completed specific courses. However, there are certain skills and areas of knowledge that the law school candidate should seek to develop. Necessary skills include critical thinking, problem solving, analytical reading, oral and written communication and general research skills.

2. Prospective law school candidates should also seek to gain a basic understanding in certain subjects. These areas include American history, political theory and the American political system, ethics and theories of justice, basic mathematics and accounting skills, economics, human behaviour and social interaction (found in psychology and sociology courses) and an awareness of international issues.

3. During law school all students take a variety of required courses covering a broad range of legal subjects. The first year is quite structured with compulsory courses such as civil procedure, constitutional law, contracts, criminal law and procedure, property law and torts. The first year may also include moot court exercises in which students argue cases against one another.

4. In addition, depending on a particular law school’s requirements, 30 to 60 percent of a student’s courses may be electives. Many students use their elective choices to begin preparing for a career specializing in a particular field of law.

5. For the majority of American law students, the JD (Juris Doctor) is the final degree; however, some go on to do an LLM, or Master of Laws, degree, which is usually a one-year program in a specialized subject such as taxation or intellectual property. There are also LLM programs specially designed for foreign students who would like to study a year abroad in an American university.

6. States require that law school graduates pass a bar examination and undergo a background check before becoming licensed attorneys. Each state has its own bar examination. Generally, state bar examiners require evidence of three qualities in exam candidates: sufficient general education at the undergraduate level; sufficient US legal education; and sufficient knowledge of local bar requirements. Many states give a standard six-hour multiple-choice examination on general subjects, and each state requires of examinees that they answer questions focused on the laws of the particular state. In addition to the state bar exam, almost all states also require the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE). The MBE covers general legal knowledge in areas such as contracts, torts, constitutional law, criminal law, evidence and real property.

7. Upon passing the bar examination, law school graduates become licensed attorneys who are permitted to handle various legal matters, from writing a simple will to conducting a jury trial in defense of a criminal defendant.

8. As far as the bar examination covers a lot of subjects, few students become specialists in particular areas of law while in law school. Instead, the jobs obtained by new attorneys largely determine what types of attorneys they will be. For example, if they are hired by a law firm that specializes in family law, they may become divorce lawyers.

9. The American lawyer, unlike the lawyers of the British and civil law systems, is qualified for all the professions in law. This means that the American lawyers may choose between many different careers. Some will work for corporations or businesses as salaried employees called corporate counsel, known informally as in-house counsel. Others will work for the government and in particular as public prosecutors in criminal matters. In private practice they work either as sole practitioners or in a law firm and are known as ‘attorneys at law’ or simply attorneys. Judges are usually chosen from members of the legal profession having several years of experience, as there is no school for judicial training. Lawyers may also become law professors or work in a legal aid society.


2.2.1. Слова из текста:

attorney – адвокат (дипломированныйюрист в США, имеющийразрешениеназанятиеадвокатскойпрактикой, консультированиепоюридическимвопросамипредставлениеинтересовсвоихклиентоввсудебныхинстанциях)

American Bar Association – Американская ассоциация адвокатов

critical thinking – критическое мышление

problem solving – способность решать проблему

analytical reading – способность анализировать тексты

research skills – навыки поиска информации

human behaviour – поведение и общение человека

social interaction – социальное взаимодействие

awareness of international issues – понимание международных проблем

subjects – дисциплины, учебные предметы

be quite structured with – почти полностью состоять из

electives – выбираемые студентом факультативные программы

Juris Doctor – доктор права (степень, присвоенная выпускнику юридического факультета высшего учебного заведения в США; является второй степенью и может служить аналогом LLM)

bar examination – экзамен при поступлении в коллегию адвокатов

undergo – подвергнуться

background check – проверка анкетных данных, проверка биографических данных

examiner – экзаменатор, эксперт

multiple-choice examination – письменный экзамен, в котором учащийся из нескольких ответов выбирает правильный

examinee – кандидат, проходящий испытание

multistate – общий для определенного количества штатов

will – завещание

obtained – получаемый

civil law system – система континентального (цивильного) права

salaried employee – наёмный работник, служащий на окладе

corporate counsel – юрисконсульт в штате компании

public prosecutor – прокурор, государственный обвинитель

legal aid society – объединение юристов для оказания помощи неимущим


2.2.2. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. How many years is it necessary to read law in American law schools?

2. Is the period of time for earning a bachelor degree in GB and the USA the same?

3. What agency should American law schools be accredited by?

4. What compulsory courses do American law students study?

5. What degree do American law students receive?

6. What does a typical state bar exam involve?

7. What is the role of electives within the syllabus of American law schools?

8. What requirements should the prospective American law school candidates satisfy?

9. Where may attorneys work?


2.3. Выразите согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя фразы для ведения дискуссии (Приложение 1):

1. A person wishing to become a solicitor must join one of the Inns of Court.

2. A solicitor usually receives a brief from a barrister in order to settle a client’s case out of court.

3. American lawyers

If a person in Great Britain has received a bachelor degree in law he is either a solicitor or barrister.

4. State bar examinations in America are unified throughout the country as far as they are conducted by the American Bar Association.

5. The Bar Professional Training Course is mandatory for all law students.

6. The LPC should be taken only in a full-time format.

7. Trainee solicitors must pay for apprenticeship.


Ключевые слова.

1) Просмотрите ключевые слова по теме «Legal Education».

2) Употребите 7 из них в самостоятельно составленных предложениях, используя материал тематического блока.

3) Будьте готовы прочитать свои предложения студентам группы так, чтобы они смогли на слух перевести их на русский язык.


ABA attorney bachelor degree in law barrister character trait code of professional ethics electives full-time course Inns of Court law firm law school law student lawyer legal education legal profession legal subjects LLB LLM part-time course puppilage solicitor state bar examination to be called to the Bar to draft legal documents to give legal advice to graduate to pass an examination to represent a client to specialize in trainee solicitor


2.5. Передайте основное содержание текстов на тему «Legal Education», используя типовые фразы из Приложения 2 и опираясь на следующие пункты плана:

– types of lawyers in England and Wales;

– stages of education and training of Barristers and solicitors;

– legal education in the USA;

– legal education in GB and the USA.

– licensing of attorneys in the USA.



Unit 3. Law and Its Sources. – Право и его источники



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