II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, подчеркните в них сложное дополнение. 

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II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, подчеркните в них сложное дополнение.

1. They didn’t want their case to be tried without a jury.

2. The witness heard the offender threaten the victim.

3. The doorbell made her jump.

4. The inspector ordered the prisoner to be questioned.

5. She saw the crowd break the line of policemen barring their way.

III. Перепишите и переведите предложения, подчеркните в них сложное подлежащее.

1. Judges in the lower courts are known to follow the decisions of judges in the higher court.

2. I happened to be out when he called.

3. His new job was believed to have marked a turning point in his career.

4. You are supposed to know the laws of your own country.

5. She appears to know everything about the English legal system.

IV. Перепишите предложения и их перевод на русский язык. Сравните формы причастия с их переводом. Определите формы и функции причастия в предложении.

Образец: Having answered the question the lawyer continued his speech.

Ответив на вопрос, юрист продолжил свою речь.

Perfect Active, обстоятельство.


1. Trying the case the judge came across a number of difficulties.

Рассматривая дело, судья столкнулся с рядом трудностей.

1. The judge trying the case came across a number of difficulties.

Судья, рассматривающий дело, столкнулся с рядом трудностей.

3. The case being tried by the city court now is of great interest.

Дело, рассматриваемое (которое рассматривается) сейчас судом, очень интересное.

4. Having tried the case the judge left the court.

Рассмотрев дело, судья ушёл из суда.

5. Having been tried the case was closed.

После того, как дело было рассмотрено, оно было закрыто.

6. This is the letter addressed to you.

Это письмо, адресованное вам.

V. Перепишите и переведите предложения, подчеркните в них причастия, определите их форму и функцию.

1. Investigating this serious crime the officer discovered a lot of important facts against that young man.

2. The officer investigating a criminal case must be very attentive at the crime scene.

3. The crime investigated was a very serious one.

4. Having established all the elements of the crime the investigator passed the case over to the court.

5. The police never found the money stolen in the robbery.

6. The document corrected cannot be accepted.


VI. Перепишите и переведите предложения, подчеркните в них объектный и субъектный причастные обороты.

1. The student didn’t hear the question repeated.

2. I was surprised to see my friends being carried off by the police.

3. He is said to have been sentenced to imprisonment.

4. The visitor was heard walking restlessly backward and forward.

5. When did you have your photo taken?

6. When he opened the window he heard the birds singing in the garden.

7. The tourists are expected to be met in the airport.



VII. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на самостоятельный причастный оборот.

1.England being a constitutional monarchy, the Queen of England is only a formal ruler.

2.The bridge having been swept away by the flood, the train was late.

3.The witness being present at the scene of the crime, the investigator interrogated him there.

4.The USA is divided into eleven judicial courts, each one being served with a Federal Court of Appeals.



Задание 3

Выполните письменно упражнения к тексту «Some General Principles of English Justice»

I. Переведите слова и выражения из текста.

a barrister, a solicitor, the accused, the accuser, to be innocent, to be guilty, to summon, to presume, a body


II. Подберите к каждому словосочетанию из левой колонки перевод из правой колонки. Выучите их.


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