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There are two kinds of lawyers in Great Britain – solicitors and barristers.

Solicitors are lawyers who take legal business for ordinary people. They give advice to non-professional clients, write legal letters, prepare all the necessary documents and carry on legal arguments outside Court.

If you get into trouble with the police, you will probably ask a solicitor to help prepare your defense and you can ask the solicitor to appear for you in a Magistrates’ court and to argue your case. Many problems are dealt with by a solicitor. He deals with petty crimes and some matrimonial matters in Magistrates’ Courts. He prepares the case and the evidence. In the civil action he can speak in the County Court. If you want to make a will the best man to advise you is a solicitor.

In the County Court the solicitor wears a black gown over his ordinary clothes.

Barristers are different from solicitors. Barristers are experts in the interpretation of the law. They are called in to advise on really difficult points. Barristers conduct cases in the higher courts. In a trial a barrister may be counsel for the plaintiff (counsel for the prosecution) or counsel for the defendant (counsel for the defence).

To qualify as a barrister you must pass the special legal exams and become a member of a legal corporation called “Inn of Court”

Barristers are either “jurors” or “King’s (Queen’s) Councils.” When a barrister becomes “a Queen’s Council” (Q.C.), he “takes silk”. It means that he can wear a silk gown.


Тема 2. Judge

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The primary job of a judge is to protect each person’s constitutional right to a fair trial.

The judge presides over a trial. He puts questions to the parties and witnesses, examines the documents and evidence.

He must make sure that attorneys follow the rules of evidence and trial procedure. In nonjury trials the judge must decide the outcome of the case. In jury trials the judge gives instructions to the jury as to the law involved in the case. In criminal cases judges sentence those who are convicted of committing a crime.

These duties require an extensive knowledge of the law. Besides judges must express themselves clearly and directly.

To become a judge you first must be a practicing attorney with years of experience.

Many judges are appointed for life, others are approved by a political party and elected. Lifetime appointments can be more secure than elected positions, but even appointed judges can be removed from office for behavior unbecoming a judge.


Тема 3. Private Investigator

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A private investigator does many kinds of work similar to the police.

He may be asked to locate a missing person, collect information about possible fraud cases, gather evidence for court cases or investigate the background of individuals.

Private investigators often use such equipment as tape-recorders, cameras or binoculars. They may have to dust for fingerprints or to collect samples to send to a laboratory for analysis. Sometimes they have to travel to gather information and evidence. An important part of private investigators’ job is interviewing people and writing reports of their findings. If a case goes to court they may spend a lot of time testifying.

To get a job of a private investigator you must have a bachelor’s degree and some experience. Besides you should have an analytical mind, a good imagination and communication skills and some personal qualities such as honesty and determination.

Private investigators must have a license to do their work. They are paid privately and their salary depends on the type of work involved.


- private investigator – частный детектив

- to locate a missing person – найти местонахождение пропавшего лица

- fraud case – дело о мошенничестве

- background of individuals – прошлое отдельных личностей

- to dust for fingerprints – снять отпечатки пальцев

- to collect samples – собирать образцы

- communication skills – уметь общаться (быть коммуникабельным)

- determination – решимость


Грамматический комментарий



SIMPLE to write to translate   1. I hardly ever write letters. 2. Alex often writes letters. 3. He usually translates business letters. 4. Do you translate letters? 5. Does he translate letters?     1. I wrote a letter to a friend yesterday. 2. When did you write to him? 3. When did he last write to you? 4. Why didn’t you write to him?   1. I think I’ll write to him one of these days. 2. He’ll probably write to me soon. 3. Just a moment! I’ll write it down.  
CONTITUOUS to be writing to be translating   1. What are you doing?” “I’m writing a letter.” 2. Alex is translating a letter, so he can’t talk to you just now. 3. Для выражения будущего действия. “What are you doing tonight?” “I’m going to the cinema.”     1. I was writing a letter when you came. 2. What were you doing when I came? 3. I wasn’t making any calls at five o’clock.   1. I’ll be waiting for you at exactly ten. 2. Will you be using your computer this afternoon?
PERFECT to have written to have translated   1. I’ve just written a letter to a friend. 2. Has he answered your letter yet?   1.I’d (had) written all the letters when you came. 2. He said he’d (had) already translated all the letters. употребляется сравнительно редко


Страдательный залог (Passive Voice)




Образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола “ to be ” в соответствующем времени и смыслового глагола в форме Participle II.

SIMPLE to be written to be translated   1. The mail isalways received after 10 o’clock. 2. New houses areusually built on the outskirts. 3. What is it made of? 4. He’s often invited to parties.     1. America was discovered by Columbus. 2. I was asked to wait another week. 3. When were those houses built?   1. I think the answer will be received one of these days. 2. When will the work be finished? 3. The problem won’t be solved soon.
CONTITUOUS to be being written to be being translated   1. The event’s being discussedeverywhere. 2.Are those houses still being built? 3. Why isn’t that lady being served?       1. The problem was still being discussed when the telephone rang. 2. Were those houses still being built when you visited the town last year?     не употребляется
PERFECT to have been written to have been translated   1. The documents have just been signed. 2.Has the doctor been sent for? 3. The problem hasn’t been solved yet.   1. All the necessary documents had been prepared before the discussion started. 2.Had all the tickets been sold out when you came to the booking office? 1. The construction of the factory will have been completed by the time you arrive.


Глагол в страдательном залоге обозначает действие, направленное на лицо (предмет), которое обозначается существительным (или другой частью речи), являющимся в предложении подлежащим. Исполнитель же действия либо не указывается совсем, либо обозначается другим существительным с предлогом “by”, стоящим после сказуемого.

Глагол в страдательном залоге переводится на русский язык:

1) глаголом «быть» с краткой формой причастия страдательного залога;

2) глаголом, оканчивающимся на -ся;

3) неопределенно-личной формой глагола (то есть глаголом в 3 лице множ. числа при отсутствии подлежащего);

4) глаголом в действительном залоге (при наличии исполнителя действия).


Пример: The case was considered last week (by the city court).

1. Дело было рассмотрено на прошлой неделе.

2. Дело рассматривалось на прошлой неделе.

3. Дело рассмотрели на прошлой неделе.

4. Дело рассмотрел суд на прошлой неделе.

(Дело было рассмотрено судом на прошлой неделе.)

Модальные глаголы

Modal Verbs


Модальные глаголы выражают не действие, а отношение к нему – возможность совершить действие, способность его совершения.


Can –мочь, уметь,


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