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Приготовление дезинфицирующих растворов различной концентрации Практические работы по географии для 6 класса Организация работы процедурного кабинета Изменения в неживой природе осенью Уборка процедурного кабинета Сольфеджио. Все правила по сольфеджио Балочные системы. Определение реакций опор и моментов защемления |
Put in the correct form of the verb “to be”. (Вставьте правильную форму глагола “to be”.)Содержание книги
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a) My grandmother _____ ill. b) He _____ thirsty. c) We _____ hungry. d) They _____ hot. e) The clock _____ late. f) I _____ angry with you. g) She _____ married. h) _____ you interested in music? i) I _____ not tired. j) She _____ afraid of snakes.
Write the numbers in English. (Напишите числа по-английски.) a) 4 b) 9 c) 11 d) 17 e) 26 f) 47 g) 52 h) 73 i) 135 j) 698
Unscramble the sentences. (Расставьте слова в предложениях по порядку.) a) OK are you? b) nice you is see to it. c) you later see! d) twenty we late minutes are. e) noon the at class is. f) past it six quarter is g) after comes Sunday Saturday. h) summer does rain it? i) wonderful weather the is! j) the year is month of January first the.
Put five types of questions to the following sentences. (Составьте пять типов вопросов к следующим предложениям.) a) My birthday is on the fifteenth of May. b) They are fifteen minutes early. c) We are pleased to meet you. Questions on the topic (Вопросы по теме) 1 What do you say when you meet a person for the first time? 2 Is your name Emily? 3 Spell your name, please. 4 Are you OK? 5 How are you? 6 Are you Russian? 7 When do your classes end? 8 What time do you go to bed? 9 What time do your classes start? 10 Say in English “12”, “26”, “58”, “139”, “1,563”, “5,000”, “2,000,000”. 11 What time is it now? 12 When do you have your day off? 13 Do you like the weather today? 14 What is your favorite weather? 15 Do you like when it is frosty and sunny? 16 What month is your birthday? 17 What season do you prefer? 18 What century is it now? 19 Are you afraid of lightning? 20 What year were you born in? 21 When do people in Russia usually have vacations? 22 What season does the snow melt? 23 Describe the weather in autumn. 24 Do you like to go to the countryside? Why? 25 Which month of the year is November? 26 Are you always the first in your studies? 27 Which day of the week do you like best? 28 When is your mother’s birthday? 29 Are you usually late? 30 How often do you go to the library?
II My family and I Unit 1 My family Read the following text and translate it into Russian. My Family I am Timur Baiburin. Baiburin is my surname. Timur is my first name. My friends call me Tima. I am 17 years old. I come from Yanaul district of Bashkortostan. My parents live there. I want to talk to you about me and my family. My father is the head of the family. His name is Azamat Baiburin. He is a car mechanic. My mother’s name is Fatima Baiburina. She is a nurse. I have a sister and a brother. My brother’s name is Radmir Baiburin. He is a student. He goes to high school. He likes animals very much. He wants to become a veterinarian, an animal doctor. My sister’s name is Gulnaz. She is a baby. She is only two. I have two grandmothers and one grandfather. They are very old, but they are very active in their social life. I love them very much. I have many relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews and nieces. I like them very much too. I am a student of the Bashkir State Agrarian University. I am happy to study here. I am a first year student in the Department of Economics. My father was also a student of the Bashkir State Agrarian University. My family is proud to be the students of BSAU. I live in the University hostel. My room-mates are always nice to me. We help each other in our homework. I go to see my family only on vacations. I miss them very much.
Pronunciation Listen and repeat [æ] a m, h a ppy, a nimal, a ctive, gr a ndmother, gr a ndfather [a:] au nt, f a ther, grandf a ther, dep ar tment [e] h ea d, h e lp, fr ie nd, par e nt, r e latives [o] c a ll, w a nt, t a lk, a lso, d o ctor, h o stel, econ o mics [Λ] c o me, o ther, l o ve, u ncle, m o ther, br o ther, c ou sin, bec o me [i] m e, m i ss, l i ve, ea ch, n ie ce, s i ster, d i str i ct [ə] anim a l, moth er, fath er, sist er, broth er [ə:] f ir st, n ur se, s ur name, homew or k, univ er sity [ei] b a by, st a te, vac a tion, room-m a te [ai] l i fe, l i ke, n i ce, h i gh [au] ou t, pr ou d, cl ou d [ou] o ld, o nly, h o mework [ju] st u dent, neph ew [ò] so c ial, vaca t ion [v] v ery, v acation, v eterinarian, ne ph ew [k] s ch ool, me ch anic [¶] th e, th ey, th em, mo th er, fa th er, bro th er, grandmo th er, grandfa th er
Oral exercises
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