II. Post subject and aims of the lesson. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


II. Post subject and aims of the lesson.


Our theme in our lesson is “Omar’s album

III.new lesson

Exercise 2 Read the text and mark new information. Practice the pronunciation of the new words

Exercise 8 Read the words and practise the pronunciation. Find them in the text (exercise 9).

кровь ------------ > blood

дышать breathe

без without

глубина depth

ряд row

ласточка swallow

Exercise 9Read the text and mark the new information.

Ocean world: whales

Whales are the biggest animals in the sea. They are much bigger than any animals on land. The largest whales are more than 30 meters long.

They live in water, but they are not fish. They have warm blood and they breathe air through a hole in the top of their head. They can stay under water about an hour without breathing.

There are two kinds of whales. One kind has a big mouth, 4 meters in depth. It eats other large sea animals. This kind in called a killer whale. The other kind of whale is much larger than the killer whale. It has no teeth, but has rows of bone in his mouth. They have a very small throat. They cannot swallow anything larger than an apple.


Exercise 7 Talk to your partner

Do you know anything about whales?

Do whales live in water?

Do they eat fish?

Can they stay under water long without breathing?

Have you ever heard about a killer whale?

Do whales have big mouths?

Do they drink water?

Do they sleep?


Exercise 10 Complete the diagram

VI.home task

Exercise 9

Teacher:___________ Date:_____________ Correction:_____________

7 form

Lesson plan#____

Theme: Omar’s album

Aims: Enrich the vocabulary of students on the theme of"whales and their types"

bring up respect for animals and nature

training communication skills

Methods: Conversation

Type: Fixation

Aids: Pictures

Lesson procedure:

I.Organization moment

А) greetings

II. Post subject of the lesson.

Our theme in our lesson is “Omar’s album


Exercise 11Read and find them in the text

Migration, breeding, edge, float, extinct, weigh, female

Exercise 12 Read and add some more information to the diagram

Do you know this?

Whales have skin. Their skin is gray or black in colour. Under the skin there is a lot of fat. This fat is used to make oil. The oil is used for many things such as making soap or burning in lamps.

Some whales have oil in their heads.

This oil is valuable.

From 114 to 228 liters of oil can be found in the head of some whales.

Grey whale

This whale is famous for its long migrations. Its main breeding area is off the coast of Mexico, but it spends the summer on the edge of the Arctic Ocean, about 10,000 km away.

Unlike most large whales, grey whales feed on the seabed.

Southern right whale

Right whales got their names because they swim slowly and float when they are dead. Over the centuries, so many have been killed that the northern right whale is almost extinct.

Whales give birth once every three or four years.

Blue whale

The blue whale is the largest animal that has ever lived. Some weigh more than 150 tones. Blue whales have huge mouths, j Females begin to breed when they are about ten years old. They j give birth once every two or three years. In the early 1900s, there were about 200,000 blue whales, now only about 12,000 a re left.

Exercise 13 Practise the pronunciation:

the Actic Ocean


the Caspian Sea

Exercise 14 Draw a picture of a whale and talk to your partner about your whale


IV.home task

Exercise 15





Усатые киты: 1 — гренландский кит (Balaena mystic etus); 2 — голубой кит (Balaenoptera musculus); 3 — финвал {Balaenoptera physalus); 4 — малый полосатик (Balaenoptera ас utorostrala); 5 — горбач (Megaptera novaeangliae); 6 — серый кит (EschrickUus gibbosus).

Зубатые киты: 7 — клюворыл (Ziphius cavirostris); 8 — северный берардиус (Berardius bairdi) 9 — высоколобый бутылконос (Hyperoodon ampullatus); 10 — иния (Inia geoffrensis); 11 — полосатая стенелла (Stenella caeruleoalbus); 12 — белобочка (Delphinus delphis), 13 — северный дельфин (Lissodelphis borealis); 14 — афалина (Tursiops truncalus); 15 — гребнезубый дельфин (Steno bredanensis); 16 — серый дельфин (Grampus griseus); 17 — чёрная косатка (Pseudorca crassidens); 18 — обыкновенная гринда (Globicephala melaena); 19 — косатка (Orcinus orсa), 20 — обыкновенная морская свинья (Phocoena phocoena).

. (Источник: «Биологический энциклопедический словарь.» Гл. ред. М. С. Гиляров; Редкол.: А. А. Бабаев, Г. Г. Винберг, Г. А. Заварзин и др. — 2-е изд., исправл. — М.: Сов. Энциклопедия, 1986.)


Theme: The Green World

Aims: enreach students’ vocabulary

bring up respect for animals and nature

training communication skills

Methods: question-answer

Type: Assimilation of new knowlage

Aids: pictures

Lesson procedure:


А) greetings


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