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Ханс в банке в кабинете ричарда. Прочтите, переведите. Кто кажется более заинтересованным в расширении бизнеса.Содержание книги
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Richard: Well, Mr. Gast, it’s an interesting idea, everything is very nicely presented, and you’ve obviously done your homework. Though some of your figures are perhaps a little on the optimistic side. And you appreciate the bank will need some kind of security for the loan? Hans: Naturally. But the only fixed asset I can offer you that’s of any real value is the truck. Richard: Yes, I thought you might say that. Loans can be secured on motor vehicles. Hans: I’ve found a dealer who will sell me a-brand-new one-and-a-half-ton refrigerated truck for ₤20,000. I thought that to be acceptable as security for a ₤15,000 loan. Richard: Hm. Do you see this road haulage business of yours starting to pay its way in a couple of years? Hans: Well – if we just stay with one truck, yes. Richard: Ah! So you might be looking to expand in a year or two. If you’re going to come back then to borrow more money, then obviously … Hans: To be honest, Mr. Price, I want to see how the first year goes before I commit myself – and I’m sure the bank feels the same way. Richard: I see. Well, I’m happy to approve your applicationfor a loan of ₤15,000, to be repaid over five years. You’ll receive a letter of confirmation and a formal offer from the bank in a few days’ time. Repayments will be monthly, by direct debit. But remember, our service doesn’t stop there. You have twelve months’ free banking – no bank charges – provided you stay in the bank, and the turnover on your account doesn’t exceed a ₤100,000 in the year. And when you’re ready to make your next move, you let me know. 3. Это письмо, которое Ричард Прайс отправляет Хансу. Прочитайте, заполните пропуски данными словами: amount charges confirm credit debit interest period repayable small sum terms turnover
Dear Mr. Gast APPLICATION FOR ______a______ BUSINESS LOAN Following our meeting on 17 October, I am glad to be able to ____b_____ the Bank’s offer of a Small Business Loan on the terms set out below. ____c____ of loan: ₤15,000 ____d____ of loan: five years from 1 November 1992 Rate of ____e____: 18.5% Special ____f____: interest only payments for first six months Monthly payments: ₤231.25 until May 2003 Thereafter ₤509.03 until 1 November 2007. The enclosed leaflet gives details of some of the Bank’s services to new businesses. No bank ____g___ will be made during the first year of operation, provided _____h_____ does not exceed ₤100,000 and the account remains in ____i___. If you will kindly check, complete and sign the acceptance form enclosed, we will arrange for the ___j____ of money shown above to be transferred to your account on 1 November. The loan will be ___k____ monthly over five years by direct ___l____. On behalf of the bank, I’d like to wish you every success in your enterprise. Yours sincerely Richard Price UNIT 4. 1. Запомните следующие слова, выражения и словосочетания: toexploitothersourcesoffinance – использовать другие финансовые источники governmentgrants – правительственные гранты taxholidays – временное освобождение начинающих бизнесменов от налоговых выплат tofinancepartofyourexpansioninternally – финансировать часть расходов на расширение бизнеса внутренними ресурсами фирмы goodprofit – хорошая прибыль collateral – дополнительная гарантия shareholders – акционеры short-termloan – краткосрочныйзаем repackageit – представить в другом виде
Ричард Прайс встречается с Хансом и Андреасом, чтобы сообщить им о решении банка. Почему банк отказал в заеме? RAISING CAPITAL. Richard: Briefly, gentlemen, the word from head office is that they have studied your proposals with great interest, but they feel you have not tried hard enough to exploit other sources of finance. Andreas: Other sources of finance? Richard: Well, this is a Development Area. I think they mean government grants. Hans: How can they say we’re not taking advantage of government help? We located our business in South Wales because of tax holidays, low business rates … Andreas: I’m really surprised at the attitude of your head office, because they must know that we would only qualify for a very small grant. We’re not creating many jobs, we’re not doing anything for the inner city… Richard: How about the European Regional Development Fund? Hans: We want two hundred thousand, not two million! Richard: Of course. Let me try regional head office again.
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