5. practical activity
6. periodic repetition
Завдання 5. Дайте вірні визначення наступним словам.
1. to lecture
| a) the science of weights and measures
| 2. abroad
| b) something carried out successfully
| 3. property
| c) in a foreign land
| 4. metrology
| d) to deliver a lecture or series of lectures
| 5. achievement
| e) a special quality belonging to something
| Завдання 6. Доповніть речення згідно з змістом тексту.
1. To continue his studies and research Mendeleyev ַַַַַַַַַ
2. The Table of Elements consists of ַַַַַַַַַ
3. The atomic weights of 9 elements (out of 63) were ַַַַַַַַַ
4. The elements are arranged in ַַַַַַַַַ
Ernest Rutherford was born in New Zealand where he lived up to 1895. At the age of 19 after finishing school he entered the only New Zealand University founded in 1870. At that time there were only 150 students and 7 professors there. At the university Ernest took great interest in physics and developed a magnetic detector of radio waves. However, he was absolutely uninterested in the practical applications of his discoveries.
In 1895 Rutherford went to Cambridge where he continued research under Thomson (1856—1940), the outstanding English physicist. There Rutherford studied the processes of ionization in gases and took great interest in the theory of radioactivity discovered by Becquerel (1852-1908), a world-known French physicist. For |