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Gorskaya — that was the beginning of the construction of a flood defence system that by 1990 will protect Leningrad from floods. In its more than 280 years of existence the city has had nearly 300 floods. Three of them, in 1777, 1824 and 1924 were catastrophic. Ever since the foundation of the city by Peter the Great in 1703 various schemes for its protection were offered by specialists. But only due to modern technology such a giant hydro-engineering project was made possible. The starting point was the adoption of the General Plan of Leningrad development (1966) which provided for the construction of a flood defence system. 52 scientific, designing and other organizations were working out this scheme for six years. How does the hydro-engineering complex look like? Eleven giant dams of rock and soil (each 8 metres high above mean sea level) cross the Gulf of Finland from Gorskaya in the north to Lomonosov in the south of the Gulf through Kotlin Island (Kronstadt Fortress). Along the length of the dams there are six spillways to let the water through in normal conditions. Ships will pass through two deep-water channels which are located on each side of the island, the 200 metres wide, southern channel will be the main. When a rise in the water level is forecast the whole automatic system will be put in action.1 The gates which are located over the spillways will go down to close the "windows" and the gates which slide along special rails on the bottom of the channels will come out of the dock chambers and bar the way to the sea wave. It will take only 30 minutes to perform all the operations. It should be said that the construction of such gates is a sort of revolution and has no analogy in modern world practice. Motor-car highway — 24.4 kilometres long and 35 metres wide — runs along the top of the dams and bridges over the spillways and twice it "dives" into the tunnels under the bottom of the channels. The length of the southern tunnel is some 2,000 metres and that of the northern one is 1,400 metres. The construction of the highway is paid great attention to 2 as according to 3 the General Plan for the development of Leningrad it is to become the outer part of the 150 km ring motor-road which will be built around the city.

nuclear power plant – атомна електростанція pipeline n – трубопровід reason n – причина store v – накопичувати Завдання 1. Дайте відповіді на запитання. 1. How great are the reserves of hydrogen? 2. Where can hydrogen be used? 3. What can be used to transport hydrogen over long distances? 4. What is the main way of obtaining hydrogen? 5. In what industries can hydrogen be used in future? Завдання 2.Заповніть пропуски, користуючись змістом тексту. 1. Scientists consider __________ a very promising energy source. 2. Hydrogen contains _____________ times more thermal energy than benzene. 3. Hydrogen is _____________ to transport and store. 4. Scientists have found many ______________ of producing hydrogen. 5. Now hydrogen is more _______________ than mineral fuels. Завдання 3.Доберіть відповідні англійські слова та словосполучення підкресленим українським.
1. джерело: a) reserve; b) resource;
  c) source; d) plant.
2. звичайний: a) promising; b) conventional;
  c) cheap; d) efficient.
3. сподіватися: a) to hope; b) represent;
  c) remain; d) resist.
4. паливо: a) oil; b) tide;
  c) way; d) fuel.
5. двигун: a) energy; b) engine;
The complex will allow to solve the problem of Leningrad protection from floods. Notes on the Text 1. to put in action — приводити у дію 2. to pay attention to — приділяти увагу 3. according to — згідно з Words to Be Learn adopt v — приймати bridge n — міст channel n — канал cross v —перетинати deep a — глибокий defence n — захист design n — креслення, конструкція flood n — повінь forecast n — передбачити v (forecast) —заснування foundation n — заснування level n — рівень locate v — розташуватися mean a — середній offer v — пропонувати pass v — проходити, проїджати perform v — виконувати выполнять protect v — захищати ограждать rise n — підйом; (rose; risen) — підніматися road n — шлях run (ran; run) v — бігти; працювати; sea n — море sort n — сорт, вид through prp — через, крізь various a — різноманітний wave n — хвиля

Hydrogen – source of power. Scientists consider hydrogen a very promising energy source. The reserves of hydrogen are practically unlimited. Per unit of weight it contains almost three times-more thermal energy than benzene. Besides, hydrogen can be used as fuel in transport, industry and home. Hydrogen is easy to transport and store. It can be transported over large distances using conventional pipelines. It can be accumulated and kept for a long time either in conventional or natural reservoirs. Scientists have found many ways of producing hydrogen – basically from ordinary water. And large volumes of this fuel can be obtained from coal, whose global reserves are tremendous. There is also an idea of using nuclear power plants to generate hydrogen. Scientists hope to use the energy of the sun, wind and tides to obtain hydrogen. In several countries car engines fed by hydrogen have been tested successfully. Tests have also shown that adding five to ten per cent hydrogen to benzene increases engine efficiency by 40-45 per cent. What is still holding back the use of hydrogen as fuel, and what has to be done in order to apply it extensively in the economy? The main reason is that now it is more expensive than mineral fuels, but in the near future hydrogen can be made cheaper to obtain. This new kind of energy opens up new prospects in aviation, metallurgy and some other industries. Words to be learnt add v – додати accumulate v – накопичувати consider v – рахувати engine n – двигун feed v – живити hold back (held) v – затримувати hope v – надіятися keep (kept) v - зберігати
way n — шлях, дорога wide a — широкий Завдання 1. Дайте відповіді на запитання. 1. How long were designers and engineers working at the scheme of the flood defence system? 2. What is the aim of this project? 3. Where is the giant dam located? 4. Where does the motor-car highway run? 5. Where are the tunnels for motor cars located? Завдання 2. Заповнить пропуски по тексту.
  1. The starting point was the adoption _______.
  2. The gates which are located over the spillways will go down _____.
  3. Motor car highway ________long and _______ metres wide.
  4. The complex will allow _____ of Leningrad protection from floods.
  5. When a rise in the water level is forecast the whole automatic system _____.
Завдання 3. Доберіть відповідні англійські слова та словосполучення до підкреслених українських.
1. розробити а) to work at; b) to work out;
  c) to work on; d) to paint.
2. продовжувати a) to develop; b) to work;
  c) to continue; d) to design.
3. проект a) project; b) plan;
  c) design; d) building.
4. бутирозташованим a) to be situated; b) to be located;
  c) to be found; d) to pass.
5. закривати a) to open; b) to close;
  c) to shut; d) to see.
Завдання 4. Перекладіть на українську мову та англійську

групи слів, користуючись текстом. А)1. вікно у Всесвіт; 2. розробити телескоп; 3. головний принцип; 4. відбите зображення; 5. понад рівнем моря. B)1. mirror’s area; 2. the highest degree of accuracy; 3. a candle flame; 4. a naked eye; 5. to solve problems; Завдання 5.Дайте вірні визначення наступним словам.
1. Telescope a) the successful finishing or gaining of something
2. Universe b) long instrument with lenses for making distant objects appear nearer and larger
3. Dome c) stick of wax containing a string, which gives light when it burns
4. Achievement d) rounded roof with a circular base
5. Candle e) all space and the matter which exists in it


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