Barbara looks up at the solution which is boiling oh the Bunsen burner.
The other student, David, is sitting at the table on the left near the window and is putting down the results of his experiments which he was carrying out from 11 to 12 a. m.5 Suddenly he raises his head and says:
"Hey, Barbara, what are you doing? Why is the room being filled with steam? Regulate the flame of the burner, please, or turn it off."
Barbara runs up to the burner. She turns off the tap of the burner and turns on the ventilators. The flame is being regulated; the powerful ventilators are being turned on. Little by little the air in the room is being purified.
Notes on the Text
1. Here is our chemical laboratory.— Вот наша хімічна лабораторія. (Тут має місце інверсія. Прислівник here набуває нове лексичне значення.)
2. bench— зд. лабораторний стіл
3. Bunsen burner— бунзенівський пальник; Bunsen, Robert — Роберт Бунзен, німецький фізик (1811—1899)
4. that is— тобто
5. from 11 to 12 a. m.— з 11до 12 години дня; а. m.— лат. ante meridiem — до полудня; р. m. — лат. post meridiem — післе полудня
Words to Be Learnt
boil v — кипіти
prepare for v — готуватися до
burner n — пальнік
call v — називати(ся)
purify v — очищати
carry out v — проводити
put down (put) v — записувати
colour n — колір
compound n —; хим. з’єднання
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