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Voicing of Fricatives in Proto-Germanic (Verner's Law)

Change illus­trated Examples
PIE PG Non-Germanic Germanic
  Early Late   old modern
P f>v L caput Gt haubiþ, O Sw huvud, G
      Icel haufoð, OE hēafod [v] Haupt, NE head
    L septern Gt sibun, OE seofon [v] G sieben, NE seven
t θ>ð,d O Ind Gt hund, O Icel G Hundert, Sw
    satam, hundrað, OE hundrade, NE
    R сто hund hundred
    L pater, Gt fadar [ð], O Icel G Vater, Sw fader,
    O Ind pitā faðir, OE fæder NE fаthеr
k x > γ, g L cunctāri O Icel hanga, OE han3ian Sw hänga, NE hang
    L socrus, R свекровь Gt swaíhro, OHG swigur, OE sweзer G Schwager
s s > z L auris, Gt auso, O Icel Sw öra, G Ohr,
    Lith ausis eyra, OE ēare NE ear
(Note: [z] inmany languages became [r]) Rhotacism.


Form-building means, synthetic and analytical languages.

Both PG and OG languages had a synthetic grammatical structure, which means that the relationshops between the parts of the sentence were shown by the forms of the words rather than their position or bi auxiliary words.

Synthetic means of form-building: inflective, suppletive, reduplication, vowel gradation, or ablaut.

Ablaut is an independent vowel interchange unconnected with any phonetic conditions. Ablaut was inherited by Germanic from ancient PG. The principal gradation series used in the IE languages – [e~o]- can be shown in Russian examples: нести - ноша. Qualitative and quantitative ablaut. In qualitative ablaut vowels differ only in their quality. Alteration of short and long vowels, and also alteration with zero represent quantitative ablaut. L. Lēgi ‘elected’ – lego ‘elect’, R. беру - сбор.

Gradation series in Gothic strong verbs.


Examples of Vowel Gradation in Gothic Strong Verbs


IE e o zero zero
PG e/i a zero zero
Principal forms infinitive Past sg Past pl Participle II
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 reisan кiusan bindan rais kaus band risum kusum bundum risans NE rise kusans choose bundans bind


Strong and weak verbs.

The terms were proposed by J.Grimm. The srong verbs built their proncipal forms with the help of root vowel interchanges plus certain grammatical endings. The week verbs are a specifically Germanic innovation, they built the Past Tense and the Participle II by insertiong the dental suffix between the root and the ending.

Simplification of word structure in late PG. Role of stem-suffixes in the formation of declensions.

Originally, in Early PG the word consisted of three main component parts: the root, the stem-suffix and the grammatical ending. In Late PG the old stem-suffix lost its derivational force and merged with other components of the word. The word was simplified: the three-morpheme structure was transformed into a two-morpheme structure: stem+grammaticacl ending. e.g. PG *fisk-a-z, Gt fisks (NE fish).

Most nouns and adjectives in PG, and also many verbs, had stem-forming suffixes; according to them they fell into groups or classes: a-stems, i-stems, ō-stems, etc. This grouping accounts for the formation of different declensions in nouns and adjectives, and for some differences in the conjugation of verbs.

Lecture 3.


Historical Background



1. Periodisation of the History of English.

2. Pre-Germanic Britain. Germanic settlement of Britain.

3. Writings in Old English. Old English alphabet and pronunciation.


Rastorgueva T.A. A History of English. M.,1983; M.,2005. - p.49-74.

Ilyish B. History of the English language. Л. 1972. – p 34-44.

Reznik R.V., Sorokina T.S., Reznik I.V. A History of the English Language. M., 2001. – p. 34-43.

Аракин В.Д. История английского языка. М., 1985. – с. 21-31.

Бруннер К. История английского языка. М., 2003. – Т.1, с. 11-108.

Иванова И.П., Чахоян Л.П., Беляева Т.М. История английского языка. СПб., 1998. с.7-18.

Смирницкий А.И. Древнеанглийский язык. М., 1998. – с. 22-60


Periodisation of the History of English.


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