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Exercise 2 Use Past Indefinite or Past Perfect↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 9 из 9 Содержание книги
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1.1 never …………… (to see) any pictures by Monet before I……….. (to visit) the Hermitage. 2. At last he ………….(to have) a chance to go to London. 1 He long………….. (to dream) of visiting Britain. 3. She ………….(to catch) a cold. She never …………(to catch) a cold before. 4. When I ……………(to graduate) from the University my elder brother …………(to work) at a foreign company for two years. 5. Though she …………(to learn) the language only for two years she ………..(to speak) it fairly well. 6. He …………(to travel) to many countries and …………(to know) a lot of interesting facts about them. 7. Yesterday I ………..(to find) the book I ………..(to look for) so long. 8. When we ………..(to enter) the house there ………..(to be) nobody in, but we …………(to have) a feeling that somebody …………..(to be) there because 1 the windows …………..(to be) open. 9. When he ………….(to meet) the lady, he …………(.to understand) that she …………(.not to be) so young as he …………(to expect). 10. By the time Caesar…………. (to approach) the shores of Britain the season ………….(to be) nearly over. Exercise 3. Use Present Perfect or Past Perfect): 1.I received a letter from Susan a few days ago. I ………..(not to I receive) letters from her since she left. 2. There are a lot of dirty I dishes. We ………….(not to wash up) since morning. 3.I telephoned her after I …………(to think over) her offer. 4. He gave up smoking after he …………(to smoke) for 20 years. 5. How long you …………(to be engaged) before 1 you got married? 6. We ………….(to be) here since 10 o'clock. 7. At last he……….. (to finish) iris book. He …………..(to write) it for ten years. 8. Howl long you …………..(to wait for) when the bus finally came? 9. We ………..(to finish) our test by that time. 11….. You………… (to finish) your work? 12.1 didn't want to see the film because I ……….(to see) it on TV. 13. We ……….(to wait) for an hour but they never came. 14. Since what time he ……….(to sleep)? 15. By the time he was twelve, he …………(to be able) to speak two foreign languages. 16. By the time the police came the robbers …………(to manage) to escape Exercise 4. Translate into English: 1. Когда он вошел в зал, фильм уже начался. 2. Он работал пять лет, прежде чем поступить в университет. 3. Сколько лет вы жили в центре до того, как переехали? 4. К концу семестра студенты написали две курсовые. 5. Когда мы вернулись с прогулки, хозяйка уже помыла посуду. 6. Я надеюсь, что к концу недели погода изменится к лучшему. 7. Я случайно встретилась вчера с ней на улице. Мы не виделись с детства. 8. Когда я \ дочитаю книгу, я расскажу тебе содержание. 9. Когда они пришли, мы уже обсудили все вопросы. 10. Они провели ряд переговоров, прежде чем подписать соглашение. 11. Когда начался дождь, мы уже добрались до дому. 12. Не беспокойтесь! Я просмотрю все эти письма к концу дня. 13. Он закончил писать свой доклад к шести часам. 14. Он перепробовал множество разных профессий, прежде чем стал известным писателем. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
FUTURE PERFECT Exercise 1. Use "had" or "will have": 1. When we came to the station the train………... left. 2. Her I friend... ……..waited for her till 5 o'clock and then left. 3. When II walked in Sam……..... left the room. 4. We……..... finished all preparations by the time the guests come. 5. He... ………had a terrible day and looked very tired. 6. We hope they........... landed safely in Paris I by that time. 7. She........... forgotten all about him by the time he returns. 8. The taxi............ arrived before we were ready, 9. At last I learnt what... …….happened to him. 10. When... ….you finished your paper at last? 11. By the end of last month they……... not completed the experiment yet. 12. She.............. left the house before you return. Exercise 2. Use "after," "when," "by," "by the time," "before," "until"; 1. My parents had eaten the dinner... …….I got home. 2. He 1 had been a worker... …….he became a businessman. 3. It will have..grown completely dark……... 8 o'clock. 4. Bill had already left…….. we got there. 5.... …..the guests had left I went to bed. 6........... she gets the letter, he will have been far away. 7. Where did your sister work.......... she had graduated from the Institute? 8. Her eyes were red ….... she had cried. 9. I had never seen any of Turner's paintings.......... I visited the art museum. 10.......... the end of next year her son will have finished school. 11. The train hadn't left yet…….. they came to the station. 12. Ann hadn't come to Paris... …….the end of May. 13.I went to the chemist's........ I had visited my sick friend. 14. Nick had studied French... …….he entered the University. 15. She hadn't been able to swim………. he taught her..
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