Pronouns (personal, possessive, refleXIVe) 

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Pronouns (personal, possessive, refleXIVe)


Student’s Workbook






Babkina T.V

Kim S.V.

Пояснительная записка

Настоящая рабочая тетрадь составлена в соответствии с Государственным образовательным стандартом базового уровня и требованиями к уровню подготовки специалистов средних профессиональных учебных заведений по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» и ориентирована на студентов колледжей, ранее изучавших английский язык.

Основная цель рабочей тетради – развить и автоматизировать навыки и умения правильно употреблять грамматические структуры как в устной, так и в письменной речи, предупредить и преодолеть типичные ошибки, возникающие вследствие интерференции родного языка.

Рабочая тетрадь базируется на тематическом, функционально-коммуникативном и дифференцирующем принципах. В связи с этим рабочая тетрадь состоит из ряда разделов, носящих тематический характер.

Последовательность упражнений внутри темы расположены в каждой главе по принципу нарастания сложности.

Рабочая тетрадь включает аналитические упражнения на идентификацию и дифференциацию грамматических явлений, тренировочные - на выработку автоматизма употребления изучаемых явлений, творческие – на использование их в речи в конкретных ситуациях, контролирующие – на перевод с русского языка на английский язык.

Мы стремились сделать упражнения информативными, содержательными, интересными для студентов и по возможности не слишком сложными по своему лексическому составу, с целью избежать дополнительных трудностей.

Мы надеемся, что данная рабочая тетрадь поможет нашим студентам более качественно овладеть английским языком.





Model: This is her book. — This book is hers.


1. This is my house. – _______________________________________

2. These are my dogs. – ______________________________________

3. This is his car. – __________________________________________

4. These are his sons. – ______________________________________

5. This is your room. – _______________________________________

6. These are your rooms. – ____________________________________

7. This is our office. – ________________________________________

8. These are our cups. – _______________________________________

9. This is their garden. – ______________________________________

10. These are their flowerbeds. – ________________________________


Exercise 5. Use reflexive pronouns:


1. It is easy to translate this text. I can do it....... 2. My brother is only three years old. But he can wash and dress...... 3. Who made such a beautiful dress? — I have made it....... 4. He...... can't believe that he took the first place. 5. You can make a cup of coffee for....... 6. Don't worry about us. We can take care of....... 7. Who told you they got married? — Helen....... 8. The taxi didn't come and we had to carry our heavy luggage....... 9. She looked at …... in the mirror and was satisfied. 10. She learnt English …….. 11. The knife is very sharp. Don't cut ….... 12. The play...... was interesting but the acting was poor.


Exercise 6. Use reflexive or personal pronouns:


1. He is very selfish. He only thinks of ….... 2. Look be­hind.......! You've dropped something. 3. When she came to...... she found...... on the hospital bed. 4. It was so dark that we could hardly see anything in front of …..... 5. Take care of …...! Don't work too hard. 6. I don't like anybody to do my work instead of....... 7. It's cold. Close the door behind....... 8. I always keep this dictionary in front of...... on my desk.



Exercise 1. Use demonstrative pronouns:

A. this, these, it, they

1. Take _____ bags into the kitchen. 2. I don’t like _____ music. 3. – Is _____ John’s? – Yes, _____ is. 4. – How much are _____glasses? – _____ are cheap. 5. _____ exercise is very easy. – No, _____ isn’t. _____’s difficult.

B. that, those, it, they

1. Is ____ your brother over there? 2. Look at _____beautiful flowers! 3. What is _____ in your bag? 4. Is _____ Ann’s house? Yes, ____ is. 5. Are _____boys your brothers? Yes, _____are. 6. How much is _____hi-fi? _____ is $350. 7. Do you like _____shrimps? No, I don’t. _____ are horrible.


Exercise 2. Make one sentence from two. Use who/that/which.

Model: A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital.- The girl, who was injured in the accident, is now in hospital.


1. A man answered the phone. He told me you were away. – The man, _________________

2. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient. – The ___________________

3. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt. – The__________________

4. Some people were arrested. They have now been released. – The ___________________

5. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour. – The ___________________________



Exercise 1. Form ordinal numerals:


one eighteen one hundred

two twenty-four nine hundred and nine

three fifty-five two thousand

six seventy-one twenty-three


Exercise 2. Read the following:


a) numbers: 6; 73; 38; 17; 13; 12; 0; 101; 152; 1,045; 6,671; 9 854; 87 432; 80 400; 329 645; 110,536; 13 614 200;

b) dates: June 1, 1905; May 9, 1945; July 2,1800; February 4, 1995; October 3, 1101; September 30, 1445; March 30, 2000; 300 AD; 45 ВС;

c) time: 3:10; 4:15; 5:45; 12:00; 1:30; 7:40; 2:05; 8:15; 4:00;

d) titles:Henry VII, Elizabeth II, James I, Charles V, Louis XII, Edward VII, Peter I, CatherineII;

e) telephone numbers: 213-66-01,421-57-83, 221-00-74, 971-24-50,426-11-44,157-18-20, 322-35-04;

f) phrases: exercise 5, page 312, bus 102, room 203, text 6, tram 17, lecture room 9, chapter 12, line 13, box 481.


Exercise 3. Translate into English:


1. В этой школе 700 учеников._______________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________2. В спортивных со­ревнованиях приняли участие сотни учащихся. _________________
_____________________________________________________________________________3. Ты­сячи людей пришли на митинг. __________________________________________
4. На этом предприятии работает 2000 рабочих. ___________________________________
5. Эту программу смотрели мил­лионы телезрителей. _____________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________6. Население Москвы — более де­сяти миллионов человек. ______________________
_____________________________________________________________________________7. Георг V был двоюродным братом Николая II. __________________________________
8. Ты можешь позвонить мне по те­лефону 246-00-17 с десяти до пяти. ________________
_____________________________________________________________________________9. Платье стоит 245 рублей. _________________________________________________
10. Дом был построен в XIX веке.________________________________________________

1. Новый закон вступил в силу с 1 января 1998 года. ____________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________2. Вы можете мне писать по адресу: Мичиган, 49911, Северная улица, 115. ____________
_____________________________________________________________________________3. Берта родилась 26 сентября 1975 года в Ноттингеме. ________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________4. Группа выезжает в Египет 24 ию­ня 1998 года, а вернется 15 июля 1998 года. ________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Позвони мне до без четверти три. __________________________________________
6. Когда будильник позвонил в 5.30, я с трудом открыла глаза. ______________________
_____________________________________________________________________________7. Вручите эти цветы леди Уильяме 7 мая ровно в час дня. __________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________8. Премьер-ми­нистр Британии живет по адресу: Даунинг-Стрит, дом 10. ______________
_____________________________________________________________________________9. Лекция по истории состоится в 11-й аудитории. ________________________________
10. Этот пример можешь найти на 17-й странице. ________________________________
11. Многие до сих пор пишут Шерлоку Холмсу по ад­ресу: Лондон, Бейкер-Стрит, 221В.__
_____________________________________________________________________________ 12. 1-й и 12-й троллейбусы ходят в центр. _______________________________________
13. Дом стоил 10 миллионов рублей. ___________________________________________
14. Она получает каждый день сотни писем. _____________________________________
15. Яйца продаются дюжинами. _______________________________________________
16. Разменяйте мне, по­жалуйста, сто долларов десятками. ____________________________



Exercise 1. Make the following nouns plural:


Family - ____________, woman - ___________, duck - ____________, lake - ___________, photo - ____________, quiz - ____________, tomato - _____________, play - ____________, sheep - ___________, uncle - ____________, pony - ____________, leaf - _____________, belief - ___________, face___________, postman - ______________, toy - ____________, tooth - __________, kerchief - ______________, mouse - _________, child - _____________, umbrella - ______________, curriculum - ________________, magazine - ______________, knife - _________, life - __________, path - __________, class - _________, roof - ______, grass - __________, cup - ________, city - __________, phenomenon - ________________.


mother-in-law - _______________, butterfly - ____________, reading room - ______________, standard lamp - ________________, inkpot - ___________, tape recorder - ________________, son-in-law - ________________, exercise book - _______________, suitcase - _____________, blackbird - ____________, passer-by - ______________, ex-president - __________________.



Exercise 1. Use articles where necessary:


1.... London is... capital of... Great Britain,... full name of which is... United Kingdom of... Great Britain and... Northern Ireland. 2.... Volga is... fabulous river. 3. They used to spend their summer holidays on... Black Sea coast in... Crimea. 4. Many European adventurers crossed... Atlantic Ocean in... search of... riches on... American continent prior to... Columbus. 5.... Gorki Street was renamed into... Tverskaya Street. 6.... Red Square and... Kremlin are... heart of... capital. 7.... London was founded in... 1st century ВС by... Julius Caesar. 8.... St. Petersburg was founded on... banks of... Neva by Peter... Great. 9.... Johnsons are our next-door neighbours. 10.... Canada is situated in... northern part of... North America. 11. Beyond lay... Smoky Mountains. 12. We left for... East on the following morning. 13. We came to... Ohio River after that. 14. They passed many coal mines on... way. 15. We crossed... historic Delaware River at... Trenton. 16. He arrived in... New York on... very rainy day. 17. The Mannings went through... Blue Ridge Mountains on their trip. 18. She spent several hours at... Bronx Zoo on... Monday. 19. They took... wonderful boat ride around... Manhattan on... last day of their visit. 20.... Dr. Rebecca Richards is our dentist. 21.... Lions donated... money for... new park. 22. You could buy... Picasso for £300 in those days. 23. I'm reading... Agatha Christie at... moment. 24.... Lady Diana's wedding dress was very beautiful. 25.... Sir Michael has made it very clear. 26.... Ryan gave... Sunday Tribune to his father.


Exercise 2. Use articles where necessary:


1.... room 25 is on... 3d floor. 2.... lecture begins at... 9 o'clock in... morning. 3.... 5 o'clock tea is... tradition in England. 4. Open... textbook on... page 20 and look at... picture at... top of... page. 5.... February is... shortest month of... year. 6. He read... story from... beginning to... end. 7.... new year begins on... 1st of... January. 8. She is in... 10th year at... school and her brother is... 3d year student at... university. 9.... number 10, Downing Street is... residence of... British Prime Minister.


1.... fish is more useful than... meat. 2. Don't drink... milk, it is very cold. 3.... water in... river is quite warm this summer. 4. Can you bake... bread? 5.... bread isn't enough for... three of us. 6.I take... coffee with... sugar. 7.... English like to drink... tea with... milk. 8.... man can't live without... air. 9. There was... smell of... spring in... air. 10. You married her not for... love but for... money.


1.... primitive man was... slave to... nature. 2. I want you to tell... truth. 3. Can I see... picture,... one he gave you... minute ago. 4. It cost her... hundred and... fifty pounds. 5.... lecture lasts... hour and... half. 6. We called them once, then... second and... third time and thought we had dialed... wrong number. 7. There are... few points I'd like to clear up. 8.... number of... 1st year students has significantly increased this year. 9. He decided to spend... few pounds he had on... books. 10. There's... little juice in the bottle, you can drink it. 11. "Well, is... wrong side... left side or is... wrong side... right side? Because I got out on... right side, so how can it be wrong?" asked Michael. 12.... hour passed,... second hour passed. 13. Mr. Kelada was chatty. He discussed... plays,... pictures,... politics.


1. What... fine day! 2. What is... date today? 3. What... day is it today? 4. What... beautiful weather we are having today! 5. What... warm welcome they showed. 6. Look, what... lovely present I've received. 7. What's... news?


Exercise 3. Use articles where necessary:


Do you know that

1.... London stands on... Thames;

2.... population of... Britain is... 57 million;

3.... Romans came to... Britain in... first century ВС;

4.... Labour Party is in... power in... UK now;

5.... Queen Elizabeth... Second became... British monarch on... 6 February, 1952;

6.... Queen Mother is one of... most popular members of... Royal family;

7.... English is not... only language spoken in... Great Britain;

8.... national flag of... UK is... Union Jack;

9.... Caledonia,... Cambria and... Hibernia were... Roman names for... Scotland, Wales and Ireland respectively;

10.... English eat... dinner at... 6 or 7 o'clock in... evening.


Exercise 4. Read the texts. Use articles where necessary:


Nobody in... village would go near... crossroads after... midnight. Everybody said... place was haunted.... people said there was... white figure of... horrible one-eyed woman with... big black cat. One night Tom and Nick were in... village pub having... drink. They were talking about... ghost at... crossroads. Tom said he didn't believe in... ghosts and could go to... crossroads after... midnight by himself.

So... two men agreed to meet at... midnight at... crossroads. Tom wanted to play... trick on Nick. He came to... place earlier. He covered his face with... flour, sat down on... big stone and waited.

It was... very dark night. As... village clock struck twelve, Tom saw Nick coming down... road. When Nick came near... stone and saw... white figure of Tom, he ran off down... road screaming, "I've seen... ghost!"

... next day Tom went down to... Nick's house. Nick was in... kitchen. He had locked all... doors and... windows. He had... shotgun on... table. He had not slept... whole night.

When Tom asked him what... matter was, Nick said he had seen... ghost. Tom laughed and said that... figure on... stone was he. Now Nick decided to play... trick on Tom. He said that he had recognized Tom but there was... one-eyed woman with... big black cat right behind... stone. Tom went white. (After Chris Culchaw. "The Ghost at the Crossroads ")


Chaplin entertained me. He was by... profession... mining engineer and perhaps it was characteristic of him that he had settled in... place where his professional... attainments were of no possible... value. It was however generally reported that he was... extremely clever mining engineer. He was... small man, neither fat nor thin, with... black hair, scanty on the crown, turning grey, and... small, untidy moustache; his face partly from... sun and partly from... liquor, was very red. He was but... figurehead, for... hotel, though so grandly named but... frame building of two stories, was managed by his wife,... tall, gaunt Australian of five-and-forty, with... imposing presence and... determined air,... little man, excitable and often tipsy, was terrified of her and... stranger soon heard of... domestic quarrels in which she used her fist and her foot in order to keep him in... subjection. (After S. Maugham. "The Pool")


Exercise 1. Agree with the following statements using "there is/are":





Trouble in Norton Mining

The entire workforce of Norton Mining has gone (on / in) strike following a serious accident at the mine in Coolooma. The cause (for / of) the accident is unclear, but the union is blaming management attitudes (on / to) safety regulations. A spokesperson said, “Damage (of / to) equipment was frequently ignored and union demands (for / of) safer working practices were rejected. The managers’ relationship (with / to) the union was very poor, so although we pointed out that there’d been a rise (of / in)the number of minor accidents over the past year, they said there was no need (for / of) a change in working practice”.

John Norton, the chairman of Norton Mining, is away (on / in) a business trip. His secretary said she has spoken to him (by / on) the phone. The news of accident had come (like / as) a great shock to him, she added. She was unable to say when he would be back.

It is understood that the police would like to speak to Mr. Norton in connection (with / to) a number of his financial dealings.





Exercise 1. Determine the meaning of the modal verbs "can," "could," "may", "might "and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Carol саn speak three foreign languages. 2. If you don't 1 take your umbrella, you can get wet through. 3. Could v ou help me with my translation? 4. What can I do for you?

5. When Bob was a child h e could play the piano wonderfully. Could I use your car tonight? 7. You could call your mother and ask for the money if you haven't got any. 8.1 can't drink my tea, it's too hot. 9. Can he still be at the office? 10. It can't be true. 11. You may take a day off whenever you like. 12. If convicted, an accused person may appeal to the court. 13. May I have my test on Tuesday? 14. You may not enter the house 1 unless you have a permission. 15. Jim said he might go home for the vacation. 16. They might come, but I'm not sure. 17. It mav be still raining. 18. He might be sick. He ate far too much last night. 19. Might I ask your advice? 20. The sky is dark it; might rain this afternoon.

Exercise 2. Use "can,*' "may," "must":

1. The man...... be a foreigner. He...... not understand Russian. 2.... ….you believe her story? It........ be her imagination. 3. How….... we get to the centre of London? 4.......... you tell us where we... ……get off? 5. It's 10 o'clock, you......... go to bed at once. 6.I…... not do without your help now. 7. You... ……get her on the phone any time. 8. If you go through the forest you........ lose your way. 9…...... I use your camera? 10. Flue....... be very dangerous. 11. The road was dirty, you....... wipe your feet when you come in. 12. Mrs. Smith……. be at least 60. 13. Something........ be done to stop the criminal. 14.I....... leave now, I have a seminar. 15. ….... you understand what he's speaking about? 16. I... …..admit he's very capable. 17. I …… hear some voices outside. 18. You........ come a little later tomorrow. 19. She........ not be 35, she has grandchildren. 20. She....... be very unreasonable at times. 21.......... I apologize to him? 22. You …….. go and play now. 23. They've bought such an expensive house. They... … very well-off. 24.1 wonder what they....... think of the girl now. 25....... you speak Spanish? 26. My watch....... be two minutes fast. It........ be 6 sharp now.

Exercise 3. Make a suggestion to your friend using the model:

Model: J don't have any money. — You can (can could) ask your father for some.

1. I am hungry. ______________________________________________________________

2. I don't know what to do with my girlfriend.____________________________________________________________________

3. We have no food in the house._________________________________________________ 4.1 don't like black coffee._______________________________________________________

5. Our TV set is out of order.____________________________________________________

6. This car is very expensive.____________________________________________________

7. Mary speaks excellent English._________________________________________________

8. I'm bored. _________________________________________________________________

9. I'm tired of my job. _________________________________________________________

10. I don't understand this word. _________________________________________________

Exercise 4. Determine the meaning of the modal verbs "must,' "have to," "should," "ought to" and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. You must tell me the truth. 2. Must I go and see the dean now? 3. The children mustn't stay outside by them­selves. 4. It's 7 o'clock, they must be at home now. 5. Sol­diers must obey orders. 6. You must feel hungry. 7. Somebody has to take the responsibility for the accident. 8. I've got to do some shopping today. 9. He had to earn his living when he was 15. 10. Do we have to stay in town the whole summer? 11. You don't have to answer my question if you don't want to. 12. Students should be well prepared for every class. 13. You've eaten too much ice cream, vo u should have a sore throat. 14. Teenagers shouldn't drink alcohol. 15. If you're not feeling well you should stay in bed. 16. You should 1 stop driving so fast. 17. Do you think Paul ought to see a doctor? 18. The pills ought to be in a safe place. You oughtn't to eat cakes, you're putting on weight. Parents ought to take care of their small children.

Exercise 5. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

1. You have to get a foreign passport to go abroad.


2. He had to go to a police station. __________________________________________________


3. We'll have to take four entrance exams.____________________________________________


4. He has to leave tonight, he got a telegram from home. ________________________________


5. If we miss the last bus, we'll have to walk. ________________________________________


6. Our schoolchildren no longer have to wear a uniform. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. I have to take my test a second time _____________________________________________


8. We had to change \ trains twice to get here. ________________________________________


9. The parents had to work hard to pay for their son's education.



10. You have to pay for the rooms now. ____________________________________________


Exercise 6. Make up disjunctive questions:

1. You have to trust facts…… 2. We could meet with an accident…….. 3. They don't have to change trains……….. 4. Everybody must know at least one foreign language…….. 5. You can share your experience with us………. 6. Small children are not allowed here…….. 7. She could buy flowers…………. 8. We had to call at the shop and buy some food for the picnic……… 9. You must form your own opinion about it………. 10.1 shouldn't tell the truth……… 11. You can speak French and Italian…….. 12. They couldn't leave for Rome yesterday………

Models: You/бросить курить

You should give up smoking. Нe работать по ночам

He shouldn't work at night.

1. You (he, she) читать книги в оригинале

делать зарядку каждый день

лежать в постели, если больна

переходить улицу осторожно

ложиться спать вовремя

гасить свет, когда выходишь из комнаты

знать свои обязанности

купить билеты заранее

помочь ей, если она не справляется

сходить к врачу

предупредить нас заранее

отказаться от дурных привычек

2. You (he, she) одеваться так ярко

есть так много шоколада

плакать из-за пустяков

задавать глупые вопросы

опаздывать на занятия

разговаривать с ней таким тоном

спать на занятиях

ломать игрушки

разговаривать так долго по телефону

брать мои вещи

читать в постели

спать до десяти утра

ездить с такой скоростью

нарушать правила уличного движения

тратить время зря

Exercise 15. Translate into English using modal verbs:


1. Ты умеешь печатать? 2. Я не могу вспомнить имя автора романа. 3. — Можно взять твой учебник? — Нет, мне он нужен. Я завтра должна делать доклад. 4. Може­те спросить их об этом сами. 5. Возможно, вы правы. 6. Погода изменилась, и нам пришлось вернуться из от­пуска раньше. 7. Какое счастье, что завтра воскресенье, не надо рано вставать. 8. Вам необходимо высту­пить на собрании. Кто-то должен высказать нашу точку зрения. 9. — Нам надо сдавать сочинение сегодня? — Не обязательно. Но если оно готово, можете сдать его сегодня. 10. Можете не беспокоиться о билетах. Я куп­лю их. 11. Я не умею шить и вязать. 12. Ты могла бы обратиться к нему за помощью. Я уверена, он поможет. 13. Неужели уже 7 часов? Еще светло. 14. Детям не следует смотреть ночные телепрограммы. 15. Может быть, я ошибаюсь, но мне кажется, это он. 16. Мы так устали, что с трудом двигались. 17. Наверное, очень! трудно быть учителем. 18. — Кто это может быть? — Это может быть кто угодно. 19. — Где Коля? — Он, наверное, ждет нас на остановке. 20. Мы должны были ехать в Италию в начале года, но не смогли.




Exercise 1 Read and translate the following verbs in the 3d person singular, Present Indefinite:

writes, reads, gets, has, takes, gives, brushes, washes, cleans, dreams, thinks, plays, hates, happens, ends, finishes, turns, asks, answers, drives, publishes, tries, appears, watches, sees, looks, verifies, hurries, lends, borrows, decides, awakens, wakes, leaves, sits, stands, cries, kills, receives, matches, fixes, repairs, learns, dresses, chooses, wins, loses, teaches, studies, keeps, remembers, earns, wears, begins, attends, follows, enjoys, returns, reduces, understands, helps, speaks, kisses, enters, drops, checks, makes, misses.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions:

1. What does a student do? __________________________________________________

2. What do teachers do? __________________________________________________

3. What does a typist do? __________________________________________________

4. What do singers do? ___________________________________________________

5. What does a painter do? ___________________________________________________

6. What do writers do? ___________________________________________________

7. What does a cook do? ___________________________________________________

8. What do dancers do? ___________________________________________________

9. What does a driver do? ___________________________________________________

10. What do actors do? ____________________________________________________

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences according to the model: Model: She doesn 't know French. (Russian)She knows Russian.

1. He doesn't drive a car. (a lorry) _____________________________________________________

2. She doesn't start her work at 10:00. (9:00) ____________________________________________

3. He doesn't drink tea in the morning, (coffee) _________________________________________

4. She doesn't like pears, (apples) __________________________________________________

5. She doesn't wear short dresses, (long dresses) _______________________________________

6. He doesn't work quickly, (slowly) ___________________________________________________

7. She doesn't speak Chinese. (English) __________________________________________________

8. She doesn't like classical music, (jazz) ____________________________________________

9. He doesn't play basketball, (football)

10. She doesn't live in the suburbs, (the centre of the city) _______________________________

Exercise 4 Make up negative answers and questions according to the model:

A. Model: I like bananas.I do not like bananas. Do you like bananas?

1. I write letters regularly. I... not... letters regularly.... you... letters regularly?

2.I drive a car. I... not... a car..... you... a car?

3. You sing well. You... not.... well.... you... well?

4. They live in London. They... not... in London.... they... in London?

Exercise 5.

Model: a) We watch TV every day.

b) We don't watch TV every day.

c) Do you watch TV every day?

1. a) I write letters every month.

b) ________________________________________________________________

c) ________________________________________________________________

2. a) She speaks English fluently.

b) ___________________________________________________________________

c) ______________________________________________________________________

3 a) _______________________________________________________________________

b) My friend doesn't know how to drive,
c) ________________________________________________________________

4 a) ___________________________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________________

c) Does he earn a lot of money?

5.a) I usually have lunch at the office,
b) _______________________________________________________________

c) ____________________________________________________________________

6.a) _____________________________________________________________________

b) She is never at home on Saturdays.

c) _____________________________________________________________________

7a) ____________________________________________________________________


c) Are there any flowers in your garden?

Exercise 6. Make up sentences:

1. go, to the theatre, once a month, we.


2. write, a letter, once a week, he, to his parents.


3. use, a telephone, constantly, she?


4. get, a newspaper, sometimes, he, for us.


5. ski, well, my sister, my brother, not ski, well.


6. like coffee, I, he, like tea, sometimes.


7. write compositions, twice a month, we.



8. usually, go, to the country, my parents, for the weekend


9. tell, us, never, about, her childhood, she.


10. worry, sometimes, he, about, his exams.


11. hate, we, such, questions.


12. rain, in autumn, ever, it?


13. teach, only, she, French?


14. have a rest, at the seashore, every summer, they.


15. not believe, women, he?


16. smile, when, she, see, him, usually.


17. laugh, he, always, at her.


18. take a bus, we, never, when, we, go to the University.



Exercise 1. Read and translate the following verbs in the Past Indefinite Tense:


looked, worked, helped, talked, liked, hoped, missed, developed, stopped, noticed, discussed, danced, passed, 1 pronounced, practised, addressed, introduced, checked,! watched, wished.


lived, trained, used, studied, listened, turned, showed,! entered, answered, enjoyed, played, opened, loved, believed, 1 borrowed, occupied, described, continued, involved, ironed,! copied, married, changed, engaged, organized, specialized, realized.



decided, included, attended, depended, sounded, founded, mended, offended, attracted, wanted, consisted, instructed, directed, translated, devoted, expected, conducted, graduated, waited, insisted.

Exercise 2 Give three forms of the verbs:

Read -- Write --

Take – Give –

Drive – Have –

Be -- Go –

Come – Get –

Put -- Understand --

Make – Fall –

Feel – Awake –

Bring – Ring –

Sit – Set –

Think – Drink –

Find – Throw –

Hit – Hurt –

Buy – Cost—

Send – Say –

Tell – Speak –

Seek – Hear –

See – Win –

Ride – Catch –

Hide -- Let –

Burst –

Exercise 3. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

1. That afternoon Lily came home early from school


2. In three days Mr. Ruggles received an answer.


3. Mr. Watkins drove a lorry and took goods to Salthaven.


4. She found the key in its usual place.


5. Kate walked slowly home, wondering how to break the bad news.


6. Sunday passed peacefully.


7. Jim began to run.


8. Last August we found a blackbird's nest.


9. They accused him of spying. ________________________________________________

10. On her knee Mrs. Lawrence held a bright red handbag.


11. There was a long silence.


12. The sea was only two miles away.


Exercise 4 Use the verbs in the Past Indefinite Tense: A.

1. He ….. (to lose) his balance and …… (to fall). 2. Ann's grandfather …… (to found) his firm in 1901.3. Clearing out the room I …… (to find) these old letters. 4. The lion …….(to jump) and ……. (to spring) at her. 5.1 suddenly ……. (to see) a face in the window. 6. The train ……. (to start off) with a jerk 7. The police……… (to open) fire and (to wound) two criminals. 8. He ……. (to lie) there for an hour till someone finally …… (to hear) his cries for help. 9. We …… (to meet) last summer. 10. I …….. (to decide) to stay with my uncle until I …… (to find) a flat. 11.The critic ……. (to write) a very bad review of my play. 13. We ……. (to go) for a walk! every day before lunch. 14. It ……. (to happen) a long time ago.


Exercise 5 Use Present or Past Indefinite: A dolphin ……. (to look) like a big fish with a built-in smile. Actually dolphins …… (to belong) to the same group of living creatures that humans do: mammals. They ……. (to grow) larger than we do — up to ten feet long. They ……. (to live) in water but muse come to the surface to breathe. And though humans ……. (to consider) themselves the most intelligent of all mammals, dolphins may not be too far behind. A measure of a mammal's intelligence …… (to be) the ability to communicate. Dolphins …… (not to use) words in our sense, of course. Dolphin talk …… (to be) a variety of whistles, clicks and creaking sounds. But it ……. (to work). In one experiment, Dolphin A. was able to tell Dolphin B. which level to press if he …… (to want) a reward of fish. Only Dolphin A. …… (to know) the secret. There ……. (to be) no way for Dolphin B. to find out unless Dolphin A …… (to tell) him.

We ….. (not to know) if dolphins ….. (to call) one another by name as people do, but something similar….. (to seem) to be true. Each dolphin …… (to have) a whistling signal, different in tone and pattern from the signals of other dolphins.

(After "Dolphins " by A.H. Lehrer)

Exercise 6. Say a) what you did; b) what you didn't do yesterday, last night, three minutes ago, last week, a month ago, last year, five years ago, when you were a child.


Exercise 7. Translate into Russian:

1. Russia used to be a part of the USSR.


2. Eastern and Western Europe used to be hostile to each other.


3. Taiwan used to be a British colony. ______________________________________________

4. The old general used to be strong and healthy.


5. Michael used to be a policeman.

6. We used to meet once in a while in the library. ____________________________________________

7. He used to be our school headmaster. _________________________________________________

8. Her classmates used to call her "Fatty," because she used to be fat.


9. There used to be a village in this place. _________________________________________________

10. You used to give me flowers every day. ________________________________________________

11. He used to oversleep every morning. ___________________________________________________

12. Our family used to have lunch together.__________________________________________

Exercise 8. Translate into English:

1Вчера вечером я звонила своим друзьям в Лондон. 2. Он закончил университет три года тому назад. 1 3. Вчера она заходила к нам на минутку. 4. В понедельник она не приходила в институт. 5. Где ты купил этот словарь? 6. На прошлой неделе я получил от нее три письма. 7. Куда вы ездили в отпуск летом? 8. Мы ведь договаривались с вами о встрече в 10 часов? 9. Кто оставил эту записку? 10. Его рассказ не на всех произвел впечатление. 11. Сью и Дик впервые встретились во время летнего семестра. 12. Она не объяснила, почему изменила решение переехать в другой штат. 13. Доктор Джоунз получил Нобелевскую премию за заслуги в медицине. 14. Кто обучал вас английскому языку? 15. Когда вы были за рубежом в последний раз? 16. Мы нaдеялись достать билеты на семичасовой сеанс.


Exercise 1. " + " " - " "? "

I do

He (work)


We (work)

They (drink)

Mike (write)

You (have)

We (be)


Exercise 1 Use verbs in Present Continuous. (NOW) 1.. Timothy …….…………. (to feed) his dog. 2. Mr. Jones ………………..(to clean) his yard. 3. Nancy …………………………. (to paint) her kitchen. 4. Our neighbours ……………………………………….(to wash) their car. 5. I (to wash) my hair. 6. Who……………..................... (to fix) your sink? 7. What …….she ………….(to do) now? – She …………………….(to dance). 8. The children…………………… (to brush) their teeth. 9. What ……he ………………(to do) at the moment? – He ……………….(to fix) his bicycle. 10. They ……………………..(to have) a big dinner together. 11. The boys ………………..(to run) about the garden. 12. I ………………………….(to do) my homework. 13. John and his friends ………………………………….(to go) to the library. 14. Ann …………………………..(to sit) at her desk. She……………………………… (to study) geography. 15. A young man …………………………(to stand) at the window. He ………………………………(to smoke) a cigarette. 16. The old man ………………………………(to walk) about the room. 17. The dog ……………………………………(to lie) on the floor. 18. ………….You …………………..(to have) break? 19. What.language ……….you ……………..(to study)? 20 Who …………………..(to lie) on the sofa? 21. What……… they………………….. (to talk) about? 22. It …………………….still (to rain). 23. I…………………………… (to open) an umbrella. 24. John…………………………… (to play) computer games. Exercise 2 translate into English in Present Continuous . (СЕЙЧАС) 1. Я читаю книгу._________________________________________ 2 Он не пишет _____________________________________________________ 3. Мы не работаем__________________________________________________ 4. Вы читаете? _____________________________________________________ 5. Он спит? ________________________________________________________ 6. Коля и Миша играют в футбол. ____________________________________________________________________ 7. Катя играет на рояле._____________________________________________ 8.Она не поет _______________________________________________________ 9. Моя сестра спит. __________________________________________________ 10. Папа пьет чай? __________________________________________________ 11. Твои родители пьют чай? __________________________________________ 12. Я не сплю. ______________________________________________________ 13. Она сидит за столом. ______________________________________________ 14. Мы делаем упражнение ___________________________________________ . 15. Мы не купаемся. _________________________________________________ 16. Они играют во дворе?_____________________________________________ 17. Нина и Аня моют пол. _____________________________________________ 18. Коля помогает маме.______________________________________________ 19. Ты помогаешь папе?_______________________________________________



Exercise 1. Use the verbs in Future Continuous:

1. At this time tomorrow we …………….(to have) an English class. \ 2. Don't worry! I ……………(to write) letters to you regularly. 3. When you come they ……………..(to train) in the gym. 4. Don't wait for me. I (to work) for some time. 5. As far as I know you ………… (to join) us in Kiev. 6. While you are away we …………..(to look after) your children. 7.Don't leave. We ……………. (to have) tea in a few minutes. 8. Let's hurry! The film ………………. (to start) in a few minutes.

Exercise 2. Use the verbs in Future Continuous:

1. The boys (to play) football the whole weekends.

2. The adults (to talk) about their project from five till eight pm.

3. Why they (to do) that project? __________________________________________
4. Where you (to be going to do – собираешься делать) today the whole evening?

7. We (to go) to the Dubai for the vacation in a week.

8. When my friend (to come) to my apartment, I (to work) at my project the whole day.

9. When he (to bring) the cake, we (to have) dinner.

10. When he (to get) here? – I (to be going) to play tennis the whole evening.

11. I (not to stay) at the office during 7 hours.


12. The girls (to go) shopping tomorrow, one of them (to be going) to buy a wedding dress, because she (to get married) next month.

13. It (not to work) in the future for a few years without this thing.

Exercise 3: Use Future Simple, Present Continuous или Future Continuous

1. I (to do) my homework tomorrow  
2. I (to do) my homework at six o'clock tomorrow.  
3. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to sleep)  
4. When you come to my place tomorrow, I (to read) your book.  
5. Don't come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) a composition the whole evening.  
6. I(not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I (to watch) TV the whole evening.  
7. What you (to do) tomorrow?  
8. What you (to do) at eight o'clock tomorrow?  
9. You (to play) volleyball tomorrow?  
10. When you (to go) to see your friend next time?  


PRESENT PERFECT Exercise 1. Say three forms of the verbs: to be, to become, to begin, to break, to bring, to buy, to come, to catch, to choose, to do, to drink, to drive, to eat, to fall, to feel, to forget, to give, to go, to grow, to hear, to keep, to know, to leave, to lose, to make, to meet, to pay, to read, to rise, to run, to see, to send, to show, to sit, to sleep, to stand, to strike, to take, to teach, to think, to wake, to win, to write.  

Exercise 2.

A. Answer the following questions:

Models: Have you brought my book?

Yes, I have. (No, I haven i.)

Has he brought your book?

Yes, he has. (No, he hasn 't (yet).)

1. Have you seen the new film ________________________________________________

2. Have you read my letter?_____________________________________________________

3. Have you passed your English exam? ___________________________________________

4. Has he phoned her today? ____________________________________________________

5. Has she sent them a telegram? ________________________________________________

6. Has the weather been rainy the whole month? ____________________________________

7. Have they read. the novel in the original? ________________________________________

8. Have they moved in? _______________________________________________________

9. Have you had your lunch yet? ________________________________________________

10. Has he completed his course yet ___________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences:

1. I've just умылся

накрыл на стол добрался до института пообедал совершил ошибку опоздал на поезд включил телевизор поссорился с ней обсудил этот вопрос

2. He's (already) посмотрел этот фильм

перевел третий текст встретил их на станции проводил ее нашел книгу прибыл в город потратил все деньги ушел

3. She's never работала на фирме

читала книги в оригинале

спорила с ним

переходила улицу на красный свет

готовила обед мужу

вставала рано

путешествовала вокруг света

получала любовные письма

видела достопримечательности Рима

брала чужие вещи

сомневалась в его честности

4. They've always покупали только дешевые вещи

обедали в кухне

платили наличными

жили в самых роскошных отелях

приглашали гостей на Рождество

делали всю работу по дому сами

читали «Тайме»

гуляли в дождливую погоду

сдавали экзамены успешно

любили петь громко

5. Have you ever гуляли под дождем без зонта?

видели семь чудес света?
наблюдали сильный снегопад?
слышали эту песню?
влюблялись с первого взгляда?
купались в реке зимой?
пробовали манго?

6.1 haven't сказала ему правду

путешествовала по Европе

видела достопримечательности Л


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