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The police have arrested an organizer of road police officers’ murder in Kiev suburbs. Kiev, 21.03.2014Содержание книги
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Police have arrested a leader of the Bely Molot movement suspected of a murder of three officers of the Ukrainian State Automobile Inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the police control point Brovary on March 2. The organizer of the forfeit is a 25-year-old Kiev resident and a leader of the Bely Molot informal movement, the news agency BZ.UA reports. A few days later a 17-year-old Kiev resident who kept a gun belonging to one of the road policemen having been killed in Kiev was detained at the Ternopol bus terminal. He became a third suspect in the case of murder of three road police officers on March 2. ‘We detained a group of 9 men. Six of them had an entire arsenal of weapon: two short double-barreled guns, Nagan and Kornet pistols, about 150 cartridges for them, a large number of cartridges for Makarov and TT pistols, nine improvised bombs, three grenades, a magazine for Kalashnikov assault rifle, traumatic Stalker and gas pistols. All the young men are of 27-28 age, they are not locals. They come from the Sumy, Kirovograd, Donetsk, Kiev, Chernovtsy Regions and the Crimea. And a 17-year-old Kiev resident had a Makarov pistol belonging to one of the policemen shot at the control point in Kiev. The suspect has already been escorted to Kiev,’ say the police. The young men say that they were carrying weapon only for self-defence. The investigators will solicit for them to avoid criminal sanction as they laid weapon down of their free will,’ say they in the regional Department of Internal Affairs. According to Vesty, all the men detected are the Maidan activists from the Bely Molot or Vikingy movements and took part in confrontations in Grushevskogo and Institutskaya Streets. According to our sources, friends helped the gang members get away from Kiev on Saturday. ‘They bought clothes, SIM cards, gave us some money. Few people knew about it. We probably have an informer among us,’ told us one of the Bely Molot activists. As Vesty has previously mentioned, Vladislav Goranin, the leader of the Bely Molot, was arrested on March 21. He is suspected of organizing the murder of police officers. On March 14, a Sumy Region citizen gone by the nickname Heding was detained. On trial he took the blame upon himself. He explained that killed them because they stepped forward against the people. Source: http://zn.ua/UKRAINE/miliciya-zaderzhala-organizatora-ubiystva-sotrudnikov-gai-pod-kievom-141710_.html http://vesti.ua/kiev/44129-podozrevaemyj-v-ubijstve-gaishnikov-priznalsja-v-sodejannom
158. Self-defence activists beat ENG group of the Ukraina channel in Kiev. Kiev, 21.03.2014 On March 21, people’s security of the building had a conflict with a ENG crew of the Sobytiya programme in the Department of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy, the 112.ua news agency reports, referring to the press-service of the Ukraina channel. The conflict resulted in a broken camera, torn clothes and injuries of the journalist and the cameraman. In the Headquarters of the Maidan Self-defence, they made apology for their colleagues’ behavior and asked to take into consideration that today’s incident is an exception to the rule. Oksana Kotova, a correspondent, and Yury Melnichuk, an operator, arrived at the Department of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy in order to take an interview and were waiting for an interviewee in the hall. Local people’s security decided that it was a provocation. Sergey Samulyak, the deputy warden of the Ministry’s building, explains, ‘They made us no trouble. We asked them what they were shooting. If they came for Larisa Guk, they had nothing to wait for. The girl who was with the operator attacked an activist from the 8th sotnia (squad), one of the Veterans of Afghanistan war and started to beat him near the cars. I pulled them apart, while the cameraman plucked a visor from the camera.’ Sobytiya’s correspondent Kotova reports that their crew was evicted roughly from the department. ‘They kicked me out. Not just pushed away, they kicked me out naturally. I landed on the asphalt near the building,’ she said. In his own turn the operator stressed, ‘They took the camera first. Just took all the equipment away, I didn’t know where it was. Then they started to push me away, twisted my hands and I saw that the camera was on my left. All the equipment lied about on the ground. They broke an expensive camera’. After the incident the Ukraina channel turned to the police. The police promised to investigate the case and punish the guilty people, however, they presumed that it could have been not the Self-defence who had beaten the crew. ‘Please, don’t mix the real Self-defence which has existed and exists now, and those scoundrels who just try to look similar. We will take severe measures over them, they will be arrested,’ says Arsen Avakov, the Minister of Internal Affairs. The Ukraina channel has also applied to the Self-defence Headquartersfor comments. They are also excessively indignant about the matter. After that, Andrey Mochurad, a representative of the Self-defence Headquarters press-service promised that they will examine the case and give instructions to those who had been there. ‘Conflicts occur and we are sorry about it. We usually investigate them and those who are guilty got some kind of punishment,’ said he. Furthermore, they made apology for their colleagues’ behavior and asked to take into consideration that today’s incident is an exception to the rule. Source: http://112.ua/politika/v-rezultate-konflikta-s-narodnoy-ohranoy-filiala-minagropolitiki-postradala-semochnaya-gruppa-sobytiy-38121.html
159. In Vinnytsia ten ‘Cossacks’ tried to break into a young woman’s house, threatening to kill her. Vinnytsia, 22.03.2014 Late evening on March 21 more than a dozen of ‘Cossacks’ attempted to storm a flat in Kosmonavtov Avenue, 35. At that moment only a 20-year-old young girl was in. Her parents arrived just in time to stand in the gap. It turned out that the conflict was caused by a dachshund. The dog barked from time to time by a neighbour’s door and after having a party he suggested that the boozing company should go and have a ‘rumble’. According to Larisa, the host of the flat, the owner of a next door flat changed in summer 2013. ‘I am not acquainted to him. Sometimes a young man came there. He disliked when my dog barked at the landing. He had already menaced us before that,’ says the 43-year-old Vinnytsia resident, mother of the girl who got into ‘siege’. She and her husband left the flat for some time but had to come back after her daughter’s call. The girl says, ‘At first they rang into the entrance door, then tried to force it open, rammed with something made of iron, and then the ‘storm troopers’ decided to made her come out with gas. They told me: ‘We know you are there, come out on your own or we’ll kill you.’ ‘The door was locked. They tried to open it. And they succeeded, but I managed to lock it again. They used neuro-paralytic gas. Then this or that way they managed to open the lock but I locked it again. By that time it became difficult to breathe. I noticed that I cannot lock the door, as they put something into the keyhole. So I had to lock a second door. I called Mum, the police and opened a window, because it was smoke in the flat,’ says she describing the incident. By the moment, for up to 12 man gathered at the small landing of a typical old 5-floor house. ‘They said that they were from Ivan Bogun’s regiment and from the 12th sotnia (squad). They all were drunk. I heard so many insults of us! They threatened to kill me. I told them, ‘What do you want of me? I have nothing to be afraid of. If you come to kill me, then do it’. They threatened to kill us one by one if I complain to police’, says Larisa. The ‘talks’ mollified the situation a little. What is more, Larisa says that one of the men from the company tried to calm down the others. Soon the police, activists of the AutoMaidan and the Self-defence arrived. Together they managed to pacify the ‘Cossacks’. However, some of them had already escaped and during the next several hours investigators questioned only nine ‘storm troopers’. The police reports that they found Uzi and AK-74 assault rifles, a revolver up-graded for.177 caliber and shooting with lead bullets, gas bottle Cobra and pipes. When journalists opened the door of the flat where ‘Cossacks’ and investigators were sitting to ask them for comments, and started shooting, six ‘Cossacks’ ran out and reminded in a rather rude manner that they had rights, meaning that journalists could not enter and take pictures without their permission. The journalists of REAL and Vinnitsa.info explained that no one had entered the room. Nevertheless, one of the ‘Cossacks’ took the journalists’ ID to take them to court. The process took a long time. The others were watching. Then the most active and the eldest ‘Cossack’ pushed the journalists out to the stairs and closed the door. Apparently, he suffered from draught. The police will give a legal evaluation of the ‘Cossacks’ actions later. Hopefully, it will not be ‘Hooliganism’. At least the women believe that their lives were in danger. Source: http://real-vin.com/?p=48281
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