И выполнению контрольных работ № 1, 2, 3, 4 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


И выполнению контрольных работ № 1, 2, 3, 4


для студентов заочной формы обучения



Специальность 080502(7) – Экономика и управление на предприятии транспорта





редакционно-издательским советом СПбГИЭУ

в качестве методического издания


доц. Н.Д. Кулешова




канд. филол. наук, доц. Ю.В. Крючкова


Подготовлено на кафедре

логистики и организации перевозок


Одобрено научно-методическим советом специальности

080506 - Логистика и управление цепями поставок


Отпечатано в авторской редакции с оригинал-макета,

представленного составителем



ã СПбГИЭУ, 2010





1. Общие положения........................................................................... 4

2. Методические указания к изучению дисциплины..................... 4

3. Методические указания к выполнению контрольных работ.. 5

4. Контрольные задания..................................................................... 6

4.1 Контрольные задания к контрольной работе № 1.............. 6

4.2 Контрольные задания к контрольной работе № 2............ 14

4.3 Контрольные задания к контрольной работе № 3............ 21

4.4 Контрольные задания к контрольной работе № 4............ 29

5. Требования к оформлению контрольных работ..................... 36

6. Рекомендуемая литература......................................................... 36

Приложение 1. Содержание разделов и тем дисциплины (Извлечение из рабочей программы дисциплины).......................................................

Приложение 2. Образец оформления титульного листа контрольной работы............................................................................................................... 38



1. Общие положения

Письменные контрольные работы по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский), выполняемые студентами заочной формы обучения, предусмотрены рабочим учебным планом специальности 080502(7) – Экономика и управление на предприятии транспорта. Данная дисциплина призвана обеспечить современный уровень специалиста, способного владеть иностранным языком для делового общения и извлечения информации профессионального назначения из зарубежных печатных источников.

Целью выполнения контрольных заданий является самостоятельное приобретение и углубление знаний в области делового иностранного языка, совершенствование коммуникативных и языковых навыков и умений во всех видах речевой деятельности с расширением тезауруса на основе учебно-методических комплектов для изучения профессионально-ориентированного английского языка, а также с помощью специальной литературы, связанной с определённым профессиональным форматом. Кроме того, контрольная работа является одним из видов проверки качества знаний студентов, изучающих данную дисциплину.


2. Методические указания к изучению дисциплины

Целью дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (английский) является развитие навыков и совершенствование умений общения на иностранном языке в профессиональном формате, а также развитие коммуникативной, социокультурной, межкультурной и лингвистической компетенций в сферах, связанных со средой профессионального общения.

Основными задачами курса являются:

· развитие навыков и совершенствование умений общего и профессионально-ориентированного общения в рамках социально-ролевого речевого взаимодействия с учетом индивидуальных особенностей каждого студента;

· развитие навыков и совершенствование умений просмотрового, ознакомительного, поискового и изучающего чтения;

· развитие навыков и совершенствование умений письменной речи для аннотирования и реферирования профессионально-ориентированных и научных текстов, написания тезисов, статей, докладов, ведения деловой переписки и документации;

· развитие навыков и совершенствование умений восприятия на слух иноязычной речи профессиональной направленности в формате подкастов и видеолекций.

Студентам заочного отделения особое внимание следует обратить на самостоятельную подготовку материала из рекомендуемых учебных пособий. Студенты должны овладеть двумя видами чтения: обучающим, целью которого является точная передача содержания прочитанного, и поискового, нацеленного на понимание общего содержания текста.

При переводе иностранного текста большое значение имеет работа со словарем. Студентам необходимо регулярно вести рабочий словарь, в который вносятся все незнакомые слова в исходной форме.

Для понимания иностранного текста необходимо также знать грамматический материал, на котором он построен. Поэтому, прежде чем приступать к чтению рекомендуется проработать тему данного задания и знать ранее пройденный грамматический материал.


3. Методические указания к выполнению контрольных работ

Задания контрольной работы строятся на базе знаний, умений и навыков, полученных студентом при изучении дисциплины, и требуют усвоения основных положений грамматики, синтаксиса, лексики, словообразования и понятия контекста в английском языке.

Вариант контрольных заданий определяется по табл. 1.

Список литературы для выполнения контрольной работы представлен в методических указаниях.

Таблица 1

Варианты контрольных заданий

Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются с букв Вариант контрольных заданий
А – Л  
М – Я  


4. Контрольные задания


4.1. Контрольные задания к контрольной работе № 1

Вариант № 1

1. Supply the articles where necessary.

1. It’s … plant of … telephone equipment. … plant is outside Moscow. It’s … very large plant. … manager of our company is going to visit … plant with … Chief Engineer of GML on Friday.

2. … inspectors of … company would like to go to … plant in … afternoon.

3. There is … large bookshelf in my study. … bookshelf is on … wall. It is … nice bookshelf.

4. What’s … weather like today?

– … weather is very cold.

5. My company is interested in buying … machines Model B20.

6. There is … lot of accommodation at … seaside in … Great Britain, but … accommodation is very expensive.

7. … demand for … latest model of cars is very big in … Japan.

8. During … talks … Seller offered … Russian trade company … 12% discount on … price. … Buyer agreed to … discount and … companies signed … contract that day.

9. – Is Mr. Blake in … office?

– No, he isn’t. He has just left for … airport to meet …French trade representative.

10. … price for … pump was 500$. … offer suited … Buyers and they decided to sign … contract on those terms.

2. Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

1. She never buys goods … sale prices.

2. You can try … this coat … the changing room.

3. She called … a small shop and bought … a dress. It was … the right size and colour and it was not expensive … her. She liked … the dress very much.

4. Liza Minelli was born … March, 12, 1946, … Hollywood. … her childhood she was interested … film-making, but she especially enjoyed going … MGM Studios and looking … dancers.

5. They offered to deliver the first lot … four months after they signed the contract and the balance … 22 motors – eight months later. Rossexport guaranteed the delivery … each lot … any delay. Mr. Smith agreed … the terms … the Russian company.

6. Will you fill … the forms, please? Thank you. The porter will take you up … your rooms … the lift. Here are the keys … your rooms.

7. I’m waiting … the director. I’d like to speak … him … the offer of Blake and Co.

8. The price was not attractive … him and he asked the company to give them a discount … the price. Mr. Morris could offer … him only a 2% discount as their goods were … great demand and sold very well … that price.

9. I know you are going to spend … your holiday … the coast … the Black Sea. Write me … your holiday when you come back … Moscow.

10. They wanted to buy 60 motors … the Russian company. Rossexport was interested … selling their goods … Smith and Co and they were going to invite Mr. Garsell, the manager … the company, to come … Moscow to have talks.

3. Supply the correct forms of comparison.

1. – Is Manchester (такой же красивый как) London?

– No, certainly not. London is a (более красивый) city. It’s one of the (beautiful) cities in England.

2. This film is (bad) than I saw last week. Actually it’s (bad) film I’ve seen lately.

3. This sentence is (difficult) than the first one.

4. Ruth’s hair is (long and beautiful) than Kate’s.

5. The cat is much (happy) in her new home. It is much (comfortable) than the old one.

4. Change the following sentences in Direct Speech into Reported Speech.

1. Mr. Blake said, “We usually sell goods on CIF terms.”

2. Mr. Smith said, “I flew to Moscow by an Aeroflot plane last month.”

3. Mr. Bell said to Jack, “Please give me your dictionary.”

4. Henry said to me, “I didn’t throw stones at your dog.”

5. The teacher said to the pupils, “Learn the poem by heart.”

6. Jack asked, “Who has taken my pen?”

7. Mary’s mother asked her, “Who did you see yesterday?”

8. Mary’s mother asks her, “Are you hungry or thirsty?”

9. Barry said, “Our plane will take off on time.”

10. Betsy says, “I’m leaving for London next week.”

5. Supply modal verbs or their equivalents.

1. You... sit there in your wet clothes; you will catch cold if you do.

2.... I speak to me white?

3. Everybody... learn a foreign language.

4..... I use your phone?

5. He... swim very soon.

6. Last summer it was very dry and I... water the garden every day.

7. That restaurant... be very good. It’s always empty.

8. Next year he … speak English quite fluently.

9. My sister didn’t buy coffee, so I … go to shops myself.

10. … I come in?

6. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Г-н Блэйк в конторе. Он читает предложение английской фирмы на телефонное оборудование.

2. Каждый день мы получаем большое количество почты.

3. – Не могли бы мы назначить встречу в четверг на 2 часа?

– Конечно. Мне приятно Вас видеть в любой день и в любое время.

4. У нас большая кухня. В ней стол, четыре стула, холодильник, морозильная камера и посудомоечная машина.

5. На прошлой неделе наши инженеры ездили на завод, чтобы посмотреть новое оборудование.

6. Я смотрел этот фильм по телевидению два года тому назад. В нем играют многие популярные актеры.

7. В этом месяце мы заключили контракт на офисное оборудование с фирмой «Браун энд Ко».

8. Я вижу, Вы очень устали. Давайте, я помогу перевести это письмо на английский.

9. Заказчики заинтересованы в покупке этой модели у американской фирмы. Управляющий «Росэкспорта» хотел бы встретиться с г-ном Хантером, чтобы обсудить некоторые вопросы и получить типовой контракт от фирмы.

10. – Сколько времени вы знаете директора этой фирмы?

– Я знаю его с тех пор, как он начал работать в министерстве.

11. – Не хотите выпить кофе?

– С удовольствием.

12. В нашем офисе 10 инженеров. Двое знают французский язык, а все остальные знают английский.

13. Вчера у нас была встреча с предпринимателями, которые интересуются нашей продукцией.

14. Мы согласны с условиями оплаты, но нам хотелось бы уточнить условия поставки.

15. Наш директор уезжает в Лондон послезавтра. Он будет вести переговоры с несколькими фирмами. Он пробудет там месяц.

16. Самолет улетает вовремя или рейс задержится?

17. Г-н Блейк сказал, что обсуждение цены не заняло у них много времени.

18. Мы с другом выпили по чашечке кофе и поехали в министерство.

19. В Нью-Йорке не все районы такие же красивые, как центр. В городе много грязных, перенаселенных районов с узкими улицами.

20. Я закажу номер в гостинице, прежде чем поеду в командировку.

7. Translate the following text into Russian.

Though the United States has not adopted central economic planning, we have gone very far in the past 50 years in expanding the role of government in the economy. That intervention has been costly in economic terms. The limitations imposed on our economic freedom threaten to bring two centuries of economic progress to an end. Intervention has also been costly in political terms. It has greatly limited our human freedom.

An essential part of economic freedom is freedom to choose how to use our income: how much to spend on ourselves and on what items; how much to save and in what form; how much to give away and to whom. Currently, more than 40% of our income is disposed off on our behalf by government at federal, state and local levels combined.

Another essential part of economic freedom is freedom to use the resources we possess in accordance with our own values – freedom to enter any occupation, engage in any business enterprise, buy from or sell to anyone else, so long as we do so on a strictly voluntary basis and do not resort to force in order to coerce others.

Вариант № 2

1. Supply the correct article where necessary.

1. On … 21st of September Mr. White came to … Ministry of … Foreign Economic Relations to have …talks with Smirnov of … Rossimport. Before … talks they spoke about … Smirnov’s holiday.

2. It’s … enquiry from … company. … company is interested in … telephone equipment. They know we are selling … new model of … equipment.

3. In … morning … engineers look through … Russian and English newspapers and journals.

4. Passengers for … flight 452 to Spain, please collect your hand luggage and go to … gate 4.

5. The Seller offered us … 3% discount, but … discount did not suit us.

6. Some people like … quiet rest, while others enjoy … active open-air holiday.

7. It’s … pleasure to go to … different places in … country.

8. There is … heavy demand for … tools of … new model.

9. Blake & Sons are not … very big company, but they’re … very popular on … world market.

10. Rossexpot’s goods are of … high quality. … of Rossexpot’s goods meet … requirements of their customers.

2. Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

1. Many customers come … Rossexport to discuss business matters … the engineers of the company. They usually discuss prices and terms … payment.

2. As the hotels are full … weekends Mr. Blake phoned … the Hove hotel and reserved rooms … advance.

3. When he came … London he made an appointment … Mr. Morris … Brown & Co … Wednesday … 10.

4. Petrov will stay … London … two weeks. … his stay in London he will contact … some British firms.

5. I booked a seat … the Intourist booking-office. My seat was … the second row … the stalls. … … me a young man was sitting.

6. I like to listen … music.

7. Mr. Smith, a representative … Bell & Co who deals … these goods, got instructions to place an order … 30 motors … the Russian company.

8. The customers must complete the construction … the plant … the end … the year.

9. When you leave … the station turn … the left and go straight … … five minutes.

10. Fine. It suits … me. Our driver will pick you … … the hotel.

3. Supply the correct forms of comparison.

1. The staff will be much (happy) in their new office.

2. A steel watch is (expensive) than a golden one.

3. Michael is (competent) manager in the company.

4. Are their prices (такие же attractive как) prices charged by GML?

5. My secretary is (good) than yours.

4. Change the following sentences in Direct Speech into Reported Speech.

1. Mr. Black asked, “Has Mr. Taylor gone?”

2. The immigration office asked, “What’s the purpose of your trip?”

3. Mr. Black said, “We require the machines in July”.

4. Mr. Black said, “We must clarify the matters as soon as possible”.

5. Mr. Black asked, “Are you busy all day, Mr. White?”

6. Mr. Black asked, “Did you go to the Seller’s plant, Mr. Brown?”

7. Mr. Black said, “I don’t know when he will call back”.

8. Mr. Black says, “Fill in a form, please ”.

9. Mr. Black said, “Don’t sell goods at this price!”

10. Mr. Black said, “Your friend will miss the train if he doesn’t come in 5 minutes”.

5. Supply modal verbs or equivalents.

1. All of us … be in time for classes.

2. You … find many places of interest in the city.

3. – … you to answer the letter?

– No, I don’t think so. Our manager will do it.

4. – Must I have talks in English?

– No, you …

5. I … take the message for him. I’m very busy.

6. I (to have, to stay) in the office after 6 tomorrow.

7. How many foreign languages … you speak?

8. Mr. Bell speaks good Russian. So we … to hire a translator.

9. I’m tired. I … have a cup of black coffee.

10. – … you … to deliver the goods urgently?

– I’m afraid, we won’t.

6. Translate from Russian into English.

1. – Где г-н Смит?

– Он сейчас занят. Он разговаривает с г-ном Бэлом. Они обсуждают условия отгрузки товара.

2. – У вас есть запросы на химическое оборудование?

– Да. У нас есть несколько запросов от английских фирм.

3. – Когда вы заключили контракт с фирмой “Bell & Co”?

– Мы заключили с ними контракт в этом месяце.

4. Три месяца назад г-н Уолтон посетил Москву. Он был заинтересован в продаже последней модели оборудования российским фирмам.

5. – Мы бы хотели получить скидку с цены.

– Вас устроит 5% скидка?

– Да, мы можем согласиться с вашим предложением.

6. Товар этой фирмы высокого качества и отвечает требованиям заказчиков.

7. Много времени у вас займет перевод этого письма на французский язык?

8. В офисе 5 менеджеров. Трое сейчас принимают заказчиков, остальные изучают каталоги.

9. Он ничего не знает об этом.

10. – Ваши цены для нас неприемлемы. Мы считаем, что они слишком высокие.

– Это наша обычная цена. У нас много заказов на товар по этой цене.

11. Это был небольшой отель со всеми современными удобствами.

12. Петр говорит на английском языке лучше всех.

13. Он велел мне уточнить некоторые вопросы с г-ном Брауном.

14. В следующем месяце мы пригласим представителей зарубеж-ных фирм.

15. Пусть секретарь перепечатает отчет.

16. – Откуда вы знаете?

– Он сам сказал мне.

17. Мы свяжемся с фирмой, после того как тщательно изучим ее предложение.

19. Если Покупатель не может обеспечить транспортные средства, Продавец должен поставить товар на условиях СИФ.

20. Мы не можем поставить моторы заказчику в августе, т.к. наш товар пользуется большим спросом.

7. Translate the text into Russian.

International trade and the international firm are not new aspects of business. Even before the time of Christ, merchants were sending representatives abroad to sell their goods. The British East India Company, a trading firm chartered in 1600, established foreign branches, as did a number of American colonial traders in the 1700s. Early examples of American foreign direct investment are the English plants set up by Colt Fire Arms and Ford (vulcanized rubber), which were established before the Civil War. Both operations failed, however, after only a few years.

The first successful American venture into foreign production was the Scotch factory built by Singer Sewing Machine in 1868. By 1880, Singer had become a worldwide organization with an outstanding foreign sales organization and several overseas manufacturing plants. Other firms soon followed, and by 1914 at least 37 American companies had production facilities in two or more overseas locations. At that time, the book value of American foreign direct investment was $2.65 billion, or about 7 percent of the nation’s gross national product (GNP). Note that although the book value of American foreign direct investment had risen to $309 billion by 1987, its percentage of the U.S. GNP was still about 7 percent. During the same period, American exports, the other aspect of international business, rose from $2 billion to $425 billion.



4.2. Контрольные задания к контрольной работе № 2

Вариант № 1

1. Supply the correct article where necessary.

1. It’s … good market for our goods. We know prices on … world

market for this type of … compressors.

2. Rossexport was ready to offer Mr. Walker 20 machine-tools of …

latest model at … price of 20 $ per … unit. But Mr. Walker couldn’t 20 $ per accept … price.

3. I’d like two tickets for … 11.30 express to Manchester. Which

platform is … train due to arrive at?

4. It was … very hot day and I was glad that I was traveling … short


5. All our Buyers are satisfied with … capacity of … machine.

6. … assembly shops of … new plant have … modern facilities to test

and check … pumps thoroughly.

7. … members of … House of Commons are elected by … secret


8. I’ll have to look into … matter.

9. … number of goods we sell to … foreign companies is very large.

10. We enclose with … letter all … particulars concerning …

technical characteristics of … model.

2. Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

1. … the order … that size we can give you a 2% discount … the

value... the goods.

2. The train stops … every small station.

3.We look forward … establishing business relations … your


4. The pumps … this company are more reliable … operation as

compared … pumps of other companies.

5. The exhibition was held … the motto: Peace … economic


6. We thank … you … your enquiry … the 23rd March … pumps …

the delivery … June.

7. – … what price do you sell them?

– … pounds … square meter.

8. As the Seller was responsible … the defects which were found …

the equipment, they had to correct them … their expense.

9. We are proud of … progress which is made by our country in …

field of … science.

10. I know that the guarantee period is 12 months … the date …

putting the pumps … operation.

3. Supply the correct tense-forms.

1. – When you (to arrive at the airport) yesterday?

– I (to arrive at the airport) by 7 o’clock.

2. What discount (to give) us, if we (to place) a trial order for 500


3. You once (to deliver) me an order with a six month’s delay.

4. If the two companies (to establish) business relations, they (to be

able) to conclude profitable transactions.

5. All right, I (to give) you one last chance.

6. She (to wait) for the manager. She (to wait) for him since she came

to the office.

7. It (happen) some years ago.

8. One day when I (to come back) from my office I (to see) Jack.

9. Before he (to go) there last Monday he (to discuss) some business

matters with his director and (to get) necessary instruction from him.

10. I (to phone) Jane to say that a fax just (to arrive) for her.

4. Supply the correct tense-forms using the sequence of tenses.

1. I asked if the plant (to produce) pumps for different application.

2. We knew that the 2 o’clock train (to start) already and (to decide) to

go by next train.

3. The manager wondered who (to go) on business to Germany the

following month.

4. I asked when he (to go) to arrive.

5. I didn’t know that it (to be) an overnight train.

6. – It costs 100$.

– I thought it (to cost) 150$.

7. I asked if you (to require) accommodation for a long time.

8. – You (to arrange) sightseeing trip to Brighton yesterday?

– Pardon?

– I asked if you (to arrange) a sightseeing trip to Brighton.

– Yes, I (…).

9. He didn’t know when the train (to be) to start.

10. The production manager said that they (to modify) their model the

previous year.

5. Supply the correct tense and voice.

1. It (to introduce) into the market at the beginning of the year and

since then it (to be) a great success.

2. – Your company (to do) good business?

– Yes. Many transactions (to conclude) every year.

3. At the talks the price (not to accept) by the Buyers.

4. The equipment (to test) by 2 o’clock yesterday.

5. – You (to discuss) the terms of the contract yet?

– Yes, they (to discuss) two days ago.

6. Supply the correct form of the infinitive.

1. Export packing (to be, to include) into the price.

2. You (should, to look through) this catalogue. It is very interesting.

3. The capacity of the pumps (must, to increase) in the shortest possi-ble time.

4. You (should, to call) on Mr. White yesterday. He wanted very much

to see you.

5. You (to be, to open) a Letter of Credit.

7. Use the correct forms of the words in brackets.

1. I’d like (he, to change) the contract terms.

2. I expected (they, to introduce) changes into the computers.

3. I saw (Mr. Dunn, to buy) some envelopes at the post office ten

minutes ago.

4. When do you want (the new machines, to show) in operation.

5. What contract terms do the Buyers usually want (the selling

companies, to offer)?

6. The manager heard (we, to promise) to deliver the machines promptly.

7. We hope you will let (we, to have) your comments on our offer.

8. When I came to the office I saw (a secretary, to type) a report.

9. We’d like (some faulty parts, to replace).

10. We expect (shipping documents, to send) today.

8. Translate the text into Russian.

A major goal of almost all societies is economic efficiency, or using scare resources to produce as much as possible of desired goods and services. This goal represents the practical economist in action, confronting scarcity with self-interested, maximizing behaviour. Eco-nomic efficiency means not only producing goods as cheaply as pos-sible in terms of opportunity cost, but also choosing the most desirable output combination on the production possibilities frontier.

Economic efficiency is reflected in both the what-to-produce and the how-to-produce questions. Production efficiency involves answer-ing the question of how to produce successfully. Production efficiency means producing a given amount of a good or service at the lowest possible opportunity cost (smallest sacrifice of resources). Thus, if a good can be produced with more than one combination of resources, much capital and little labour or less capital and a lot of labour, for example, the least costly resource combination should be chosen for production efficiency.

Allocative efficiency means allocating resources among all the possible goods and services that could be produced so that consumers get the products they want most. Allocative efficiency is the response to the desires of a whole society full of practical economists. A society enjoys allocative efficiency if the answer to the what-to-produce ques-tion maximizes the satisfaction of its consumers.

Remember the Great Wall of China? If one were to build such a wall today, the production efficiency question would be whether to use a million people with only a little capital (tools) to build a wall, or whether to use only a thousand people equipped with earth-moving machinery and concrete trucks. Building it the cheapest way would be efficient production. The allocative efficiency questions are whether to build it at all, in preference to other goods and services that could be produced, or to build it half as high or half as long, and use the re-maining resources to produce other goods that consumers value more highly.


Вариант № 2

1. Supply the articles where necessary.

1. There was … good restaurant near … cinema and Joan decided to have … dinner there. She ordered … fried chicken with … green salad and … black coffee for … dessert. … chicken was delicious, but she couldn’t drink … coffee. “… English cannot make … good coffee,” she thought when she was leaving … restaurant.

2. … prices for this type of … are usually high.

3. We can offer you our cars at … price of 20 $ per … unit.

4. As it was … trial order Rossexport found it possible to give … Buyers … 2% discount off … value of … contract. That settled … price problem. After … engineers discussed all … matters … Man-aging Director of Rossexport invited Mr. Walker to visit … Bolshoi Theatre to see … ballet performance there.

5. Are there … buffet-cars on … overnight trains?

6. I’d like two second-class tickets on … 7 o’clock train to Glasgow.

7. … fair was held under … motto: Peace and … progress to all … nations.

8. There is … gallery near … national Gallery. It’s … Portrait Gal-lery.

9. We are sure … above information will be helpful to you.

10. We are interested in receiving … various information concerning … situation on … world market.

2. Supply the correct prepositions.

1. … what price do you sell your machines? We quote 20 $ … unit.

2. We have bought some carpets lately … a lower price. – Then I’m sure their quality is worse than the quality … our carpets. You will see it yourself if you come … our shop. We are open … 7 o’clock … the evening. I’m sure you’ll be satisfied … the quality.

3. I’d like a second-class ticket … the 10 o’clock express … St. Pe-tersburg.

4. There is no sleeping accommodation … this train.

5. There are no more first-class tickets … this train, you’ll have to travel … second class.

6. The company can guarantee shipment … the goods … seven days.

7. The company delivers their goods … markets … Europe, … the North and the South … America. The company is also interested … selling their goods … the countries … the East.

8. International fairs and exhibitions pave the ways … the consolida-tion … peace … different countries.

9. You should take … consideration that the reliability … these com-pressors is different … that … the previous model.

10. A lot … TV viewers … the USA say that the crime films which are shown … television have a negative effect … young people.


3. Supply the correct tense-forms.

1. – Where is Mr. Dunn?

– He is in his study. He (to read) newspapers there since he (to come) back from the office.

2. – You still (to discuss) the prices?

– Yes, we (to discuss) them for two hours.

3. – What Betsy (to do) now?

– She (to listen) to music. She (to listen) to music since she (to come) home.

4. – My friend (to learn) Spanish.

– How long he (to learn) it?

– For two years.

5. – I (to know) this man.

– How long you (to know) him?

– I (to know) him since I (to be) ten.

6. Last month Lavrov had to go on business to London. Before he (to go) there he (to discuss) some business matters with his director.

7. It began snowing after I (to come) home.

8. – When you (to finish) your work yesterday?

– I (to finish) it by 5 o’clock.

9. – You (to see) Lavrov yesterday?

– No, I (not to see). When I (to come) to the office he (to leave) al-ready.

10. I (to phone) Mr. Warner now to say that we (to improve) already our model of machines.

4. Supply the correct tense-forms using the sequence of tenses.

1. We hoped that our friend (to be able) to come to the station in time.

2. I thought I (not to be able) to get to the station in 30 minutes and I (to have) to take a taxi.

3. I knew that we (to have) to have a snack at the station as there (to be) no buffer-car on the train.

4. The customer wondered how long the plant (to produce) their latest model.

5. Mr. Brown asked if the Sellers already (to test) the equipment.

6. – You (to enjoy) the yesterday performance?

– Pardon?

– I asked if you (to enjoy) the performance.

– Yes, I ….

7. I thought that the company manager (to go) to Brazil in two weeks.

8. I asked if your brother (to come) to the station to meet you tomor-row.

9. I thought you always (to buy) compressors from Green and Co.

10. I wondered what hotel he (to stay) at this week.

5. Supply the correct tense and voice.

1. – Have you sent for the doctor?

– Yes, the doctor (to send) for a few minutes ago.

2. The world exhibition (to arrange) lately.

3. The goods (not to deliver) on time because the plant was heavy with orders.

4. – When (to complete) the construction of the new hotel?

– It (to complete) by last June.

5. Accommodation (to reserve) for Lavrov before he left for London?

6. Supply the correct form of the infinitive.

1. The shipment of the compressors (can, to make) from Petersburg within three weeks after your order (to receive).

2. We (can, to supply) the model to your company at the price of 70 $ per unit.

3. You (should, to reserve) accommodation at this hotel two weeks ago. Now it is too late.

4. I’m afraid the offer (can, not to accept) as the price is extremely high.

5. The tickets (should, to book) in advance?

7. Use the correct forms of words in brackets.

1. I’d like (this job, to do) as soon as possible.

2. I’d like (she, to do) this job as soon as possible.

3. I want (my son, to begin) learning French.

4. When you (to expect, I, to come)?

5. We watched (the train, to leave) the station.

6. I heard (somebody, to call) my name.

7. When I came to the beach I saw (they, to swim).

8. When do you want (the new computers, to advertise)?

9. You expect (a new feature film, to broadcast) today, don’t you?

10. We would like (new models, to introduce) into the market.

8. Translate the following text into Russian.

The good society accepts the basic market system and its man-agers, but there are some things the market system does not do either well or badly. In the good society these are the responsibility of the state.

Some areas of state action are evident. In no country does the market system provide good low-cost housing. This is a matter of prime importance and must everywhere be a public responsibility. Few things are more visibly at odds with the good society than badly housed or homeless people.

Health care is also a public responsibility in all civilized lands. No one can be assigned to illness or death because of poverty. Here Britain can proudly point to its leadership.

The state has many other essential functions. In must also be borne in mind that many of these – parks and recreational facilities, police, libraries, the arts, others – are more needed by the underclass than by the affluent. Those who attack the services of the state are usually those who can afford to provide similar services for them-selves.

In the good society, there must also be attention to a range of ac-tivities that are beyond the time horizons of the market economy. This is true in the science, not excluding medical research. The market sys-tem invests for relatively short-run return. To support science is pre-eminently the responsibility of the state.

Some of the truly important industrial achievements of recent generations – the great improvements in agricultural productivity, modern air transport, advanced electronics – have depended heavily on such public investment. Necessary also – a matter we are beginning reluctantly to recognize – is investment and regulation in the longer-run interest of the environment. The good society protects and im-proves life in its planetary dimension.


4.3. Контрольные задания к контрольной работе № 3

Вариант № 1

1. Supply the correct tense-forms.

1. Richard is a househusband, which means that every day his wife (go)________ off to work and (leave) _______ him at home to look after their two young children. Although the family (live) _______ in Oxford his wife (work) ________ in London so she (not usually get back)________ home before 8 p.m.

Richard (think) _________ the apartment is a good idea. “For the moment I (still enjoy) ________ the change in my lifestyle and I (not need) ________ to get the train to work every day, which is great! I(also learn) ________ lots of new things. For example, I now (understand) _________ how difficult it is to do the housework as well as look after two children.

This afternoon Richard (want) _________ to do some work on the book he (write) ________, but he (not think) _______he can do this. “I (find) ________ it difficult to concentrate. Even when the baby is asleep I often (feel) _________ too tired to write anything.

2. Write the verbs in brackets in the Passive Voice.

1. Millions of cars ________ (to export) from Japan every year.

2. The new strategic plan ________(to develop) a year ago.

3. The details ________ (to discuss) at the meeting that will take place at he end of the month.

4. Lots of goods ________ (to import) to our country every year.

5. The matter _________ (to discuss) at the conference last week.

6. The production of oil ________ (to increase) by 10% next year.

7. The production management _________ (to reorganize) when all the problems are solved.

3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Complex Object

1. He wanted us to visit the art exhibition.

2. I expect you to tell me everything.

3. I suppose her to be about 50.

4. The teacher does not consider him to be a good student.

5. The engineer expected the work to be done in time.

6. We expect you to show good results.

7. Many people like to watch the sun rise.

8. She saw her son fall.

9. He likes to watch his son play in the garden.

10. The students heard the bell ring.

11. You can’t make me believe that all these stories are true.

12. In spite of bad weather the instructor made the sportsmen continue their training.


4. Open the brackets using the Complex Object.

1. Once in the plane he saw (как его жена и дети махали ему на прощание).

2. Those who stayed outside watched (как самолет набирал скорость для взлета).

3. It is very pleasant to find (что эти проблемы обсуждаются в вашем журнале).

4. Her parents wanted (чтобы она вышла замуж за этого человека).

5. They observed (как он осторожно входил в комнату).

6. Our manager heard (как мистер Браун обещал поставить оборудование во время).

7. We saw (как машина Президента подъехала к зданию).

5. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Complex Subject

1. They are said to know Chinese very well.

2. He is reported to arrive tomorrow.

3. The boat was seen to disappear in the waves.

4. The English delegation is believed to come at the end of the month.

5. He was known to be a capable student.

6. They appeared to be satisfied with the results of the experiment.

7. He proved to be an excellent musician.

8. The water seems to be boiling.

9. I happened to be there at that time.

10. She is said to write a new novel.

11. They are likely to come soon.

12. She seems to be waiting for you.

6. Change the following sentences using the Complex Subject.

1. It is known that he is a good worker.

2. It was expected that the members of the committee would come to an agreement.

3. It was reported that our delegation has left London.

4. It seems that he knows French perfectly well.

5. It was expected that the delegates would not participate in today’s talks.

6. It is very likely that the prices for these goods will go up again in England.

7. It is unlikely that the meeting will be postponed.

7. Translate the following text into Russian.

A dictionary and Thesaurus give many meanings of the noun "business":

• A trade or profession - for example, "What business are you in?"

• The purchase and sale of goods and services - for example,

"Smith and I do business together"

• A commercial or industrial establishment — for example, "This

business employs 400 people"

• Volume of commercial activity — for example, "Business is good at the moment"

«Commercial policy - for example, "Overcharging customers is bad business"

Other meanings exist, but they are not relevant here. So you can see the problem that needs to be cleared up before we start a study of business. What do we mean when we use the term "business"?

It is essential that our study examines all the internal and external pressures that affect the many organizations from which we earn or receive money, and all the organizations with which we spend our money either voluntarily or by compulsion.

But we cannot exclude local government which places planning and development restrictions on businesses, or national government which passes laws that affect every business, and collects taxes on profits. Trade unions influence the pay and conditions that employers provide, and pressure groups can cause firms to alter the way they make or package their products. Similarly, we must consider the impact of international organizations such as the European Community and the International Monetary Fund.

So when we think about "business", we mean commercial and industrial establishments and everything that affects them.

Business studies is a blend of many specialized subjects. Economics is the basis of business studies and provides a firm foundation upon which to build. Money (as represented by finance and accounting) is the language of business, and needs to be controlled and kept secure. People make business, and their behavior must be understood and influenced when possible. Laws control business and protect society from its worst excesses. Communication is the lifeblood of business and pervades every aspect of it. Mathematics and statistics are the key to understanding, describing and solving many of the problems faced by business.

For example, a company thinking about developing a new product or service ought to consider if there will be sufficient demand for it and whether the level of demand would be affected by price (economics). Can the company afford to produce it and make a profit at the price customers would be willing to pay (finance)? Has it got people with the right skills and expertise to design and make the goods (people)? Is the product covered by any special legal regulations as the upholstery or toy industries are (law)? Ought the company do some marketing research to find out what people think before they spend too much money (mathematics and statistics)? In everything mentioned here, the company will be giving and gathering information and ideas all the time (communication).


Вариант № 2

1. Supply the correct form of the verbs.

1.Moshe Golberg (just leave)________ his office when he received a telephone call from Hans Lehman. “ I’m very worried”, Hans said. “We (not receive)________ that delivery of machine tools that we ordered from you last week. You know you (promise)________ that they would arrive today. But it’s already 5 p.m. What (happen)________?”

Moshe said he (not know)_________, but he would find out. He phoned the transport agents right away; an embarrassed clerk at the agents’ office explained what (happen) _______. The truck that (carry) the consignment of machine tools to Germany (have) an accident. Now the driver (wait)________ on the side of the road for the emergency services to arrive. “ It (take) _______ several hours to put the truck back on the road again’, the clerk warned.

Moshe Golberg sighed and and prepared to call Hans.

2. Write the verbs in brackets in the Passive Voice.

1. The power plant ________(to put) into operation last year.

2. Large companies may __________(to organize) into several large departments, sometimes even divisions.

3. Prices for export may _________ (to quote) in the buyer’s currency, the seller’s currency or in a third “hard” currency.

4. No special customs documentation _________ (to require) for trade between firms in different parts of the EU.

5. Workers have _________(to train) to operate many different machines.

6. Goods _________(to insure) in transit, through an insurance company or insurance brokers.

7. After a long discussion the agreement ________ (to reach).

3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Complex Object

1. We know him to have graduated from the institute two years ago.

2. Everybody knows him to be writing a new book.

3. We know the cybernetics to be an important branch of modern technology.

4. We thought him to have taken part in their experiment.

5. Did you want them to discuss the terms of payment?

6. I expect you to be in the office earlier tomorrow to do some urgent work.

7. I’d like you to give me your contract forms.

8. She felt somebody look at her.

9. We heard him come in and close the door behind him.

10. Have you ever seen Ulanova dance?

11. Nobody noticed her leave the room.

12. I heard him mention my sister’s name.

4. Open the brackets using the Complex Object.

1. He ordered (чтобы они начали работу немедленно).

2. I’d like (чтобы он пришел как можно скорее).

3. I think (ваш менеджер даст вам инструкции по предстоящим переговорам).

4. We believe (что ты покажешь хорошие результаты).

5. I don’t think (что он хороший работник).

6. We want (чтобы товар был поставлен в мае).

7. They expect (что вы отправите отгрузочные документы).

5. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Complex Subject.

1. He was said to know several foreign languages.

2. The Buyers are supposed to increase the order.

3. They are believed to be on their way to the office.

4. The lecture of Prof. Stanley was said to be very interesting.

5. The Director is likely to come soon.

6. He did not appear to be surprised at this news.

7. They are likely to take part in business trip to New York.

8. He seems to know everything on this subject.

9. They were expected to learn how to use the computer.

10. This product is thought to be the first of its kind in the market.

11. His report proved to be the best at the conference.

12. These two scientists happened to work at the same problem.

6. Change the following sentences using the Complex Subject.

1. It is understood that the commission will soon come to a decision.

2. It was expected that the conference would take place in May.

3. It seems that this book is very popular with specialists.

4. It happened that he was at home at that time.

5. It is not likely that they will return soon.

6. It is said that the company is loosing a lot of money.

7. Translate the following text into Russian.

Under Russian legislation, legal entities may take a number of legal and organizational forms, including the state enterprise, municipal enterprise (founded by the local Council of Deputies), individual or family enterprise (owned by one or more members of the same family), full partnership, mixed partnership, limited liability partnership, closed joint stock company and open joint stock company.

Open Joint Stock Companies. Under the large-scale privatization program, Russian enterprises are converting to open joint stock companies. Open joint stock companies are similar in concept to Western publicly traded companies. Shareholders are responsible for the obligations of the company within the limits of their investment. Despite the similarities to Western companies, however, investors should bear in mind that the standard charters of open joint stock companies may provide limited control over the contributions of minority shareholders.

The main features of open joint stock companies are the following:

• While open joint stock companies are governed by their charters they are also subject to legislation. A standard charter has been issued to guide enterprises in designing their own charter.

• Shareholders have limited liability.

• Shareholders govern the company through shareholders’ meetings, which are held at least once a year. Among other activities at the shareholders' meetings, shareholders elect the board of directors to act on their behalf between meetings.

The board of directors, which is headed by the general director, appoints the board of management to carry out day-to-day management of the company.

Closed Joint Stock Companies. The following are the main differences between the open and the closed joint stock companies:

• Closed joint stock companies establish their own charter, allowing

participants to ensure that their interests in the company are better protected;

• Shares in closed joint stock companies are tradable only with the consent of other owners and in accordance with relevant articles of the charter.

Limited Liability Company. Limited liability companies (also known as limited liability partnerships) are not set apart in the law from closed joint stock companies. However, Russian authorities have recently begun to recognize limited companies as distinct corporate vehicles. The main differences emerging between limited liability and joint stock companies are the following:

• Limited liability companies are not required to issue share capital;

• Limited liability companies need only establish two management

bodies, the board of directors and the board of management, and need not hold a shareholders' meeting;

• Limited liability companies must have at least two founding parties.

Full Partnership. All participants in a full partnership have unlimited joint liability for the obligations of the enterprise.

Mixed Partnership. A mixed partnership includes full partners and investor partners. Full partners bear unlimited joint liability for the obligations of the partnership to the extent of their property. The liability of investor partners does not exceed their total investment in the property of the partnership.

Trusts. While trust companies are permitted in Russia, their legal status is unclear. Draft legislation covering trusts has been prepared, but has not yet been approved.


4.4. Контрольные задания к контрольной работе № 4

Вариант № 1

1. Read the text and translate it into Russian.

Joint Stock Companies. Public joint stock companies are similar in concept to Western publicly traded companies. Shareholders are responsible for the obligations of the company within the limits of their investment. Despite the similarities to Western companies, however, investors should bear in mind that the standard charters of public stock companies may provide limited control over the contributions of minority shareholders.

The main features of public joint stock companies are the following:

• While public joint stock companies are governed by their charters, they are also subject to legislation. A standard charter has been issued to guide enterprises in designing their own charter.

• Shareholders have limited liability.

• Shareholders govern the company through shareholders’ meetings, which are held at least once a year. Among other activities at the shareholders’ meetings, shareholders elect the board of directors to act on their behalf between meetings.

The board of directors, which is headed by the general director, appoints the board of management to carry out day-to-day management of the company.

Private Joint Stock Companies. The following are the main differences between the public and the private tock companies:

• Private joint stock companies establish their own charter, allowing participants to ensure that their interests in the company are better protected;

• Shares in private joint stock companies are tradable only with the consent of other owners and in accordance with relevant articles of the charter.

2. Answer the following questions to the text in written form.

1. What is the major document of a joint stock company?

2. What is the governing body of a joint stock company?

3. Is there much difference between public and private joint stock companies?

4. Are shares of both types of companies equally tradable in the market?

5. What are the shareholders of a joint stock company?

3. Read the dialogue and translate it into Russian. (Mobiflex receptionist – R, Mr. Hawk – H).

R – Mobiflex, good morning.

H – Good morning, could I speak to Mr. Shaw, please?

R – I am afraid Mr. Shaw is out at the moment.

H – When will he be back?

R – Late afternoon I guess, but you can speak to Mr. Ritch, his deputy. He is in the office.

H – Thanks, you see, the document is signed by Mr. Shaw so I need to talk to him. Can you give me his mobile phone number?

R – I am sorry, I am not authorized to, but you can leave a message anyway.

H – No, thanks. I’ve got to talk to Mr. Shaw in person. Just let him know it is Mr. Hawk from C&C ltd. And I will try again this afternoon.

R – I’ll tell him the moment he shows up. Thank you for calling. Good bye.

H – Good bye.

4. Choose the words that best correspond to each space. Translate the sentences into Russian.

repeat, make sure, notes (2), business, slowly, talk, receive, put, write, spell, important

1. It is easier to remember information later if you make _________ during a phone call.

2. When you _________


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