Множина іменників' Присвійний відмінок іменників 

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Множина іменників' Присвійний відмінок іменників



Щоб розуміти літературу, яку Ви читаєте, необхідно оволодіти певним запасом слів та виразів. Для цього рекомендується регулярно читати ан­глійською мовою навчальні тексти, газети та оригінальну літературу за фахом.

Роботу над закріпленням та збагаченням лексичного запасу радимо проводити таким чином:

а) працюючи зі словником, вивчіть англійський алфавіт, а також озна­йомтеся за передмовою з побудовою словника та системою умовних по­
значень, що прийняті у даному словнику,

б) слова вписуйте у зошит або на картки у вихідній формі з відповід­ною граматичною характеристикою, тобто іменники - в однині, дієслова -
у неозначеній формі.

При перекладі з англійської мови на українську необхідно пам'ятати, що викликає складності наступне:

1 Багатозначність слів Наприклад, слово convention має значен­ня: 1) збори, з'їзд; 2) договір, угода, конвенція; 3) звичай; 4) умовність.
Підібрати потрібне значення слова можливо тільки виходячи з контексту.
The Convention was successful. Збори пройшли успішно

That is not in accord with convention. Таке тут не прийнято.

2. Омоніми (різні за значенням, але однакові за звучанням слова), їх
слід відрізняти від багатозначних слів. Some - який-небудь і sum - сума,
break -ламати і brake — гальмо, left - лівий і left - Past Indefinite від дієсло­ва to leave - лишати, покидати.

Only few people write with the left hand. Мало хто пише лівою рукою.
They left Moscow for Kyiv Вони поїхали з Москви до Києва

3. Конверсія. Перехід слова з одної частини мови в іншу без зміни
написання називається конверсією. Найбільш розповсюдженим є утворення
дієслів від відповідних іменників. Наприклад:

water вода to water поливати

control контроль to control контролювати

cause причина to cause спричиняти

4. Інтернаціоналізми. В англійській мові значне місце займають
слова, що запозичені з інших мов, в основному з латинської та грецької.
ЦІ слова одержали широке розповсюдження і стали інтернаціональними.

По кореню таких слів легко здогадатися про їхній переклад українсь­кою мовою, наприклад: mechanization - механізація; atom атом тощо.

Однак треба пам'ятати, що більшість Інтернаціоналізмів розходяться у своєму значенні в українській і англійській мовах, тому їх часто називають "хибними друзями" перекладача. Наприклад: accurate - точний, а не аку­ратний; to control - не тільки контролювати, а й управляти (керувати) тощо.

5. Словотворення. Ефективним засобом розширення запасу слів в
англійській мові є знання засобів словотворення. Вміння розчленовувати
похідне слово на корінь, суфікс і префікс допомагає визначити значення
невідомого слова. Крім того, якщо знаєш значення найбільш вживаних
префіксів та суфіксів, можна без зусиль зрозуміти значення гнізда слів,
утворених від одного кореневого відомого слова.

6.Наукова література характеризується наявністю великої кількості термінів. Термін - слово або словосполучення, яке має одне суворо ви­значене значення для певної галузі науки і техніки. Значення невідомого терміна слід шукати у термінологічному



Оскільки основною цільовою установкою навчання іноземній мові є інформації з іншомовного джерела, особливу увагу слід приділяти читанню текстів Розуміння тексту досягається при здійсненні двох видів чигання:

1. вивчаючого читання

2. читання із загальним охопленням змісту

Точне та і повне розуміння тексту можна отримати шляхом вивчаючого читання, що передбачає вміння самостійно здійснювати лексико-граматичний аналіз тексту Підсумком вивчаючого читання є адекватний переклад тексту рідною мовою за допомогою словника. При цьому слід розвивати навички користування галузевими термінологічними словними та словниками скорочень.

Читаючи текст. що призначений для розуміння загального змісту, не звертаючись до словника, зрозуміти основний смисл прочитанного

При робоі над текстом використовуйте вказаки, вміщені в попередніх розділах.



Мета та задачі методичних вказівок з англійської mови

Сучасні методичні вказівки мають ціль допомогти студенту-заочнику в йогосамостійній po6oті над розвитком практичних навичок правильного читання і перекладу науково-популярної літератури на англійській мові над набуттям умінь сприймати зміст тексту з метою дістати потрібну інформацію.

Виконання контрольних завдань і оформлення контрольних


1. Кількість контрольних завдань, виконаних студентом на кожному курсі, установлюється учбовим планом закладу В листі кафудри вашого учбового закладу ви отримаєте точний графік виконання контрольних робіт.

2 Кожне контрольне завдання в даному посібнику пропонується в п'яти варіантах. Студент повинен виконати один з п'яти варіантів.Всі іншіваріанти потрібно використовувати в якості матеріалу для додаткового читання і для підготовки до іспиту.

3. Письмові контрольні роботи потрібно виконувати в окремому зошиті. На обгортці зошита пишете своє прізвище, шифр групи,курс,номер контрольної роботи..

4. Контрольні роботи повинні бути написані чорнилами акуратним почерком. При виконанні контрольних робіт залишайте в зошиті
поля для зауважень, пояснень і методичних вказівок рецензента.
али контрольних робіт слід розташовувати за наступним зразком


Підготовка до заліків та Іспитів

В процесі підготовки до заліків та іспитів рекомендується:

повторно прочитати і перекласти на українську мову ті тексті, які здалися важкими при виконанні контрольних завдань

перевірити засвоєння виписаних вами слів та виразів, які входять до лексичного мінімуму, передбаченого програмою з англійської мови

переглянути помилки, відмічені у відрецензованих контрольних роботах.


Виконані контрольні роботи направляйте для



Для того, щоб виконати контрольне завдання № 1, необхіднії наступні розділи курсу англійської мови за рекомендованим m<

Ступені порівняння прикметників та прислівників 5. Теперішній неозначений час (Present Indefinite) б Минулий неозначений час (Past Indefinite) 7. Майбутній неозначений час (Future indefinite) Після вивчення зазначеного матеріалу приступайте до вправ. Використовуйте зразки виконання вправ.


Контрольна робота 1

Варіант 1 (А-Є)


1.Перетворить однину во множину.

1. The room is light.

2. A goose is a bird.

3. A puppy is a little dog.

4. A woman is busier than a man.

2. Перекладіть речення,враховуючи особливості перекладу на українську мову прийменників, закінчення ‘s и порядка слів.

1. Ann’s father told some funny circus stories about a giant clown.

2. Many people live in apartment houses.

3. Do you know the name of your country?

3.Доповніть речення артиклями,де це необхідно.

1. I wrote to her but … letter never arrived.

2. Jane is …very nice person. You should meet her.

3. Montreal is … large city in Canada.

4. What is … largest city in Canada?

4. Вставте артиклі,де це необхідно.

1. … National Gallery is in … Trafalgar Square in London.

2. … Rocky Mountains are in … North America.

3. When I finish my studies, I’m going to... United States for a year.

4. If you sail from … Britain to … Denmark, you cross … North Sea.

5. Визначте місце прислівника.

1. He comes to see us. (often)

2. We come to the University at 9. (usually)

3. When do your classes begin? (generally)

6. Доповніть речення прикметником або прислівником.

1. They strolled in the park (lazy/lazily).

2. You shouldn’t be so (lazy/lazily).

3. That soup smells very (well/good).

4. That material washes (well/good).

7. Вставте у речення прикметники в потрібній формі.

1. Moscow is one of (large) cities in the world.

2. My brother is (tall) than my sister.

3. Where does your (old) brother live?

8. Вставте у речення прикметники в потрібній формі.

1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (better/best).

2. Pat’s car (faster/fastest) than Dan’s.

9. Перекладіть речення,враховуючи особливості вживання it та there.

1. It’s no good worrying about that.

2. Is it true that the English like to talk about their tea and their weather?

3. There have been two telephone calls.

4. It rains quite often all year round in England.

10. Визначте необхідний час і стан дієслова.


1. … too late to go there now.

2. … no garden near my home.

3. …difficult to find anything in this room.

4. …a new office in the next street.

5. … a man who wants to see you.


11. Визначте необхідну форму займенників.

1. I see (she/ her/ herself) at the Union every Friday.

2. She speaks to (us/ we) every morning.

3. (Yours/ your) record is scratched and (my/ mine) is too.

12. Визначте допоміжне діеслово.

1. Who speaks French in your family? I (have/ do/ am).

2. When (did/ were/ are) you buy the new TV set?

3. We (had/ were/ have) never been to London.

13. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Present Indefinite або Present Continuous.

1. What language they (to speak) in Holland?

2. What language he (to speak) now?

3. The professor (to speak) five foreign languages.

14. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Future Indefinite або Present Indefinite.

1. I (to go) and see London as soon as I (to reach) Great Britain.

2. I hope the next mail (to bring) better news from home.

3. I think he (not to know) when John (to return).

15. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Past Continuous.

1. You (to see) him yesterday?- Yes, he (to stand)in the hall laughing.

2. He (to come) in and (to see)Nelly who (to draw) a strange picture.

3. The businessman (to fly) to England a week ago.

16. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Present Perfect.

1. Some years ago he (to be) very poor, and (not to know) how to live. He (to become) very rich now.

2. I can get to my work very easily now, as I (to buy) a car.

3. What you (to do) last night?

17. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Present Perfect або Present Perfect Continuous.

1. The police (not to find) the burglar yet. They (to look) for him since Saturday.

2. How long you (to own) this house?

3. Where you (to put) my keys? I can’t find them.

18. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Past Perfect

1. She gave him the book his teacher (to recommend./

2. Tom wasn’t there when I (to arrive). He just (to leave) home

19.Перетворіть подані речення на питальні та заперечні.

1. There will be a new service station here.

2. He is driving a new Ford today.

20.Визначте підмет,поставте запитання до нього.

1. My mother runs the house perfectly.

2. Mr. Short is a nice man

3. My students are very nice.


21. Закінчить речення.

1. You can’t play tennis today, …?

2. You’re going to school tomorrow, …?

3. There will be an exam tomorrow, …?

4. She’s been studying English for two years, …?


22. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Do you prefer tea or coffee for breakfast?

2. Would you like fruit or ice-cream for dessert?

3. Does your husband (wife) look through the newspapers at breakfast or at supper?

23. Складіть питання до підкреслених слів.

1. She is reading a newspaper now.

2. My sons read these magazines every day.

3. His wife goes to the office in the morning.

4. Our English lessons usually last two hours .

24. Прочитайте текст і зробить письмовий переклад

Crime and Punishment

1. Almost all criminal and civil cases are examined on the principal link of Ukraine judicial system - the people's courts of districts and towns.

2. The most serious offences are tried by the courts of regions, territories and Autonomous Areas and Regions or by the Supreme Court of an Autonomous Republic. The Supreme Court of Ukraine only examines cases of particular complexity or of special public significance.

In delivering their verdicts all court, including the Supreme Court of the country, base their judgment not on the Fundamentals of Criminal Legislation, but on the articles of the criminal code of Ukraine.

Контрольна робота 1

Варіант 2 (Ж-Л)

1. Перетворить однину во множину

1. Give me the key.

2. The child is ill.

3. The shop is closed today.

4. I’d like to have some information about a train to New York.


2. Перекладіть речення,враховуючи особливості перекладу на українську мову прийменників, закінчення ‘s и порядка слів.

1. I have to take my watch to the watchmaker’s.

2. He is a night watchman.

3. He is such a careless driver, he may get into a traffic accident.

3. Доповніть речення артиклями,де це необхідно.

1.When I went to Rome, I stayed with … Italian friend of mine.

2. Don’t sit on … floor. It’s very dirty.

3. Can you turn on…radio, please? I want to listen to some music.

4. We live in…old house near …station. It’s two miles from… centre.

4. Вставте артиклі,де це необхідно.

1. In…London, …Houses of Parliament are beside…River Thames.

2. Have you ever had a meal at…MacDonalds?

3. …Cambridge and …Oxford Universities are the oldest universities in …Great Britain.

4. …Diana and …Charles got married in … St.Matthew’s Church.


10. Визначте місце прислівника.

1.He is at home at this time.(seldom)

2. Are you busy in the morning?(often)

3. The teacher gives us interesting texts to read.(sometimes)



6. Доповніть речення прикметником або прислівником.

1. The water flowed (rapid/rapidly).

2. The current is too (rapid/rapidly).

3. He seems to be (honest/honestly).

4. Tell me all (honest/honestly).


7. Вставте у речення прикметники в потрібній формі.

1.We heard (late) news over the radio.

2. June is (good) month of the year.

3. Whose translation is (good)?


8. Вставте у речення прикметники в потрібній формі.

1. This poster is (colourfuler/more colouful) than the one in the hall.

2. Does Fred feel (weller/better) today than he did yesterday.



9. Перекладіть речення,враховуючи особливості вживання it та there.

1. There was a general election that year.

2. There is a great deal of anger about this decision.

3. It snowed steadily through the night.

4. It is through that about a million puppies are born every year.


10. Визначте необхідний час і стан дієслова.


1. …a few questions I’d like to ask you.

2. …something dark on the floor.

3. …no place like home.

4. …impossible to read it all now.

5. …several empty rooms in this house.


11.. Визначте необхідну форму займенників.

1. Mr. Jones cut (himself/herself) while shaving.

2. Mary and (I/ me) would rather go to the movies.

3. Everyone has to do (their/ his) own research


12. Визначте допоміжне діеслово.

1. Where (did/were/are) you going when I met you last night?

2. (Do/does/is) your friend like to watch TV in the evening.

13. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Present Indefinite або Present Continuous.

1. My friend always (to tell) me the truth.

2. I see she (to tell) a lie now.

3. Be careful! You (to drive) too fast.


14. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Future Indefinite або Present Indefinite.

1. He (to become) a lawyer when he (to grow up).

2. If things (to get) worse, I (to lose) my job.

3. I (to stay) with him if you (to go) and (to telephone) the doctor.


15. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Past Continuous.

1. I (not to hear) what he (to say). I (to type) at the moment.

2. We (to walk) in silence for 5 minutes, then he (to begin) to speak.

3. The train (to strike) an obstacle on the line, but it (not to stop) because it (to travel) too fast at the timе.

16. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Present Perfect.

1. What you (to do) since I last (to see) you?

2. I (to get) a fax from Boston an hour ago, but I (not to answer) it yet.

3. “When you (to buy) this book?”- “I don’t remember.”

17. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Present Perfect або Present Perfect Continuous.

1. It (to rain) for two days now. There’ll be a flood soon.

2. The actors arrived yesterday and (to start) rehearsals today.

3. Mr. Pound is the bank manager. He (to be) here for five years.

18. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Past Perfect

1. There was nobody in the sitting room when I (to get) home. Everybody (to go) to bed.

2. I didn’t recognize him. He (to change) a lot.

19. Перетворіть подані речення на питальні та заперечні.

1. The telegram was brought by a stranger.

2. This dish must be served hot.

3. There are some foreign students in the group.

4. She is a careless driver.

20. Визначте підмет,поставте запитання до нього.

1. John and Dick are playing tennis.

2. They run for a bus every morning.

3. We like English tea.

21. Закінчить речення.

1. He wasn’t at work yesterday,…?

2. The pupils always come to school on time,..?

3. It doesn’t take long to get there,…?

4. You needn’t tell me about this,…?

22. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Are you fond of watching TV or listening to the radio?

2. Is it necessary to speak English or German to take a job in your office?

3. Did the delegation come on the 6th or 7th of February?

23. Складіть питання до підкреслених слів

1. I am going to stay at the University after classes today.

2. They discussed a lot of articles from these newspapers last week.

3. He took his children out last Sunday.

4. The dean spoke to us about our attendance yesterday.

24. Прочитайте текст і зробить письмовий переклад

Types of crime

Murder is a terrible crime. This crime requires an intent or planto hurt another person. The motive for this crime is usually passion or a desire for money (financial gain).

An example of murder due to passion is a jealous wife who kills her husband, after finding out he is having an affair. Another example is a jealous lover who kills his girlfriend, after she wants to end their relationship.

There are many examples of murder for money. A murderer kills someone to inherit his money. A business partner kills his partner to receive insurance money.

Another common type of crime is stealing from one's employer. An employee takes money from his employer's cash register. An employee writes a check, payable to himself, on his employer's bank account. An employee takes a computer, or radio, or other property from where he works.

Another common crime involves drivers of motor vehicles, who drink too much. This is called driving while intoxicated. Alcohol causes the largest number of motor vehicle deaths and injuries. The police work very hard to check people who drive too fast, or in an odd or unusual way. They may be driving this way, because they have been drinking.

We have mentioned crimes such as murder and robbery, both of which require an intent to do harm to someone else. People who cause motor vehicle accidents after drinking usually do not want to hurt someone. They simply do not understand how much the alcohol affects their driving. This crime results from what we call negligence,meaning that the driver was careless or not responsible, and took a risk he should not have taken.

Another type of crime we commonly read about is called a burglary. This is when a man breaks into your flat or house, to steal something. Many of these crimes are committed by people who have drug problems. They are desperate for money to buy more drugs. These people steal money, or a video-player, or a TV. Small items of property like this can be quickly sold for money to buy more drugs.

Sometimes we read about people getting into fights or arguments. When they start hitting each other, with their fists or other objects, this is a crime called assault and battery. Sometimes these fights happens after drinking too much at a pub. Alcohol is a depressant which has a typical affect on people. For some people, it makes them more angry, or irritated, or depressed. Some people who drink lose control over their emotions. Fights can break out when these changes occur in people who have drunk too much.

We read about sports crimes too. Many football games have problems with rowdy gangs rooting for their favourite team. Sometimes, they get too enthusiastic, and they will start arguing with the enthusiastic fans of another team. Then, the arguments turn into fights with lots of angry fans. Sometimes these fights start after too much drinking at these games.

You often read in the newspapers about traffic crimes. These usually are called traffic violations. They are not as serious as crimes, where people are intentionally hurt, or money or property is stolen. An example of a traffic crime (violation) is where a motorist speeds (drives too fast) through a part of time with a low speed limit. The low speed limit can be for a school with young children, a hospital, or a site where roadwork is being done on the highway. Another example is when a motorist does not stop at a stop sign.

A different type of crime against property is called shoplifting. This is where a shopper takes things from a store Without paying for them. Some people who shoplift have a mental disease called kleptomania. They are obsessed about taking things. They often have a secret desire to be caught and punished.

Robbery is another typical crime. This is a crime of violence against people and property. A robbery means you take money or property from someone else, by physical force. Often a gun or knife is used. Robbery is different than a burglary. Burglary is only a crime against property. That is, unless someone is at home, and that leads to a violent crime.

There are many types of robberies. A group of younger people take advantage of someone who is sick, or old and weak, and rob them of their purse or wallet. Someone runs into a store, and demands all of the store's money. Or someone goes to a bank and threatens to hurt the teller or bank employees, if the bank does not give their money to the robbers. Too often we read about terrible international crimes, called terrorist acts. These crimes are committed for many different reasons, usually political or religious. We read about someone putting a bomb on a plane, and killing hundreds of its passengers. We read about a government, or business, leader assassinated (killed) by a terrorist group from another country.

These are just a few examples of crimes that are common today."



Контрольна робота 1


Варіант 3 (М-С)

1. Перетворить однину во множину.

1. The leaf is yellow.

2. The thief was found.

3. The foot is sore.

4. There is a man behind you.


2. Перекладіть речення,враховуючи особливості перекладу на українську мову прийменників, закінчення ‘s и порядка слів.

1. Is it true that Jane and Paul’s marriage is in January?

2. He sings and plays the guitar.

3. What does he do for living?

4. How many meals a day do you usually have?


3.Доповніть речення артиклями,де це необхідно.

1. Enjoy your holiday and don’t forget to send me… postcard.

2. What is… name of … director of… film we saw … last night?

3. Pete and Mary have two children, … boy and …girl.

4. Our apartment is on …third floor.

4. Вставте артиклі,де це необхідно.

1. Businessmen like to read … Financial Times.

2. … Alexander Pushkin is a comfortable ship.

3. You should visit … British Museum when you are in…London.

11. Визначте місце прислівника.

1. What do you do in the evening? (usually)

2. Do you speak English with your groupmates?(ever)

3. We are ready for our classes.(always)

4. Выберите прилагательное или наречие.

6.Доповніть речення прикметником або прислівником.

1. The question is quite (simple/ simply).

2. She explained it quite (simple/ simply).

3. Do you (seriously/serious) want to go there?

4. It is a very (serious/seriously) thing.

7.Вставте у речення прикметники в потрібній формі.


1. She answered (well) than I did.

2. My grandfather is two years (old) than my grandmother.

3. Where is the (near) bus stop?


8. Вставте у речення прикметники в потрібній формі.

1. Jane is the (less/least) athletic of all the woman/

2. Your heritage is (different from /different than) mine.


9. Перекладіть речення,враховуючи особливості вживання it та there.


1. There were no books or newspapers, nothing to read.

2. There will be a meeting at three o’clock on Tuesday.

3. There seems to have been a mistake.

4. There should be a change in government.



10. Визначте необхідний час і стан дієслова.


1. a light in her window when I got home.

2. … a pity you could not come.

3. … so much work now that I can’t go to that concert.

4. … a shorter way to her house, but I did not know it.

5. … many things that interest me greatly.

11. Визначте необхідну форму займенників.

1. (Their/theirs) knowledge of the subject is not much superior to (our/ours).

2. I know (she/her) and her sister very well.

3. (This/these) exercises are very easy.


12. Визначте допоміжне діеслово.

1. We think they (would/shall/will) not be late.

2. He (has/will/have) just sent a letter.

3. Were you tired after the trip yesterday? – Yes, I (were/did/was).



13. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Present Indefinite або Present Continuous.

1. I (to do) a lot of work every day.

2. Don’t worry! I know what I (to do).

3. What’s the name of the fruit you (to eat) with such pleasure.



14. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Future Indefinite або Present Indefinite.

1. Tell me if you (to finish) your article in May and when exactly you (to finish) it.

2. I (to know) the result tomorrow. As soon as I hear, I (to tell) you.

3.. What you to do next weekend?

15. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Past Continuous.

1. The secretary (to come) and (to say) that a visitor (to wait) for me in the hall.

2. Who was that girl you (to talk) to when I (to pass) you in the street?

3. I (to look) for you in the theatre all evening?


16. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Present Perfect.

1. “How’s Jack?” – “Oh, I (not to meet) him for ages.”

2. He (to live) in London for two years and then (to go) to Edinburgh.

3. My brother (to write) several plays. He just (to finish) his second tragedy.



17. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Present Perfect або Present Perfect Continuous.

1. We (to argue) about this for two hours already. Perhaps we should stop!

2. I’m on a diet. I (to eat) nothing but bananas for the last month.

3. I (to study) at this University for a year.


18. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Past Perfect

1. He looked at the girl and (to understand) that he (to see) her somewhere before.

2. By the time we (to arrive), the party (to finish).

3. When Queen Victoria (to die) in 1901, she (to reign) for over 60 years.


19 Перетворіть подані речення на питальні та заперечні..

1. That man has been to Australia several times.

2. I have been learning English all my life.

3. She was doing homework at five o’clock yesterday.

4. They were at the disco last night.



20. Визначте підмет,поставте запитання до нього.

1. Louisa has got a very interesting job.

2. Jill goes to work by bus.

3. Columbus discovered America in 1492.


21. Закінчить речення.

1. Your wife wants James to give up tennis, …?

2. Jane has so few friends, …?

3. They lived quite near the station, …?

4. A hundred years ago there were no washing machines, …?

22. Дайте відповіді на запитання

1. will the foreign guests come to the Institute in June or July?

2. Was John present or absent at the English class yesterday?


23. Складіть питання до підкреслених слів.

1. We usually have little free time during sessions.

2. There some English text-books on my table.

3. They have sent us several telegrams lately.


24. Прочитайте текст і зробить письмовий переклад


Контрольна робота 1

Варіант 4 (Т-Ч)


1. Перетворить однину во множину.

1. The judge’s wage was good.

2. This hero is unknown.

3. The mystery of the case was revealed.

4. The friend of mine is coming to stay at the weekend.


2.. Перекладіть речення,враховуючи особливості перекладу на українську мову прийменників, закінчення ‘s и порядка слів.

1. It often snows at this time of the year.

2. There you can see my friends’ pictures.

3. The students of your group try not to miss lectures.

4. Our University provides us with a high standard of theoretical and practical knowledge.


3. Доповніть речення артиклями,де це необхідно.

1. I don’t know anybody in this photograph. Who is …man on…left?

2. What do you usually have for … breakfast?

3. Can you tell me …time, please?

4. What time do you usually get ….home from work?

4. Вставте артиклі,де це необхідно.

1. The British Prime Minister lives in… Downing Street.

2. Shetland Island are situated to the north of … England.

3. Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world.

5. Визначте місце прислівника.

1. I preparefor my classes in the reading hall.(quite often)

2. He misses lectures and practicals.(very seldom)

3. Does he fail to prepare his homework.(sometimes)


6.Доповніть речення прикметником або прислівником.


1. His answer was quite (clear/ clearly).

2. These figures (clear/clearly) show the development of our industry.

3. I don’t know (exact/exactly) where they live.

4. I don’t know the (exact/exactly) time of their arrival.


7. Вставте у речення прикметники в потрібній формі.


1. His job is (important) than his friend’s.

2. Last week was (hot) then thus week.

3. The boys felt (bad) than the girls about losing the game.

8. Вставте у речення прикметники в потрібній формі.

1. The colder the weather gets, (sicker/the sicker) I fell.

2. A mink coat costs (twice more than/twice as much as) a sable coat.


9. Перекладіть речення,враховуючи особливості вживання it та there.

1. It was a pleasure to be there.

2. There can’t have been anybody outside.

3. I knew there would be trouble.

4. Listen to this. It’s a new hit.


10. Визначте необхідний час і стан дієслова.


1. … a river where we could fish.

2. … possible that the man is telling the truth.

3. … no time to talk.

4. … a fact that he is a talented man.

5. … nothing for it but to try and escape.


11. Визначте необхідну форму займенників

1. (These/those) books are over there on the table.

2. The are busy with (its/their) lessons.

3. (What/who) has clean paper?


12. Визначте допоміжне діеслово.


1. (Will/does/is) he meet us at the station tomorrow?

2. (Were/did/have) you finished to write your article yet?

3. What magazine (did/were/are) you looking through when we came into the hall?


13. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Present Indefinite або Present Continuous.

1. She (not to understand) what the teacher (to explain).

2. You usually (to drink) coffee at this time?

3. The court (to hear) this particular part of the evidence in private.


14. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Future Indefinite або Present Indefinite.

1. He (to come) if you ask him.

2. I wonder how Jack (to get on) with the new secretary. – Oh, he (not to work) here after this week.

3. He says he (to ring up) us soon as he (to finish) his work.


15. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Past Continuous.


1. I (to look) through the classroom window. A geometry lesson (to go) on. The teacher (to draw) diagrams on the blackboard.

2. “What you (to do) between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday?” (to say) the detective.

3. “The house next to hours (to be) full of policemen and police dogs yesterday. What they (to do)?” – “I (to hear) that they (to look) for drugs.”


16. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Present Perfect.


1. I (not to see) him for tree years. I wonder where he is.

2. I (to read) his books when I was at school. I (to enjoy) them very much.

3. I can’t go out because I (not to finish) my work.

17. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Present Perfect або Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Things (to change) since I was a girl.

2. The police (to look for him for four days.

3. Nobody (to see) him since last week.

4. I (to teach) hundreds of students but I never (to meet) such a hopeless class as this.



18. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Past Perfect.

1. The scientist suddenly (to see) the answer to the problem that (to occupy) his mind for the last two months.

2. The policeman read the suspect his rights after he (to arrest) him.

3. A search party (to set out) to look for the two climbers who (to leave) their hotel early that morning.


19. Перетворіть подані речення на питальні та заперечні.

1. I’ll buy a new toy for my son when I get money.

2. He should stay in bed.

3. She can play football quite well.

4. We are to be at the station before the train starts.


20. Визначте підмет,поставте запитання до нього.

1. He had to spend a lot of money on education.

2. The fax will be received in an hour.

3. A new school is being built in our district.


21. Закінчить речення.

1. His friends promised to give me a lift to the airport,…?

2. Your grand mother usually does shopping,…?

3. Saturday is your day off,…?

4. They haven’t bought a large house yet,…?


22. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Have you been to England or France?

2. Is your colleague busy with his essay this week or next week?

23. Складіть питання до підкреслених слів.

1. I couldn’t come because I didn’t feel well.

2. She’s read book which I advised her to take.

3. It will take you two hours to get there.

4. It was five o’clock when I got home.

24. Прочитайте текст і зробить письмовий переклад



The University of Edinburgh, founded in 1583, is now one of the largest universities in Great Britain. It is grouped on three main sites. Around Old CXollege and George Square, adjacent to the Old Town of Edinburgh, ares the faculties of Arts, Law, Medicine, Music and Social Sciences. The Faculty of Divinity is also in the Old Town, close to the Castle. Two mmles to the south, the King's Buildings is the location of the Faculty of Science, while the principal students' residences are located some twenty rrudnutes walk from both George Square and the King's Build­ings. Veterinary Medicine is at Summer hall, not far from George Square, with a Field Stsation at Easter Bush, seven miles from the city centre.

While offerring undergraduate courses in virtually all subjects taught at university level-, the University is one of the major research centres in Britain, and as such, offers unparalleled opportunities to the postgraduate student. On ac'«count of its present size and the reputation, which it has risen up over the centuries in all fields of study, and because of its location in a city which is a centre of-government and commerce, the University is an exceptional centre at which to conduct research. At present here are about 3,000 postgraduate students studying alongside some 9,700 under­graduates. The students come from some 90 countries around the world. Many research centres and units are established within and in associa­tion with the University. The European Institute which collaborates with departments in Arts, Law and Social Sciences, is an instance. There are also research organizations sited in and around Edinburgh with which the University has close working relations, such as the Royal Observatory for Scotland. Standing on Blackford Hill, adjacent to the King's Buildings, is a laboratory of the Science and Engineering Research Council which ac­commodates the University's Department of Astronomy. The King's Building is also the base of the Edinburgh University Computing Service which provides the University community with very powerful computing service, whilst, separately, offering computing services for the universities of cen­tral Scotland on a network basis.

While it has long enjoyed an international reputation for academic excellence in the traditional subjects of study, in recent years the University offers a range of studies in the latest disciplines. In the sciences, it deals with major developments in microelectronics, biotechnology and computer-based disciplines such as Artificial Intelligence. In the arts it houses Linguistics as well as the School of Scottish Studies.

It is a great advantage in any area of study to have ready access to a wide-ranging and well-maintained collection of library material. The University Library is one of the largest university collections in Britain. Rich in rare books, manuscripts and maps, and well provided with modern texts, it now contains over two million items. The catalogue of the whole library is steadily being converted to machine-readable form, which may be accessed via the usual national and international online networks.



Контрольна робота 1


Варіант 5 (Ш-Я)


1. Перетворить однину во множину.

1. What is the chance of success?

2. There was a small loss.

3. Crime is a problem in most big cities.

4. What is the criterion for this estimation?


2. Перекладіть речення,враховуючи особливості перекладу на українську мову прийменників, закінчення ‘s и порядка слів.

1. Olga is busy with her graduation design because she is a final-year student.

2. When do first spring flowers appear on the ground?

3. Everybody in our group attends lectures on Roman Law.

4. Our country’s need in qualified specialists will continue to grow.

3. Доповніть речення артиклями,де це необхідно.

1. What time do you start work in… morning?

2. Why is he in … prison? He hasn’t done anything wrong.

3. Braille is … system of reading and writing by touch for …blind.

4. The other day the fire brigade had to go to … prison to put out a fire.

4. Вставте артиклі,де це необхідно.

1. Lomonosov was born in a small village on the shore of …White Sea.

2. …Europe and …America are separated by …Atlantic Ocean.

3. …Nile flows across the north-eastern part of …Africa to… Mediterranean Sea.

5. Визначте місце прислівника.

1. He prepares for his lessons.(carefully)

2. She plays the piano. (well)

3. My sister go to bed after twelve. (never, hardly ever)

6. Доповніть речення прикметником або прислівником.

1. The children were (happy/ happily).

2. They lived (happy/ happily).

3. The plane will arrive (soon/ sonly).

4. He had an accident because he was driving too (fast/ fastly).

7. Вставте у речення прикметники в потрібній формі.

1. Diana is (short) of the three girls.

2. My cat is(pretty) of the two.

3. This summary is (good) of the pair.


8.Вставте у речення прикметники в потрібній формі.

1. The museum is the (farther/ farthest) away of the tree buildings.

2. Of the two shirts, this one the (prettier/ prettiest )

9. Перекладіть речення,враховуючи особливості вживання it та there.

1. There appears to be great confusion on this point.

2. It’s strange that it hasn’t been noticed before.

3. It will be nearly six o’clock.

4. There is something wrong with the printer. It won’t work.

5. There was nothing to discuss.

10. Визначте необхідний час і стан дієслова.


1. …a little strange.

2. …cold in winter.

3. …nothing you can do about it.

4. …already late and … nobody in the office to solve your problem.

5. …very kind of you.

11. Визначте необхідну форму займенників

1. He spoke of a man (which/ whose) name was unknown to us.

2. She first looked at the title of the story and then at (she/ her).

3. Some of (them/their) must work to earn money.


12. Визначте допоміжне діеслово.

1. When (did/have/were) they come back?

2. (Is /does/will) it still raining? – Yes, it is.

3. (Has/is/does) your sister want to buy an English-Russian dictionary?


13. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Present Indefinite або Present Continuous.

1. I (not to hear) anything. You just (to imagine) things.

2. Don’t take his remarks too seriously. He’s so upset that I (not to think) he really (to know) what he (to say).

3. You (to realize) that you (to stand) on my toe?


14. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Future Indefinite або Present Indefinite.

1. We cannot leave the house until it (not to stop) raining.

2. You (to plan) to take your exams ahead of time?

3. I (to stay) in court till the jury returns.


15. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Past Continuous.

1. I didn’t want to meet Paul so when he entered the room I (to leave).

2. He suddenly (to realize) that he (to travel) in the wrong direction.


16. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Present Perfect.

1. The play just (to begin). You are a little late.

2. Mr.Count (to work) as a solicitor for twenty-five years. Then he (to retire) and (to go) to live in the country.

3. I (to phone) you twice yesterday and (to get) no answer.


17. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Present Perfect або Present Perfect Continuous.

1. You won’t believe it, but I already (to wait) two month for my phone to be repaired.

2. Where you (to be)? I (to wait) for you for over an hour.

3. You look tired. I think you (to work) hard lately and you (not to get) enough fresh air and exercise.


18. Перетворіть слова з дужок на форми Past Indefinite або Past Perfect

1. He knew that he(to make) a serious mistake.

2. I felt that I (to meet)the man somewhere before.

3. She ran downstairs to open the door, but it (to be) too late. The policeman already (to go).



19. Перетворіть подані речення на питальні та заперечні.

1. I’d like to have a good rest today.

2. You may leave at once.

3. They’ve got many relatives.


20. Визначте підмет,поставте запитання до нього.

1. His father wanted him to become a lawyer.

2. We always have a swim before breakfast.


21. Закінчить речення..

1. He took up an English course two years ago, …?

2. You have to write letters, …?

3. The manager expects the secretary to arrive at 9, …?

4. Babies have five meals a day, …?


22. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Shall we read or retell this text?

2. Can you agree with his or my point of view?


23. Складіть питання до підкреслених слів.

1. Many famous writers had to work hard in their youth to earn their living.

1. He usually has dinner at 7 o’clock in the evening.

The Normans invaded Britain in 1066.

You must call your elderly parents every week.



24. Прочитайте текст і зробить письмовий переклад



Interview with Joanna Bogle, of the National Viewers' and Listeners' Association

I = Interviewer,IB = Joanna Bogle

I Joanna Bogle is a member of the National Viewers' and Listeners' Association, which aims 10 monitor the output of both television and radio. Joanna believes quite firmly that TV stations should recogni/.e more fully the power and influence of television, and exercise stricter control over programme content. I asked her what kind of thing she personally found offensive on television.

.IB Well... this would be difficult to say. First I don't think one wants to say so much personally as what our association would find offensive and it's not only offensive but harm­ful. I do ihink lhat I personally find a great deal of the exploitation of sex and sexuality offensive. Perhaps this is particularly as a woman. And I find it very irresponsible too

because we are now recognizing that some of the revolving attitudes towards sex and towards women which became popular... have become popular over the last couple of decades have had a number of seriously sad side effects, not least Ihe tragedy of AIDS and so on. So 1 personally am offended by that, but I would say that the association is probably slightly more concerned, particularly about violence, - violent language, violent activity, and the idea that sloshing out at somebody, engaging in really savage, barbaric er... er... activity is a normal even a praiseworthy, heroic, manly thing to do. I'm thinking, for in­stance, of films like Sebastiane, and Jubilee, that disgusting film where policemen were seen erm... being the victims of cannibalism and somebody was roasted alive on a spit... ugh...

I Was this shown on television? JB Er... Yes this was shown on Channel 4.1

regard that as unacceptable... grossly violent, sadistic er... with the most horrible and depraved of overtones. I think there's a case for saying that some things don't really have a place on the small screen at all, and belong to the private cinema club for those who really like that kind of thing. I But don't people realize the difference between

fantasy and reality?

.IB Ah... I don't actually think people do know the difference between fantasy and reality, not that that always matters it can even be quite amusing. On BBC radio, the programme The Archers, the popular everyday tale of farming folk, they wanted to write a new baby into the sorry at one point... they'd had a young couple getting married and er..., a couple of years later they thought 'time to introduce a baby into the script' and they decided against it because they didn't have the staff at the B ВС at the time to cope w with '.he flood of little white knitted woolly things that would be arriving for this non-existent baby! They h- d to wait until they'd got the secretaries and so on to cope with it! So people do believe in it. It's ridiculous, people write to Coronation Street for the imagined wedding anniversaries and birthdays and funerals and so on that crop up. Fantasy is... is... very difficult to remove from reality.

I What evidence is there that, um, the violence or indeed sexual behaviour that is seen on television is reflected in behaviour... I mean isn't it the other way round? JB This of course is the big debate and it is true that television both reflects and influences. 1 think we've all had the experience of being enormously inspired by magnificent music or a stirring speech or a call to courage. We've all been moved by some impressive event on television and certainly we can even see within a whole country that you can create a mood or a climate by 'the way in which you present an... an activity, and I think that it's rather silly to imagine that people who are uplifted by er... a lovely piece of pageantry or by stirring music are not depraved by something that's disgusting. Clearly we're both. It is true tha... that the mixture between what influences you and wha... and how you influence the screen is... is a blurred area and everybody in the mass media knows this, but I would say that by and large one of the major influences on all our lives is television, and people wouldn't spend thousands of pounds on advertising on it if it didn't influence people 'Persil washes whiter' says the voice over and over again and millions of housewives are absolutely convinced that it does and they go out and buy the product. So I think the influence is mostly that way round.




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