Tellheraboutit. She must know it.Don’ttellheraboutit. – She must not know it. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Tellheraboutit. She must know it.Don’ttellheraboutit. – She must not know it.

1.(Give) the toy to John. 2. (Close) the door. 3. (Call) him in the morning. 4. (Let) him talk with her. 5. (Turn) off the light. 6. (Leave) your hat on the chair. 7. (Lend) himyourdictionary. 8. (Help) himwithhishomework. 9. (Open) thewindow. 10.(Buy) anicecream.

(подсказки) 1. Toplaywith/ to break it 2. Noisy/ stuffy 3. to wake him up/ to sleep 4. Toloveher/ tobenotpolite 5. Togotobed/ toodark 6. Noplacetohangit/ tositdownonit 7. Totranslatethewordquickly/ to lose it 8. Understandit/ toithimself 9. Havefreshair/ toocold 10. Delicious/ to catch a cold

Задание 3. Переведитенаанглийскийязык. Translate the following into English.

1.Принеси, пожалуйста, воды. 2. Не бери бумагу. Дай мне лист бумаги. 3. Выпей стакан молока. 4. Не покупай эти огурцы. Они не вкусные. 5.Выключи мобильный телефон. 6.Не открывай окно! 7. Не звони ему. 8. Напиши адрес. 9. Принесите и еще одну вилку и салфетки. 10. Идите прямо, затем, поверните налево. 11. Купи билет. 12. Нарисуй солнце. 13. Не ходи туда. Опасно. 14. Спой что-нибудь, пожалуйста.

Задание 4. Переведитенарусскийязык. Translate it into Russian.

1.What a beautiful picture! 2. What a house! 3. What strange people! 4. How wonderful! 5.How beautiful she is! 6. How hard he works! 7.What a lot of languages your sister speaks! 8.Isn’t she beautiful! 9.Doesn’t he work hard! 10.Wasn’t it a surprise! 11.What an exceptional child this is! 12.I can’t figure this out! 13. I simply adore you!14. I just won the lottery!15. Ididn’tseeyoucomein! 16. It is so cleverofyou! 17. Whatacar! 18. Don’tbenoisy! 19. Happybirthdaytoyou! 20. She’swon! 21. Look! What a hat! 22. Here they are!

Задание 5.Какиеэмоциивыражаютмеждометия? Употребите данные междометия с предложениями из задания 4.


· Wow!

· Brilliant!

· Awesome!

· Ouch!

· Amazing!

· Bravo!

· Fantastic!

· Tremendous!

· Hooray!

· Gosh!

· Jeepers!

· Magnificent!

· Unbelievable!

· Hush!


Задание 6. Начните или закончите мини-диалоги данными фразами. Работайте в парах.

1. - What a nice day today! 2. – We are late! 3. -You look wonderful today! 4. – Don’t break it! 5. – Hurry up! 6. – Happy birthday! 7. – I look forward to seeing you! 8. – Nice to meet you! 9. – Be careful! 10. – Oh, my God! You stained your dress! 11. – Are you ready or not! 12. – Don’t do it!


Задание 7. Перепишите предложения, используя двойные союзы. Сделайте необходимые изменения. Неставьтезнакипунктуации! /

Rewrite the sentences using the paired conjunctions given in brackets.

Пример: Tom doesn’t lie to his friends. Paul doesn’t either. Neither Tom nor Paul lie to their friends.

1.Fred likes to help his friends.So does Linda. (both… and) 2. Harry used to date Ann. Or was it Helen? (either… or) 3.We should learn to accept our weaknesses and our strengths. (not only… but also) 4. He never listens to or advises his friends when they have a problem. (neither…nor) 5. He felt disappointed. He felt misunderstood. (both… and). 6. Brian isn’t very considerate. Neither is Tom. (neither… nor). 7. A true friend is someone who is caring and loving. (both… and) 8. Rachel should apologize or leave.(either… or) 9. Richard and John didn’t keep her secret. (neither … nor)



Задание 8.Переведитепредложениясотрицанием.

1.I received no letters yesterday. 2. He wants no more cake. 3. No student can answer the question. 4.I have no flowers with me. 4. Nobody can help me. 5. I found no one in the house. 6. None of us could translate it. 7. She knows nothing about it. 8. She never helps anybody. 9. The rumor was hardly true. 10. He is unable to understand the question.



Задание 9. Стр.46 упр.3,4,5.

Колесникова Л.И. Учебные задания по английскому языку для студентов I курса неязыковых факультетов, 2 часть.– Владимир: ВГПУ, 2001, 50с.


Форма текущего контроля успеваемости: грамматический тест, диалоги

Самостоятельнаяработа, домашнее задание

Н.А.Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Н.А.ЛукьяноваУчебниканглийскогоязыка. Частьпервая. Книга 1.- 2012.

Стр.89. упр.3. Стр.90. упр.5. Стр.93. упр.10,11. Стр.103. упр.15,16. Стр.104. упр.18. Стр.109 упр.6. Стр.119. упр.7. Стр.119. упр.5. Стр.129 упр. 4. Стр.131 упр. 10. Стр.167 упр. 6 а. Стр.414-415. упр.1,2,3.стр.416. упр.6,7,8 стр.421 упр.23.


Тема: 3.2.СоединенныеШтатыАмерики

Модуль 3. Страноведение.

Цельзанятия: – Формированиеречевыхумений. Развитие коммуникативных навыков. Развитие познавательных, творческих навыков учащихся, умений самостоятельно конструировать свои знания, умений ориентироваться в информационном пространстве, развивать критическое мышление.

План занятия: Подготовка к проекту, обсуждение темы, определение цели исследования, составление плана, отбор учебных интернет материала по темам, отбор и заучивание лексики по теме, обсуждение вопросов по теме в мини-группах, презентация, обсуждение сообщений по теме, работа с географической картой.

Используемые технологии: case-study- (беседа, работа в парах, дискуссия по материалу проблемного кейса-текста, индивидуальная и групповая работа);выполнение моно проектных работ в виде электронных презентаций по заданным темам, оформление в режиме слайд-шоу или видео, отбор лучших моно проектов для единого группового проекта,информационно-коммуникационные технологии (ИКТ), использование учебных интернет материалов:хотлист (hotlist – список по теме), трежахант (treasurehunt- охота за ценной информацией), сабжектсэмпла(subjectsampler–личное мнение по теме), мультимедиа скрэпбук (multimediascrapbook–мультимедийный альбом), и вебквест(webquest–интернет поиск). Пример: интернет ресурс, тема «География США»:Видео-фильмы (3 мин), «История США»

Племена индейцев США

Праздники США

Спорт в США

Содержание занятия:

Подготовка к презентациям. Работа с текстами. Лексический тренинг.

Задание 1. Прочитать текст, выписать новые слова в словарь, перевести. ГеографическоеположениеСША. Location

highlands – mountainousparts of a country

lowlands – low level country

prairie – wide area of level land with grass but no trees, especially in North America

typhoon – violent hurricane of the kind that occurs in the western Pacific

vegetation – plants generally and collectively

wildlife – animal life

I. The United States proper (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) is situated in the central part of the North American stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, from Canada in the North to Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Gulf of California in the south. The USA is an extremely large country in North America. In size, the United states ranks fourth among the nations after Russia, Canada, and China. It possesses many islands in the Pacific Ocean and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in the Atlantic. It has military bases scattered all over the world.

The continental part of the USA consists of four physical geographical parts: two highland and two lowland regions. The highland regions are the Appalachian Mountains in the east, and the Cordillera and the Rocky Mountains in the west. The highest peak in the Appalachian Mountains is 2,037 metres high. The highest peak of the Cordillera in the USA is 4,418 metres high. The Appalachian Mountains are very old. The valleys between them are rich in coal. The Rocky Mountains are considered to be young, high, rough, and irregular in shape.

Between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains there are central lowlands, called the prairie, and the eastern lowlands, called the Mississippi valley.

The five great Lakes, between the USA and Canada, include Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. They are all joined together by short rivers or canals, and the St. Lawrence River joins them to the Atlantic Ocean. In the west of the USA there is another lake called the Great Salt Lake.

The main rivers of the USA are the Mississippi, flowing south to the Gulf of Mexico (it is the second largest river in the world after the Nile); The Missouri, flowing into the Mississippi; the Rio Grande, flowing along the boundary between Texas and Mexico into the Gulf of Mexico; the Yukon, flowing north-west and then south-west from Canada through Alaska to the Bering Sea; the Colorado, flowing into the Gulf of California; the Columbia, flowing into the Pacific Ocean, and the St. Lawrence and the Hudson River, flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.

II. In the East the principal trees are spruce, poplar, birch and fir. The Northern Appalachians and the upper great Lakes region are dominated by mixed forests of birth, beech, maple, hemlock, and pine. Much of southern Florida and the lower Mississippi River valley are covered by marsh grasses. In the Western Mountains on the lower slopes are open woodlands. The warm-winter desert areas of Southwest support much cactus. The Pacific Northwest has dense coniferous forests with fir, hemlock, and spruce among the principal trees. Northwestern California has dense stands of giant redwoods (sequoias) along the coast.

Throughout Midwest and in much of Texas the native vegetation has been largely removed to make way for agriculture.

The animal population of the United States was both numerous and prolific in aboriginal times. Since the advent of the white man, with his firearms and with his need of land for agriculture, the animal population has been greatly reduced. Whole species have been exterminated, or preserved in other than the wild state.

The northeastern forests abounded in animals of all kind and sizes. Deer, raccoons, skunks, grey and red squirrels, black bears, rabbits and hares, beavers, minks, and moles were common. Great flocks of birds were present, including migratory wild fowl. Reptiles included turtles, salamanders, and several species of snakes.

In the forests of the Southeast opossums abounded and along the coasts were alligators and sea cows. Crocodiles were present in the extreme south of Florida. Great numbers of large birds, such as the flamingo, the whooping crane, were common in the swamps and marshes. The interior Plains had vast herds of grazing animals, especially bisons (“buffaloes”) and antelopes. The higher mountains of the West were the home of the mountain sheep, mountain goat, grizzly bear, marmot, and rock rabbit.

The deserts have a highly specialized world, equipped to avoid heat and reduce water losses to a minimum, like the sidewinder rattlesnake, which keeps much of its body off the ground to avoid contact with that searing surface.

Historically and geographically the United States of America is divided into 9 regions:

1. New England

2. New York

3. The Mid-Atlantic region

4. The South

5. The Midwest

6. The Southwest

7. The Rocky Mountain region

8. The Pacific Northwest and Alaska

9. California and Hawaii

Задание 2. Обсудитевопросывгруппеилиспартнером: Discuss the following questions 2-5 in the group or with the partner.

1. Find everything mentioned in the text on the map.

2. Compare the geographical position of the USA to the one of Russia.

3. What do you know about the climate of your country?

4. What trees and animals are most common in different climate zones of Russia?

5. What kind of wild animals are there in your region?


Задание 3. Просмотр видео фильма «Природа США», во время просмотра записать все географические названия. Законспектировать кратко на русском языке, что узнали и увидели.

Задание 4. Прочитать текст TheAmericanPeople и выпишите новые слова в словарь, переведите текст.

TheNativeAmericans.The first people on the American continent came from Asia. They came across the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska at various times when the sea level dropped. The first migration might have been as early as 40,000 years ago. Once in America, these people migrated east across North America and south through central and South America. When Columbus arrived in the fifteenth century, there were perhaps 10 million people in North America alone. They had developed many different kinds of societies. These were the peoples that Columbus called “Indians”, in the mistaken belief that he had reached the East Indies. The story of the westward growth of the United States was also the story of the destruction of the Native Americans, or Indians. Today there are about 1.5 million Indians in the United States. Western states have the largest Indian populations. About one-third of the Native Americans live on reservations, land that was set aside for them. Most of the others live in cities. Poverty and unemployment are major problems, especially on the reservations.

The British. Beginning in the 1600s, the British settled the eastern part of North America. By the time of the American Revolution (1776), the culture of the American colonists (their religion, language, government, etc.) was thoroughly British – with an American “twist”. In a sense, then, the British culture was a foundation on which America was built. Also, over the years, many immigrants to the United States have come from the United Kingdom and Ireland.

African-American. From 1620 to 1820 the largest group of people had come to the United States not as willing immigrants, but against their will. These people were West Africans brought to work as slaves, especially on the plantations, or large farms of the South. In all, about 8 million people were brought from Africa. The Civil War in the 1860s ended slavery and established equal rights for black Americans. But many states, especially in the South, passed laws segregating (separating) and discriminating against black Americans. The civil rights movement, in the 1950s and 1960s, helped get rid of these laws. However, the effects of 200 years of slavery, 100 years of segregation, and continued prejudice are not as easy to get rid of. Today about 12 percent of America’s population is black. Many black Americans live in the South and in the cities of the Northeast and Midwest.

Immigrants from Northern and Western Europe. Since 1820s, the number of immigrants coming to the United States begins to increase rapidly. Faced with problems in Europe – poverty, war, discrimination – immigrants hoped for, and often found, better opportunities in the United States.

During these years most immigrants were from northwestern Europe – from Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, and Norway. The United States was expanding into what is now Midwest. There was a lot of land available for farming. Many new immigrants became farmers in the Midwest. To this day, German and Scandinavian influence is obvious in Midwestern foods and festivals.

Immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. Although immigration from Northwestern Europe continued, from the 1870s to the 1930s even more people came from the countries of southern and eastern Europe – for example, Italy Greece, Poland, and Russia. Like the earlier immigrants, they came to escape poverty and discrimination. During this period, the United States was changing from a mainly agricultural to a mainly industrial country. The new immigrants helped make this change possible. Many settled in cities and worked in factories, often under conditions that were quite bad. In the 1920s discrimination and prejudice in the US led to laws limiting immigration; immigration slowed down until the 1960s, when these laws were changed.

Hispanic-Americans. Hispanics are people of Spanish or Spanish-American origin. Some Hispanics lived in areas that later became part of the US. Hispanics come from many different countries. Three especially large groups are Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Cuban-Americans. While the groups have much in common (especially the Spanish language), there are also many differences. The groups are also concentrated in different areas.

Asian-Americans. In the nineteenth century laws limited Asian immigration. Also, Asians in the US, such as the Chinese and Japanese, met with widespread discrimination. Since the mid-1960s, with changes in immigration laws and with conflicts in Southeast Asia, Asians have been a major immigrant group.

Задание 5: Обсудитепроблемувмалыхгруппах: Discuss the following problem in the small groups.

1. Over the years, did many people immigrate to your country? Are there many immigrants today? Where are the immigrants from? Why did they leave their countries?Does migration of people from East cause any problem? Express your opinion.

Форма текущего контроля успеваемости: чтение текстов, монологические высказывания,просмотр видео фильма «Природа США», написание краткого изложения, оценка

Самостоятельнаяработа, домашнее задание:

Написать на английском языке краткое изложение просмотренного фильма.

Начать интернет поиск, подбор информации по определенной теме.



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