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Throttle needle (see ACRO menu 3. 3. 15)


PROG MIX (see ACRO MENU 3.3.1)


Revo., curves for idle-ups are often v-shaped to provide proper rudder input with negative pitch and increased throttle during inverted flight. (Rudder is needed to counter the reaction whenever there is increased torque. In inverted flight, throttle stick below half has increased throttle and negative pitch, therefore increasing torque and rotating the helicopter unless the revo. mix is also increasing appropriately.)

Additional flight conditions are available specifically for helicopters. These additional flight conditions contain different throttle curves, collective pitch curves, revo. mixing, and trims (except IDLE-3) to make the helicopter perform certain maneuvers more easily. Lastly, the gyro and dual rate functions may be set to provide separate rates per condition selected, including one for each idle-up.

Additional idle-ups may be used to maximize the helicopter's flight characteristics in certain types of flight (i.e. fast forward motion, backward) or maneuvers (loops, rolls, stall turns), or even the same maneuver but changing from heading-hold/AVCS gyro mode to normal gyro mode. The AT9 provides 3 idle-ups to allow the modeler 3 additional setups along with the normal flight condition. (Note that IDL3 does not include governor settings.)



• SWITCH G (AT9) or E (AT9) is programmed for normal (NORM), idle-up 1 (IDLE-UP1), and idle-up 2 (IDLE-UP2) curves, adjustable in CONDITION SELECT (IDLE-UP1/2, IDLE-UP3 items).

(IDLE-UP1/2 3-position type switch only, IDL3 2-position type switch only)

• Activated with the throttle curve for that condition in THR-CURVE.

• Curves are adjusted to maintain constant RPM even when the collective pitch is negative (inverted). Note that REVO mixing has one curve for idle-ups 1 and 2 and a second curve just for idle-up3.

•Gyro settings may be set separately for each idle-up.

• Governor settings may be set up to follow Normal/Idle1/Idle2, but do not offer a setting to adjust for each of the 5 conditions like gyro.

• Activating OFFSET makes the TRIM LEVERS adjust the trim separately in each of the idle-up conditions.



AIRCRAFT menu is the most differ between AT9 and AT10. The menu makes it easier to fly multi copters. The basic function menu is same like ACRO, GLID and HELI, please find the detail in the former chapters.

Now letЎЇs start the basic setting, take a quad copter for example:


Goals Steps Inputs
Prepare your aircraft. Install all servos switched, receivers, etc.per your modelЎЇs instructions.Turn on the transimitter then receiver; adjust all linkages so surfaces are nearly centered. Mechanically adjust all linkages as close as possible to proper control throws.Check servo direction.Make notes now of what you will need to change during programming.
Select proper MODEL TYPE. (Ex:AIRCRAFT) Open the BASIC menu find the MODEL TYPE. Turn on the transimitter, for 1 sec. to BASIC menu (If ADVANCE, again) to MODEL TYPE
Go to TYPE to TYPE
Choose proper model type (Ex: AIRCRAFT). Confirm the change. to AIRCRAFT, for 1 sec. Ў®Are you sure?ЎЇ Displays, to confirm.
Name the model. Note that you do not need to do anything to Ў®saveЎЇ or store this data. In BASIC menu,Open MODEL SEL. to MODEL SEL. Ј to NAME (the 1st character of model name is highlighted)
Input aircraftЎЇs name. Colse to change the 1st character. . move to next character, repeat as needed. to BASIC.
For proper control operation, reverse servos as needed. In the BASIC menu,open REVERSE. to REVERSE Ј to choose REV.
Choose desired servo and reverse its direction of travel.(Ex:reverse rudder servo) to CH4ЈєRUDD, Јso REV highlighted, Ў®Are you sure?ЎЇ Displays. Repeat as needed. to BASIC.
Adjust travels as needed to match modelЎЇs recommend throws(usually listed as high rates) From BASIC menu choose END POINT. to END POINT,
Adjust the servoЎЇs end points.(Ex:throttle servo) Close to CH1:AILE Ј VR(A), to desired percentage. VR(A) to repeat above steps.
Back to choose D/R EXP. to D/R,EXP
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/P,EXP) (Note that in the middle of the left side of the screen is the name of the channel and the switch position you are adjusting. Two or even THREE rates may be set per channel by simply choosing the desired switch and programming percentages with the switch in each of its 2 or 3 positions. Choose the desired control, and set the first (Ex:high) rate throws and exponential. to CH Ј to CH:2 (ELEV) SwA screen reads ELEV(UP) to D/R Elevator Stick to set rate. Elevator Stick to set rate. ЈЁNormally set the same as down. to EXP Elevator Stick to set rate. Elevator Stick to set rate.
set the first (Ex:low) rate throws and exponential. to D/R SwA to downЈrepeat to set low rate.
Optional: change dual rate switch assignment. to SW Ј SwGЈ SwG to center position. Repeat steps above to set 3rd rate.
Adjust AUX-CH and Knob. On BASIC menu, then open AUX-CH function. to AUX-CH,
Choose CH5 to set ATTITUDE to CH5, to ATTITUDE
Assign the switch to control attitude.Ex: SW3 is SWCЈSW2 is SWB to SW3, Ј to SWCЈ to SW2, Ј to SWBЈ
Set the rate in each attitude.Ex: ATTI is 50%. to ATTI Ј to 50%
Change CH6, use VR (D) to control change other channels as needed. to CH6 Ј to VR(D). Repeat as needed.



The basic function menu is same like ACRO, GLID and HELI, please find the detail in the former chapters. Below is the special option:



Different from ACRO, GLID AND HELI, MODEL TYPE for AIRCRAFT has an additional function TRIM, which is controlled by the VR switch. Set the TRIM OFF to avoid a mis-operation damage to the model.



Goals Steps Inputs
Select proper MODEL TYPE. (Ex:AIRCRAFTЈ© Open BASIC menu, find MODEL TYPE. Turn on the transimitter, for 1 sec. to BASIC menu (If ADVANCE, again) to MODEL TYPE
Choose proper model type (Ex: AIRCRAFT). Confirm the change. to AIRCRAFT, for 1 sec. Ў®Are you sure?ЎЇ Displays, to confirm.
Turn on the trim. to AILE-TR Ј to ON. Repeat above to turn on other trims


AUX Channel setting

AUX channel for aircraft is channel 6 to 10, same like ACRO, GLID and HELI, to set auxiliary channel. CH5 is special for ATTITUDE, enter CH5 and press PUSH for ATTITUDE. Select 3-section and 2-section switch to get 6 different attitudes. By DIAL set 6 different rates according to the attitudes.




There are 6 different attitude modes for aircraft: NORMAL, ATTI, GPS, HOVER, F/S and AUX. Every mode will have a different rate to get a unique signal. NORMAL mode preset 0%, ATTI 50%, GPS 100%, HOVER 25%, F/S 75% and AUX 50%.

0% means a output signal 1ms, and 100% means 2ms. You can totally get 6 different modes by adjusting the related rates.



Goals Steps Inputs
Set the ATTITUDE of aircraft. In ADVANCE menu find the ATTITUDE function. urn on the transimitter, for 1 sec. to BASIC menu (If ADVANCE, again) to ATTITUDE
Assign the switch to control attitude.Ex: SW3 is SWCЈSW2 is SWB to SW3, Ј to SWCЈ to SW2, Ј to SWBЈ
Set the rate in each attitude. Ex: ATTI is 60%. to rate-ATTI, Ј to 60%Ј


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