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Text b: the role of the family in society



Read the text and translate it into Russian:

It has been said that the family is the bedrock of society and can be proven by the fact that all over the world every society is structured by the same pattern. A man and woman marry and form a family. This process is repeated multiple times making multiple families which form villages, regions, and eventually countries. When several countries come together they form a continent and all of the continents make up the world. The foundation of this entire process is the family. The family has a crucial role in society by being a model of love in three different aspects; love for the children, love between husband and wife, and finally love in promoting moral values.

As people we are created to be visual with a need to see illustrated models of things that are important to our lives, especially the love relationship between children and their parents. As children we learn everything by watching the examples or models of others such as eating and walking. The family functions the same way. For example, sons who have seen their parents’ abuse alcohol or show extreme violence towards one another, practice these same activities. The role of the family is to give a good model so that others within the society can imitate resulting in the edification of the society. God’s Word – the Bible, teaches us that an earthly father is an earthly example of God, the heavenly Father. The heavenly Father is patient, kind, loving, and always willing to spend time in an intimate, personal relationship with His children. The earthly father is to be a living model of patience and kindness, showing love through his intimate relationship with his children.

One of the most important roles of the family in society is to show the much needed model of love between husband and wife. The ultimate example of such love is the way that Jesus Christ loves His church. He loves her so much that He nourishes and cherishes her on a daily basis even giving His life on the cross for her. The husband – wife relationship is to model Jesus Christ’s pattern of love by loving each other on a daily basis, cherishing and nourishing each other as the most precious thing in their lives. Such a model is greatly needed within society because in most cases there is a lack of models for families and individuals to see and imitate. If these principles were to be applied then the society would radically change for the better giving people happiness as each generation follows in the footsteps of the previous one.

During this crucial time in history while moral values are declining, the family must love moral values by living according to and promoting them throughout the easily misguided society. Many values could be listed but the focus will be kept on the ones that are hot topics in the world today being: sexual immorality, homosexuality, and abortion. The family must be a model and demonstrate the fact that the sexual relationship has a place only in marriage between a husband and wife. Mothers and fathers must teach their children about the importance of maintaining their virginity until marriage and that there is no such thing as safe sex outside of marriage. The family must promote marriage as being between one man and one woman and that any other marital relationship outside of this is harmful as well as dangerous. Families must discourage abortion because it is taking innocent lives. If society aborts its future generations then who will be here to welcome the future?

The family has a decisive role having the capacity and responsibility to impact the entire society by its positive example. The parents must show love towards their children by spending time with them and building intimate, personal relationships. Spouses must love each other according to the pattern of Jesus Christ. In order to fulfill its role in society the family will educate children in moral values so that they will mature and pass on these values to the future generations making society a safe and happy place for all people to live and enjoy.



bedrock - основа, основание
entire - полный, целый
crucial role - критическое значение, решающая роль
abuse - брань, ругань
violence - жестокость, насилие
to imitate - подражать, копировать
edification - наставление, нравоучение
patient - терпеливый, снисходительный
intimate - личный, глубокий
ultimate - величайший, потрясающий
to nourish and cherish - холить и лелеять
on a daily basis - ежедневно, изо дня в день
precious - драгоценный, дорогой
lack - нехватка, отсутствие
to decline - идти на убыль, уменьшаться
misguided - ложный, ошибочный
sexual immorality - половая безнравственность
to maintain - сохранять
virginity - девственность, целомудрие
marital relationship - семейные (брачные) отношения
discourage - предотвращать, препятствовать
innocent life - непорочная жизнь
to impact - оказать воздействие
spouses - супруги
to fulfill - выполнять, осуществлять

Discuss the following questions:

1. Do you agree that the family is the bedrock of any society? Why do you think so?

2. How do you think the family has a crucial role in society? How is it expressed?

3. What role of the family is (according to the text)?

4. Do you agree with this text’s author that the ultimate example of love is the way that Jesus Christ loves His church? He loves her so much that He nourishes and cherishes her on a daily basis even giving His life on the cross for her. The husband – wife relationship is to model Jesus Christ’s pattern of love by loving each other on a daily basis, cherishing and nourishing each other as the most preciousthing in their lives. Why yes or why not?

5. What does family mean for you? Do you agree with free or marital relationships?

6. Can our society be a safe and happy place for all people to live and enjoy? How do you think?


Read the text and discuss it:

Family problems are unique, but problems that make people look for psychological help are common. Some family problems are temporary and easily managed, while others are more chronic and difficult. Some of them can cause illness and injury, changing jobs, changing schools, moving and financial difficulties.

Most common are parent-child problems. Sometimes there are constant battles between children, and the parents resolve the conflicts. Divorce, is a typical source of problems for all members of the family. Sometimes the couple relationship is the problem, with poor communication and constant conflicts. Problems can develop in a couple relationships because of a medical or psychological problem in one person, or in one of their children.

Each family develops its own ways of resolving the problems some of which work better than others. Poor communication occurs when family members avoid talking to each other and don’t know how to listen to what others are trying to say. Inability to resolve conflicts occurs because family members avoid discussing problems or even avoid admitting that problems exist. Some families just haven’t learned the skills of negotiating. Children are likely to pattern their behavior after their parents’ behavior and may learn to refuse to talk about feelings and problems.

There is no perfect family. Each family has its own strengths and weaknesses. If your family has serious problems in relationships, it’s probably time for outside help. Psychological help from a professional may be necessary in these circumstances, depending on the nature of the problems and the willingness of family members to participate in therapy.



temporary - временный
to resolve - разрешать
divorce - развод
couple relationship - взаимоотношения супружеской пары
poor communication - слабая коммуникация
to avoid - избегать
inability - неспособность
to admit - принимать
skills of negotiating - навыки ведения переговоров
to pattern - копировать, подражать
to refuse - отказываться
strengths and weaknesses - сильные и слабые стороны
outside help - посторонняя помощь
circumstance - обстоятельство
willingness - желание


Answer the questions:

1. Are family problems common in psychological practice?

2. What could be the result of problems in a family?

3. What is the most common problem?

4. What are the reasons of problems in couple relationships?

5. Why can’t some families resolve their problems themselves?

6. When is it necessary to look for the outside help?


Ex.1. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Each family is unique but all families have common problems.

2. Some family problems are easily managed, but some are difficult and chronic.

3. Injuries, financial difficulties and changing schools could be the result of family problems.

4. Constant battles between brothers and sisters are the most common problems.

5. Medical problems in one person can cause the problem for the relationship.

6. Problems in a family can develop because of poor communication.

7. Poor communication takes place when family members avoid talking to each other.

8. Skills of negotiating are very important for conflict resolution.

9. Each of us has strengths and weaknesses. We don’t like to talk about our weaknesses.

10. Results of therapy depend on the family’s willingness to participate.


Ex.2. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Люди с проблемами в семье часто ищут помощь у профессиональных психологов.

2. Некоторые психологические проблемы могут быть причиной травм и заболеваний.

3. Перемена места работы и переезд могут быть результатами конфликтов в семье.

4. Иногда слабая коммуникация в семье является причиной проблем в семье.

5. Медицинские или психологические проблемы у одного из супругов могут быть причиной проблем у всей семьи.

6. Некоторые семьи не имеют навыков ведения переговоров.

7. Многие семьи избегают разговоров о проблемах в семье.

8. У каждой семьи есть сильные и слабые стороны.

9. Профессиональная помощь со стороны должна быть своевременной.



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