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.- ness .- and .- ur .- ion – ship
Choose the right variant: My wife's mother is my… Mother-in-law Brother-in-law Aunt Father-in-law Sister-in-law
Choose the correct word: Many well-known… teach at our University Professors Doctors Reporters Engineers Actors
Fill in a suitable word: Among the most popular…are basketball, football, hockey, etc Sports Papers Concert Movies Books
Choose the right answer in a possessive case: Whose T- shirt is this? (.Andy) It's Andy's Its Andy It's Andys Its Andys They're Andy's
Choose the right suffix for: Неравенство .-ty Hood .-ship Ness Ment
Choose the word that does not belong to clothes: Sweet Pyjamas Suit Trousers Jumper
Choose the right variant: The Wilsons are having a... party on Saturday Children's The children A child Children Child
Choose the right answer in a possessive case: The,.. tables Boys' Boyses Boys's Boys Boy
Choose the right variant: A... future depends on her character Girl's Girl Girls Girls' The girls
Find the antonym: Day Night Year Month Week Midday
Choose the right answer in a possessive case: Where is your…umbrella? Father's Fathers Fathers' Father Fathers's
Choose the right variant: Many.. Oxen Xoen Ox Oxens Oxes
Complete the sentence: This is... car His friend's My friends' His friend My friend His friends'
Find the sentence with a possessive noun: My father's house is big Ann's happy It's a toy Ben's hungry She's bored
Find the right antonym "Happiness" Sadness Hate Love Knowledge Information
Choose the right suffix for: Активность .-ty Ment Ship Ion Ness
Find the plural form of "Mouse": Мice. Mousies Mise Mouses Mousis
Complete the sentence: My…are very far from here Friends' houses Friend houses Houses of my friends Friends houses Friend's house
Choose the correct answer: My wife's mother is my… Mother-in law Brother-in-law Aunt Sister-in-law Father-in –law
Choose the right variant: I saw several…in the laboratory Mice Mouses Mises Mouse Mise
Choose the right suffix for: Независимость .- ence .- ship .- ion .- ment –hood
Choose the correct answer: My aunt and uncle's children are my… Cousins Brothers and sisters Nephews Nieces Uncles
Find the correct Plural form: These... are teachers: Women Woman Man A woman A men
Choose the correct answer. Choose the word closest in the meaning to the word journey Trip Festival Rest Holiday Lunch
Find the correct plural form: A leaf: Leaves Leafvs Leafs Leafes Leavs
Complete the sentence: Where are those... dictionaries? Students' Students'ь Students Student Student's
Choose the right variant: There are many in my flat Rooms The rooms Rooms' A room Room
Choose the right variant: A closet or cabinet with shelves for holding cups, plates and the like is called a Cupboard Wardrobe Table Fridge Chandelier
Complete the sentence These are my... newspapers Sisters' Si stern Sisters Sister Sisters
Complete the sentence The... results are very good: Sportsmen's Sportsmen' Sportsman's Sportsmean's Sportsman'
Complete the sentence We keep our food in the...: Refrigerator Sofa Cupboard TV-set Wardrobe
Choose correct noun in Plural form: Gardens Gardenis Gardener Gardenes Garden's
Choose the right variant: There were many interesting art works of this... at the exhibition
Painter Surgeon Actor Pupil Dentist
Choose the noun in plural Women Womans Woman Woman's Womens
Choose the noun in plural: Countries Country Countrys Country's Countryes
Choose the noun in singular: News Newspaper Night Note Number
Choose the word, concerning to the theme "Shopping": Size November Field. Time Snow
Choose the noun in plural Men Man Mans Mens Man's
Choose the word, concerning to the theme 'At the Office" Desk Wind Rain Snow Fog
Choose the noun in singular: Advice Appointment Agreement Airport Answer
Choose the word, concerning to the theme "Meals" Dishes Village Town Tree West
Find the odd word: Soil Cow Sheep Pig Horse
Find the odd word: Lion Cat Dog Cow Pig
Choose the noun in singular: Information Importer Inspector Institute Invitation
Choose the word, concerning to the theme "Family" Relatives Triр Оffer Order Equipment
Find the odd word: Contract Holiday-home Beach Seaside Holiday-maker
Choose the word, concerning to the theme "Holiday" Rest Living-room Kitchen Friend Contract
Choose the noun in plural Dresses Dress Dresss Dressen Dressis
Choose the noun in singular: Furniture Factory Father Film Firm
Choose the noun in plural: Books Book Bookes Bookses Bag
Find the odd word: Car. Meat Eggs Bread Milk
Choose the synonym: "Interpreter": Translator Guide Stand-attendant Businessman Doctor
Find the odd word: Mother Book-case Television-set Easy-chair Standard lamp
Choose the right variant: The flat of my sister is large My sister’s flat is large My flat’s sister is large My sisters’flat is large My sisters’flats are large My flat’s sister are large
Choose the right variant in plural: This mouse is white These mice are white Those mouses are white These mouses are white Their mouse are white These mouse is white
Choose the right variant: A man has two … Feet Nose Foot Feets Foots
Translate: people Люди Награды Мужчина Нация Человек
What season is it:It is hot. Children like to swim. They go to swim Summer Autumn Winter Spring Year
Find the odd word: Lemon Tomato Carrot Cucumber Potatoes
Choose the right variant in plural: That woman is my sister Those women are my sisters These women are my sisters Those women is my sister This women is my sister These woman are my sisters
Choose the right variant: My …are white Teeth Toothes Tooth Tooths The toothes
What season is it:It is a cold season., but it is beautiful. The trees are yellow, red and brown. It often rains Autumn Summer Winter Spring December
Find the odd word: Tomato Lemon Orange Banana Apple
Choose the right variant in plural: box Boxes Box Boxs Boxies Boxys
Choose the right variant in plural: All of the…left at the same time Buses Buss Bus Busis Busys
Translate: teeth: Зубы Зуб Челюсть Губа Язык
Choose the right variant: The name of this girl is Jane This girl’s name is Jane This girl’s name are Jane This girls’ name is Jane This girls’ names is Jane This name’s girl is Jane
Choose the right variant in plural: That man is a driver
Those men are drivers This men is a driver These man are drivers That men are drivers Those men are a driver
Choose the right variant in plural: Kiev is a big city Cities Citys Cityss Cites Citiss
Choose the right variant in plural: child Children Childs Childrens Childes Childrenes
Choose the right variant in plural: ox Oxen Oxs Oxes Oxies Oxis
Choose the right variant in plural: For Cristmas my parents gave my sister … Dresses Dresss Dress Dressys Dressis
Choose the word, concerning to the theme "Family" Mother –in –law Triр Оffer Order Equipment
Choose the right variant in plural: life Lives Lifes Life Live Lifees
Find the odd word: Trip. Meat Eggs Bread Milk
Choose the right variant in plural: Russia is a big country Countries Countrys Country Countryes Countris
Find the correct Plural form: Woman Women Woman Man A woman A men
Find the correct Plural form: Brush Brushes Brush Brushs Brushys Brushees
Choose the word, concerning to the theme "School Supplies" Eraser Living-room Kitchen Friend Rest
Find the right synonym: “a city” A town A village A school A country A day
Choose the right variant in plural: swine Swine Swines Swinees Swinys Swins
Translate: foot Нога Челюсть Губа Зуб Ноги
Choose the right variant: What ending can be used to form a noun from the verb 'understand'? .- ing .- al .-ity .- ent .-fill
Choose the right variant: What ending can be used to form an noun from the verb 'read'? .- ing .- al .-ity .- ent .-fill
Choose the right suffix for: Correspond…-Переписка .- ence .- ship .- ion .- ment –hood
Translate: tooth: Зуб Зубы Челюсть Губа Язык
Translate: feet Ноги Челюсть Губа Зуб Нога
Find the correct Plural form: Goose Geese Goose Gooses Geeses Goosys
Последнее изменение этой страницы: 2016-06-26; просмотров: 1045; Нарушение авторского права страницы; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! infopedia.su Все материалы представленные на сайте исключительно с целью ознакомления читателями и не преследуют коммерческих целей или нарушение авторских прав. Обратная связь - (0.008 с.) |