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Jr16/111 Chanonat - renovate traditional walls and paths clermont-ferrand 27/07-06/08/16 reno ,envi ,cons ,manu , age: 18-30. 16 volsСодержание книги
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WORK: The priority is to cut undergrowth back in the trails, to clean the stone walls that run along the paths, to put the stones into place, to widen the passage and to make small steps as needed. You will have too to arrange the surroundings of the Red Source, and to improve the access in order to highlight it. Finally, depending on your efficiency to carry out those first projects, there will be stone walls to rebuild too with lime binder, the surroundings of a little building must be cleaned, and vaults loosing stones have to be renovated. So you will not miss work! You will participate to the work with other international volunteers and a technical supervisor will teach you specific techniques. The work takes place the morning for 5 hours maximum. Afternoon and weekends are dedicated to activities. ACCOMODATION: Volunteers will be accommodated in the House of Associations, organized in a dormitory. Mattresses will be available, remember to bring your sleeping bags. You’ll have on-site access to all the facilities (toilets, electricity,...), the showers will be taken in two other buildings. In the House of Associations, you can also cook and eat together in an area with gas cooker, fridge, tables and chairs. You will cook in turn, by two, and a budget will be allocated for food shopping you can do in Chanonat (bakery, honey and fruits producers) and the neighboring town (farm products, groceries, butcher...). Jeunesse et Reconstruction can’t take charge of you if you arrive before the beginning of the workcamp. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and: French LOCATION: Many local associations create a real dynamic in Chanonat, facilitating access to the rich historical, cultural and natural heritage of the municipality. Thus, footpaths crisscross the area, leading to the Chapel of the Tree and its mysterious legend of the statue, or the Castle of the Bâtisse, which is a Historical Monument, and whose French gardens, ponds, rock caves and waterfalls are famous. You too go to meet the inhabitants to experience the local life, customs, treasures to discover in the region: you will quickly appreciate the charm of Chanonat! For more information: http://www.tourisme-lescheires.com/ TERMINAL: Clermont-Ferrand
JR16/211 SALINS LES BAINS – WORLD HERITAGE PROJECT Mouchard 31/07-20/08/16 RENO Age: 18-30. 14 VOLS WORK: The town owns a land plot in the centre that the representatives of the Community Center for Social Actions wishes to transform into a community garden. In order to secure the access to the future garden, the municipality needs to renovate the fortification wall and stairs under there with the help of an international volunteers’ team. You will help renovate an ancient fortification using traditional masonry techniques: removing old coatings, jointing, and rebuilding some destroyed parts of the wall. You will be trained and supervised by a stone cutter specialist and a historical monuments specialist who will happily share with you their knowledge and expertise. Please don’t forget to bring strong shoes and clothes for the work! You will work 5 hours a day, in the morning, 5 days a week. ACCOMODATION: Accommodation will be in the Golden Tower (Tour Dorée), another architectural beauty in Salins. Tents will be placed in front of the Tower for sleeping, and you will have access to the Golden Tower’s appartment for preparing meals, eating, showering, and using the toilets. Jeunesse et Reconstruction will provide tents and ground mattresses, but please don’t forget to bring your sleeping bags. Meals will be prepared by volunteers for the whole group. Like every other volunteer you will participate in the daily tasks and the group organization: cooking, washing dishes, cleaning, planning free time activities, buying food… Please note: the camp organizers can’t take care of you if you arrive before the starting date of the camp! LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and: French
LOCATION: Located in the charming valley of La Furieuse, in the heart of the Jura region, Salins-les-Bains is a little typical town of Franche-Comté that has over 3000 inhabitants. Overlooked by two ancient forts and the Mount Poupet, the town owns a rich cultural and natural heritage, as well as beautiful buildings which show the glorious past of this “saline city”; among them the UNESCO world heritage “Saline building”. Salins-les-Bains developed with extraction and commercialization of salt and hosts nowadays many spa-goers. Possible leisure activities for the group include: a visit of the town, of the Salt museum, hiking in the surrounding mountains, swimming, shared meals and parties with locals, visit of a farm or a vineyard etc. You will be in charge of organizing an international meal for the inhabitants during your stay; please do not forget to bring specialties and traditional recipes from your country, as well as pictures, music, trinkets, costumes etc. to share your culture! TERMINAL: Mouchard
JR16/206 PONTAIX - OLD STONES, YOUNG ENERGY! Die 31/07-20/08/16 RENO, Age: 18-30. 14 VOLS
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: Camp in a small village, for nature and outdoors lovers! Petit village, pour les amoureux du grand air et de la nature! NB: Chantier ouvert dès 17 ans pour les participants français
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