The Naval Treaty (Морской договор) 

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The Naval Treaty (Морской договор)


The July which immediately succeeded my marriage (Июль, который сразу последовал за моей женитьбой; to succeed — следовать за чем-л) was made memorable by three cases of interest (запомнился тремя интересными делами), in which I had the privilege of being associated with Sherlock Holmes (в которых я имел честь быть связанным с Шерлоком Холмсом; to associate — ассоциировать, связывать) and of studying his methods (и изучать его методы). I find them recorded in my notes under the headings of (Я нахожу их занесенными в мои записи под заголовками; heading — заголовок) "The Adventure of the Second Stain," "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty," and "The Adventure of the Tired Captain." (приключение “Второе пятно”, приключение “Морской договор” и приключение “Усталый капитан”) The first of these, however (Первое из них, тем не менее), deals with interest of such importance (связано с интересами такой важности; to deal — вести дела, работать) and implicates so many of the first families in the kingdom (и вовлекает столько представителей первых семейств королевства; to implicate — вовлекать, впутывать) that for many years it will be impossible to make it public (что в течение многих лет будет невозможно опубликовать его). No case, however, in which Holmes was engaged (Ни одно из дел, которыми занимался Холмс; engaged — занятый) has ever illustrated the value of his analytical methods so clearly (не показывало так ясно ценность его аналитических методов) or has impressed those who were associated with him so deeply (или впечатляло тех, кто был связан с ним, настолько сильно).



The July which immediately succeeded my marriage was made memorable by three cases of interest, in which I had the privilege of being associated with Sherlock Holmes and of studying his methods. I find them recorded in my notes under the headings of "The Adventure of the Second Stain," "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty," and "The Adventure of the Tired Captain." The first of these, however, deals with interest of such importance and implicates so many of the first families in the kingdom that for many years it will be impossible to make it public. No case, however, in which Holmes was engaged has ever illustrated the value of his analytical methods so clearly or has impressed those who were associated with him so deeply.



I still retain an almost verbatim report of the interview (Я все еще помню почти дословный отчет о беседе; to retain — помнить; verbatim — дословный, буквальный) in which he demonstrated the true facts of the case (в которой он продемонстрировал настоящие факты дела) to Monsieur Dubugue of the Paris police (месье Дюбюку из парижской полиции), and Fritz von Waldbaum, the well-known specialist of Dantzig (и Фрицу фон Вальдбауму, известному специалисту из Данцига), both of whom had wasted their energies (оба из них попусту потратили свою энергию) upon what proved to be side-issues (на нити, оказавшиеся второстепенными; side-issue —второстепенный, побочный, несущественный вопрос). The new century will have come (Наступит новый век), however, before the story can be safely told (перед тем, как можно будет безопасно рассказать историю). Meanwhile I pass on to the second on my list (А я тем временем перейду ко второму в моем списке), which promised also at one time to be of national importance (которое в одно время тоже обещало стать делом национальной важности), and was marked by several incidents (и было отмечено несколькими происшествиями) which give it a quite unique character (которые придают ему совершенно уникальный характер; quite — вполне, совершенно).



I still retain an almost verbatim report of the interview in which he demonstrated the true facts of the case to Monsieur Dubugue of the Paris police, and Fritz von Waldbaum, the well-known specialist of Dantzig, both of whom had wasted their energies upon what proved to be side-issues. The new century will have come, however, before the story can be safely told. Meanwhile I pass on to the second on my list, which promised also at one time to be of national importance, and was marked by several incidents which give it a quite unique character.



During my school-days I had been intimately associated (В школьные годы я был близко знаком; schooldays — школьные годы) with a lad named Percy Phelps (с мальчиком, которого звали Перси Фелпс; lad — мальчик, парень), who was of much the same age as myself (который был почти того же возраста, что и я), though he was two classes ahead of me (хотя он учился на два класса впереди меня). He was a very brilliant boy (Он был очень выдающимся мальчиком; brilliant — блестящий, выдающийся), and carried away every prize which the school had to offer (и завоевывал любой приз, который предлагала школа), finished his exploits by winning a scholarship which sent him (завершил свои подвиги, выиграв стипендию, по которой его послали; exploit — подвиг, деяние; scholarship — стипендия) on to continue his triumphant career at Cambridge (для продолжения триумфальной карьеры в Кембридж). He was, I remember (Он имел, как я помню), extremely well connected (очень большие родственные связи; connected — имеющий большие/родственные связи), and even when we were all little boys together (и даже когда мы все вместе были маленькими мальчиками) we knew that his mother's brother was Lord Holdhurst (мы знали, что брат его матери лорд Холдхэрст), the great conservative politician (крупный консервативный политик).


During my school-days I had been intimately associated with a lad named Percy Phelps, who was of much the same age as myself, though he was two classes ahead of me. He was a very brilliant boy, and carried away every prize which the school had to offer, finished his exploits by winning a scholarship which sent him on to continue his triumphant career at Cambridge. He was, I remember, extremely well connected, and even when we were all little boys together we knew that his mother's brother was Lord Holdhurst, the great conservative politician.


This gaudy relationship did him little good at school (Это знатное родство дало ему мало хорошего в школе; gaudy — безвкусный, кричащий, яркий). On the contrary, it seemed rather a piquant thing to us (Наоборот, нам казалось достаточно интересным; piquant — пикантный) to chevy him about the playground (гоняться за ним на спортивной площадке; to chevy — охотиться, гнаться, преследовать) and hit him over the shins with a wicket (и ударить его по голеням калиткой; shin — голень; wicket — калитка). But it was another thing when he came out into the world (Но другое дело, когда он вышел в свет). I heard vaguely that his abilities (Я слышал смутно, что его способности; vaguely — неясно, расплывчато) and the influences which he commanded (и влияние, которым он располагал) had won him a good position at the Foreign Office (завоевали ему хорошую позицию в министерстве иностранных дел; Foreign Office — министерство иностранных дел (в Великобритании)), and then he passed completely out of my mind (и затем он совершенно пропал из поля моего зрения) until the following letter recalled his existence (пока следующее письмо не напомнило о его существовании; to recall — вспоминать):



This gaudy relationship did him little good at school. On the contrary, it seemed rather a piquant thing to us to chevy him about the playground and hit him over the shins with a wicket. But it was another thing when he came out into the world. I heard vaguely that his abilities and the influences which he commanded had won him a good position at the Foreign Office, and then he passed completely out of my mind until the following letter recalled his existence:



Briarbrae, Woking (Брайарбре, Уокинг).

My dear Watson (Мой дорогой Уотсон), — I have no doubt that you can remember "Tadpole" Phelps (я не сомневаюсь, что вы помните “головастика” Фелпса; tadpole — головастик), who was in the fifth form when you were in the third (который был в пятом классе, когда вы были в третьем). It is possible even that you may have heard (Возможно даже, вы слышали) that through my uncle's influence (что с помощью влияния моего дяди) I obtained a good appointment at the Foreign Office (я получил хорошую должность в министерстве иностранных дел; to obtain — получать, добывать, приобретать; appointment — должность, место (невыборные)), and that I was in a situation of trust and honor (и что я находился в положении доверия и почета) until a horrible misfortune came suddenly to blast my career (пока ужасное несчастье не разрушило мою карьеру; to blast — разрушать планы, вредить).


There is no use writing of the details of that dreadful event (Нет нужды писать о деталях того страшного события; dreadful — страшный, ужасный). In the event of your acceding to my request (В случае, если вы выполните мою просьбу; to accede — соглашаться) it is probably that I shall have to narrate them to you (возможно, я расскажу вам о них; to narrate — повествовать, рассказывать). I have only just recovered from nine weeks of brain-fever (я только что восстановился после девяти недель воспаления мозга; brain fever — воспаление мозга; болезнь, сопровождающая воспалением мозга (напр., сыпной тиф)), and am still exceedingly weak (и я все еще очень слаб; exceedingly — очень, сильно, чрезвычайно). Do you think that you could bring your friend Mr. Holmes down to see me (Как вы думаете, вы сможете привезти своего друга мистера Холмса ко мне)? I should like to have his opinion of the case (Мне бы хотелось получить его мнение о деле), though the authorities assure me that nothing more can be done (хотя власти уверяют меня, что ничего нельзя больше сделать; authorities — власти, начальство, администрация). Do try to bring him down, and as soon as possible (Постарайтесь привезти его и как можно скорее). Every minute seems an hour while I live (Каждая минута кажется часом, пока я живу) in this state of horrible suspense (в этом состоянии ужасного беспокойства; suspense — неизвестность, беспокойство, тревога ожидания). Assure him that if I have not asked his advice sooner (Убедите его, что я не спросил его совета раньше) it was not because I did not appreciate his talents (не потому, что я не ценю его таланты), but because I have been off my head ever since the blow fell (а потому, что я находился в беспамятстве с тех пор, как на меня обрушился этот удар; blow — удар). Now I am clear again (Теперь мое сознание прояснилось), though I dare not think of it too much for fear of a relapse (хотя я не осмеливаюсь слишком много думать об этом из страха рецидива; relapse — рецидив). I am still so weak that I have to write (Я все еще настолько слаб, что мне приходится писать), as you see, by dictating (как вы видите, с помощью диктования). Do try to bring him (Постарайтесь привезти его).


Your old school-fellow (Ваш старый школьный товарищ; fellow — приятель, товарищ, коллега),


Percy Phelps (Перси Фелпс).



Briarbrae, Woking.

My dear Watson, — I have no doubt that you can remember "Tadpole" Phelps, who was in the fifth form when you were in the third. It is possible even that you may have heard that through my uncle's influence I obtained a good appointment at the Foreign Office, and that I was in a situation of trust and honor until a horrible misfortune came suddenly to blast my career.

There is no use writing of the details of that dreadful event. In the event of your acceding to my request it is probably that I shall have to narrate them to you. I have only just recovered from nine weeks of brain-fever, and am still exceedingly weak. Do you think that you could bring your friend Mr. Holmes down to see me? I should like to have his opinion of the case, though the authorities assure me that nothing more can be done. Do try to bring him down, and as soon as possible. Every minute seems an hour while I live in this state of horrible suspense. Assure him that if I have not asked his advice sooner it was not because I did not appreciate his talents, but because I have been off my head ever since the blow fell. Now I am clear again, though I dare not think of it too much for fear of a relapse. I am still so weak that I have to write, as you see, by dictating. Do try to bring him.

Your old school-fellow,

Percy Phelps.



There was something that touched me (Было что-то, что тронуло меня) as I read this letter (пока я читал это письмо), something pitiable in the reiterated appeals to bring Holmes (что-то жалостное в повторяющихся просьбах привезти Холмса). So moved was I that even had it been a difficult matter (Я был настолько тронут, что даже, если бы это было трудное дело) I should have tried it (мне следовало попытаться), but of course I knew well that Holmes loved his art (но, конечно, я хорошо знал, что Холмс любит свое искусство), so that he was ever as ready to bring his aid (так, что он всегда был готов прийти на помощь; aid — помощь, поддержка) as his client could be to receive it (если его клиент мог принять ее). My wife agreed with me that not a moment should be lost (Моя жена согласилась со мной, что нужно не теряя ни минуты) in laying the matter before him (передать ему это дело на рассмотрение), and so within an hour of breakfast-time (так что через час после завтрака) I found myself back once more in the old rooms in Baker Street (я снова очутился в старых комнатах на Бейкер стрит; to find oneself — оказываться).



There was something that touched me as I read this letter, something pitiable in the reiterated appeals to bring Holmes. So moved was I that even had it been a difficult matter I should have tried it, but of course I knew well that Holmes loved his art, so that he was ever as ready to bring his aid as his client could be to receive it. My wife agreed with me that not a moment should be lost in laying the matter before him, and so within an hour of breakfast-time I found myself back once more in the old rooms in Baker Street.

Holmes was seated at his side-table clad in his dressing-gown (Холмс сидел за инструментальным столиком, одетый в свой халат; side table — инструментальный столик), and working hard over a chemical investigation (и усердно занимался химическим исследованием; investigation — (научное) исследование). A large curved retort was boiling furiously (Большая загнутая реторта яростно кипела; curved — изогнутый) in the bluish flame of a Bunsen burner (в голубоватом пламени бунзеновской горелки; Bunsen Robert Wilhelm (1811-1899) — немецкий химик), and the distilled drops were condensing into a two-litre measure (и дистиллированные капли конденсировались в двухлитровой мензурке; measure — мера, единица измерения). My friend hardly glanced up as I entered (Мой друг едва взглянул, когда я вошел), and I, seeing that his investigation must be of importance (и я, видя, что его исследование должно быть важным), seated myself in an arm-chair and waited (уселся в кресло и ждал). He dipped into this bottle or that (Он окунал /пипетку/ то в одну бутылку, то в другую; to dip — макать, окунать), drawing out a few drops of each (набирая несколько капель из каждой; to draw out — вынимать, вытаскивать, вытягивать) with his glass pipette (с помощью стеклянной пипетки), and finally brought a test-tube containing a solution over to the table (и, наконец, перенес пробирку, содержащую раствор, на стол; test-tube — пробирка; solution — раствор). In his right hand he held a slip of litmus-paper (в правой руке он держал полоску лакмусовой бумаги; slip — узкая (и длинная) полоска бумаги).



Holmes was seated at his side-table clad in his dressing-gown, and working hard over a chemical investigation. A large curved retort was boiling furiously in the bluish flame of a Bunsen burner, and the distilled drops were condensing into a two-litre measure. My friend hardly glanced up as I entered, and I, seeing that his investigation must be of importance, seated myself in an arm-chair and waited. He dipped into this bottle or that, drawing out a few drops of each with his glass pipette, and finally brought a test-tube containing a solution over to the table. In his right hand he held a slip of litmus-paper.



"You come at a crisis, Watson," said he (“Вы пришли в критический момент, Уотсон”, — сказал он). "If this paper remains blue, all is well (Если эта бумажка останется синей, все в порядке). If it turns red, it means a man's life (Если она станет красной, это будет стоить человеку жизни)." He dipped it into the test-tube (Он окунул ее в пробирку) and it flushed at once into a dull, dirty crimson (и она мгновенно окрасилась в тусклый, грязный малиновый цвет; to flush — вспыхнуть, покраснеть; crimson — малиновый, темно-красный).

"Hum! I thought as much (Я так и думал)!" he cried (воскликнул он). "I will be at your service in an instant, Watson (Я буду к вашим услугам через минуту, Уотсон). You will find tobacco in the Persian slipper (Вы найдете табак в персидской туфле)." He turned to his desk and scribbled off several telegrams (Он повернулся к столу и быстро написал несколько телеграмм; to scribble — писать быстро и небрежно), which were handed over to the page-boy (которые он отдал мальчику-слуге: «пажу»; page-boy — паж). Then he threw himself down into the chair opposite (Затем он сел: «бросил себя» в кресло напротив), and drew up his knees until his fingers (и поднял колени, пока его пальцы) clasped round his long, thin shins (не обхватили длинные, худые голени; to clasp — окружать чем-либо; shin — голень).


"A very commonplace little murder," said he (“Самое обыкновенное маленькое убийство”, — сказал он; commonplace — банальный, обычный). "You've got something better, I fancy (У вас есть что-нибудь получше, я полагаю; fancy — думать, считать (обычно подразумевается отсутствие у говорящего точных сведений)). You are the stormy petrel of crime, Watson (Вы буревестник преступления, Уотсон; petrel — буревестник). What is it (Что это)?"



"You come at a crisis, Watson," said he. "If this paper remains blue, all is well. If it turns red, it means a man's life." He dipped it into the test-tube and it flushed at once into a dull, dirty crimson. "Hum! I thought as much!" he cried. "I will be at your service in an instant, Watson. You will find tobacco in the Persian slipper." He turned to his desk and scribbled off several telegrams, which were handed over to the page-boy. Then he threw himself down into the chair opposite, and drew up his knees until his fingers clasped round his long, thin shins.

"A very commonplace little murder," said he. "You've got something better, I fancy. You are the stormy petrel of crime, Watson. What is it?"



I handed him the letter (Я передал ему письмо; to hand — давать, передавать, вручать), which he read with the most concentrated attention (которое он прочел с большим вниманием: «самым концентрированным вниманием»).


"It does not tell us very much, does it (Оно говорит нам не так много, не так ли)?" he remarked, as he handed it back to me (заметил он, отдавая его мне назад).


"Hardly anything (Едва ли что-нибудь)."


"And yet the writing is of interest (И все же почерк интересен)."


"But the writing is not his own (Но это не его почерк)."


"Precisely. It is a woman's (Точно. Он женский)."


"A man's surely," I cried (“Конечно, мужской“, — воскликнул я).




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