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Kryvyi Rih National University – Modeling Today for Tomorrow


Knowledge is becoming the core resource of Ukraine’s economic development.

Since the training and re-training of personnel requires more time and resources, flexibility, mobility, and adaptability have become urgent requirements for future professionals and for mining engineers in particular. There are several educational establishments providing mining education in Ukraine. Among them, one can mention Kryvyi Rih National University.

Its history can be traced back to 1922 when Kryvyi Rih Mining Institute was founded. Since that time, it has become one of the leading teaching and research mining schools in the country. The task of the Institute then was to provide the mining industry with highly qualified specialists. In 1995, the Institute was transformed into Kryvyi Rih Technical University.

In March, 2011, Kryvyi Rih Technical University, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogic University, Kryvyi Rih Economic Institute, Kryvyi Rih Metallurgical Faculty of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and the Research Ore Mining Institute of Mine Safety and Ecology in Mining and Metallurgy merged into Kryvyi Rih State University which was granted a status of the national university on the 24th of May, 2011.

A multilevel structure of higher education has been introduced at the University. The first four years of University study are known as undergraduate study and usually lead to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree. All bachelor programs include general education in science and engineering, social sciences, and a field of specialization called the major.

The second level, five years together with the first level, may lead to receiving a diploma of a chartered mining engineer. The objective of the program is to give high-level specialized training to engineers. A professionally qualified mining engineer must be a graduate proficient in technical management as well as in practical knowledge of actual mining operations.

Students who have excelled as undergraduates may wish to continue their education at the graduate level (the third level). Upon conclusion of two additional years at the University, the student will be awarded the Master of Sciences (M.Sc.) degree.

The general pattern of teaching at the University is a combination of theoretical training and practical instruction. Towards the end of the second year, the student is expected to select his field of specialization. After graduating from the University students may specialize in underground or surface mining, geology and surveying, mineral processing, mining economics and management, ecology and environmental engineering, computing and computer programming, etc.

Nine faculties (departments) of the University are currently training over 5,000 undergraduate students and about 100 postgraduates. The faculties of the University are mining, metallurgical, geological and ecological, electric engineering, machine building, transport, information technology and faculty of economics.

The University has at its disposal up-to-date research and laboratory facilities, automation and computer systems, recreation centers, hostels and sports facilities. Our University takes orders for conducting research and development. Degrees in mining specialities awarded by the University are valid abroad. Many scientists and professionals recognized worldwide are working at the University among them over 40 Doctors of Sciences and 400 Candidates of Sciences. The University has one of the most comprehensive libraries in Ukraine and a unique geological museum with a rich mineralogical collection. It publishes a lot of scientific journals annually. Students are involved into research work right from their first year of study. Highly qualified teachers supervis e the process of study at every stage.

It is ranked as one of Ukraine's best universities in many rankings and today attracts a large number of foreign students. In spite of its long history, it is to the future that the University must target its development.

Read the text once more and try to fill in the gaps.

1. There are several educational establishments providing …

2. In 1995, the Institute was transformed into …

3. The first four years of University study are known as …

4. All bachelor programs include …

5. The second level, five years together with the first level, may lead to receiving …

6. Our University takes orders for conducting …

7. Many scientists and professionals recognized worldwide are working in the University among them …

8. The University has one of the most comprehensive …

9. Students are involved into research work right from …

10. Today the University attracts a large number of …

Answer the following questions using the information from the text. Use some additional material if necessary.

1. When was Kryvyi Rih Mining Institute founded?

2. What was the task of the Institute at that time?

3. How did the University status change in 2011?

4. What do all bachelor programs include?

5. What is the general pattern of teaching at the University?

6. How can be the teaching staff of the University describe?

7. What facilities are there at the University?

8. When are students involved into research work?

9. What fields may students specialize in?

10. What are the prospects of the University?


Speak about your Alma Mater (150-200 words). The above-mentioned questions and additional material below may help you.






Вивчіть наступні слова та вирази.

mining ['maɪnɪŋ] гірнича справа, гірнича промисловість гірничі роботи, розробка покладів; гірничий

to extend [ɪk'stend] тягтися, простягатися

a deposit [dɪ'pɔzɪt] поклади, родовище

to found [faund] заснувати

iron ore ['aɪən 'ɔː] залізна руда

major ['meɪʤə] головний, основний

raw material ['rɔː mə'tɪərɪəl] сировина

to ensure [ɪn'ʃuə] забезпечувати, гарантувати

up-to-date [ˌʌptə'deɪt] сучасний, найновітніший

a shovel ['ʃʌv(ə)l] екскаватор

a pellet ['pelɪt] окатиш

extraction [ɪk'strækʃ(ə)n] добування

a works [wɜːks] завод, фабрика

ferrous ['ferəs] чорний (про металургію)

to include [ɪn'kluːd] включати в себе

a mill [mɪl] завод

a concentration plant [ˌkɔn(t)s(ə)n'treɪʃ(ə)n] збагачувальна фабрика

a mine [maɪn] шахта, копальня

an open pit (open cast, strip mine) відкрита розробка, кар’єр

high grade [greɪd] висока якість; високоякісний

to use [ju:z] використовувати; споживати

steel [sti:l] сталь


Перекладіть наступні словосполучення.

1) великі шахти й кар’єри

2) заснувати місто

3) забезпечити сировиною

4) чорна металургія

5) поклади руди

6) високомеханізований

7) високоякісна

8) виготовляти концентрати

9) головний економічний матеріал

10) розробка руди

11) використовувати сучасну техніку

12) значний добуток мінералів

13) включати заводи й збагачувальні фабрики

14) використовувати екскаватори та вантажівки


Знайдіть еквіваленти для наступних виразів.

1. Kryvyi Rih is the major raw-material base of Ukraine’s metallurgy. 2. Besides iron ore the region is rich in other minerals. 3. The mining of ore is highly mechanized. 4. Up-to-date technique is used here. 5. The mining complex of Kryvyi Rih provides about 90% of iron ore. 6. Mineral extraction began in the 18th century. 7. The plant manufactures concentrates and pellets. 8. There are plans to build a modern, up-to-date hospital. 9. The forest extends beyond the border. 10. There are rich deposits of oil, gold and coal in the country. a) Окрім руди регіон багатий і на інші копалини. b) Кривий Ріг – основна сировинна база металургії України. c) Сучасна техніка застосовується тут. d) Гірничий комплекс Кривого Рогу забезпечує близько 90% залізної руди. e) Розробка руди високомеханізована. f) Ліс простягається далеко за кордон. g) В країні є багаті поклади руди, золота й вугілля. h) Є заводи, щоб побудувати сучасну й найновітнішу лікарню. i) Розробка мінералів почалася у 18 столітті. j) Завод виробляє концентрати й окатиші.



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