labdhveha mānuṣīṁ yoniṁ
labdhveha mānuṣīṁ yoniṁ
ātmānaṁ yo na buddhyeta
na kvacit kṣemam āpnuyāt
Having achieved human birth in which scriptural knowledge and direct perception of the Lord are possible, a person who does not understand about the jīva and the Supreme Lord does not attain any benefit at all from that birth.
One must strive for such knowledge. Jñānam here refers to knowledge arising from scriptures. Vijñānam means direct realization of the Lord. Both jñāna and vijñāna are possible in human birth. Aṭmānam here means the jīva and the Supreme Lord.
|| 6.16.59 ||
smṛtvehāyāṁ parikleśaṁ
tataḥ phala-viparyayam
abhayaṁ cāpy anīhāyāṁ
saṅkalpād viramet kaviḥ
Remembering the misery produced from action caused by material desire, which brings an opposite result, and remembering a condition without fear from action without material desire, the wise man should give up determination to enjoy in this world.
A person desiring this knowledge, understanding that karma brings results now and in the future, should give up faith in karma. Īhāyām means “endeavoring with desire for enjoyment.” Anīhāyām means” acting without material desires.” Abhayam means “no fear in any circumstance.” Instead of abhayam some versions have nobhayam. The meaning is then “remembering action without desire which does not produce material suffering or enjoyment.”
|| 6.16.60 ||
sukhāya duḥkha-mokṣāya
kurvāte dampatī kriyāḥ
tato 'nivṛttir aprāptir
duḥkhasya ca sukhasya ca
Husband and wife perform actions to produce happiness and to destroy misery. But there is no cessation of suffering and no attainment of happiness.
This is further described in three verses. There is no destruction of suffering and no attainment of happiness.
|| 6.16.61-62 ||