yatra devo janārdanaḥ 

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yatra devo janārdanaḥ


yatra devo janārdanaḥ

āhur dhūmra-dhiyo vedaṁ

sakarmakam atad-vidaḥ

Foolish people do not know the Lord’s planet where the Lord resides. Not knowing the Vedas, they speak of the Vedas in terms of prescribed karmas alone.

“Then why do my priests and the sages, learned men, make me do karmas such as sacrifices?” They do not know Vaikuṇṭha where the Lord resides. They know Svarga as their planet, because, having contaminated intelligence (dhūmra-dhiyaḥ), they say that karma is the ultimate message of the Vedas. They do not know the meaning of the Vedas. The Lord has said:


kālena naṣṭā pralaye vāṇīyaṁ veda-saṁjñitā

mayādau brahmaṇe proktā dharmo yasyāṁ mad-ātmakaḥ


By the influence of time, the Vedic knowledge was lost at the time of annihilation. Therefore, when the subsequent creation took place, I spoke to Brahmā the Vedic knowledge in which bhakti is the essence.  SB 11.14.3



|| 4.29.49 ||

āstīrya darbhaiḥ prāg-agraiḥ

kārtsnyena kṣiti-maṇḍalam

stabdho bṛhad-vadhān mānī

karma nāvaiṣi yat param

tat karma hari-toṣaṁ yat

sā vidyā tan-matir yayā

Covering the whole earth with kuśa grass, with tips facing east, thinking yourself a great sacrificer because of sacrificing animals, and misbehaving, you do not know the supreme activity. That activity which is pleasing the Lord is the real activity. That activity by which one concentrates on the Lord is knowledge.


Taught by ignorant people, you have become a fool. You think (manī) you are a great sacrificer because you have killed animals and have bad conduct (stabdhaḥ). “What then is the supreme activity? Please tell me.” What is pleasing to the Lord is real activity. Anything else is not called activity. Anything else is not called knowledge.

|| 4.29.50 ||

harir deha-bhṛtām ātmā


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