The sons of Nāgnajitī were Vīra, Candra, Aśvasena, Citragu, Vegavān, Vṛṣa, Āma, Śaṅku, Vasu and the opulent Kunti. 

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The sons of Nāgnajitī were Vīra, Candra, Aśvasena, Citragu, Vegavān, Vṛṣa, Āma, Śaṅku, Vasu and the opulent Kunti.



The arched eyebrows of these sixteen thousand queens enchantingly expressed those ladies’ secret intentions through coyly smiling sidelong glances. Thus their eyebrows boldly sent forth conjugal messages. Yet even with these arrows of Cupid, and with other means as well, they could not agitate Lord Kṛṣṇa’s senses.


This verse describes their lusty allurements. Even sixteen thousand wives could not agitate Kṛṣṇa’s senses with the Cupid arrows of their eyes. What type of arrows were they? They were arrows of sweet smiles showing their conjugal intentions through side-long glances, and lusty messages sent by the movements of their attractive eyebrows. They boldly (śauṇḍaiḥ:pragalbhaiḥ) expressed their desires to Kṛṣṇa by these and other ways described in the Kāma-sūtra.


|| 10.61.5 ||

itthaṁ ramā-patim avāpya patiṁ striyas tā

brahmādayo ’pi na viduḥ padavīṁ yadīyām

bhejur mudāviratam edhitayānurāga-



Thus these women obtained as their husband the master of the goddess of fortune, although even great demigods like Brahmā do not know how to approach Him. With ever-increasing pleasure, they felt loving attraction for Him, exchanged smiling glances with Him, eagerly anticipated associating with Him in ever-fresh intimacy and enjoyed in many other ways.



This verse describes the intense conjugal attraction the queens felt for Kṛṣṇa. By showing their smiling glances full of prema-maya affection (anurāga), they enjoyed many ever-new and intimate physical exchanges (nava-saṅgama) with Kṛṣṇa, which were filled with great hankering because they could not be completely satisfied.


Thus it should be understood that Kṛṣṇa is controlled by the prema-maya (pure loving) dealings of his wives as seen in His pastime of stealing the pārijāta tree, and also from His own words: tathāham api tac-citto nidrāṁ ca na labhe niśi, “I cannot sleep at night because of thinking of Rukmiṇī.” (SB 10.53.2) Śukadeva Gosvāmī said, īkṣito ’ntaḥ-pura-strīṇāṁ sa-vrīḍa-prema-vīkṣitaiḥ, “Being enchanted by their [wives] shy, loving glances, Kṛṣṇa found it difficult to leave their palaces.” (SB 10.70.16) Also it is said, reme strī-ratna-kūṭastho, bhagavān prākṛtoyathā, “Living amongst the jewel among women, Kṛṣṇa played like an ordinary person.” (SB 1.11.35)


|| 10.61.6 ||




dāsī-śatā api vibhor vidadhuḥ sma dāsyam


Although the Supreme Lord’s queens each had hundreds of maidservants, they chose to personally serve the Lord by approaching Him humbly, offering Him a seat, worshiping Him with excellent paraphernalia, bathing and massaging His feet, giving Him pān to chew, fanning Him, anointing Him with fragrant sandalwood paste, adorning Him with flower garlands, dressing His hair, arranging His bed, bathing Him and presenting Him with various gifts.



This verse describes the queen’s actions of menial service to express their love (anubhāva), having Kṛṣṇa as the object of their prema. They offered Kṛṣṇa the best items (vara arhanam) such as handfuls of flowers (puṣpāñjali) and handfuls of jewels (ratnāñjali).


|| 10.61.7 ||

tāsāṁ yā daśa-putrāṇāṁ kṛṣṇa-strīṇāṁ puroditāḥ

aṣṭau mahiṣyas tat-putrān pradyumnādīn gṛṇāmi te


Among Lord Kṛṣṇa’s wives, each of whom had ten sons, I previously mentioned eight principal queens. I shall now recite for you the names of those eight queens’ sons, headed by Pradyumna.


Having described a related topic, now the main topic is introduced. Each queen had ten sons. First the sons of the eight principal queens are named.


|| 10.61.8-9 ||

cārudeṣṇaḥ sudeṣṇaś ca cārudehaś ca vīryavān

sucāruś cāruguptaś ca bhadracārus tathāparaḥ

cārucandro vicāruś ca cāruś ca daśamo hareḥ

pradyumna-pramukhā jātā rukmiṇyāṁ nāvamāḥ pituḥ


The first son of Queen Rukmiṇī was Pradyumna, and also born of her were Cārudeṣṇa, Sudeṣṇa and the powerful Cārudeha, along with Sucāru, Cārugupta, Bhadracāru, Cārucandra, Vicāru and Cāru, the tenth. None of these sons of Lord Hari was less than his father.


|| 10.61.10 ||

bhānuḥ subhānuḥ svarbhānuḥ prabhānur bhānumāṁs tathā

candrabhānur bṛhadbhānur atibhānus tathāṣṭamaḥ

śrībhānuḥ pratibhānuś ca satyabhāmātmajā daśa

sāmbaḥ sumitraḥ purujic chatajic ca sahasrajit

viyayaś citraketuś ca vasumān draviḍaḥ kratuḥ

jāmbavatyāḥ sutā hy ete sāmbādyāḥ pitṛ-sammatāḥ


The ten sons of Satyabhāmā were Bhānu, Subhānu, Svarbhānu, Prabhānu, Bhānumān, Candrabhānu, Bṛhadbhānu, Atibhānu (the eighth), Śrībhānu and Pratibhānu. Sāmba, Sumitra, Purujit, Śatajit, Sahasrajit, Vijaya, Citraketu, Vasumān, Draviḍa and Kratu were the sons of Jāmbavatī. These ten, headed by Sāmba, were their father’s favorites.


|| 10.61.13 ||

vīraś candro ’śvasenaś ca citragur vegavān vṛṣaḥ

āmaḥ śaṅkur vasuḥ śrīmān kuntir nāgnajiteḥ sutāḥ


|| 10.61.14 ||

śrutaḥ kavir vṛṣo vīraḥ subāhur bhadra ekalaḥ

śāntir darśaḥ pūrṇamāsaḥ kālindyāḥ somako ’varaḥ


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