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The sons of Nāgnajitī were Vīra, Candra, Aśvasena, Citragu, Vegavān, Vṛṣa, Āma, Śaṅku, Vasu and the opulent Kunti.
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- My dear King, Lord Kṛṣṇa forcibly took away Princess Mitravindā, the daughter of His aunt Rājādhidevī, before the eyes of the rival kings.
- But to ascertain the proper husband for my daughter, O chief of the Sātvatas, we previously set a condition to test the prowess of her suitors.
- These seven wild bulls are impossible to tame, O hero. They have defeated many princes, breaking their limbs.
- Lord Śauri tied up the bulls, whose pride and strength were now broken, and pulled them with ropes just as a child playfully pulls wooden toy bulls.
- The King of Kośala, his heart melting with affection, had the bride and groom seated on their chariot, and then he sent them on their way surrounded by a great army.
- Lord Kṛṣṇa also acquired thousands of other wives equal to these when He killed Bhaumāsura and freed the beautiful maidens the demon was holding captive.
- Obeisances unto You, the Supreme Lord Vāsudeva, Viṣṇu, the primeval person, the original seed. Obeisances unto You, the omniscient one.
- There Lord Kṛṣṇa saw sixteen thousand royal maidens, whom Bhauma had taken by force from various kings.
- The women became enchanted when they saw that most excellent of males enter. In their minds they each accepted Him, who had been brought there by destiny, as their chosen husband.
- Then the imperishable Supreme Personality, assuming a separate form for each bride, duly married all the princesses simultaneously, each in her own palace.
- From her maidservant’s hand Goddess Rukmiṇī took a yak-hair fan with a jeweled handle, and then she began to worship her master by fanning Him.
- Terrified of these kings, O lovely-browed one, We took shelter in the ocean. We have become enemies of powerful men, and We practically abandoned Our royal throne.
- O fine-browed lady, women are usually destined to suffer when they stay with men whose behavior is uncertain and who pursue a path not approved by society.
- We have no material possessions, and We are dear to those who similarly have nothing. Therefore, O slender one, the wealthy hardly ever worship Me.
- Now you should definitely accept a more suitable husband, a first-class man of the royal order who can help you achieve everything you want, both in this life and the next.
- We care nothing for wives, children and wealth. Always satisfied within Ourselves, We do not work for body and home, but like a light, We merely witness.
- Seeing that His beloved was so bound to Him in love that she could not understand the full meaning of His teasing, merciful Lord Kṛṣṇa felt compassion for her.
- The Lord quickly got down from the bed. Manifesting four arms, He picked her up, gathered her hair and caressed her face with His lotus hand.
- The greatest pleasure worldly householders can enjoy at home is to spend time joking with their beloved wives, My dear timid and temperamental one.
- Smiling bashfully as she cast charming, affectionate glances upon the face of the Lord, the best of males, Rukmiṇī spoke the following, O descendant of Bharata.
- Actually, I don’t consider Your words false, Madhūsudana. Quite often an unmarried girl is attracted to a man, as in the case of Ambā.
- Whatever benedictions you hope for in order to become free of material desires are ever yours, O fair and noble lady, for you are My unalloyed devotee.
- O sinless one, I have now seen firsthand the pure love and chaste attachment you have for your husband. Even though shaken by My words, your mind could not be pulled away from Me.
- Lord Balarāma Slays Rukmī
- ukadeva Gosvāmī said: Each of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s wives gave birth to ten sons, who were not less than their father, having all His personal opulence.
- The sons of Nāgnajitī were Vīra, Candra, Aśvasena, Citragu, Vegavān, Vṛṣa, Āma, Śaṅku, Vasu and the opulent Kunti.
- Mādrā’s sons were Praghoṣa, Gātravān, Siṁha, Bala, Prabala, Ūrdhaga, Mahāśakti, Saha, Oja and Aparājita.
- Mystic yogīs can perfectly see that which has not yet happened, as well as things in the past or present, beyond the senses, remote or blocked by physical obstacles.
- O King, Balī, the son of Kṛtavarmā, married Rukmiṇī’s young daughter, large-eyed Cārumatī.
- Urged on by the wicked kings, Rukmī ignored the divine voice. In fact destiny itself was urging Rukmī on, and thus he ridiculed Lord Balarāma as follows.
- Rukmī said:] You cowherds who wander about the forests know nothing about dice. Playing with dice and sporting with arrows are only for kings, not for the likes of You.
- The Meeting of Ūṣā and Aniruddha
- These one thousand arms you bestowed upon me have become merely a heavy burden. Besides you, I find no one in the three worlds worthy to fight.
- In a dream Bāṇa’s daughter, the maiden Ūṣā, had an amorous encounter with the son of Pradyumna, though she had never before seen or heard of her lover.
- said:] In my dream I saw a certain man who had a darkblue complexion, lotus eyes, yellow garments and mighty arms. He was the kind who touches women’s hearts.
- Citralekhā said: I will remove your distress. If He is to be found
- Very agitated to hear of his daughter’s corruption, Bāṇāsura rushed at once to the maidens’ quarters. There he saw the pride of the Yadus, Aniruddha.
- Lord Kṛṣṇa Fights with Bāṇāsura
- ukadeva Gosvāmī said: O descendant of Bharata, the relatives of Aniruddha, not seeing Him return, continued to lament as the four rainy months passed.
- Lord Balarāma fought with Kumbhāṇḍa and Kūpakarṇa, Sāmba with Bāṇa’s son, and Sātyaki with Bāṇa.
- Lord Kārtikeya was distressed by the flood of Pradyumna’s arrows raining down from all sides, and thus he fled the battlefield on his peacock as blood poured from his limbs.
- Excited to a frenzy by the fighting, Bāṇa simultaneously pulled taut all the strings of his five hundred bows and fixed two arrows on each string.
- As Bāṇa continued hurling weapons at Him, the Supreme Lord began using His razor-sharp cakra to cut off Bāṇāsura’s arms as if they were tree branches.
- One who has attained this human form of life as a gift from God, yet who fails to control his senses and honor Your feet, is surely to be pitied, for he is only cheating himself.
- That mortal who rejects You—his true Self, dearmost friend, and Lord—for the sake of sense objects, whose nature is just the opposite, refuses nectar and instead consumes poison.
- The Supreme Lord said: My dear lord, for your pleasure We must certainly do what you have requested of Us. I fully agree with your conclusion.
- I will not kill this demonic son of Vairocani, for I gave Prahlāda Mahārāja the benediction that I would not kill any of his descendants.
- Whoever rises early in the morning and remembers Lord Kṛṣṇa’s victory in His battle with Lord Śiva will never experience defeat.
- The lotus-eyed Supreme Lord, maintainer of the universe, went to the well and saw the lizard. Then with His left hand He easily lifted it out.
- King Nṛga said: I am a king known as Nṛga, the son of Ikṣvāku. Perhaps, Lord, You have heard of me when lists of charitable men were recited.
The arched eyebrows of these sixteen thousand queens enchantingly expressed those ladies’ secret intentions through coyly smiling sidelong glances. Thus their eyebrows boldly sent forth conjugal messages. Yet even with these arrows of Cupid, and with other means as well, they could not agitate Lord Kṛṣṇa’s senses.
This verse describes their lusty allurements. Even sixteen thousand wives could not agitate Kṛṣṇa’s senses with the Cupid arrows of their eyes. What type of arrows were they? They were arrows of sweet smiles showing their conjugal intentions through side-long glances, and lusty messages sent by the movements of their attractive eyebrows. They boldly (śauṇḍaiḥ:pragalbhaiḥ) expressed their desires to Kṛṣṇa by these and other ways described in the Kāma-sūtra.
|| 10.61.5 ||
itthaṁ ramā-patim avāpya patiṁ striyas tā
brahmādayo ’pi na viduḥ padavīṁ yadīyām
bhejur mudāviratam edhitayānurāga-
Thus these women obtained as their husband the master of the goddess of fortune, although even great demigods like Brahmā do not know how to approach Him. With ever-increasing pleasure, they felt loving attraction for Him, exchanged smiling glances with Him, eagerly anticipated associating with Him in ever-fresh intimacy and enjoyed in many other ways.
This verse describes the intense conjugal attraction the queens felt for Kṛṣṇa. By showing their smiling glances full of prema-maya affection (anurāga), they enjoyed many ever-new and intimate physical exchanges (nava-saṅgama) with Kṛṣṇa, which were filled with great hankering because they could not be completely satisfied.
Thus it should be understood that Kṛṣṇa is controlled by the prema-maya (pure loving) dealings of his wives as seen in His pastime of stealing the pārijāta tree, and also from His own words: tathāham api tac-citto nidrāṁ ca na labhe niśi, “I cannot sleep at night because of thinking of Rukmiṇī.” (SB 10.53.2) Śukadeva Gosvāmī said, īkṣito ’ntaḥ-pura-strīṇāṁ sa-vrīḍa-prema-vīkṣitaiḥ, “Being enchanted by their [wives] shy, loving glances, Kṛṣṇa found it difficult to leave their palaces.” (SB 10.70.16) Also it is said, reme strī-ratna-kūṭastho, bhagavān prākṛtoyathā, “Living amongst the jewel among women, Kṛṣṇa played like an ordinary person.” (SB 1.11.35)
|| 10.61.6 ||
dāsī-śatā api vibhor vidadhuḥ sma dāsyam
Although the Supreme Lord’s queens each had hundreds of maidservants, they chose to personally serve the Lord by approaching Him humbly, offering Him a seat, worshiping Him with excellent paraphernalia, bathing and massaging His feet, giving Him pān to chew, fanning Him, anointing Him with fragrant sandalwood paste, adorning Him with flower garlands, dressing His hair, arranging His bed, bathing Him and presenting Him with various gifts.
This verse describes the queen’s actions of menial service to express their love (anubhāva), having Kṛṣṇa as the object of their prema. They offered Kṛṣṇa the best items (vara arhanam) such as handfuls of flowers (puṣpāñjali) and handfuls of jewels (ratnāñjali).
|| 10.61.7 ||
tāsāṁ yā daśa-putrāṇāṁ kṛṣṇa-strīṇāṁ puroditāḥ
aṣṭau mahiṣyas tat-putrān pradyumnādīn gṛṇāmi te
Among Lord Kṛṣṇa’s wives, each of whom had ten sons, I previously mentioned eight principal queens. I shall now recite for you the names of those eight queens’ sons, headed by Pradyumna.
Having described a related topic, now the main topic is introduced. Each queen had ten sons. First the sons of the eight principal queens are named.
|| 10.61.8-9 ||
cārudeṣṇaḥ sudeṣṇaś ca cārudehaś ca vīryavān
sucāruś cāruguptaś ca bhadracārus tathāparaḥ
cārucandro vicāruś ca cāruś ca daśamo hareḥ
pradyumna-pramukhā jātā rukmiṇyāṁ nāvamāḥ pituḥ
The first son of Queen Rukmiṇī was Pradyumna, and also born of her were Cārudeṣṇa, Sudeṣṇa and the powerful Cārudeha, along with Sucāru, Cārugupta, Bhadracāru, Cārucandra, Vicāru and Cāru, the tenth. None of these sons of Lord Hari was less than his father.
|| 10.61.10 ||
bhānuḥ subhānuḥ svarbhānuḥ prabhānur bhānumāṁs tathā
candrabhānur bṛhadbhānur atibhānus tathāṣṭamaḥ
śrībhānuḥ pratibhānuś ca satyabhāmātmajā daśa
sāmbaḥ sumitraḥ purujic chatajic ca sahasrajit
viyayaś citraketuś ca vasumān draviḍaḥ kratuḥ
jāmbavatyāḥ sutā hy ete sāmbādyāḥ pitṛ-sammatāḥ
The ten sons of Satyabhāmā were Bhānu, Subhānu, Svarbhānu, Prabhānu, Bhānumān, Candrabhānu, Bṛhadbhānu, Atibhānu (the eighth), Śrībhānu and Pratibhānu. Sāmba, Sumitra, Purujit, Śatajit, Sahasrajit, Vijaya, Citraketu, Vasumān, Draviḍa and Kratu were the sons of Jāmbavatī. These ten, headed by Sāmba, were their father’s favorites.
|| 10.61.13 ||
vīraś candro ’śvasenaś ca citragur vegavān vṛṣaḥ
āmaḥ śaṅkur vasuḥ śrīmān kuntir nāgnajiteḥ sutāḥ
|| 10.61.14 ||
śrutaḥ kavir vṛṣo vīraḥ subāhur bhadra ekalaḥ
śāntir darśaḥ pūrṇamāsaḥ kālindyāḥ somako ’varaḥ