Situated in your own energy like a spider creating his web, without fatigue, you protect the living beings within yourself, without being destroyed. 

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Situated in your own energy like a spider creating his web, without fatigue, you protect the living beings within yourself, without being destroyed.



You, the master of all living beings in the past, present and future, know this universe; you know everything about the Paramātmā, jīva and matter. Thus, you understand this universe with detailed knowledge like an āmalakī in your hand.



You know everything. You know three things: Paramātmā, jīvātmā and the material universe. Because you are the master of all entities born in the past, of all born in the future, and all existing now, you know (avasitam) with detailed (vi) knowledge (jñāna) this universe like an āmalakī in your hand.


|| 2.5.4 ||

yad-vijñāno yad-ādhāro yat-paras tvaṁ yad-ātmakaḥ |

ekaḥ sṛjasi bhūtāni bhūtair evātma-māyayā ||



You, the source of your own knowledge, your own shelter, dependent on yourself, with your self as your soul, without help create the living beings with the elements coming from your own energy.



Let the universe be! Please explain something about yourself. You are your source of knowledge (yad-vijñānaḥ), your own shelter (yad-ādhāraḥ), dependent on yourself alone (yat-paraḥ) and you are your own ātmā. I think that you are the independent Supreme Lord. Ekaḥ means “without help from anyone.”


|| 2.5.5 ||

ātman bhāvayase tāni na parābhāvayan svayam |

ātma-śaktim avaṣṭabhya ūrṇanābhir ivāklamaḥ ||



Situated in your own energy like a spider creating his web, without fatigue, you protect the living beings within yourself, without being destroyed.



You protect (bhāvayase) in yourself (ātman) these living beings. You do not get destroyed, just as a spider, situated in his own energy, creates his web. You are without fatigue (aklamaḥ).  


|| 2.5.6 ||

nāhaṁ veda paraṁ hy asmin nāparaṁ na samaṁ vibho |

nāma-rūpa-guṇair bhāvyaṁ sad-asat kiñcid anyataḥ ||



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