aunaka said: Hearing the explanations, what else did the King, best of the Bharata lineage, ask the wise sage Śukadeva? 

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aunaka said: Hearing the explanations, what else did the King, best of the Bharata lineage, ask the wise sage Śukadeva?



After the worshippers of various devatās have their desires fulfilled what goal do they achieve? Nothing. But if they receive mercy of devotees then they attain bhakti. The worshippers of devatās (yajatām) will attain the highest good (niḥśreyasoḍayaḥ), if (yad) an attitude of service (bhāvaḥ) to the Lord arises because of association with devotees. Otherwise no good arises, because the devatās cannot bestow the highest good. The Lord says:


ye ’py anya-devatā-bhaktā yajante śraddhayānvitāḥ |

te ’pi mām eva kaunteya yajanty avidhi-pūrvakam ||

ahaṁ hi sarva-yajñānāṁ bhoktā ca prabhur eva ca |

na tu mām abhijānanti tattvenātaś cyavanti te ||


Those who are devoted to other gods and with faith worship them--they also worship me, but by the wrong method, O son of Kuntī.


I am the enjoyer and master of all sacrifices. Those who do not know me in truth fall down. BG 9.23-24


Worship of the devatās is not a cause of developing bhakti to the Lord at all. Association with devotees is the only method. That association is unpredictable as explained before.


|| 2.3.12 ||

jñānaṁ yad āpratinivṛtta-guṇormi-cakram

āt ma-prasāda uta yatra guṇeṣv asaṅgaḥ |

kaivalya-sammata-pathas tv atha bhakti-yogaḥ

ko nirvṛto hari-kathāsu ratiṁ na kuryāt ||



If jñāna, the path approved for attaining the Lord, which creates indifference to the multitude of material guṇas, arises and is followed by satisfaction of the self, which creates complete detachment from the guṇas, then bhakti-yoga should arise. Experiencing bliss in bhakti, how can that person not have attraction for topics of the Lord?



“It is improper take shelter of one deity at the end of life after taking shelter of someone else for one’s whole life. How can it be proper to make the person who has always worshipped some devatā develop devotion to the Lord at the end?”


Such worshippers of devatās are actually very low, because even the worshippers of brahman take to the worship of the Lord. The progression is shown in this verse.


When (yad) there arises jñāna, which destroys the multitude of whirlpools of the guṇas, which brings satisfaction of the self, by which there is detachment from material enjoyment, and which is the path approved for merging, then bhakti-yoga arises.


One should not worry that one cannot attain association of devotees since that mercy is spontaneous, as explained previously. By the mercy of the Lord, Sanaka and others attained bhakti. By the mercy of devotees, persons such as Śukadeva attained bhakti through kīrtana and other processes. Who absorbed in the happiness of bhakti (nirvṛtaḥ) would not have attachment (ratim) for topics of the Lord? This means that the person without attachment for the topics of the Lord is not happy at all. Here the superiority of pure bhakti to karma, jñāna, yoga and worship of devatās is shown. And whatever they aim to achieve in those processes is accomplished by bhakti alone. And for all those persons practicing various methods, the highest result (prema) is finally attained by only bhakti. Thus pure bhakti which disregards karma and jñāna, without any of those desires, whose principle activities are hearing, glorifying and remembering the Lord, is the method of producing prema. This is the opinion of Śukadeva. Among those methods, chanting the name of the Lord is the supreme method. Thus five items (karma, jñāna, yoga, bhakti and prema) have been delineated. This is the meaning of the section in summary.


|| 2.3.13 ||

śaunaka uvāca—

ity abhivyāhṛtaṁ rājā niśamya bharatarṣabhaḥ |

kim anyat pṛṣṭavān bhūyo vaiyāsakim ṛṣiṁ kavim ||





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