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yad vā ayaṁ mantra-kṛd vo bhagavān akhileśvaraḥ


yad vā ayaṁ mantra-kṛd vo bhagavān akhileśvaraḥ

pauravendra-gṛhaṁ hitvā praviveśātmasāt kṛtam

The Supreme Lord who acted as your advisor gave up the house of Duryodhana and entered the house of Vidura, accepting it as his own.

Vidura should not have give up his house which was superior to all the pilgrimage places to wtich he went. However he gave it up because of the pain inflicted by his brother, Dhṛtarāṣṭra. Kṛṣṇa, acting as the advisor of you the Pāṇḍavas, thinking of them all the time, rejected Duryodhana’s house, and entered Vidura’s house, even though not invited, since he accepted it as his own house (ātmasāt).

|| 3.1.3 ||


kutra kṣattur bhagavatā maitreyeṇāsa saṅgamaḥ

kadā vā saha-saṁvāda etad varṇaya naḥ prabho

The King said: O master! Where did Vidura meet the powerful Maitreya? When did they speak with each other? Please describe this to me.

Āsa stands for babhūva (took place).

|| 3.1.4 ||

na hy alpārthodayas tasya vidurasyāmalātmanaḥ

tasmin varīyasi praśnaḥ sādhu-vādopabṛṁhitaḥ

The questions which the pure soul Vidura asked to the excellent Maitreya were not insignificant, and were nourished by the pleasure of the devotees.


Varīyasi means best. Because the questions of Vidura to Maitreya were not insignificant, they are nourished by the pleasure of the devotees (sādhu-vāda), or they were praised by the statements of Maitreya.

|| 3.1.5 ||

sūta uvāca

sa evam ṛṣi-varyo ’yaṁ pṛṣṭo rājñā parīkṣitā

praty āha taṁ subahu-vit prītātmā śrūyatām iti

Sūta said: Omniscient Śukadeva, the best of sages, on being requested by King Parīkṣit, with great affection then said him, “Please listen.”

|| 3.1.6 ||

śrī-śuka uvāca


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