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How to write a return address on a letter abroad?


Let's start with why the envelope needs a return address. Two reasons:

1. The recipient needs the return address to know where to send the reply.

2. The postmen need the return address in case the letter has to be returned.

“Mail of Russia” recommends to write the return address in Russian, dubbing in English the names of countries and cities.

Фото с www.russianpost.ru.


Logic, apparently, is such. Suppose you wrote from Moscow to new York, specifying “Moscow, Russia” in addition to the return address in Russian. American address, of course, in English (marked “USA” for our postal workers). Then the following happens:

1. The letter safely goes to the USA, gets to the necessary post office in New York.

2. New York postman, coming to the address, finds a wasteland/pit / crater – in General, no one lives there.

3. The letter on the American mail is decided to send back. In Russian, no one can read, but they are saved by the inscription “Moscow, Russia”.

4. The letter goes to Moscow, there he was, watching Russian postmen (remember, the return address written in Russian) and no problem sending you marked “addressee not found”.


The disadvantage of this approach is that it will be difficult for the addressee to write you an answer by rewriting the address from “Where”. For an Englishman or an American, Cyrillic is something like hieroglyphs, especially if you write the address in non – block letters. In this case, you can either write your address in Latin in the letter, or fill in the “Where” in Latin.


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