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The theme of the lesson: Address. Writing the address.


The theme of the lesson: Address. Writing the address.


II. Topic presentation

Look at this thing / an envelope/ . What do think we’ll talk about what?

In the era of the Internet, the need to write an address in English is rare, but it causes some difficulties. As a rule, it is necessary to send official correspondence, parcels, to specify the delivery address in the online store or for a training task. There is nothing complicated in this, the task is simple even for beginners. The main principle: postal workers must understand where to deliver the letter.

выполнить устно

читать / переводить

III. Reading for information.

3.1 Write the address of the recipient in English

We used to write the address from larger to smaller: index, region or region, city, street, house, apartment (if apartment building), name and surname of the addressee. If you send a letter to the United States or the United Kingdom, the address in English is written Vice versa. Here are examples of addresses in the USA:

Joyce Price (имяполучателя)
44 Cedar Avenue (номердома, названиеулицы)
Arcadia Bay (город)
Oregon 97141 (штат, индекс)

Also in the US state names are often abbreviated, in the address below DE means Delaware:

Tyler Durden (имяполучателя)
420 Paper St (номердома, названиеулицы)
Wilmington (город)
DE 19886 (штат, индекс)

“St” means “Street”..

Not all live in homes (”houses“), many live in apartments (”apartment “in the US,” flat " in the UK).


Sheldon Cooper & Leonard Hofstadter
Apt 4B 2311 North Los Robles Avenue (4B – номерквартиры, 2311 – номердома)
California 91108

Usually first the apartment number is written, then the house number, then the street, as in the example above. Sometimes the number of the apartment is written after the streets and houses, marking with a sign #

2311 North Los Robles Avenue, #Apt 4B

Sometimes, that apartment is written on the separated line, if there is place:

Apt 4B
2311 North Los Robles Avenue

Some examples:

Кадризигры “Life is Strange”


However, it is desirable to sign envelopes, postcards, parcels in capital letters, without using dots and commas. Such recommendation provides, in particular, postal service USPS.

Изображение с сайта www.usps.com

The examples above relate to addresses in the United States. In the UK, the system is almost the same, just do not forget that the apartment in the British version is “flat”, not “apartment”.

Mr. Bean
Flat 2
12 Arbour Road
North London

Important note: Russian Post recommends duplicating the name of the country in Russian in international letters. Apparently, in order for the mail sorter to understand for sure which country the letter is sent to:


420 PaperSt
DE 19886
USA, США(название страны продублировано по-русски)



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