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The Royal Family from the Reign of King George VI up to September 1990 (order of succession to the throne)↑ Стр 1 из 13Следующая ⇒ Содержание книги
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1. My Family Unit I: Meet My Family My name is Alexander. I’m a first-year student of the Siberian Automobile and Highway Academy. I study at the Automobile Transport Faculty. I’m eighteen. I was born in Omsk. This year I have left secondary school and entered our academy. I’m studying to be an engineer. I’m a hard worker and like to do everything well. When I have spare time I like to go in for sports. I'm fond of sport games and my favourite one is football. I’m fond of music too. I like to listen to music and collect information about popular singers. I have a family. We are five. My father is a teacher of English. Besides English he knows French and German. He is a man of forty-five. He is a good-looking man, tall and handsome. He is always well-dressed, in good taste. My mother is a house-wife. She is a pretty woman of about forty with warm brown hair and soft dark brown eyes. She is kind and gentle and she manages her house very well. My father is a clever man, but a little unpractical, and my mother needs to look after him. My mother, on the other hand, is very practical and full of common sense. I have a brother and a sister. My elder brother is a student too. He studies economics and is going to be an economist. He has dark curly hair and good grey eyes. He is not very tall, but strong. He swims well and is a good footballer. My brother is good-hearted and likes a joke. He knows a lot of funny stories. My younger sister is a lovely little girl. She has golden hair and blue eyes. Her spirit is always bright and happy, full of joy. She isn't fond of study, but she likes music and dancing. We all are very friendly. I love my family very much. Exercises: I. Read the following words from the text: Siberian favourite manage lovely popular common highway besides heart faculty handsome economist entered pretty curly our eyes economics engineer kind automobile II. Complete the following sentences using the text: 1) Alexander is a… 2) He studies at… 3) This year he… 4) He likes to do everything well, he is a… 5) He is fond of… 6) His father is… 7)… is very practical and… 8) She likes music and dancing but she… 9) His … will be an economist as he… III. Work in pairs. Correct wrong statements. Begin your answers with the following expressions: That's right. Exactly so. Precisely so. You are right. I agree with you. You are incorrect. You are not right. 1) Last year Alexander left secondary school and entered the Institute. 2) Alexander likes music and dancing but he is not fond of study. 3) His brother is fond of sport games and his favourite one is basketball. 4) Alexander is fond of collecting information about popular footballers. 5) His brother is fond of swimming and listening to music. 6) Alexander has a lovely elder sister. 7) His mother is always well-dressed in good taste. 8) His younger brother is going to become an economist. 9) His father is about forty-five, tall and handsome. 10) His mother has golden hair and blue eyes. IV. Give English equivalents for the following word-combinations and use them in the sentences of your own. первокурсник (второкурсник, …), поступить в институт, любимый (например, предмет), учиться в институте, быть трудолюбивым, заботиться о ком-либо, увлекаться чем-либо, заниматься спортом. V. Read the following words and say: a) what relatives by birth; b) what relatives by marriage you or other members of your family have. Relatives by Birth: parents ['pFqrqnts] родители a mother (mum) ['mADq] мать (мама) a father (dad) ['fRDq] отец (папа) a son [sAn] сын a daughter ['dLtq] дочь a sister ['sIstq] сестра
a brother ['brADq] брат grandparents ['grxnpFqrqnts] дедушка и бабушка a grandmother (granny) ['grxnmADq], ['grxnI] бабушка (бабуля) a great-grandfather [greIt'grxnfRDq] прадедушка grandchildren ['grxnCIldrqn] внуки a grandson ['grxnsAn] внук an uncle ['ANkl] дядя an aunt [Rnt] тетя a nephew ['nFvjH] племянник a niece [nJs] племянница a cousin ['kAzn] двоюродный брат (-ая сестра) Relatives by Marriage: a husband ['hAzbqnd] муж a wife [waIf] жена a father-in-law ['fRDqrqnlL] тесть (свекор) a son-in-law ['sAnqnlL] зять a brother-in-law ['brADqrqnlL] деверь (муж сестры), шурин, зять a stepfather ['stFpfRDq] отчим an adopted child [q'dOptId] приемный ребенок an orphan twins heir a widow (-er) divorced a distant relative immediate family generation ['Lfn] [`Ofn] [Fq] [`widqu(q)] [di`vO:st] [`distnt] [I`mi:dIqt] [GFnq`reISn]
сирота Близнецы Наследник Вдова (вдовец) Разведенный (-ая) Дальний родственник Семья, состоящая из ближайших родственников поколение
Translate these words without dictionary: a great grandchild; a granddaughter; a mother-in-law; a sister-in-law; a daughter-in-law; stepmother VI. Fill in the missing words: 1) My mother's sister is my… and her brother is my… 2) My wife’s mother is my… and her father is my… 3) My wife’s sister is my… and my wife’s brother is my… 4) My uncle's son is my… and my aunt's daughter is my… too. 5) My mother has a sister; her son is my mother's… 6) My father has a brother; his daughter is my father's… VII. Study the following passage and make up 5 sentences of your own using some of the underlined words: In Britain most people have three names[1]: 1) first name = Christian name = forename (mainly in official documents); 2) middle name (it is not used very often); 3) surname = family name = last name. Þ For example: My name is James Brown. My first name is James, or Jimmy. My middle name is Clarke. My surname is Brown, as I said. My full name is James Clarke Brown. VIII. Remember the following expressions on age and use them in the sentences or situations of your own: 1) He is 16. He is 16 years old. He is a sixteen-year old boy. He is over l6 (under 16). He is about 16. He has just completed his 16th year. He is entering (on) his 17th year. 2) He is in his teens (i.e. 13-19). I've just entered my teens. He is a teen-ager. 3) My sister is eight years older than I. He is 2 years senior (junior) to me. She is half my age. He is twice as young as I am. 4) He is advanced in years. He is a middle-aged person. He is an aged (elderly) person. 5) He doesn't look his age. He looks much younger. 6) They are of the same age. IX. a) Study the following expressions: 1. He lives in England. 2. She lives in America. 3. He lives in Scotland. He is from England. She is from America. He is from Scotland. He is English. She is American. He is Scottish. He is an Englishman. She is an American. He is a Scot. He is a Scotsman. b) Match the countries and their nationalities, make up sentences to introduce one and the same person in different ways. 1. Great Britain [greIt'brItqn] a) Swede
[swJd] 2. England ['INglqnd] b) Australian [Os'treIlIqn] 3. Scotland ['skOtlqnd] c) Scot [skOt] 4. Wales [weIlz] d) Canadian [kq'neIdIqn] 5. Northern Ireland ['nLDqn'aIqlqnd] e) New Zealander ['njH'zJlqndq] 6. The USA [DJ'jH'es'eI] f) German ['GWmqn] 7. Australia [Os'treIlIq] g) Irishman ['aIrISmqn] 8. Canada ['kxnqdq] h) Scotsman ['skOtsmqn] 9. Russia ['rASq] i) Frenchman ['frFnCmqn] 10. China ['CaInq] j) Danish ['deInIS] 11. France [frRns] k) British ['brItIS] 12. Germany ['GWmqnI] l) Scottish ['skOtIS] 13. Japan [Gq'pxn] m) English ['INglIS] 14. Sweden ['swJdn] n) Japanese [Gxpq'nJz] 15. Denmark ['dFnmRk] o) American [q'mFrIkqn] 16. New Zealand ['njH'zJlqnd] p) Welsh [wFlS]
q) Englishman ['INglISmqn]
r) Irish ['aIrIS]
s) Russian ['rASqn]
t) Chinese [CaI'nJz]
u) Swedish ['swJdIS] X. a) Make up 5 sentences about the occupations of your relatives. Use the following words: schoolboy ['skHlbOI] школьник student ['stjHdqnt] студент teacher ['tJCq] учитель doctor ['dOktq] доктор, врач nurse [nWs] няня, медсестра clerk [klRk] служащий worker ['wWkq] рабочий engineer [FnGI'nIq] инженер civil engineer ['sIvIl] инженер-строитель driver ['draIvq] водитель docker ['dOkq] грузчик cook [kuk] повар lawyer ['lLjq] юрист, адвокат economist [I'kOnqmIst] экономист farmer ['fRmq] фермер librarian [laI'brFqrIqn] библиотекарь artist ['RtIst] художник musician [mjH'zISqn] музыкант secretary ['sFkrqtqrI] секретарь accountant [q'kauntqnt] бухгалтер businessman ['bIznIsmqn] коммерсант housewife ['hauswaIf] домохозяйка pensioner ['pFnSqnq] пенсионер builder ['bIldq] строитель turner ['tWnq] токарь carpenter ['kRpIntq] столяр journalist ['GWnqlIst] журналист locksmith ['lOksmIT] слесарь tailor ['teIlq] портной salesman ['seIlzmqn] продавец shop-assistant ['SOpq'sIstqnt] продавец, продавщица в) Work in pairs. Let your partner guess the occupations of your relatives. Use only general questions. XI. Read the following words and make up some sentences about your hobby and hobbies of your relatives. Þ Model: My hobby is fishing. I like to go fishing. I like fishing. I like fishing very much. I’m crazy about fishing. I’m fond of fishing. I am keen on fishing. I find pleasure fishing. knitting ['nItIN] вязание sewing ['squIN] шитье to go hiking ['haIkIN] ходить в походы hunting ['hAntIN] охота philately [fI'lxtqlI] филателия collecting post-cards, stamps, coins, books, records, compact disks, knives ['pqustkRd], [stxmp], [kOIn], коллекционирование открыток, марок, монет, книг, пластинок компакт-дисков, ножей reading books (newspapers)
чтение книг (газет) learning foreign languages ['fOrIn'lxNgwIG] изучение иностранных языков music ['mjHzIk] музыка photography [fq'tOgrqfI] фотография work in the garden (gardening) ['gRdnIN] работа в саду, (садоводство) growing flowers ['flauq] выращивание цветов (цветоводство) playing computer games [kqm'pjHtq] компьютерные игры cooking ['kukIN] приготовление пищи watching television ['wOCIN] смотреть телевизор sport (go in for sport)
спорт (заниматься спортом) carpentry ['kRpIntrI] плотницкие работы motoring ['mqutqrIN] ездить на автомобиле painting ['peIntIN] рисование amateur theatricals ['xmqtq любительский спектакль, художественная самодеятельность playing the piano (chess, draughts) [pI'xnqu] играть на пианино skating ['skeItIN] кататься на коньках skiing ['skJIN] кататься на лыжах travelling ['trxvlIN] путешествовать XII. Read the survey and ask each other about your hobbies. Use only general questions (Is your hobby…?). How do young people spend their free time? What leisure activities do they prefer? The sociological study shows, that 13% of St. Petersburg students have not been to the theatre once during the year; 33,5% have not been to an opera or ballet; 41,4% ignore concerts of classical music; 33,2% do not go to the museums or exhibitions and less than half of the young people are interested in books. They prefer going to cafes and clubs instead of reading. XIII. Define the main idea of the following essay and say whether you think it right or wrong. Prove your statement. The Use of Leisure By the way in which a man uses his leisure his character can be told. Some people are completely passive during leisure hours. If such people go out they go to some place of entertainment where no effort is required by them, a cinema or a dance-hall, and if the latter, they do not dance but simply sit and watch others dancing. A different type of person hurries home from work full of eagerness to begin on some scheme, which he has been planning for his leisure time. Perhaps his hobby is carpentry or model engineering or gardening; or… he might wish to write, or to study some subject in which he is interested. This is the creative type of character. For him, his leisure hours are full of promise and he can look back on then with satisfaction when he reviews what he has achieved in them.
Many a man gets full value from his leisure by contemplating nature, listening to music, or reading noble books. By this sort of occupation he may not have made anything that he can show, but he has none the less recreated his own source of inspiration and made his own mind a richer and fuller treasure house. This is the true use of leisure. XIV. Work in pairs. Speak on the following situation: You are a newcomer in your group. Introduce yourself and your immediate family (name, age, nationality, occupation, and hobby). XV. Study the following speech patterns. - 1 - Who are you? – I'm Jim Brown. What is your name? – My name is Jim Brown, What is your full name? – My full name’s James O. Brown. What is your brother's first name? – My brother’s first name is Tom. Is Tom Brown any relation to you? – Yes, he is my brother. What relation are you to Ann? – She is my cousin. - 2 - How old are you? – I'm eighteen years old. How old is your friend? – He's nineteen. When were you born? – I was born on the 26th of October 1980. When is your birthday? – It's on the 2nd of March. Where were you born? – I was born in Omsk. Where was your mother born? – She was born in Omsk too. - 3 - Where are you from? – I'm from Britain. Where do you come from? – I'm from Moscow. Where does your father come from? – He is from Minsk. What country are you from? – I'm from Russia. What town are you from? – I live in Omsk. Are you Russian? – Yeah! I am Russian. Is he an American? – No, he isn't. He is French. - 4 - What do you do? – I'm an engineer. What does your father do? – He's a worker. What is your occupation? – I'm a traffic inspector. What is your sister's job? – She is an architect. What do you do? – I am studying to be an engineer. Where do you study? – I study at the Siberian Automobile and Highway Academy. What faculty do you study at? – I study at the Civil Engineering faculty. Where does your brother work? – He works at the car service station. - 5 - What is your hobby? – My hobby is collecting coins. What is your sister's hobby? – She is crazy about dancing. What are you fond of? – I enjoy cooking very much. What is your brother fond of? – What I like about my brother is that he's fond of sport. What is your favourite pastime? – I like listening to music. – “ – “ – “ – “ – “ – “ – I am in a habit of listening to music in the evenings. - 6 - Is your family big? – Not very. There are only three of us. Is your family large? – Yes, rather. We are five. – “ – “ – “ – “ – It is very small. I'm single. In fact, I'm a bachelor. – “ – “ – “ – “ – No, it isn't. I'm the only child in the family. How many people does your family consist of? – It consists of 3 members. Are you married? – Yes, I have been married for five years. – “ – “ – “–“ – I'm not married; I am single. Is your brother married yet? – Not yet, but he is going to. Is he single or married? – He is a family man. – “ – “ – “ – “ – He is a widower. – “ – “ – “ – “ – He is divorced. How long has she been married? – She’s been married only for two years. XVI. Answer the questions: 1) Who are you? (Your relatives?) 2) What is your full name? 3) How old are you? (Your sisters, brothers?) 4) When were you born? 5) When is your birthday? 6) Where are your parents (grandparents) from? 7) What do you (your parents) do now? 8) What are you fond of? 9) Are you in a habit of reading late in the evenings?
10) Is your family big? 11) How many people does your family consist of? 12) Are you the only child in the family? 13) Are you married? 14) How long have you (your parents) been married? XVII. Write down the special questions to which the following, sentences are the answers: 1) That boy is my nephew. 2) My brother goes in for sport. 3) Her parents are musicians. 4) Ann is my niece. 5) Her uncle is American. 6) His parents are elderly people. 7) She was born in 1953. 8) My sister is 12. 9) My friend is Bill. 10) His children are fond of playing tennis. 11) We are four. Joke A: - How old are you? B: - I’m not old. I’m young. A: - All right. How young are you? B: - I’m five. XVIII. Translate into English. 1) Как вас зовут? 2) Как ваша фамилия? 3) Меня зовут Андрей, фамилия Лавров. 4) Вы находитесь в родстве с Анной Лавровой? – Да, мы брат и сестра. 5) Сколько Вам лет? - Мне 22 года. 6) Когда вы родились? - Я родился 26 июля 1975 года. 7) Сколько лет вашим родителям? 8) Где вы родились? - Я родился в Канаде, но мои отец и мать британцы. 9) Сколько лет вашему племяннику? Он выглядит очень молодо. - Он на пять лет старше меня. 10) Ваш сын уже женат? - Нет, он ещё холост. 11) Кем вы приходитесь Анне Лавровой? - Я её тётя. 12) Кто вы по профессии? - Я экономист. 13) Где Вы работаете? - На фабрике. 14) Кем работают ваши родители? - Они уже пенсионеры. 15) Сколько лет они женаты? - Они женаты 25 лет. 16) Чем Вы увлекаетесь? - Я очень люблю путешествовать. 17) Как вашей сестре больше всего нравится использовать свой досуг? - Она имеет обыкновение читать книги по вечерам. 18) У Вас большая семья? - Нет, не очень. Нас трое: я, жена, ребенок. XIX. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue about your family. Try to get as much information about the family of your partner as you can. You may use the following expressions: Look here!/ I say! - Послушай! As for… - Что касается… By the way. - между прочим Really? - Неужели? All right! - Ладно! Хорошо! After all. - B конце концов, в конечном счете I doubt it. - Сомневаюсь. And what about… (your son)? - А как насчет… (вашего сына)? Tell me… - Скажите… I should say… - Я бы сказал… I shouldn’t say so… - Я бы не сказал… You see… - Видите ли… How very interesting! - Как интересно! You don’t say so! - Что вы говорите! (удивление) I see. - Ясно. (Понятно). XX. Find the Russian equivalents of the following proverbs: 1) As the tree, so the fruit. 2) Many a good father hath but a bad son. 3) Too many cooks spoil the broth. 4) He is tied to his wife’s apron strings.
XXI.Topics for discussion. 1) Some think that it is only people having to do who have hobbies; others believe that everybody should have a hobby. What do you think? 2) It is often said that people are as old as they feel it. Do you agree with this? 3) There is a proverb saying that “a good name is better than riches”. And what do you think about it?
XXII.Read the text and give its summary. The Royal Family At present the British royal family is headed by Queen Elizabeth. When the Queen was born on the 21st of April 1926, her grandfather, King George V, was on the throne and her uncle was his heir. The death of her grandfather and the abdication of her uncle brought her father to the throne as King George VI. As a child she studied constitutional history and law as well as art and music. In addition she learned to ride. As she grew older she began to take part in public life, making her first broadcast at the age of 14. The marriage of the young Princess Elisabeth to Philip, Duke of Edinburgh took place in 1947. She came to the throne after her father's death in 1952 and was crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1953. Among Queen Elizabeth's many duties are the regular visits to foreign countries and especially those of the Commonwealth. The Queen has done much to signify the formalities of the monarchy, including allowing the ВВС to make a documentary film about the every day of the royal family. She also started the tradition of the “walkabout”, when she walks among the public crowds and stops to talk to some people.
The Queen's heir is Charles, Prince of Wales, who was born in 1948, married Lady Diana Spencer and has two children, Prince William and Prince Harry. The death of his wife, Diana, Princess of Wales (often called in mass media Princess Di) in 1997 turned out to be one of the greatest shocks for many people in Great Britain and abroad. In spite of the gossips and contradictions in mass media concerning her personality, she won the affection of great number of people by her beauty and generosity. She was one of the most popular members of the Royal Family widely admired for her commitment to helping children and supporting the aged and ill, particularly AIDS sufferers. The Queen's other children are Princess Ann, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward. The Queen Mother, the widow of the late King George VI, celebrated her ninetieth birthday in 1990. The Queen's only sister, Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, is well-known for her charity work. Vocabulary: abdication [xbdI'keISqn] отречение throne [Trqun] трон, престол to make one's broadcast ['brLdkRst] выступать в радиопередаче duke [djHk] герцог mass media [mxs'mJdIq] средства массовой информации generosity [GFnq'rOsItI] щедрость, благородство commitment [kq'mItmqnt] приверженность signify ['sIgnIfaI] выражать late
покойный 1. The Prince of Wales 8. Ann, Princess Royal 2. Prince William of Wales 9. Peter Philips 3. Prince Henry of Wales 10. Zara Philips 4. The Duke of York 11. Princess Margaret 5. Princess Beatrice of York 12. Viscount Linely 6. Princess Eugenie of York 13. Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones 7. Prince Edward King George ['GLG] Георг VI, английский король с 1936 г., из Виндзорской династии. Queen Elizabeth [IlIzq'bqT] королева Елизавета II Princess Margaret [prIn'sFs 'mRgqrit] принцесса Маргарет Charles, Prince of Wales ['CRlz] Чарльз, принц Уэльский Prince William of Wales ['wIljqm] принц Уильям Prince Henry of Wales ['henrI] принц Генри Lady Diana Spencer ['leIdI daI'xnq] леди Диана Спенсер Andrew, Duke of York ['xndrH 'djHk qv'jLk] Эндрю, герцог Йоркский Princess Beatrice of York [prIn'sFs 'bIetrIs qv'jLk] Беатрис, принцесса Йоркская Princess Eugenie of York [prIn'sFs 'jHGeInI qv'jLk] Юджин, принцесса Йоркская Prince Edward ['prIns 'edwqd] принц Эдвард Ann, Princess Royal ['xn prIn'sFs 'rOiql] принцесса Анна Peter Philips ['pJtq 'fIlIps] Питер Филипс Zara Philips ['zRrq 'fIlIps] Зара Филипс David, Viscount Linely ['deIvId 'vaIkaunt 'laInlI] Давид, виконт Лайнли Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones ['leIdI 'sFqrq 'RmstrON 'Gqunz] леди Сара Армстронг-Джонс
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