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A- Complete with the right form of the verb and use the word ago. Follow the example.


Regular / Irregular Verbs

A- Complete with the right form of the verb and use the word ago. Follow the example.

    Example I saw (see) her two weeks ago.


1. He __________ (catch) a bus an hour __________.

2. I __________(drink) a cup of tea ten minutes __________.

3. He __________(speak) to the director two days __________.

4. She __________(meet) them a month __________.

5. They __________(have) lunch two hours __________.

6. John __________(open) the window half an hour __________.

7. My sister__________(cook) dinner an hour __________.

8. Mr. Field __________(telephone) just a minute __________.

9. they __________(be) in Paris a year __________.

10. I __________(eat) a sandwich an hour __________.


B- Fill in the blank spaces with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.


1. She __________(ask) me questions.

2. __________ (she / arrive) in time?

3. They __________(not/ eat) any chocolate.

4. __________(you/see) anybody there?

5. he __________(know)something about it.

6. We __________(meet) her last week.

7. Why __________(they / to be) so angry?

8. __________(she / clean) the blackboard?

9. Two years ago we __________(visit) Italy.

10. They __________(not / look) after the little girl.

11. The doctor __________(not / tell) her to stay in bed.

12. Who __________(you / give) it to?

13. __________(there to be) many people in front of the place?

14. It __________(not / rain) yesterday.

15. __________(he / not/ find9 the key?

16. __________ ( Tom / to be) at work?

17. Why __________( they / not / tell) me the truth about it?

18. He __________(never / drive) faster than he should.

19. We __________ (not/ walk) a long way.

20. __________(you/have) a comfortable trip?

21. When __________She / wash her car?

22. __________(you / visit) your grandparents last week?

23. __________ (the teacher / not / talk) to Peter after the lesson?

24. __________(she / not / buy) a blue jacket?

25. What colour __________(they/paint) their room?

26. He __________(find) the key on his way home?

27. __________(she / know) all the students’ names?

28. They __________(not / return) at 9.

29. They __________(not/leave) the books at home. They __________(leave) them at school.

30. He __________(not / wear) the old jeans. He __________(wear) the new ones.





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