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Fill in the blanks with the missing verb in the past simple.





Past simple

To be

To come

To cut

To eat

To drink

To feel

To go

To write

To read

To see

To leave

To sit

To sleep

To think

To know

To give

To tell

To throw



















Write these verbs in the past simple:

Fill in the blanks with the missing verb in the past simple.

· Yesterday Mary _________ (go) to the concert.

· Last night _________ (not/be) cold, but it _________(be) rainy.

· Last Tuesday morning my friends _________(bring) the car.

· Last weekend we _________(not/go back) on foot.

· Mark and Sue _________(do) their homework after lunch.

· My friends _________(come) over after dinner.

· The teacher _________(know) them and _________ (be) very happy.


Build sentences with the words given and put the verbs in the past simple.


· easy / test / the / be _____________________________________________________

· home / 11 o´clock / at / they / come ________________________________________

· cinema / they / last night / go / to the ______________________________________

· book / of the / they / know / the story _____________________________________

· washing up / do / my mother / the ________________________________________

Make the sentences negative

· Mary told me the test was easy.

· ____________________________________________________________________________

· They went to Lisbon by car.

· ____________________________________________________________________________

· The rabbits grew fast.

· ____________________________________________________________________________

· I found my book under the bed.

· ____________________________________________________________________________

· He wrote me a letter last week.

· ____________________________________________________________________________

· She caught the bus at the bus station.

· ____________________________________________________________________________

· I did my homework after lunch.

· ____________________________________________________________________________


Make questions for these statements and write answers:

· I saw a big cat.

· ______________________________________________________________?

· Yes, __________________________________________________________.

· Mark went to London last summer.

· ______________________________________________________________?

· No, __________________________________________________________.

· Carl and Mark forgot their books.

· ______________________________________________________________?

· Yes, __________________________________________________________.

· My cat drank a bowl of milk.

· ______________________________________________________________?

· No, __________________________________________________________.

· The bus left at 10 o’clock

· ______________________________________________________________?

· Yes, __________________________________________________________.

· Susan got the best marks at her school.

· ______________________________________________________________?

· No, __________________________________________________________.




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