Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


get) an A in the English test.








1. He__________

(drink) some milk.

2. He ____________

(say) goodbye to his mother.

3. They_________

(catch ) the bus to school.

4. He___________

(have) a test.

5. They___________

(draw) in the Art lesson.



6. He__________

(meet) Daisy.

7. She ___________

(answer) some emails.

8.He __________

(make) some research.

9. He ___________

(play) basketball.

10. He _________

(get) an A in the English test.





11. He __________

(take) his dog to the park.

12. He_________

(sell) orange juice in the park .

13. He_________

(write) a letter to his grandparents.

14. They __________

(go) to the concert.

15. They _________

(read) the newspaper.


16. She__________

(do) her homework.

17. They __________

(laugh) with a funny story.

18. They ________

(leave) school at 4.

19. They __________

(come) back home.

20. He _________

(ride) his horse.


1.He drank some milk.

2.He said goodbye to his mother.

3.They caught the bus to school.

4. He had a test.

5. They drew in the Art lesson.

6. He met Daisy.

7. She answered some emails.

8. He made some research.

9. He played basketball.

10. He got an A in the English test.

11. He took his dog to the park.

12. He sold orange juice in the park.

13. He wrote a letter to his grandparents.

14. They went to the concert.

15. They read the newspaper.

16. She did her homework.

17. They laughed with a funny story.

18. They left school at 4.

19.They came back home.

20.He rode his horse.



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