When conducting bench tests, what method is used to determine the amount of wear of parts? 

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When conducting bench tests, what method is used to determine the amount of wear of parts?


When conducting bench tests, what method is used to determine the amount of wear of parts?

+ integral;

When forming tests by strengthening the operating modes, it is necessary that the condition is fulfilled, which is written as follows: P (ts) = Р (te). What is the name of this condition:

+ condition for equality of duty;

When reserving a substitution, reserve elements are located in:

+ working condition;

When studying the interaction of individual mechanisms and structural elements on performance indicators, the following may be objects:

+ mates and kinematic pairs;

When studying the influence of various factors on the service life of mates, the following may be objects:

+ machine components;

When testing the properties of materials that determine the reliability of products, the following may be objects:


Which factor most affects the fatigue strength of parts

+ the Rebinder effect (the presence of a surfactant on the surface);

Хi max-Хi min = ... is:

+ scope;




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