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The surface destruction of the metal of a part due to its oxidation is

The surface destruction of the metal of a part due to its oxidation is

+ corrosion.

The value of Хi, which corresponds to the maximum value of the probability density (the largest value of the ordinate of the curv- is:

+ median;

The value of Хi at which the probability of greater or lesser values is the same is:

+ fashion;

The value at which the details of the interface, being left unchanged, will work for at least one overhaul period:

+ overhaul interval;

Types of agricultural machinery tests are:

+ complete and incomplete;

Unloaded redundancy means:

+ spare parts;

Wear during fretting corrosion is:

+ the wear of the contacting bodies during small oscillatory movements;

Wear of the surface during the movement of a solid and a liquid under cavitation is:

+ cavitation wear;

Wear on seizing is:

+ wear due to setting and deep tearing of the material;

With unloaded redundancy, redundant elements are located in:

+ off state;

What are the main indicators of reliability:

+ fail-safety,durability, maintainability, retention;

What characterizes this wording: “Product properties in its adaptability to prevention, detection to eliminate failures”:

+ maintainability.

What characterizes this wording: "The property of products to remain operational for some time without interruptions":

+ fail-safety;

What characterizes this wording: “The property of the product to remain operational to the limit state with some interruptions for maintenance and repair:

+ durability;

What characterizes this wording: "The property of products, which consists in its suitability for storage and transportation"?






What distribution law is most often subject to sudden failures:

+ exponential;

What method is unsuitable for measuring the amount of wear of a particular worn part:

+ the method of artificial bases;

What methods of testing machines for reliability give the most reliable results:

+ polygon;

What type of wear belongs to the group of mechanical:

+ when seized;

What type of wear is most common with loaded rolling bearings:

+ fatigue;

What technological operation increases the resistance to fatigue wear:

+ surfacing of wear-resistant materials;

What technological operation increases the resistance of parts to abrasive wear:

+ ultrasonic hardening;


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