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According to its consequences, failures can be:

 According to its consequences, failures can be:

+ light, medium, heavy;

A low coefficient of friction is presented to:

+ bearing alloys.

As test objects may be:

+ all of the above.

At what type of component loading does the “Rebinder effect” affect its strength:

+ tensile loads;

Availability factor refers to:

+ integrated.

By the nature of the manifestation, failures are divided into:

+ independent failure, dependent failure, intermittent failure;

By the nature of development and manifestations, failures are divided into the following:

+ gradual and sudden;

By a constant reservation the elements are located:

+ sequence;

By loaded redundancy elements are located:

+ in parallel;

By the nature of the manifestation, failures are divided into:

+ independent failure, dependent failure, intermittent failure;

Corrosion-mechanical wear shall include:

+ oxidative.

Each individual discrepancy of a part, assembly with the established requirements is called:

+ defective;

Easy running-in abilityapplies to:

+ copper alloys;

Elements are arranged in parallel during which redundancy?

+ substitution;

Erosion wear is:

+ wear due to exposure to fluid or gas flow;

For reasons of occurrence, failures are divided into:

+ structural, technological, operational;

Fatigue wear is:

+ wear due to repeated deformation of the microvolumes of the material.

Failures, in consequences or costs, are:

+ operational and resource.

Failure is:

+ the event of loss of performability;

Failure rate refers toindicators of:

+ fail-safety;

For the NUr test plan, the letter r means:

+ the number of replacements;

Gamma percentage resource refers to indicators:    





a separate indicator.

High wear and tear resistance is shown to:

+ bronze.


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