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The average value of a random variable, with a small amount of initial information that is not combined in a statistical series, is defined as

The average value of a random variable, with a small amount of initial information that is not combined in a statistical series, is defined as

+ arithmetic mean;

The condition of the facility in which it meets the requirements established by the technical documentation is:

+ performance;

The condition of the product in which it is able to perform specified functions for some time (with the parameters specified in the technical documentation) is:

+ reliability;

The consequence of a combination of adverse factors and external influences, if improperly operated, are

+ sudden failures;

The corrosion-mechanical type of wear includes:

+ oxidative.

The corrosion-mechanical type of wear includes:

+ fretting corrosion;

The event of loss of performability will be called

+ failure;

The following methods are available for measuring wear:

- +Integral, micrometer;

The following methods are available for measuring wear:

+ Integral, micrometermethod;

The following factors affect the fatigue strength of parts:

+ A, B, C;

The formula х=w1*x1+w2*x2+…+wn*xn=åwixidetermines:

+ weighted average;

The limiting state of the parts forming the interface is determined by:

+ the full resource;

The main characteristic of external friction is:

+ load on the friction surface.

The maximum wear shall be determined by the following criteria:

+ technical and technological;

The molecular-mechanical type of wear includes:

+ wear when seized.

The measure of dispersion of individual values of a random variable relative to the average value is:

+ dispersion;

The number of failures that have occurred over a period of time is:

+ random discrete quantity;

The NUN plan is used to collect:

+ full information;

The operating time from the start of operation of the facility to the onset of its ultimate state is:

+ full resource;

The operating time of the product, upon reaching of which its operation must be stopped, regardless of the technical condition, is:

+ full technical resource;

The operating time from the beginning to the end of operation for a non-renewable product or until repair for a renewable is:

+ full technical resource;

The operating time of the restored product during its service life before decommissioning is:

+ the assigned resource;

The operating time of the facility, upon reaching which the operation should be stopped regardless of the condition of the facility is:

+ full resource;

The probability of any random event - there is a value lying on the plot:

+ from 0 to +1

The probability of failure-free operation of the machine P (t) under the combined action of wear and sudden failures can be determined by the theorem:

+ P (t) = Pw (t) * Ps (t)

The ratio of the amount of depreciation to the time during which it occurs is:

+ wear speed.

The set of values of random variables arranged in ascending order, indicating their probabilities or frequencies is:

+ the variation series of the distribution;

The state of the object in which it is able to perform specified functions, while maintaining the basic parameters within the values established by the technical documentation is:

+ performability;


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