Writing Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students 

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Writing Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students


Writing Comprehension Test

For 10th Form Students



                  STUDENT NUMBER: ___________

Writing Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students

1. Today, our world is confronted with many challenges: poverty, hunger, disease, environmental changes, and many others. In your opinion, what is the most serious problem that society faces today? What has caused this problem? Do you think that this problem can be solved?

2. Several pieces of literature and film have discussed the possibility of time travel in which people could go back to another period in history. If you had the ability to travel back in time to an event in Ukraine's history, which would you choose and why? Would you attempt to change the course of events, and, if so, how would you change them?

3. Boethius, 6th century Roman moralist and essayist, declared:" Music is a part of us, and either ennobles or degrades our behavior". What do you think of this quote? Many people today blame the messages carried in music for the negative actions that youth take. In your opinion, do these messages have an impact on today's youth? Is this positive or negative? Should musicians be kept from using bad words and negative messages? Is it possible to censor what children listen to? Is censorship the answer to these problems?



Speaking Comprehension Test

For 10-th Form Students

1. If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition, what would you choose? Why?

2. Fantasy books such as Harry Potter and Twilight series have been very popular for some years now. Why do people like fantasy books? Are they targeted to one age group? If you could bring a character from a fantasy book to life, who would it be and why?

3. Computer use in the home, classroom, and other common places is becoming common place around the world. Do you think computers help society? Do you think computer use can have bad effect on a person? How do you think computers have changed the world?

4. Each country has different rules of etiquette and behavior. Why is it important to respect the rules of etiquette in a foreign country? Are there any common rules of etiquette in Ukraine that you believe are outdated?

5. People define "family" in different ways. What is your definition of a family?

* Can the definition of "family" change with time?

* Is it possible to have more than one family? How?

* What influences our perceptions on what a "family" is?

6. It has been said that young people today are too materialistic - they want their parents to buy them expensive clothes, mobile phones and music players. At the same time, some of these young people are passive in their attitudes towards the hard work necessary to get prepared for a good job. Do you have any friends like that? What do you think will happen to them?

7. Some people believe that violent films and computer games make our society more violent.

* Do you think there is a connection between violence in the media and violence in real life?

* Should there be greater restrictions on portraying violence in films and games?

* Do you enjoy watching films or playing video games that have violent content?

8. We all try to avoid illness through healthy habits and diets. When we get ill,
most of us go to the doctor for advice or prescription medicines.

* What preventative measures do you take to maintain your health?

* How do different cultures approach health care? Compare and contrast Ukrainian health care with another culture.

* In your opinion, do people rely too much on pharmaceuticals?

9. Art and music classes should be banned in schools in order to provide more
time for lessons that are considered more academic such as foreign
languages, maths and sciences.

*        Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not?

*          How would banning art and music affect your school and your

*         What do art and music bring to or take away from your school?

10. There is evidence that the act of smiling can lead to feelings of happiness.

* Do you think that smiling is always good, or can it be a negative thing too? What are your reasons?

* How does laughing affect you?

11. Difficult tasks often require something positive to motivate us.

* What factors best motivate you when you have a difficult task to accomplish?

* Which people play a role in motivating you? Why?

* For what tasks do you need to be motivated? Why?

12. Fashions come and go. How important do you think being fashionable is?

* What kinds of clothes are in fashion now? What do you think of these styles?

* What fashions that you see today do you think will be out of style within two years?

* What kind of clothes do you usually wear? Who and what influence your style?

13. Imagine that you are a journalist.

* What magazine or newspaper would you like to work for? Why?

* What would you write about? Why?

*        What do you think would be the most important aspect of your

14. Let's imagine that yours is the first generation to not have any obligations and only have free time. What would you do with your time? Why?

*        What would be positive about this, and what would be negative?

* How would you appear to the rest of the society, and what would your reaction to this be?

* What would happen as your generation ages?

15. Around the world mobile phones have become greatly popular. People depend on mobile phones to do their daily jobs or to keep in contact with other people. But what would the world be like without mobile phones? Have mobile phones truly improved the quality of life of those who use them?

16. You are travelling to another country for one year and can only take one
suitcase. What will you bring?

* What items do you think you cannot live without?

* What items from your country would you like to show someone from another culture?

* How do these items represent you and your country?

17. Your family wants to adopt a new pet. Everybody has a chance to state
their opinion.

*What kinds of pets would NOT be good for your family?

* How would you convince the rest of your family your idea is perfect for all of them?

* What kind of care would this pet need?

18. If you could have any talent that you don't already possess, what would it

* Why is this talent so important for you to have?

* How would you use it?

*What is better: to gain talents through hard work or through natural
ability? Why?

19. Do you think that being involved in sports is a good way to stay healthy?

What are some risks of participating in sports? Do the health advantages of sports outweigh the risks? Do you think sporting events nowadays are too competitive? Do you think some people take unnecessary risks just to win a spots competition?

20.   What does the word "leadership" mean? Why is good leadership
important? Have you ever been in a position of leadership? Who in the world
do you think possesses the greatest leadership skills? Why?



Donetsk Regional State Administration

Donetsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education

Stage IІІ regional Students Olympiad in the English Language





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