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Compiling а plan of statistical researchСодержание книги
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The plan considers the following structural points: 1. Choice of research object. 2. The choice of research volume; determining а research unit. 3. Determining the research terms. 4. Researchers' characteristics (personnel). 5. Characteristics of technical equipment and required finances. 6. Methodical and organizational guidance. Object of statistical research — is а statistical totality about which the required data should be collected. Methods of rеsеаrch conducting Two kinds of observation are distinguished: current (routine) and one-time (or single). General observation — recording and studying оf phenomena constituting general totality. Random (selective) observation — when only а part of the totality is researched to characterize the whole. Monographic method — when studying one object; the object is singled out from many others and is scrutinized in order to display progress we experience, tendencies of the phenomenon development, etc. Method of basic mass — is used when studying the objects, which contain the majority of the studied phenomena (68% and more). Questionnaire method — for collecting statistical data with the help of specially designed questionnaires. Methods of selection of the studied phenomenon Random selection is conducted according to the lot (initial letter of last name, or birth date). Mechanical selection is conducted from entire totality, every 5-th(20%) or 10-th(10%); mechanically picked out observed unit is taken. с) Cluster selection is conducted from general totality, clusters (series) by means of random or mechanical selection. d) Directed selection is conducted from the general totality with re-selection of only those observed units which allow us to reveal the influence of unknown factors when eliminating the influence of the unknown. е) Typological selection is conducted from a selection of the units from previously grouped qualitative groups of the same kind.
Statistical observation according to time: instant (static) and routine (dynamic); according to volume: general and random. Stage III. Statistical summation It includes the following actions: 1. Control — arithmetical and logical. 2. Enciphering - applying conventional signs to the studied features. 3. Data grouping — distributing the collected data according to the character or feature quantity: typological grouping — by quantitative feature, variation grouping — by qualitative feature. 4. Distributing into statistical charts — putting numerical data in the charts (simple, group, combinational). Stage IV. Scientific analysis We use absolute and relative and average values for scientific analysis of our investigation and calculation.
SCHEME OF METHODS OF STATISTICAL RESEARCH Projecting and preparing statistical research Extensive plan of statistical research 1. Objective 2. Object and unit of observation 3. Program and plan of research 4. Structural plan 5. Financial estimate Table 2 II. Statistical observation
Table 3 III. Statistical summation
Table 4 IV. Scientific analysis
Relative values
Relative values are ratio of one absolute number over another absolute number expressed in percentage, promille or prodecimille. Index of relative values 1. Intensiveness index — characterizes frequency of the phenomenon occurrence in nature and answers the question "how often?". It is expressed in %, promille - %o, рrodесimille - %oo). This index is calculated as one phenomenon divided by another phenomenon which produces the first phenomenon. (Example: birth rate, death rate.) 2. Extensiveness index — characterizes the proportion of а share to the total and answers the question "what part?". It is expressed in % or in shares (% 2/3, etc. To total). This index is calculated as part of phenomenon divided by all phenomena multiplied by 100. (Example: leukocyte blood formula.) 3. Presentation index — characterizes the relation of each of comparing values tо initial level, taken in 100. It calculates growth and increase rates. 4. Ratio index — is calculated as intensive index, which characterizes frequency of а phenomenon occurrence in heterogeneous and non-derived totalities. This index is calculated as one phenomenon divided by another phenomenon which does not produce the first phenomenon. (Examples: doctors and beds per 10 000 inhabitants, etc.)
Table 5
INTENSIVE INDEX Absolute number of phenomena x 1000 Absolute number of middle
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