O.S. Tretiakova, Professor, Head of the Department Public Health. 

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O.S. Tretiakova, Professor, Head of the Department Public Health.





V.M. Levanov Professor Department of social medicine and organization of Public Health Nizhny Novgorod State medical academy, Ministry of Public Health.


Professor S.E. Shibanov Chief of department Common Hygeinie with Ecology, FSAEIHE «Сrimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky, Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky


Recommended and published by the central commission of the Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky since 17 may 2017, protocol No 4.




This book contains the disciplines of the medical statistics for foreign students of the English medical faculty.

It analyses social medical methods and modern methods of the medical statistics. According to modern requirements of studies, each topic is formulated with the main questions of topics and logical structures. Topological tests, control questions for each topic and tables are also contained in this book.

This manual is designed for foreign students and for English-speaking native students studying at the medical university and post-graduate students and lecturers.





THEME 1        Methodical foundation of statistical research organizations in Public Health.

THEME 2       Methods of calculation and analyses.

THEME 3        Average values and indices of variation.

THEME 4        Parametric methods of estimation. Statistical hypotheses.


THEME 5       Non-Parametric methods.

THEME6         Dynamic row. Standardization.

THEME 7        Demography.

Indices of health of the population.

THEME 8        Sickness rate. Methods of study of sickness rate.



Main Literatures

1. Общественное здоровье и здравоохранение, экономика здравоохранения под. редакцией члена-корреспондента РАМН професора В.З. Кучеренко, Москва (ГЕЭОТАР-Медиа), 2013

2. Health Economics Edited by Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Medical Academy of Science, Professor V. Moskalenko. 2010

3. «Соціальна медицина і організація охорони здоров`я» за ред. проф. Москаленка В. Ф. 2009

4. Общественное здоровье и здравоохранение Ю.Г. Лисицин, Г.Е. Улумбекова, Москва (ГЭОТАР-Медиа), 2015

5. Общественное здоровье и здравоохранение руководство к практическим заенятиям, Москва (ГЭОТАР-Медиа), 2013






Features of the theme.

Students are required to study different data about population health and activities of medical institutions; apply statistical data and specific knowledge when choosing a research object, statistical totality, observed units and inherent properties.

Aims of studies.

To understand the basic structural elements of statistical totality.

To study features of general and selective totalities.

Topic contents.

Definition of Biostatistics is a branch of science and section of statistics, which engaged planning and processing of medical results and biological researches.

Definition of statistical totality. Statistical totality is a group of the observed numbers studied with definite temporal and spatial limits.

Definition of observed units. An observed unit is a primary unit which carries statistical data in each taken case.

Definition of specific features that distinguish statistical totality.

Classification of specific features:

By nature – variation and attributive

By role in totality – factual and resultative.

Variation (quantitative) features are expressed digitally.

Attributive (qualitative) features are expressed verbally.

Factual features are dependent and cause alteration of other features (for example, sex, age and occupation).

Resultative features depend on factual features (for example, disease, death, disability and albumin level in the blood).


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