I. Translate the following texts in written form paying attention to passive forms and participles 

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I. Translate the following texts in written form paying attention to passive forms and participles

  1. A supply of electrons is readily obtained from a heated metal filament by thermionic emis­sion. We have seen how the electrons are arranged in rings around the nucleus of an atom. In metals and other conductors some electrons, about one per atom, are not permanently associated with any particular nucleus but are free to move about in the spaces between the atoms. A metal, in fact, consists of a number of positive ions immersed in a cloud of electrons. These are the conduction electrons and they are responsible for the transmission of heat and electric charge through the material. For example, if a potential difference is established between two points in a conductor, some of the conduction electrons move towards the positive terminal of the supply thereby making an electric current.
  2. Where high temperatures are encountered another method of temperature indication is used. A thermocouple is a device which consists of two dissimilar metals in contact which will produce a voltage between them when heated. The higher the temperature the higher will be the voltage generated. Aircraft engine head temperatures are indicated by this means and a ring of a copper alloy and iron alloy joined together is fitted under one spark plug to indicate the temperature on one particular cylinder. The thermocouple is rather insensitive to small tempera­ture changes and therefore is not used for temperature indications of less than several hundred degrees in range. As engine temperatures vary about 500 degrees in normal use between cold conditions before starting and hot conditions at full power, the scales commonly used indicate up to 600 degrees.

II. Identify participle constructions and translate the following texts in written form:

  1. What chemical elements are the essential constituents of the biosphere? The periodic table lists more than 100 chemical elements. Yet as defined by ecologists the biosphere is the locus of interaction of only four of them: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, these four being numbered 1, 6, 7 and 8 in the periodic table. Although dealing handsomely with much of the chemistry of life, this definition is a little too restrictive, ignoring as it does, the biochemical role of sulfur and phosphorus. But when enlarged to include these two, it does not go any farther up the table than element No. 16. Thus, it is a fact that most problems, the environmental ones anyway, arise from the exceptional reactivity of six of the 16 lightest elements, with the first four actually forming protein molecules, sulfur being the "stiffening" in protein and phosphorus supplying the "high-energy bond", the universal fuel for all biochemical work within the cell.
  2. Last month our laboratory developed a new technique required for thermodynamic studies of a two-phase system. The technique allowed us to obtain results predicted by theory. The results ob­tained disagreed with earlier data reported by Dr. D. At our labora­tory seminar Prof. S. suggested a new model to account for the mechanism of the process involved in the system. The model suggested described adequately the thermodynamic peculiarities studied by Dr. D.

3. It can be said that science is a cumulative body of knowledge about the natural world, obtained by the application of a peculiar method practised by the scientist. It is known that the word science itself is derived from the Latin «scire», to know, to have knowledge of, to experience. Fundamental and applied sciences are commonly distinguished, the former being concerned with fundamental laws of nature, the latter engaged in application of the knowledge obtained. Technology is the fruit of applied science, being the concrete practical expression of research done in the laboratory and applied to manufacturing commodities to meet human needs.



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