Новокузнецкий филиал-институт 

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Новокузнецкий филиал-институт

Российской Федерации

Новокузнецкий филиал-институт

Кемеровского государственного университета

Learn to Speak English: Grammar

Учебно-методическое пособие

1 часть

Новокузнецк 2002

УДК 681.3

ББК 81.2 Англ


Кандидат филологических наук В.А. Багдинова

Кандидат филологических наук Н.В. Еремченко

Learn to Speak English: Grammar: Учебно-методическое пособие / Сост.: Е.С. Блинова. – Новокузнецк: РИО НФИ КемГУ., 2002. – 78 с.

Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов, занимающихся по мультимедийному курсу “Learn to Speak English”. Оно знакомит с наиболее часто встречающимися грамматическими структурами, помогает выработать навык их употребления непосредственно в речи, способствует расширению словарного запаса. Предлагается для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов неязыковых факультетов.

Печатается по решению методического совета НФИ КемГУ.

УДК 681.3

ББК 81.2

© Новокузнецкий филиал-институт Кемеровского государственного университета, 2002

© Блинова Е.С., составление, 2002


В настоящее время значительно увеличился интерес к изучению английского языка. Формы преподавания иностранного языков также видоизменяются. Многие пытаются изучать иностранные языки самостоятельно, взяв за основу определенный традиционный или современный аудио/видео курс и испытывая, несмотря на обилие литературы учебно-методического характера, недостаток в практических лексико-грамматических справочниках и пособиях.

Данное учебно-методическое пособие предполагается использовать в качестве дополнения к мультимедийному компьютерному курсу “Learn to Speak English”, который является комплексным учебным пособием по изучению английского языка, преследующим как общеобразовательные, так и чисто практические цели. Пособие содержит обширный страноведческий материал, знакомит с лингвистическими особенностями американского варианта английского языка. Грамматический материал в курсе представлен теоретической и практической частями и охватывает весь спектр грамматических явлений, необходимых для успешного осуществления коммуникации на английском языке.

Учебно-методическое пособие предлагает теоретические грамматические сведения, дублирующие на русском уже содержащиеся в курсе. Русский вариант облегчает понимание материала, устраняя языковой барьер. Пособие помогает в усвоении грамматики, предлагая тренировочные упражнения к каждому разделу.

Изучение грамматики начинается с повторения грамматических тем. Затем с целью активизации изучаемого грамматического материала выполняются тренировочные упражнения. Упражнения рекомендуется выполнять самостоятельно, в качестве домашней работы, с последующей проверкой преподавателем. В грамматических упражнениях используется та же лексика, что и в устной части курса (story, action), что также помогает облегчить усвоение грамматического материала и способствует закреплению лексического. Выполнив тренировочные упражнения, студентам следует проверить свою готовность к выполнению контрольной работы с помощью компьютерных упражнений.

Глава 1

1.1 Глаголы "TO BE", "TO HAVE" и "TO D O" в настоящем простом времени.

Глаголы "to be," "to have," и "to do" неправильные. В настоящем простом времени они имеют следующие формы:

I am I have I do
he, she, it is he, she, it has he, she, it does
we are we have we do
you are you have you do
they are they have they d o

Обратите внимание на отсутствие личной формы для местоимения "ты": в отличие от других языков местоимение "you" используется как для 2-го лица ед. числа ("ты"), для 2-го лица мн. числа ("вы"), так и для вежливой формы ("Вы").

Упражнение 1. Обведите нужную форму глагола "to be"

1) Sara [ am / is / are ] a teacher. 2) His cat [ am / is / are ] black. 3) Jan and Sue [ am / is / are ] here. 4) The students [ am / is / are ] sleepy. 5) I [ am / is / are ] at home. 6) It [ am / is / are ] warm today. 7) A cat [ am / is / are ] soft. 8) I [ am / is / are ] very busy. 9) My cat [ am / is / are ] gray. 10) Watermelons [ am / is / are ] tasty.

Числительные (1-100)

Запомните следующие числительные:

1 one                11 eleven 2 two               12 twelve 3 three             13 thirteen 4 four              14 fourteen 5 five              15 fifteen 6 six                16 sixteen 7 seven           17 seventeen 8 eight            18 eighteen 9 nine                19 nineteen 10 ten              20 twenty   21 twenty-one   57 fifty-seven 22 twenty-two   60 sixty 30 thirty             68 sixty-eight 33 thirty-three    70 seventy 34 thirty-four     79 seventy-nine 40 forty              80 eighty 45 forty-five       90 ninety 46 forty-six        99 ninety-nine 50 fifty              100 one hundred  

Обратите внимание, что для того чтобы образовать числительные от 20 до 99, вам нужно к десятку через дефис (-) добавить нужное число:

33 = thirty - three.

Упражнение 1. Напишите следующие числительные по возрастанию.

18, 45, 38, 27, 66, 96, 14, 53, 79, 82


Глава 2

2.1 Формулирование общего вопроса

Общий вопрос задают ко всему предложению и отвечают "yes/no" либо меняя местами подлежащее и сказуемое, либо используя восходящую интонацию:

We can change money here. (простое утвердительное предложение)

Can we change money here? (общий вопрос с глаголом на первом месте)

We can change money here? (вопрос с восходящей интонацией)

Обратите внимание, что в случае употребления настоящего простого времени на первое место в вопросе необходимо поставить нужную форму глагола "to do" в качестве вспомогательного для формирования вопроса:

They like this bank. - Do they like this bank?

You have a passport. - Do you have a passport?

Структура вопросов в Present Simple:

Do (does) + подлежащее + инфинитив глагола


I do - do I? we do - do we?
you do - do you?  
she does - does she? they do - do they?

Do I go to school every day?

Do we often play basketball?

Do children usually like parties?

Does she speak 2 foreign languages?

Does it take me 10 minutes to get to the University?

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола"to be" или "to do" в следующих вопросах.

1. ___ you like to play soccer?

a. Does b. Do c. Is d. Are

2. ___ Ms. Smith a teacher?

a. Are b. Is c. Does she be d. Do she be

3. ___ Oscar know how to speak Spanish?

a. Do b. Is c. Are d. Does

4. ___ you study English a lot?

a. Does b. Are c. Do d. Is

5. Javier ___ like American football.

a. doesn't b. don't c. isn't d. aren't

6. ___ Armando and Juanlike like to play tennis?

a. do b. doing c. does d. don't

7. ___ Gabriela like to watch T.V?

a. doesn't b. don't c. isn't d. aren't

8. ___ you like the food in the U.S.?

a. does b. is c. are d. do

9. ___ Javier like American football?

a. doesn't b. don't c. isn't d. aren't

Упражнение 2. Задайте общий вопрос в настоящем простом времени

1) (be/I) _____________ ready?

2) (run / the train) ______________ at night?

3) (have/we) _____________ homework?

4) (have/I) _______________ enough time?

5) (be/you) ____________ a truck driver?

6) (remember/Nan) __________________ that?

7) (be/Kat and Sue) ______________ here?

8) (like/Tom) ___________________ his car?

9) (work / Jon) _________________ hard?

10) (be/Max and Mel) ________________ busy?

11) (be/the teacher) _______________ nice?

12) (have/Steve) _________________ a car?

13) (walk/Sue) ________________ to work?

14) (need/they) __________________ help?

15) (be/it) ________________ hot today?

16) (be/the students) _________________ lazy?

17) (eat/cats) _________________ candy?

18) (have/your room) _____________ a window?

19) (be/Paris) ___________ an exciting city?

20) (circle/the earth) _______________ the sun?

2.2 Неопределенные местоимения "SOME" и "ANY"

Неопределенные местоимения "some" и "any" употребляются перед существительными во множественном числе и неисчисляемыми существительными: "some money", "some dollars", "any change," etc.

Однако, довольно часто можно опустить местоимение "some" в утвердительных предложениях:

We have (some) checks.

Mr. Roberts gives them (some) money.

Местоимение "any" обычно употребляется вместо "some" в отрицательных предложениях и в вопросах:

Do you have any change?

Do you have some change?

They don't have any friends.

Иногда в вопросительных предложениях вместо местоимений any... используются образованные от основы some. Это происходит только в том случае, если вы совершенно уверены в положительном ответе на ваш вопрос. Например, вы заходите в кабинет к Директору, а он под столом ползает, сдвинув очки на кончик носа. В том случае, если остальные 364 дня в году шеф все-таки предпочитает вертикальное телоположение, вы его вежливо так спросите: "Have you lost something, sir?" – "Сэр, Вы что-то потеряли?" Скорее всего, он либо скажет да, либо уже сошел с ума, но это ни имеет ничего общего с английским языком.:-) Еще местоимения, образованные от основы some, используются за столом (так называемое правило вежливости):

"Would you like some coffee?" - "Хотите кофе?" (Очевидно, положительный ответ в данном случае предполагается.

Упражнение 1. Вставьте в соответствующие пропуски "some" или "any".

1) Terry has ____ pennies in her pocket.

2) Tomas doesn't have ____ pennies in his pocket. His pocket is empty.

3). Angela doesn't like to eat ____ vegetables.

4) In fact, last night she didn't eat____ salad. Her mother was angry!

5) But Angela always likes to have ___ ice cream for dessert.

6) She would be very happy if she could eat ___ vegetable-flavored ice cream!

7) But we know that there really isn't ___ vegetable-flavored ice cream!

8) Marissa cooked ____ Mexican food for dinner.

9) Marissa's brother didn't want to eat___ food that Marissa cooked.

10) He decided to have ____ pizza instead. He's not a very nice brother!

Упражнение 2. Вставьте в соответствующие пропуски “some” или “any”.

1. Would you like ______ cake?

2. I'd like ______ more, if there is any.

3. Do you have ______ more cigarettes?

4. I don't want them. I don't like ______ of them.

5. I have three sets of car keys and I can't find ______ of them.

6. I don't need ______ help. I'm fine.

7. I'm a big fan of Richard Thompson's music but I don't like ______ of the songs he has written.

8. I also like Elvis Costello. I would happily listen to ______ of his songs right now.

9. I don't like the Spice Girls. I don't like ______ of their songs.

10. I hate doing these English exercises. ______ fool can see that they are not very well written.

Глава 3

Степени сравнения

Существует два способа образования степени сравнения в английском языке.

1.) Употребление наречия "more" перед прилагательным.

It's more exciting.

2.) Добавление окончания "-er".

A bus is cheap er than a taxi.

Чтобы дополнить сравнение, используйте местоимение "чем" (than).

I am old er than my wife.

Если прилагательное состоит из одного слога, то для того, чтобы образовать сравнительную степень, нужно добавить суффикс "-er": "older," "wiser". Для образования сравнительной степени у большинства двух- и трехсложных прилагательных используется наречие "more": "more recent". Если двусложное прилагательное оканчивается на "-y," “-er”, “-or”, то для образования сравнительной степени также используется суффикс "-er." При этом "y" на конце прилагательного меняется на "i" в таких словах как, например,

bus y – bus ier

prett y - prett ier

Иногда очень сложно определить, по какому правилу следует образовывать степень сравнения. На практике, многие прилагательные (такие как "able," "angry," "cruel," "friendly," "polite," "quiet," "simple",) образуют степени сравнения двумя способами. Также существуют исключения:

good - better

little - less

bad - worse

far - farther

Наречия также могут образовывать сравнения. Если наречие оканчивается на "-ly", то перед наречием употребляется "more":

slowly - more slowly

careful - more carefully

Если наречие состоит из одного слога, то используйте суффикс "-er": "faster," "harder," "sooner," "closer," etc.

Обратите внимание на исключения:

well - better

far - farther

badly - worse

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильную форму сравнительной степени прилагательного, оканчивающегося на –y.

1. This old house is _____ than that new house. (pretty)

а) pretty b) more prettier c) prettier d) more prettyer

2) Andrew is _____ in school than his sister. (busy)

a) busier b) more busy c) more busyer d) busyer

3) Watching TV makes me _____ than cleaning my room. (happy)

a) happy b) happier c) more happier d) happyer

4) I think kittens are _____ than puppies. (fluffy)

a) fluffyer b) more fluffyer c) fluffy d) fluffier

6) Ocean water is _____ than fresh water. (salty)

a) more saltyer b) saltyer c) saltier d) salty

8) The red sweater is _____ than the blue sweater. (heavy)

a) heavy b) heavier c) heavyer d) more heavy

Упражнение 2. Выберите правильную форму сравнительной степени.

1) Sarah's house is _____ than Shannon's house. (large)

a) large b) more larger c) larger d) more large

2) Jason is _____ in math than his brother. (smart)

a) smarter b) more smart c) more smarter d) smart

3) I think kittens are _____ than puppies. (cute)

a) more cuter b) more cute c) cute d) cuter

4) My sister Elaine is _____ than my brother Fred. (young)

a) more younger b) more young c) younger d) young

5) Monkeys and chimpanzees are _____ than birds. (big)

a) biger b) bigger c) more big d) more bigger

6) Today I was _____ than I was yesterday. (sad)

a) sad b) sadder c) more sad d) more sadder

Упражнение 3. Тест на знание и умение употреблять степени сравнения прилагательных. А заодно проверим и вашу эрудицию. Поставьте прилагательное в скобках в нужную форму и выберите правильный ответ.


What is the   highest   mountain in the world? (high)

Mount Kilimanjaro Mount Everest K2 Fujiyama

1. What is the                             river in the world? (long)

The Mississippi The Amazon The Nile The Saint Lawrence

2. Which is the planet                                  from the sun? (far)

Mercury Mars Venus Pluto

3. Which of the following Canadian provinces is                                 than the province of Ontario? (large)

Alberta British Columbia Quebec Newfoundland (including Labrador)

4. In Greek mythology what was the                      feature of a cyclops? (prominent)

the size of its head  its eye    its nose    its ear

5. Which human invention was the first object to travel                          than the speed of sound? (fast)

a whip a rocket a cannonball a bullet

6. In which country did the                            world's nuclear disaster take place in 1986? (bad)

Sweden Finland Ukraine (Soviet Union) Russia (Soviet Union)

7. On which island did Gauguin paint some of his                              works? (beautiful)

Tahiti Fiji Bali Hawaii

8. What is the                                part of a candle's flame? (hot)

the center the outer edges the tip, the highest point of the flame the bottom, next to the wax

9. Which is the second                                      mountain in the world? (tall)

Kilimanjaro Fujiyama K2 Aconcagua 

10. What is the                              thing we know? (fast)

sound light a bullet a whip

11. Of which creature are there                             species on this earth? (many)

flies beetles frogs snakes

12. Which planet is                                   to the sun? (close)

Venus Mercury Mars Jupiter

13. Which of the following countries is                                 than Canada? (large)

Brazil China Russia Australia

14. What is the                              college sport in North America? (dangerous)

football ice hockey basketball wrestling

15. What is the                                       six-word phrase from the first Star Wars movie? (famous)

The force is always with you. May the force be with you. Place your faith in the force.   May the force be always with you.

16. What sense suffers the                                  damage when someone is struck by lightning? That is, it is the last to recover from the shock. (great)

sight smell touch hearing

17. When he was shipwrecked on a desert island, which animals did Robinson Crusoe find to be the                                             (useful)?

cows goats chickens pigs

18. What are the plants                                 on earth? (common)

trees grasses dandelions tulips

19. North Dakota has a small population in relation to most other U.S. states. Which of the following states has even                                residents? (few)

Washington State Illinois Wyoming West Virginia

20. What is the planet                                      to see in the night sky? It is the brightest one. (easy)

Jupiter Mars Mercury Venus

Специальный вопрос

Для того, чтобы задать специальный вопрос употребляют вопросительные слова:


"Who" - употребляется по отношению к людям и является подлежащим вопросительного предложения.

"Whom" - вопрос соответствующий дательному падежу ("кому").

"Whose" - вопрос о принадлежности.

"Why" - вопрос о причине происходящего.

"When" - вопрос о времени происходящего.

"Where" - вопрос о месте происходящего.

"What" - может быть объектом или предметом вопроса. Относится к неодушевленным существительным.

"Which" - используется вместо "what" при выборе из определенного количества.

"How" - вопрос о способе выполнения действия. Часто используется вместе с "much" и "many."

Если смысловым глаголом в предложении является "to be" в настоящем простом или прошедшем простом времени, то он ставится перед подлежащим:

Who is that man?

Where is the airport?

Where are the checks?

What time is it?

Упражнение 1. Выберите подходящее вопросительное слово из предложенных.

1. "________ do you go to school?" - "I go to school in California."

(Where Who What)

2. "________ does Jack work?" - " He works every evening."

(Who Where When)

3. "_________ cars does your family have?" - "We have two cars."

(How much How many What)

4. "_______ does the dog want?" - "She wants a big bone."

(How many Where What)

5. "_________ do you eat for lunch every day?" - "I eat rice and vegetables for lunch."     (Why What Where)

6. ________ dog is hungry? - The black dog is hungry, but the white dog isn't hungry.   (Who Where Which)

7. ____ did you call last night? - I called Maria last night.

(Whom Which What)

8. "____ your brother swim in winter?"- "No. He doesn't swim in winter. (Do Does Is)

9. "________ is that?" - " It costs 3 dollars."

(Where How much How many)

10. " ___ you thirsty?" - "Yes, I am. I'd like some tea please."

(Are Do Is)

Упражнение 2. Задайте вопрос так, чтобы подчеркнутое слово являлось ответом.

1. The doctor works with the nurse.


2. The doctor tells the nurse to draw blood.


3. The repairman works on the computer every day.


4. The repairman works on the computer every day.


5. The woman writes a long letter.


6. The woman writes a long letter.


7. The teacher gives the student some advice.


8. The teacher gives the student some advice.


9. The robber demands all the money in the cash register.


10. The robber asks for all the money in the cash register.


3.3 Емфатическая функция глагола " do ".

Вспомогательный глагол "do" используется в утвердительном предложении для усиления смыслового глагола:

Do you speak English or French? I don't speak French, but I do speak English.

* "Do" используется в разделительном вопросе для уточнения полученной информации:

He does understand you, doesn't he?*

Упражнение 1. Сопоставьте начало предложения в колонке А с его окончанием в колонке В.

1. You look really good 2. He's been talking for more than two hours. 3. I wash most of my clothes in my machine 4. I like her 5. I know we quarrel a lot 6. She wasn't very friendly to me 7. He didn't play tennis as well as usual 8. I don't like football matches very much 9. You spoke extremely well 10. Sorry about being late. 11. Are you sure you are OK? 12. She may not be the most interesting speaker 13. Please be quiet, Brian. 14. I know he is very competent 15. This exercise is quite complicated. a) and I do agree with what you say b) You do look ill c) but what she says does make a lot of sense d) but he did have a problem with his elbow e) I do wish he would stop talking f) but I do find her a bit irritating sometimes g) and I do like your new hair-style h) I do still love you i) You do talk a lot of rubbish sometimes j) but I do send my shirts to laundry k) I do apologise for holding the meeting up l) but she did give me her telephone number m) I do hope that you get it all right n) but I do watch them sometimes when my parner wants to o) but I do wonder if he is up to that job

Глава 4

Императив (приказание)

Если побуждение к действию направлено не на вас, то используйте "you"-форму предложения, убрав подлежащее:

You take the elevator. - Take the elevator.

Если побуждение к действию направлено на вас и еще кого-нибудь, используйте "we"-форму предложения, заменив подлежащее на "let's" ("let us"):

We take our luggage. - Let's take the luggage.

Упражнение 1. Подберите соответствующий ответ на вопрос.

1. Which train do you think I should take?

a) Push really hard.

b) Get the early one. It's much less crowded and you're sure to get a seat.

c) Well, don't leave without saying goodbye!

d) Speak to me later, please, could you? We don't have much time left and I must finish this.

2. What time should I get there?

a) Stop worrying and get on with some work or you won't have a future.

b) Don't come early whatever you do. The meeting never starts on time.

c) Well, don't leave without saying goodbye!

d) Insert the token in the slot and press the button for the type of drink you want.

3. We're off to Mexico on Friday.

a) Well, enjoy yourselves. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

b) Speak to me later, please, could you? We don't have much time left and I must finish this.

c) Push really hard.

d) Insert the token in the slot and press the button for the type of drink you want.

4. I'm really stuck on this.

a) Push really hard.

b) Speak to me later, please, could you? We don't have much time left and I must finish this.

c) Well, don't leave without saying goodbye!

d) Speak to Rachel. She knows all about it.

5. I'm really worried about my future.

a) Stop worrying and get on with some work or you won't have a future.

b) Speak to me later, please, could you? We don't have much time left and I must finish this.

c) Well, don't leave without saying goodbye!

d) Insert the token in the slot and press the button for the type of drink you want.

6. How do you open this door?

a) Insert the token in the slot and press the button for the type of drink you want.

b) Speak to me later, please, could you? We don't have much time left and I must finish this.

c) Well, don't leave without saying goodbye!

d) Push really hard.

7. How does this coffee machine work?

a) Insert the token in the slot and press the button for the type of drink you want.

b) Speak to me later, please, could you? We don't have much time left and I must finish this.

c) Well, enjoy yourselves. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

d) Well, don't leave without saying goodbye!

8. I'll be off soon.

a) Well, enjoy yourselves. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

b) Speak to me later, please, could you? We don't have much time left and I must finish this.

c) Speak to Rachel. She knows all about it.

d) Well, don't leave without saying goodbye!

9. Can I just make a point here?

a) Well, enjoy yourselves. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

b) Speak to me later, please, could you? We don't have much time left and I must finish this.

c) Speak to Rachel. She knows all about it.

d) Don't come early whatever you do. The meeting never starts on time.

10. I hope this isn't disturbing you, Mr Dylan.

a) Well, enjoy yourselves. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

b) Don't think twice, it's all right.

c) Speak to Rachel. She knows all about it.

d) Don't come early whatever you do. The meeting never starts on time.

Упражнение 2. Дайте указание к действию. Например:

The flowers begin to fade. – Throw them away!

1. You promised to give me that book.


2. We usually work with the open window. Now it’s too stuffy here.


3. It’s your duty to write on the blackboard the date.


4. Ask your neighbour to correct your mistakes.


5. We often go to the cinema.


6. This program on TV is very interesting.


7. You shouldn’t leave the butter on the table. There’s a refrigerator in the kitchen


Порядковые числительные

Порядковые числительные образуются путем добавления окончания "-th" к количественному.

seven - seven th

thirteen - thirteen th

Если количественное числительное заканчивается на "-y", то "-y" меняется на "-ie" перед"-th."

twenty - twent ie th

sixty - sixt ie th

Запомните следующие исключения: "first," "second," "third" (ингда они сокращаются как 1st, 2nd, 3rd) и "fifth," "ninth," "twelfth."




Все другие порядковые числительные сокращаются как: "4th," "5th," "20th," etc.

Упражнение 1. Расположите следующие порядковые числительные в убывающем порядке – 24th, 57th, 3rd, 69th, 95th, 22nd, 61st, 86th, 48th, 11th


Глава 5

5.1 Отрицание

Частица "not" используется со вспомогательным глаголом "do" для формирования отрицательного сказуемого, например, "I don't have any money" (don't = do not). Частица "no" употребляется как прилагательное перед подлежащим, например, "I have no money." Оба эти способа являются синонимами, выражающими одну и ту же мысль.

Обратите внимание на сокращенную форму отрицания с глаголом "do":

I don't we don't
  you don't
he/she doesn't they don't

Существуют также утвердительные наречия и отрицательные:

Утвердительные                   Отрицательные

someone, anybody                        no one, nobody

something, anything                nothing

still                                          no longer

ever                                          never

either... or                                neither... nor

Избегайте употребление более чем одного отрицания в предложении:

I don't have any money. NOT: I don't have no money.

They don't see anybody. NOT: They don't see nobody.

I didn't do anything.    NOT: I didn't do nothing.

Упражнение 1. Употребите глагол в скобках в отрицательной форме.

1. I ____________ Swahili. (study)

2. You ________________ to school. (walk)

3. Frank _____________ at Taco Bell. (work)

4. Sara ____________ to cooking school. (go)

5. An airplane _______________ slowly. (fly)

6. Sometimes we ___________________.(listen)

7. We _____________ candy every day. (eat)

8. You and Sue _______________ Madonna. (know)

9. You and Pat _______________ here. (live)

10. Frank ____________ enough. (study)

11. I _____________ breakfast at 12:30. (eat)

12. Sara _____________ the flute. (play)

13. A bird ________________. (work)

14. Pat and Fran _______________ broccoli.(enjoy)

15. They ___________ homework. (like)

Притяжательные местоимения

Существуют следующие притяжательные местоимения в английском языке:

I -- mine we -- ours
  you. -- yours
he, she, it -- his, hers, its they -- theirs

I have a bicycle. It's mine.

They have some bread. It's theirs.

Упражнение 1. Выберите соответствующее местоимение.

1. This book is ________.     her hers she

2. If I need one I'll borrow _________. your you yours

3. That coat is ________.  mine mines my

4. This bus is not _______ it's _________.

ours, theirs our, their   we, they

5. She told me to use _______.   her she hers

6. When we finish, this will be _______. our hour ours

7. Because we are using _______, we won't need to ask permission.

ours our we

8. Maybe she will loan you _______.     her she hers

9. My dog will use _______.   he she his

10. If you say it is, this must be ________. yours he our

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски соответствующим притяжательным прилагательным. Например:

Is this my cup of tee? – No, that cup is yours.

1. Is this my coat? – No, that coat is                            .

2. Is this Bruce’s car? – No, that car is                          .

3. Is this Mary’s handbag? – No, that bag is                       .

4. Is this the Newtons’ house? – No, that house is                            .

5. Is this your glass? – No, that glass is                        .

6. Is this your house? - No, that house is                              .

7. Is this Mrs Harrison’s cat? – No, that cat’s                       .

8. Is this Mr Steele’s office? – No, that office is                          .

Глава 6

Будущее время

В этой главе будущее время употребляется в вопросе и утвердительном предложении:

Вопрос:...Will you be having lunch?

Утверждение:...I'll just have a salad,....

Будущее время формируется очень легко. Просто добавьте "will" (или "shall" после "I" или "we") в качестве вспомогательного глагола перед инфинитивом смыслового:

He gets you something to drink. - He'll (he will) get you something...

We have a salad. - We'll (we will) have a salad.

Обратите внимание, что в американском английском чаще используется "will", чем "shall".

Упражнение 1. Поставьте глагол в скобках в простое будущее время.

1. I'm tiered. I                                        (go) to bed.

2. It's late. I think I                                        (take) a taxi.

3.                                 I (answer) the phone?

4. We don't know their address. What


5. Our test                                          (not/take) long.

6. I'm afraid they                                            (not/wait) for us.

7.                          Diana (come) to the party tomorrow?

8. You                                     (arrive) in Paris tomorrow evening.

9. The boy                                                   (remember) this day all his life.

10. Perhaps they                                   (buy) a new house this year.

Упражнение 2. Дополните предложения, употребив соответствующую форму will/won't. Например:

Mary works very hard for her exam. - I'm sure she'll pass the exam easily.

a) If you don't feel well, go to bed and rest.

I'm sure you                                                soon.

b) Ask John if you have problems with your homework.

I'm sure he                                                               you.

c) I'll ask my sister for some money, but I know she. She' s really mean.

d) You don't need your umbrella today. I don't think it


e) I can't read small writing any more. I think I


f) Don't sit in the sun for too long. You                                                .

g) Don't try that new restaurant. I'm sure you                                       .

h) It's my driving test soon, but I know I

                                                                . I hadn't had enough lessons.

Упражнение 3. Предложите сделать что-нибудь в каждой ситуации, начиная с "I'll ". Например:

It's so hot in this room! – I'll open the window.

a) I'm dying for a drink!


b) There's someone at the door!


c) I haven't got any money.


d) I need to be at the station in ten minutes.


e) My suitcases are so heavy!


Разделительный вопрос

Разделительным вопросом называется вопрос, добавляемый в конце предложения:

Mary is here, isn't she?

You like beer, don't you?

They are leaving, aren't they?

She doesn't drink coffee, does she?

He has brown hair, doesn't he?

Подлежащее в вопросе должно быть таким же, как и в главном предложении. Если главное предложение утвердительное, то вопрос будет отрицательным, и наоборот.

В американском английском в вопросе часто используется "do" вместо "have" главного предложения:

They have change, don't they?

Упражнение 1. Выберите соответствующий ответ на разделительный вопрос.

1. You're new here, aren't you?

a) No way. I want at least twice that salary. b) Yes, I only started last week. c) Yes. I think he lives in a world of his own. d) Well, there's always a first time.

2. You don't remember me, do you?

a) Well your face is certainly familiar. b) Well he has his good points, you've got to admit. c) Yes. I think he lives in a world of his own. d) Well, there's always a first time.

3. We've spoken about that, haven't we?

a) Well, there's always a first time. b) Well he has his good points, you've got to admit. c) Yes. I think he lives in a world of his own. d) Not as far as I can remember.

4. The layout here has changed, hasn't it?

a) Well, there's always a first time. b) Well he has his good points, you've got to admit. c) Yes. I think he lives in a world of his own. d) Yes, we moved everything around last year.

5. I don't need to say any more, do I?

a) No I fully understand what you mean. b) Well he has his good points, you've got to admit. c) No way. I want at least twice that salary. d) Well, there's always a first time.

6. He won't object, will he?

a) No way. I want at least twice that salary. b) Well he has his good points, you've got to admit. c) Well he might. He's not very happy with the plan. d) Well, there's always a first time.

7. You're not accepting that job offer, are you?

a) Yes. I think he lives in a world of his own. b) No way. I want at least twice that salary. c) Well he has his good points, you've got to admit. d) Well, there's always a first time.

8. You don't think he could be right, do you?

a) No I fully understand what you mean. b) Not as far as I can remember. c) Well he might. He's not very happy with the plan. d) Well, there's always a first time.

9. John's completely unaware how much damage he did the company, isn't he?

a) Yes. I think he lives in a world of his own. b) No way. I want at least twice that salary. c) Well he might. He's not very happy with the plan. d) No I fully understand what you mean.

10. You wouldn't work for Michael again, would you?

a) Well he might. He's not very happy with the plan. b) No way. I want at least twice that salary. c) Well he has his good points, you've got to admit. d) No I fully understand what you mean.

Упражнение 2. Выберите правильное окончание вопроса.

1. You wanted that, ..........?

a) would you b) didn't you  c) wouldn't you d) do you

2. He saw that. .........?

a) is he b) won't he c) didn't he d) doesn't he

3. You know that's right ..........?

a) would you b) wouldn't you c) don't you d) didn't you

4. He will be coming. .........?

a) is he b) did he c) doesn't he d) won't he

5. After all this time you'd think he'd have forgotten. .........?

a) didn't you b) wouldn't you c) don't you d) do you

6. The amount he is suffering from hay fever he needs to see a doctor ..........?

a) doesn't he b) did he  c) won't he d) is he

7. You may think you know the answer but you don't. .........?

a) don't you b) would you c) wouldn't you d) do you

8. After working so hard he didn't deserve to fail the exam. .........?

a) doesn't he b) did he c) won't he d) is he

9. You wouldn't report me,. .........?

a) don't you b) would you c) wouldn't you d) do you

10. He isn't going to like this,. .........?

a) didn't he b) did he c) won't he d) is he

Упражнение 3. Сформулируйте разделительный вопрос к каждому предложению.

1. You're coming to the party, ___?

2. It wasn't very difficult, ___?

3. Tom is getting something for Sue, ___?

4. It won't be anything expensive, ___?

5. There's some milk in the refrigerator, ___?

6. We don't need to go to the store today, ___?

7. Susan can bring some food, ___?

8. The party starts at eight o'clock, ___?

9. The movie was very long, ___?

10. There's a dictionary on the shelf, ___?

11. There's a lot of noise outside, ___?

12. Mrs. Smith is sick, ___?

13. The dishes are dirty, ___?

14. Steven won't be at the party, ___?

15. The math test was very difficult, ___?

16. We can go tomorrow, ___?

17. I'm early, ___?

18. This shirt is too big for me, ___?

19. Emily plays the piano well, ___?

20. Your neighbors went on vacation, ___?

Глава 7

Обозначение времени

В США время обычно определяется по 12-часовой шкале. Разница между утром и вечером определяется путем добавления "a.m." или "p.m." Таким образом "2 p.m." обозначает два часа дня; а "6 a.m." – шесть часов утра.

Запомните наиболее распространенные выражения:

What time is it? - It's 11 p.m.

Do you have the time? - Yes, it's 12 noon.

What time should I arrive? - Around 3 p.m.

How much time will it take? -No more than 20 minutes.

Обозначая 12:00 ночи, вы можете сказать "midnight", а ровно полдень - "noon."

Несколько примеров:

Если сейчас 10:15, вы можете сказать либо

It's quarter past (after) ten. или: It's ten fifteen.

Если сейчас 5:30, вы можете сказать либо

It's half past five. или: It's five thirty.

Если сейчас 8:45, вы можете сказать либо

It's quarter till nine. или It's eight forty-five.

В любом случае, сначала нужно назвать часы, затем минуты: 

It's 3:25 = It's three twenty-five.

It's 10:35 = It's ten thirty-five

или: It's twenty-five till eleven.

Упражнение 1. Напишите сколько сейчас времени.


7:30 A.M




It's midnight.

It's a quarter after two.

It's half past eight o'clock.

It's noon.

It's twelve eleven.

Упражнение 2. Сопоставьте численное выражение времени с его буквенным выражением.

12:15 12:15 5:00 8:47 11:10 10:30 P.M. 4:45 1:30 7:15 3:35 a) It’s a quarter to five. b) It’s ten thirty at night. c) It’s half past one o’clock. d) It’s a quarter past seven. e) It’s five o’clock. f) It’s three thirty-five. g) It’s two-thirty in the morning. h) It’s eight forty-seven. i) It’s ten after eleven. j) It’s twelve fifteen.

Упражнение 3. Напишите цифрами сколько сейчас времени.

It's one fifteen.

It's a quarter to five.

It's half past eight o'clock.

It's three thirty-five.

It's a quarter past seven.

It's three thirty in the morning.

It's seven o'clock.

It's six forty-seven.

It's four after eleven.

It's nine thirty at night.

7.2 Образование отрицательного вопроса

В отрицательном общем вопросе (на который отвечают “yes/no”) обычно используется сокращенная форма:

Doesn’t she live with you? 

Использование несокращенной формы характерно для официальной речи и очень редко используется в разговоре:

Does she not live with you?

Для того чтобы образовать отрицание, добавьте к вспомогательному глаголу “not”:

Do they cash traveler’s checks? – Don’t they (Do they not) cash...?

Is Mr. Jones here? – Isn’t Mr. Jones here?

Are you coming? – Aren’t you coming?

Упражнение 1. Преобразуйте данные предложения в общий отрицательный вопрос.

1. (be) I _________ lazy.

2. (run) The train ___________ at night.

3. (like) We __________ homework.

4. (play) I _______ soccer on Fridays.

5. (be) You _________ a truck driver.

6. (remember) She _______________ that.

7. (be) You and Kat__________ here.

8. (like) Tom ____________ his car.

9. (work) Jon ____________ hard.

10. (be) Max and Mel _____________ busy.

11. (be) The teacher _________ mean.

12. (have) Steve _____________ a PC.

13. (walk) Sue __________ to school.

14. (need) The students _____________ help.

15. (be) It __________ hot today.

16. (be) The students _______________ lazy.

17. (eat) Cats ___________ candy.

18. (have) My room ____________ a window.

19. (be) Paris ________ a boring city.

20. (circle) The earth ___________ the moon.

Глава 8

Указательные местоимения

Существуют следующие указательные местоимения:

this, that, these, those

Любое из этих местоимений может использоваться как с существительным, так и без него. "This" (ед. ч.) и "these" (мн. ч.) относятся к чему-то, что находится по близости. "That" (ед. ч.) и "those" (мн. ч.) относятся к чему-то отдаленному, например:

Do you want this box or that box?

I'd like some of that popcorn.

Do you want these or those?

This apartment is nicer than that one.

Упражнение 1. Вставьте подходящее указательное местоимение.

1.                     apples are red, but                          apples are yellow.

2.                       stamps are over there on the table.

3.                    man is professor and                    man at the end of the corridor is his assistant.

4.                       are students.

5.                        sofa is wide.



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