Hotel Housekeeper Job Profile 

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Hotel Housekeeper Job Profile



A hotel housekeeper is responsible for the cleanliness of a hotel or motel. A hotel housekeeper is also referred to as a maid in the hotel and handles the cleaning of the establishment. Generally housekeepers are assigned the duties of cleaning the guest rooms. If the hotels have laundry service, then some of the housekeepers work only in the laundry service area. They are involved in the washing, cleaning, drying and folding of the linens, towels, bedding and any uniforms.


Basic Tasks:


Clean the guest rooms after the guests have checked out.


Clean the room; change the linen, bedding, towels; replace drinking glasses, tissues and soap.


Disinfect the bathroom and toilets and replenish the essentials. Dust and polish the furniture.

Empty the trash and mop the floor area without carpets. Vacuum the carpet and the curtains.

Attend to the requests of cleaning from the guests during emergencies or accidental spills.


Provide extra linen or towels to the guests upon request.


Assist guests in providing directions or methods of using facilities or items in the hotel when requested.


Check the functioning of the electrical gadgets provided in the rooms and report to the supervisors in the case of malfunctioning.


Report and hand over things left in the room by the guests to the supervisor or duty manager.


Manage the wheel cart with the supplies of linens, bedding, drinking glasses, towels, tissue papers, toilet soap, bathroom disinfectants and other related materials.


Wash and clean the common corridors, windows, ashtrays, stairs, hallways and reception area.


Clean the conference or banquet rooms, lobbies or lounges.


Train the interns or trainee employees about the cleaning standards and the procedures.




These basic tasks can vary with the size and type of the employer you are employed with. In smaller establishments, the hotel housekeepers can also be given the duty of planning and procuring the supplies for the housekeeping department.


Work Schedules


The work schedule of a hotel housekeeper is usually 40 to 48 hours a week. They are expected to work in shifts, either morning or night. They may obtain rotational shifts during the weekends or holidays.




Тhe median annual wage of hotel housekeepers is around $16,900. The median annual salary of executive housekeepers is found to be $29,640, but those working in luxury hotels or resorts earn more than $40,000 annually.


Opportunities for Advancement


After acquiring experience in the field in smaller hotels or motels, housekeepers can advance to larger or luxury hotels. Housekeepers in large establishments may advance to become executive housekeepers or housekeeping supervisors after completing either internships or institutional management or hotel service courses.


Final Word


As there is a growth in the hotel industry, the opportunities for housekeepers are also expected to grow. An increase in the resort style hotels will increase the number of hotel housekeepers required for one hotel. If you are in solid physical condition that allows you do lots of lifting, bending, stooping and running errands, then getting into this field could be a good and logical career choice for you.


10. Составьте предложения из данных слов.


Housekeepers rooms are the guest duties of cleaning the assigned.

2. They shifts rotational holidays during the obtain weekends may or.

3. Housekeepers large may advance in to become housekeepers establish ments executive.

4. They upon extra linen or provide to the request guests towels.

5. Some the service area housekeepers only of in the laundry work.

6. The for are opportunities expected to grow housekeepers also.

7. Getting be field could career a into choice for this you good.




12. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правиль ной видовременной форме действительного или страдательного залога.


What’s it really like?


Amelia Humber has worked in the hospitality industry all her life, and she now (run) ______ her own Bed and Breakfast.

Amelia Humber:


I (start) ______ working in hotels at a very early age, initially as a chambermaid to earn some extra money whilst I (be) ______ at school. I (leave) ______ school at 16 and started working full time, but the long hours (mean) ______ that I knew I was going to have to do some further education if I (not want) ______ to be stuck doing such hard work for the rest of my career. I (go) ______ back to college and did an NVQ in hospitality which (teach) ______ me the business side of the practical work I (do) ______.


After this I started working as a receptionist at a hotel, and gradually (gain) ______ more and more responsibility in my job. I (begin) ______


to learn more about the money aspect of running a hotel, and (teach) ______ how to cash up and how to delegate money to various departments. I (work) ______ in this position for a number of years and (earn) ______ the trust and respect of my employers. I was later (award) ______ with an assistant housekeeper job, which can (liken) ______ to vocational training, and I (learn) ______ skills on the job which went towards a diploma in hotel management.


After a few years in this position, I left the company and (join) ______ the hotel chain Novotel, and after working as an assistant position for a year, I (promote) ______ to head housekeeper. This was a very demanding job and I was unable to remain in the position full time once I (have) ______ children, but I replaced this with a job share and (return) to full time work once the kids (be) ______ all at school.


After 15 years of being back in this position my husband and I (decide) ______ to turn our house into a Bed and Breakfast and make our money out of the spare rooms we now (have) ______ available after the children (leave) ______. I (not be able) ______ to make this decision if I (not have) the experience of being a housekeeper.


The job of a housekeeper (be) ______ demanding as you have to be great with people but willing to stand your own ground. It is very rewarding though, and if you (do) ______ it well you (receive) ______ a huge amount of satisfaction from the job.



13. Письменно переведите предложения на английский язык, используя сло варь.

Руководитель службы хозяйственного обеспечения подчиняется генеральному директору или главному инженеру. Руководитель службы хозяйственного обеспечения отвечает за эффективную работу своего подразделения, т.е. проводит обучение, обеспечи вает мотивацию и контроль работы сотрудников. Он должен иметь соответствующую подготовку и уметь организовать рабо ту подразделения, подбирать персонал, осуществлять контроль расходов и закупки.

Заместитель руководителя составляет график работы для персо нала, готовит отчет о статусе номеров, отвечает за уборку и со стояние номерного фонда.

Руководитель прачечной, обычно второй заместитель руководи теля, организует работу с целью обеспечения гостиницы чистым бельем для номерного фонда и ресторанов, а также организует выполнение заказов гостей по химической очистке одежды.

Старшая горничная – младший руководитель в службе хозяйст венного обеспечения. Она организует обучение персонала, от вечает за холлы, основные коридоры и другие помещения, осуществляет инвентаризацию моющих средств и прочих мате риалов.

В обязанности горничной входит уборка и другое хозяйственное обслуживание номеров. За каждой горничной закрепляются комнаты, которые она должна убрать в течение смены. В каждой из них горничная выполняет один и тот же набор действий в со ответствии с должностными инструкциями. Она также прини мает участие в проверке номеров в соответствующее время для выяснения их статуса.

14. Практика устной речи. Составьте диалог между младшей и старшей гор ничными гостиницы, в ходе которого младшая горничная информирует старшую о проблемах, выявленных в ходе уборки номера (пропажа имуще ства гостиницы, его порча или выход из строя).



U N I T 1 4


Food and Beverage Service


Like the lodging industry in general, foodservice in the hotel market has improved its position over the last few years. A typical characteristic is a market posting steady but not significant growth and emphasizing cost containment and innovation. As lodging foodservice competes with the multitude of commercial foodservice operations for the consumer dollar, value remains the focus of both operators and consumers. A number of studies have identified food and beverage services as a primary contributor of value to a customer’s lodging experience.


“The goal of our food service operations is to provide the highest quality of food and service in a sophisticated, comfortable ambience, by friendly and professional staff, ensuring that every patron returns,” states the Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas. This statement, succinct and focused, exemplifies what lodging operations nationwide are seeking. Most lodging executives identify food and beverage operations as one of the more complex areas to manage in the entire lodging arena. Lodging foodservice not only involves the traditional difficulties associated with both producing and serving food and beverages but also the performance of these functions every day, often 24 hours a day. The resulting labor costs and operational expenses prove burdensome for many lodging establishments. In order for these food and beverage operations to survive and thrive, they must draw not only guests of the lodging facility but also consumers from the external market of the lodging property. Hoteliers are analyzing their operations to identify ways of increasing the percentage of guests who stay to dine onsite, known as the capture rate.


In fact, the more profitable lodging food and beverage operations obtain more than 50 percent of their business from non guests of the property. The hotel or motel guest is not a captive diner; he or she has many other opportunities for dining. Yet, in order for a hotel property to be profitable, a significant percentage of sales must be produced by food and beverage operations. To accomplish this, lodging facilities must successfully compete with the numerous chains and independent restaurants that offer a variety of services. One advantage for




full service hotels is the banquet business, which can be a major revenue producer and operate at a high profit margin. It becomes critical for lodging operators to research tourists’ specific food needs and wants, and how their specific operation can better serve these tourists. In addition, a clear, objective analysis of local competition is necessary to determine the segment and genre in which the hotel can compete and succeed.


If the hotel is competing with an established local competitor, then the hotel foodservice operation must outdeliver on all levels of quality, service, and ambience. In a large hotel, it is also necessary not to compete directly with another unit in the same hotel. Units must be diverse to give different segments of the market a choice; the ideal outcome is that hotel and local guests choose to dine in one of the hotel’s offerings. A strong food and beverage program that delivers a high quality product and experience can be used as a competitive advantage as well as a sales tool for the lodging facility.


Many hoteliers choose not to compete in this environment. Instead, their strategy is to eliminate food and beverage operations altogether, or to lease food and beverage operations to outside companies, either chain operated or an independent restaurant. In particular, food and beverage sales in motels and motor hotel restaurants continue to decline as a percentage of overall sales when compared to full service hotels, primarily as a result of an increasing number of lower priced lodging operations offering free breakfast and no other meal service. However, that free breakfast has become a competitive positioning statement for the property. Guests now expect it, and they expect quality, yet such lodging facilities must maintain their cost structure.


There are five major hotel chains whose foodservice sales per hotel average more than $2.3 million. At the top lies Sheraton Hotels, whose properties average well over $4.6 million in foodservice sales. It should be noted that a number of convention/resort hotels could do well over $30 million in annual food and beverage sales. Clearly, foodservice professionals have as much or more opportunity for success as in other segments of the foodservice industry. With potential sales like those noted, lodging food services remain a critical partner with respect to both the revenue and profit of the property. A smart, resourceful manager makes the foodservice operation unique, thus attracting additional patrons to the lodging establishment. Thus, foodservice can be looked on as a means of gaining competitive advantage over other lodging operations.





The field of lodging has a long history of serving people food and drink during their travels. From the earliest days of the Roman Empire, when people traveled on foot, on animal, or in vehicles drawn by animals, to the modern age of air, rail, and car transportation, hotels and inns provided for their needs. In fact, early hotels were usually the center of community activity and often the only place one could eat away from home. The glamour years of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries produced grander hotel properties, the so designated palaces of the people, which solidified this perception of hotels as centers of public entertainment and as sources of food and drink for guests. This reputation continued well into the twentieth century, as hotels became the logical place to meet for entertainment and business discussion. Foodservice operations independent of hotels were rare even in the larger urban centers. It was not until the post–World War II era that independent restaurants and restaurant chains grew in both number and influence over the customer. As we enter the twenty first century, lodging foodservice accounts for approximately 7 percent of the total foodservice market. From total domination of the market to its role as a secondary player today, lodging foodservice has undergone dramatic change. As properties struggle to decide whether or not to offer foodservice and, if so, the number of foodservice units and the level of service to offer, future managers must recall what the goals and mission of the foodservice operation should be:


5. To provide the appropriate level and degree of food and beverage service to the property’s guests.


6. To support the overall goal(s) of the property.


7. To assist the property in gaining a competitive advantage over other lodging establishments.


8. To function efficiently and effectively in order to produce a profit.


Vocabulary list


steady устойчивый, прочный, твердый significant growth существенный, ощутимый рост emphasize подчеркивать


cost containment сдерживание затрат multitude множество, большое число, масса


sophisticated сложный, лишенный простоты; утонченный, отвечающий изощренному вкусу


ambience окружение, атмосфера


succinct сжатый, краткий


nationwide в национальном масштабе; общенародный; всенародный; общенацио нальный


labor costs стоимость рабочей силы; затраты на рабочую силу




burdensome обременительный, тягостный


to thrive процветать, преуспевать, буйно расти captive захваченный, пленник, взятый в плен advantage преимущество revenue доход; годовой доход


to eliminate устранить, устранять, исключать means of gaining средства по достижению чего л. designated определяемый


to solidify укреплять


property собственность, имущество


struggle борьба, напряжение, усилие; битва


4 Прочитайте и переведите текст.

5 Определите в каждой из четырех групп предложение, соответствующее со держанию текста.


14. a. Hoteliers are analyzing their operations to identify ways of increasingthe percentage of guests who stay to dine outside.


b. Hoteliers are analyzing their operations to identify ways of increasingthe percentage of guests who stay to dine onsite.


c. Hoteliers are analyzing their operations to identify ways of increasingthe percentage of guests who don’t stay to dine onsite.


4 a. The more profitable lodging food and beverage operations obtainmore than 50 percent of their business from guests of the property.


b. The more profitable lodging food and beverage operations obtain morethan 70 percent of their business from non guests of the property.


c. The more profitable lodging food and beverage operations obtain morethan 50 percent of their business from non guests of the property.


15. a. In a large hotel, it is necessary not to compete directly with anotherunit in the same hotel.


b. In a large hotel, it is necessary to compete directly with another unit inthe same hotel.


c. In a large hotel, it is not necessary to compete directly with another unitin the same hotel.


4. a. A smart, resourceful manager makes the foodservice operation unique, thus attracting additional competitors to the lodging establish ment.


b. A smart, resourceful manager makes the foodservice operation unique,thus attracting additional clients to the lodging establishment.


c. A smart, resourceful manager makes the foodservice operation unique,thus attracting additional employees to the lodging establishment.



4. Дайте развернутые ответы на следующие вопросы:

What does lodging foodservice compete with?

How do most lodging executives identify food and beverage opera tions?

What does lodging foodservice have to do in order to survive and thrive?

Has the hotel or motel guest any other opportunities for dining?

Why can the banquet business be an advantage for full service hotels?

Is it possible to compete directly with another unit in the same hotel?

Why do food and beverage sales in motels and motor hotel restaurants continue to decline as a percentage of overall sales when compared to full service hotels?

How can a smart, resourceful manager make the foodservice operati on unique?

Does the field of lodging have a long history of serving people food and drink during their travels?

What should the goals and mission of the foodservice operation be?

5. Переведите на русский язык следующие выражения:

1) compete with the multitude of commercial foodservice operations

2) primary contributor of value

3) comfortable ambience

4) one of the more complex areas

5) producing and serving food and beverages

6) established local competitor

7) lease food and beverage operations to outside companies

8) lower priced lodging operations

9) support the overall goal

10) assist the property in gaining a competitive advantage

6. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих выражений и со ставьте с ними свои собственные предложения.


1) гостиничная индустрия


2) характерная черта


3) устойчивый рост


4) бороться за потребителя


5) предоставлять еду и напитки высочайшего качества


6) дружелюбный и профессионально подготовленный персонал


7) выполнять свои функции каждый день


8) обременительно для многих отелей




9) выжить и процветать


10) изо всех сил стараться решить


5. Совместите слова из левой колонки с их значениями из правой колонки.


1) burdensome a) a beneficial factor or combination of factors


2) thrive             b) to get rid of; remove


3) advantage    c) hard to bear; onerous


4) eliminate       d) to grow strongly and vigorously; to do well; prosper


5) ambience      e) a piece of real estate


6) property        f) the atmosphere of a place


6. Заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящими по смыслу словами в нуж ной форме.


thrive burdensome  an advantage   property  ambiance  be eliminated


He (1) ______ from the tennis match in the first round.

The deer population in this town (2) ______.

The restaurant had a delightful (3) ______.

He had (4) ______ over me because of his experience.

Narrow and (5) ______ and useless to anyone as his life now seemed to him, Prince Andrew on the eve of battle felt agitated and irritable as he had done seven years before at Austerlitz.

He has to (6) ______ in Scotland.

10. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст на английский язык, используя словарь.


Служба общественного питания обеспечивает обслуживание гостей в ресторанах, кафе или барах гостиницы, решает вопросы по организации и обслуживанию банкетов, презентаций и других праздничных мероприятий.


При организации питания туристов используются различные методы обслуживания: а ля карт, а парт, табльдот, шведский стол.


При использовании метода а ля карт гости из карты меню блюд и напитков выбирают то, что им больше всего нравится. За каз передается на кухню, и сразу же начинается приготовление.




При методе обслуживания а парт гости делают предваритель ный заказ и обслуживаются в установленный промежуток време ни. Очень часто эта форма встречается в домах отдыха и курортных гостиницах.


Метод табльдот предполагает обслуживание гостей в одно и то же время по одному и тому же меню.


Шведский стол представляет собой широкий выбор блюд со свободным доступом: можно взять все, что угодно, в желаемом ко личестве из того, что предложено и выставлено.


Предприятия питания предлагают туристам разнообразные дополнительные услуги: организацию торжеств, питание в номе ре, сервис на этаже, мини бары в номере и др.


Гостиничный ресторан работает несколько иначе, чем обыч ный ресторан. Время работы гостиничного ресторана должно быть таким, чтобы удовлетворять потребности подавляющего большинства постояльцев, даже если для этого в отдельные часы работа ресторана не будет приносить прибыли. При этом до 70 % гостей отеля не обедают в гостиничном ресторане и до 50 % не ужинают в нем, а 2/3 дохода ресторана поступают от сторонних посетителей.


Формула успеха ресторанного бизнеса – это сочетание хоро шей еды, хорошего сервиса и разумной ценовой политики. Но для достижения этого сочетания требуется отслеживать массу дру гих параметров (сроки приготовления пищи, санитарные нормы, издержки производства, предпочтения клиентов, конкуренция соседних ресторанов и т.д.).


3 Прочитайте текст. Подберите подходящий по смыслу заголовок к каждому абзацу. Перескажите текст.


A. Atmosphere                                     D. Advantages


B. Examples                                         E. Service style


C. Price                                                 F. Challenges


Quick Service Restaurants


Quick service is the term for restaurants that capitalize on speed of service and convenience. Fast food restaurants often fall under the umbrella of quick service restaurants, but not all quick service places serve fast food. Quick service restaurants are characterized by simple décor, inexpensive food items and speedy service.



(1) ___________


The least expensive of all, quick service restaurants usually offer meals for $6 or less. They often provide “combo” meal choices which can add on extra for sides and drinks, but food items are also available a la carte.


(2) ___________


Service style at quick service restaurants typically includes a service counter with one or more cashiers working to take orders. Customers order off a menu board hanging on the wall or from the ceiling. It is not unusual to see a drive through at a quick service restaurant.


(3) ___________


In comparison to full service restaurants, quick service establishments generally have simpler dining areas with fewer decorations. However, quick service chains in particular often strive to achieve a very specific, individual «look and feel» in their restaurants. For example, Jamba Juice chains paint their walls and hang posters that comply with a very specific color palette and theme, and every store is required to play specific music every month.


(4) ___________


Like fast casual restaurants, quick service restaurants experience a good deal of turnover. Frequent ownership and management change coupled with an overwhelmingly young workforce tend increase general turnover rates. Coffee shops, which are popular quick service restaurant concepts, are a good example. Statistics from a recent three year study show that coffee shops experience a three year cumulative ownership turnover rate of 70 percent.


(5) __________


Quick service restaurants often succeed in a big way because of speed of service and overall consistency. In earlier days when McDonald’s was still young, the idea of assembly line food service operations were still new. However, this makes for a recognizable, familiar and consistent line of food wherever the restaurant is located. A McDonald’s burger tastes the same in Kansas as it does in Tokyo or Moscow. This type of familiar consistent.


(6) __________


Examples of quick service restaurants include McDonald’s, Sbarro, Subway, Wendy’s, Rosticks KFC, Jamba Juice and Starbucks.


10. Практика устной речи. Подготовьте презентацию о гостинично ресто ранных услугах, предоставляемых вашим отелем.



U N I T          1 5




Сhoosing a hotel guests expect a certain quality accommodation, catering and activities. Entertainment has risen to new level in the vocation decision–making process. There is a growing influence of entertainment on vocation travel choices. Today the travelling public wants to have fun, to be entertained, to enjoy fantasy, and to escape from the realities of everyday life. That’s why hotels provide entertainment programs for their guests.


Lots of people prefer to mix rest with activity. That’s why the hotel entertainment team provides them with a large variety of entertainment both day and night meaning that they will not be bored for one minute. Both children and adults are welcome to take part in the various activities which are scheduled throughout the season. Sport competitions, bingo, terrace games and aquagym are just some of activities run during the day.


Many hotels, especially all inclusive ones, provide entertainment programs for their guests. For those places that are secluded, having entertainment is a must. Some hotels have regular staff whose sole job is to entertain. This route often leads to a special bond between entertainers and the guests, which makes their vocation more memorable. Sometimes hotels contract outside performers to entertain from time to time. A combination of both could also work.


There are several different types of entertainment out there, and creating a program that is both successful and doable is the challenge that every hotel entertainment specialist must make. While planning hotel entertainment program it’s necessary to keep in mind the needs and wants of the guests, the constraints and special features and theme of the type of hotel. A little planning and hard work can make all the difference for the guest’s vocation.


Hotel entertainment team, responsible for the organization and delivery of the daytime and evening entertainment program suited to all hotel guests, is providing them with a memorable holiday experience.

They organize, run and actively take part in the daytime recreational activity before taking centre stage for the evening entertainment. They




host children’s disco, a variety of game shows and a range of fun & exciting events as well as communicating with guests on a daily basis.


Animators must be multi talented actors, singers and improvisation specialists, highly outgoing with good sense of humor and enjoy working with people. They must love constantly be “on”. They need high energy for their work at motivating and entertaining guests.


Sport animators must be knowledgeable of different kinds of sports and beach activities. Their duty is to maintain equipment in safe working order and ensure quests that safety and service is always the first priority.



Vocabulary list


influence влияние, воздействие


to escape уходить от реальности; бегство


variety многообразие, разнообразие


to be bored скучать, тосковать


activities деятельность


schedule график, план, расписание


must необходимость, потребность


bond связь


doable выполнимый


challenge сложная задача, проблема


constraint принужденность; стеснение; скованность to run управлять, направлять range (of) ассортимент, коллекция


outgoing дружелюбный, коммуникабельный, общительный constantly непрерывно, постоянно


to be “on” выходить на сцену; быть на виду


to maintain обслуживать, содержать в исправности priority приоритет; порядок срочности


12. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

13. Определите в каждой из четырех групп предложение, соответствующее со держанию текста.

1. а. Entertainment influences on vocation choice of traveling public.

b. Traveling public expects only certain quality accommodation and catering.

c. Travelling public wants to escape from entertainments.

2. a. Travelers never mix rest with activity.


b. Travelers prefer not to combine rest with activity.


c. Travelers prefer to combine recreation with activity.





a. Some hotels have never regular animators.


b. Some hotels have regular staff whose job is to entertain.


c. Some hotels contract only free lancers.


a. Animators can be dull.


b. Animators needn’t have the sense of artistry.


c. Animators must have a free, easy, and genial nature.


(9) Дайте развернутые ответы на следующие вопросы:

What kind of service do quests usually expect?

How does entertainment influence on vocation travel choice?

What is the job of entertainment team staff?

Do all hotels have regular entertainment team staff?

What features must be considered while planning an entertainment program?

What are entertainers responsible for?

What is the main duty of sport animators?

(10) Переведите на русский язык следующие выражения:

1) travelling public

2) both day and night

3) are welcome to take part in

4) provide entertainment programs for

5) contract outside performers

6) necessary to keep in mind the needs and wants of guests

7) program suited to all hotel guests

8) memorable holiday experience

(11) Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих выражений и со ставьте с ними свои собственные предложения:


1) определенное качество


2) веселиться


3) убежать от реальности


4) совмещать отдых с активной деятельностью


5) большое разнообразие


6) быть обязательным


7) штатные сотрудники


8) время от времени


9) нести ответственность за что либо





10) быть в центре внимания


11) поддерживать снаряжение в рабочем состоянии


(8) Совместите слова из левой колонки с их значениями из правой колонки:


1) guest a) to give a performance that people enjoy  
2) extreme sport b) things that you do to enjoy yourself  
3) entertain c) activity that is exciting and dangerous  

4) sense of

d) someone who is paying to stay at a hotel or eat in a  


5) take part in e) a natural ability or quality that some people have  
6) recreation f) to be involved in an activity with other people  


15. Заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящими по смыслу словами и сло восочетаниями.


guests entertainment take part in extreme sports sense of humor recreation


She has got a great (1) ______.

There is live music to entertain (2) ______.

A jazz band provided the (3) ______, while people ate and drank under the stars.

His favorite (4) ______ is playing golf.

Are you planning to (5) ______ motocross racing next week?

Have you ever done any (6) ______ like paragliding or white water raf ting?

2. Дополните на основе текста следующие предложения.

Choosing a hotel ______ expect a certain quality accommodation,

______ and activities.

Both children and ______ are welcome to take part in the vari ous______.

Many hotels, especially all inclusive ones, provide entertainment

______ for their guests.

While planning hotel entertainment program it’s necessary ______ the needs and wants of guests.

Animators must enjoy working with ______.





Sport animators must be knowledgeable of different kinds of ______

and _____ activities.

Sport animators’ duty is to maintain ______ in safe working order.

6. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

Today wants travelling to the have public fun.

The entertainment the guests team hotel provides variety of entertain ment with a large.

Sport are just competitions bingo terrace games and aquagym some of during the day activities run.

For secluded a must having entertainment hotels is.

Hotel holiday experience entertainment team is responsible for provi ding guests with a memorable.

Animators multi talented must actors be with humor good sense of.

Safety service is and always the first beach priority.


10. Вы увидели следующее объявление в журнале “Travelling and Tourism”.



Составьте письмо с просьбой о приеме на работу. Объясните, откуда вы уз

нали о вакансии и почему решили написать. Расскажите, почему вы подходи




те на выбранную должность, какое у вас образование и есть ли опыт подоб ной работы. Задайте вопросы об оплате, условиях работы и проживания.


11. Письменно переведите предложения на английский язык, используя словарь.


8. Анимация в туризме начала развиваться с 1970 х гг. и только в середине 1990 х гг. появилась в России.

9. Путешествующих туристов объединяет не только интерес к культуре, обычаям, традициям народов мира, желание познако миться с историческими достопримечательностями, но и жела ние отдохнуть и развлечься.

10. Гостиничная анимация включает в себя развлекательные, спор тивно оздоровительные мероприятия, работу мини клубов и многое другое.

11. Тураниматор – это специалист, занимающийся разработкой индивидуальных и коллективных анимационных программ.

12. Одним из важных направлений аниматорской деятельности в отеле является анимация для детей.

13. Для организации эффективной работы с детьми необходимо иметь соответствующие помещения, оснащенные различным инвента рем для рисования, лепки, подвижных и развивающих игр и т.д.

14. В качестве формы аниматоры носят яркие футболки, позволяю щие туристам видеть и узнавать их издалека.

15. Планируя развлекательное шоу, менеджер аниматор должен учитывать возраст участников и зрителей, уровень образован ности, пол, этническую принадлежность.

16. Работа аниматора интересная и веселая, поэтому традиционно аниматорами работают молодые люди.


10. Вместе с аниматорами работают певцы, профессиональныетанцоры и музыканты, которых специально приглашает и опла чивает администрация отеля.


По оценкам специалистов, в настоящее время включение ани мационных программ в содержание туристских маршрутов и поездок, в работу отелей повышает их престиж и востребован ность на рынке туристских услуг.

Тематические и развлекательные парки являются мощным средством привлечения туристов в Европе и крайне важны для индустрии путешествий.

9. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатан ные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.




PortAventura Park


Come and enjoy one of the (1) _____ theme parks in        SIMBOLIC


Spain for your holiday or weekend getaway with your


partner, your (2) _____or whoever you want! In Port          CHILD


Aventura you (3) _____a theme park full of all kinds of    DISCOVER


fun. The six areas of the theme park will let you discover


new and (4) _____ worlds with magnificent shows and      WONDER


breathtaking (5) _____ rides for all ages. From the tallest   MAGIC


and (6) _____ roller coasters in Europe to the smaller         FAST


rides that parents and children can enjoy together in the


magical family area of SésamoAventura.


Take advantage of the privileged location of the theme


park in one of (7) _____ resorts in Catalonia, Spain in        GOOD


the heart of the Costa Dorada, which will allow you to


enjoy weekend breaks and holidays in which you can


participate in a wide variety of tourism, sports and


relaxation thanks to (8) _____ proximity to Barcelona,     WE


three golf courses next to the theme park and the Beach


Club overlooking the sea. If you are also a (9) _____ of    LOVE


water rides, you can take advantage of the (10) _____      FAVOUR


climate and the unique environment that Catalonia and


the Costa Dorada have to offer in our water park Costa


Caribe Aquatic Park. To complete your experience why


not stay in one of our four (11) _____which are                   HOTEL


(12) _____ themed in tune with the theme park. Sleep in   COMPLETE


an authentic town of the Far West or in a Caribbean


resort with white (13) _____ beaches and crystal clear        SAND


waters, all of which (14) _____ only a few meters from      BE


the theme park and offer comprehensive services.


Check out our offers, weekend getaways and holidays.


Sign up to receive our newsletter and you will receive


all the (15) _____ on how to plan an action INFORM


(16) _____, fun holiday for the whole family and you        PACK


will also receive all of our best offers available! Because


at PortAventura Park, one of the best theme parks in


Spain, we never stop (17)_____ and re inventing                 GROW


ourselves so the fun never ends. Take advantage of all


the (18) _____ PortAventura Park has to offer.                    POSSIBLE




3 Прочитайте текст и подготовьте пересказ на английском языке.


Венецианский карнавал


Венецианский карнавал – одно из наиболее известных и попу лярных ежегодных событий в Венеции (Италия). Карнавал при влекает в Венецию множество туристов. Точное число приезжаю щих в эти дни в Венецию туристов никому не известно, но считает ся, что за время карнавала этот город посещает до трех миллионов человек.


1 течение одиннадцати дней на улицах Венеции происходит множество красочных событий. В городе выступают уличные му зыканты, артисты театра и цирка, в Венецию приезжают артисты и музыканты из разных стран. В эти дни вы встретите на улицах Ве неции много людей в карнавальных костюмах и масках. Многие туристы также покупают маски и становятся участниками карна вала.


Карнавал в Венеции проводится каждый год в разное время. Начинается карнавал в субботу, за десять дней до начала 40 днев ного поста перед Пасхой. (В последние годы карнавальные меро приятия начинаются неделей раньше.)


Первое документальное упоминание о карнавале в Венеции относится к 1094 г. Тем не менее карнавальные традиции имеют гораздо более древнюю историю и корни в языческих праздниках. Предполагают, что с 1162 г. карнавал стал проводиться ежегодно.


10. 1296 г. карнавал был объявлен государственным праздником.


11. Средние века он длился шесть недель начиная с 26 декабря. Обязательным атрибутом карнавала является маска. Под при


крытием масок люди могли позволить себе то, что было недопус тимо в другое время. Во время проведения карнавала в какой то мере стиралась грань между высшими и низшими классами.


XVIII в. венецианский карнавал пришел в упадок и был поч ти забыт в течение многих лет.

Возрождение карнавала началось в конце XX в. С 1979 г. вене цианский карнавал стал одним из самых ярких событий в Италии. Правительство Италии и муниципалитет Венеции используют карнавал для привлечения туристов.


К Практика устной речи. Представьте, что один из вас является анимато ром в курортном отеле, а другой – отдыхающим этого отеля. Расскажите гостю о предлагаемых вашим отелем развлекательных программах и спор тивных мероприятиях для взрослых и детей.



U N I T      1 6


Safety and Security


Hospitality includes providing a safe environment for guests. There is nothing more important in any service industry then keeping the customer happy and safe. No other service industry has the burden of keeping guests safe as much as the tourist industry, because no other service industry has customers at such a disadvantage. Hotel quests routinely leave their rooms with valuables inside. They can become vulnerable when sleeping or showering, or injured of the hotel’s negligence. So there are a lot of things to think about from the point of view of management, and security is one of the major concerns.


The security department of a hotel is vital to delivering hospitality to guests. This department is responsible for establishing the details of the following systems:


Guest and employee safety Room key security

Fire safety systems Bomb threat action

Emergency evacuation plans Employee safety training plans

Emergency communication plans


The security department is often regarded as a passive department, reacting only when called on. In reality, it is a very active department. One of the department’s goals is to prevent emergencies through planning. Another goal, however, is to train all hotel employees to respond to emergencies.


The security department of a hotel is organized like any other department. At the head of the department is the director of security – a trained professional who must ensure that a busy hotel filled with guests, employees, and equipment stays safe.


The security director needs personnel, technology, and a budget to operate a 24 hour control system for the hotel. The number of people required to staff this department depends on the size of the hotel.


National, state, and local safety codes and ordinances require the hotelier to adhere to a long list of rules and regulations. Hotels must have




safe and secure door locks, fire prevention measures, exit strategies and plans, pool safety, security cameras.

Well lit and visible areas around the building are important, as is a staff. Trained security staff need to be on the hotel ground 24 hours a day. However, if this feasible, secur


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