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What criteria are used in the following table of scientific report evaluation? Are they the criteria of conformity? Can we use the table for evaluation of an exemplary report?Содержание книги
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Title of Report __________________________________ Authors' names:
5. Read the text of a scientific report Rapid Communication Shyness, Internet Use, and Personality(by Susan Ebeling-Witte, B.A., Michael L. Frank, Ph.D., and David Lester, Ph.D) and evaluate its conformity with the report writing conventions. Compare it with the text The Effect of Nickel, Chromium, and Primary Alpha Phase on the Creep Behaviour of Ti 6242Si by (by K.E. Thiensen, M.E. Kassner, J. Pollard, D.R. Hiatt, and B.M. Bristow) which is an exemplary scientific report. Tell about the similarities and differences. Evaluate the text according to the criteria worked out. CYBERPSYCHOLOGY & BEHAVIOR Volume 10, Number 5, 2007 © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/cpb.2007.9964 Rapid Communication SUSAN EBELING-WITTE, B.A., MICHAEL L. FRANK, Ph.D., and DAVID LESTER, Ph.D. ABSTRACT To investigate the association between shyness and Internet usage, 88 undergraduate students completed the Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale, the Online Cognition Scale, a computer/Internet familiarity scale, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised (short version) and the Abbreviated Duke Social Support Index. Significant correlations were found between shyness, Internet use, and personality traits. A stepwise regression analysis indicated that shyness was predicted by introversion, neuroticism, and problematic Internet usage as assessed by the Online Cognition Scale. INTRODUCTION
METHOD Thirty-four male and 54 female undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory psychology class at a state college completed questionnaires for this study (Mage 19.2 yr, SD 1.8). Fifty of the students were freshmen, 29 sophomores, and 9 upper classmen. TABLE 1. CORRELATION MATRIX FOR ALL VARIABLES
* p 0.05 or better.
The questionnaire used in this study included the following:
1. A demographic page asking for age, sex, and the respondent’s preference for face-to-face or online conversing. 2. The Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale,5 which has 14 items answered on a 5-point Likert scale; the mean score was 34.9 (SD 9.2). 3. The Online Cognition Scale (OCS),1 which has 36 items answered on a 7-point Likert scale. This is a global measure of problematic Internet use. There are four subscales on the OCS: social comfort (M 36.6, SD 11.7), loneliness/depression (M 17.9, SD 6.4), diminished impulse control (M 23.9, SD 9.2), and distraction (M 25.6, SD 8.8). 4. The Yang and Lester Computer Usage Scale,6 which asks which of 20 computer/Internet activities respondents had engaged in (such as created a Web site, installed extra memory, and bought something on eBay). The mean score was 11.7 (SD 3.7). 5. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised, short version,7 which has 12-item subscales to measure extraversion–introversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism; each item is answered yes or no. Mean scores were extraversion 8.7 (SD 3.1), neuroticism 5.9 (SD 3.4), and psychoticism 2.4 (SD 2.0). 6. The Abbreviated Duke Social Support Index,8 an 11-item self-report questionnaire comprising two subscales: social satisfaction (7 items) and social interaction (4 items), answered on a 4point Likert-type scale. Mean scores were social satisfaction 29.2 (SD 5.4) and social interaction 22.0 (SD 16.0). RESULTS The matrix of correlations is shown in Table 1. Shyness scores were significantly associated with conversational preference (online versus face-to-face), the total OCS scores and all four subscales (social comfort, loneliness/depression, distraction and diminished impulse control), extraversion (negatively), neuroticism, and the Social Support Index subscale score for social satisfaction (negatively). In a backward multiple regression, shyness scores were predicted by the total OCS, extraversion, and neuroticism (0.23, 0.49, and 0.19 respectively), with a multiple R of 0.69. A backward regression analysis indicated that the total OCS score was predicted by shyness and computer/Internet familiarity scores (coefficients 0.51 and 0.36 respectively, p 0.001), with a multiple R 0.65. The same two variables (shyness and computer/Internet familiarity) also were the two significant predictors of each of the OCS subscales of social comfort, loneliness/depression, distraction and diminished impulse control. The preference for online conversing versus face-to-face conversing was associated positively with shyness (r 0.48, p 0.001), the OCS (r 0.39, p 0.001) (and with scores on each of the four sub-scales), and negatively with extraversion (r 0.38, p 0.001) and social satisfaction (r 0.23, p 0.03). Thus, a preference for online conversing was associated with shyness, problematic Internet use, and introversion. DISCUSSION The main goal of this study was to investigate the trait of shyness and its association with Internet use. Correlational analyses showed that shyness scores were associated with a preference for conversing online, and this finding was consistent with the associations between shyness and neuroticism, introversion, and obtaining less satisfaction from social interactions. Shyness scores were also associated with problematic Internet use, that is, using the Internet to decrease a perceived deficit in their real-life social network by establishing virtual friendships online (the social comfort subscale), to relieve feelings of loneliness and depression (the loneliness/depression subscale), and to avoid instead of attend to stressful matters at hand (the distraction subscale). Shyness scores were also associated with staying online longer and thinking about the Internet more than the respondents believed they should (the diminished impulse control subscale). It appears, therefore, that the Internet offers shy individuals a medium through which to communicate with the world around them even though their online behavior may be viewed as “problematic” according to some psychological measures. REFERENCES 1. Davis RA, Flett G L, Besser A. Validation of a new scale for measuring problematic Internet use. CyberPsychology & Behavior 2002; 5:331–45. 2. Ward CC, Tracey TJG. Relation of shyness with aspects of online relationship involvement. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 2004; 21:611–23. 1. Chak K, Leung L. Shyness and locus of control as predictors of Internet addiction and Internet use. CyberPsychology & Behavior 2004; 7:559–70. 2. Hamburger YA, Ben-Artzi E. The relationship between extraversion and neuroticism and the different uses of the Internet. Computers in Human Behavior 2000; 16:441–9. 3. Crozier WR. Measuring shyness. Personality and Individual Differences 2005; 38:1947–56. 4. Yang B, Lester D. Buying textbooks online. Psychological Reports 2002; 91:1222–4. 5. Eysenck SBG, Eysenck HJ, Barrett P. A revised version of the psychoticism scale. Personality and Individual Differences 1985; 6:21–9. 6. Koenig HG, Westlund RE, George LK, Hughes DC, Blazer DG, Hybels C. Abbreviating the Duke Social Support Index for use in chronically ill elderly individuals. Psychosomatics 1993; 34:61–9. 9. Kim G. (2004) Three out of four Americans have access to the Internet, according to Nielsen//NetRatings. Nielsen//NetRatings. Available at: www.nielsen-net ratings.com/pr/pr_040318.pdf. Accessed on March, 18, 2006. Address reprint requests to:
Dr. David Lester Psychology Program The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Jim Leeds Road Pomona, NJ 08240-0195 E-mail: david@stockton.edu
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